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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Rem how Jeffery Goh crapped so much abt ethics here and there.. But does he himself practised it? Well.. At first I tot he reali so ethical.. But today after I saw him parking at students' carpark.. I guess the word ethical shouldn't be cuming out from his mouth at all.. That is still alrite to me.. But when I went to the canteen.. I bought milo bing.. And he came and stood besides me.. He ordered tea or coffee.. Dun rem.. And he asked the uncle how much.. The uncle replied him 60 cents.. So Jeffery Goh took out a two dollars note.. As the uncle wanted to take from him.. Jeffery Goh dropped the note on the table.. I duno whether it is purposely or what.. But it seem to me as purposely loh.. Well my impression for him is longer than gd.. Such act is so demeaning..

First grp project meeting of this sem.. Abt one mth since sch started.. Still not bad ba I think.. Sf was not here for this meeting due to unforeseeable circumstances.. But I will truly understand his reason.. If I'm him.. I will also pack up my bag and rushed all the way down to see my gf too.. It's still the first time I ever see him so devoted.. Haha.. Despite all the vulgarities he and I often said.. He is 100 percent another person when his darling is not well.. Etc..

Went down to town for our first grp lunch.. Of cuz without Sf.. Went to have Carl's Junior.. I prefer to call it Cow's Junior.. LoLz.. It was the second time of my life I have it.. As usual the size of the burger can kill.. Haha.. I was reali tired.. I'm almost knock out.. But I'm glad to have this outing.. Cuz I feel happy though I'm reali tired.. =)

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I guess some lecturers juz resemble our ex lecturers.. I should say Wayne Kwan definitely is another Chan Lai Huat.. Rem what he said on Tues.. He said "If u asked me whether the assignment is like tat do blah blah blah.. I wun tell u whether is it or not.. Cuz I wan u all to tink.." This is what lamer Chan said before.. But I somehow find Wayne Kwan do possess some traits from our ex BF lecturer Mer..

Today finali seen the new face of our EG lecturer.. Haha.. He is definitely my fav among the rest.. Hmm.. Okie Mok also not bad lah.. Anyway our EG lecturer duno knw chinese yet he is a chinese.. In fact he is an expert in Malay.. Ironic rite.. Den again.. During the last last era.. Maybe ard the 1940s.. Ppl do studied on languages like Malay and Tamil.. That's why in this era.. U may find most ppl from the 1940s which is still ard are able to speak Malay as well as Tamil.. If not at least one of the languages..

Sometimes u reali dun have any intention to make someone angry.. But such things are reali inevitable.. Like what I often pointed out to others abt the languages used in chatting or any other form of communication where u dun see the person at all.. This is kinda risky in some ways.. Cuz u may unknowingly offend ppl.. But I'm glad I still be able to keep my cool.. If it was last time maybe I can't control it at all.. But now I guess it's no point.. All thankz to someone.. To be frank I'm still quite concerned abt the vocabs.. Languages and tones been used.. Esp these Singaporean style of languages "Leh.. Loh.. Lah.. Mah.. So.. Den.. What.." Ever tot of what each of these terms meant when u used it in ur messages?

For me "Leh and Mah" are the most soothing words to use.. (I dun mean as if it's a proper vocab..) For "Loh" it do brings in some kind of jealously in the message.. For "Lah" it brings along some kind of annoying feeling in the message.. For "So".. "Den" and "what".. It reali annoyed me the most.. If ppl use tat as a "single input" in the message and nothing else is in the message.. I reali feel like maoing that person.. Cuz I see it as an attitude.. LoLz.. >_<~

When I saw my shifu so xin ku.. I feel so ached in heart.. I reali wanna help him if I could.. Mon to Fri teaching.. Sat and Sun also got six classes each.. That's reali alot.. If dun set up more classes.. Life is hard to maintain like what he mentioned to me earlier on.. Ya loh.. I agree with him.. Family waiting for him to feed.. Even if I wanna help also can't.. Hmm.. I guess my schedule at nite is almost occupied everyday.. Mon have IF.. Tues will be expecting new training.. Wed is DB training and den Shifu's training.. Thurs got DB training.. Fri is dar day.. Sat must depend.. Cuz it's only the day I can rest or meet up my frenz.. While on Sun I have DB training.. Haix.. Packed like sardines..

