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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Today the only class for this week.. P&M dun seem to be so funny like the first lesson we had.. Why leh.. Abit disappointed.. Well there is always next time ba.. Hopefully.. The lecturer only tried to be funny at the end of the class.. LoLz..

After class went to Bedok to have our lunch.. Went with Ly and Steph.. After that we went home.. In the bus.. Suddenly big rainpour came rushing down.. I wonder how Ly walked home in that rain.. He needa walked veri far..

Reaching home.. I picked up my OTD guidelines to read abt the pair assignment.. Read only abit then I KO in bed liao.. Haha.. Reali sleepy mah.. World best luxury is sleeping le ba..

And today break.. We took a whole stack of cheesebread.. It's reali alot.. Steph hate cheese yet we took so many cheesebread.. Haha..

Ly in train told me that I looked veri fierce today.. As in the incident where Cindy went to use her finger hit my ears.. Well.. Am I? Hehe.. I pretend only leh.. Like I said before.. Still must depend on who did that.. Hope I din scared any one of u..

Yahz tomolow going interview liao.. Hopefully there will be $$ rolling in the pocket le.. And removing all songs.. No more songs in blog le.. Stupid regulations stating they will aim bloggers for putting songs in their blog.. So now only can put midi le.. And btwn midi is made by ppl.. Not by whichever company that are concerned with their license or whatsoever.. So they have no absolute rights to claim any license..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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