Si CL.. If u ever know ur crimes.. U better choose to turn urself in to me.. Wahahaha.. If not u will die on Fri at Bedok Reservoir.. How dare u put me as new mistress!! LoLz.. I gg to pwned u lah.. Kick ur arse.. BEG ME TO SPARE U NOW!! Muwahahahaha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I was shocked when I heard of the second Tsunami tragedy at Indonesia again.. Haix.. And when the officials claimed that there wun be any Tsunami and the ppl believe in them.. And yet they were wrong.. So what that teaches us? Nvr be so sure of all news and information.. Even though it might be 90 percent accurate.. But there is always the 10 percent that might be wrong..

AHM is here again.. I duno wat category I will be taking part in.. Can't be 6km oni.. Which I'm quite sure of.. Probably 10km or 21km.. >_<~ Arghhh.. 0530hrs starts the event.. Needa wake up damn early.. But of cuz the distance will be the oni challenge to overcum afterall.. It's not abt waking up early and all that..

I juz had two LM lectures today.. Morning and noon.. Morning is to accompany Step loh.. While noon is for the rest of the clique.. Step must be veri gan dong rite? Hahaha.. Juz be nice to me can le.. LoLz.. PS: I'm not saying u not treating me nice enuff now.. Hahaha..

Tis week schedule for sch is indeed tight.. But at least it do make it look like reali having sch.. And yest the jam reali drove me crazy.. Imagine Step.. Ly and me were at the basement for almost 40mins and den we finali got out of the stupid carpark.. And I was wondering wat the hell the marshallers were doing!!! Slping probably.. Agacia and Fiona also can't get out of their lot.. So when Fiona saw us.. She signalled us if we can let her vehicle to go out first.. Of cuz during this time is to practice courtesy liao.. With Eve and Vic behind us.. Following by Cher.. Jan and WH.. Haha.. Should have got down and chat by the side..

Imagine juz the journey to sch.. U tio TP three times.. One with a bike at the shoulder.. One on the bri.. While the last one is with a car parking on the chevron.. Hmm.. Kinda abit too much le ba.. I was tinking is it possible to kena bk by the first one.. And den the second one.. Lastly the third one.. Haha.. Kinda possible rite.. Demerits all the way.. 24 points juz nice to minus off..

YJ said why I so long din update le.. Haha.. Long meh? Getting not much motivation to write also.. Even got time also not much to write.. Let alone when I dun have much time.. Machiam saying as if I'm doing big business now.. But duno why my time is like draining faster.. Of cuz that's xin li zhuo yong lah..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, July 16, 2006

So the Chalet finali ended.. I was roaming ard the first day fetching Yol and den went down to Ag's place.. Where we stayed up for a while and den when to an industrial park at AMK to find Ag's ahma.. Her ahma will be preparing beehoon and fried rice.. When we are abt to leave to look for Cl at his place.. I drove towards the exit.. A guy was walking and he din realized that I'm all the while moving slowly behind him.. He reali deserve to be knock down.. Even the roads belong to the industrial park and he is a worker there.. That does not imply the road belong to him.. I stopped by his side and he still duno.. Was so frustrated.. Until he knock into my bonnet den he realized.. And show me the signal of apologizing.. Zzz..

Grilling the wings and pork chop is definitely my fav job.. After the eating.. At 2200hrs sharp we will be having uniform cosplay.. LoLz.. Sounds kinda fetish.. But it was reali damn fun.. Watching everyone in their sec schs uniforms.. Jc uniforms.. And other uniforms.. From gal guides to nerdy sch boys to Tkd Gi.. And of cuz military uniforms too.. Well.. I definitely threw mine sec schs uniforms away le.. And I not from jc.. So no uniforms too.. And poly dun have uniforms also.. So my uniform will be home clothes.. Wahahaha.. And Cl wanna whacked me for that.. In the end I brought my number three and number four there.. And Joel said I look gd in number four.. Wahahaha.. Yea.. I tot tat too.. >_<~ And so the medals presenting ceremony is done with everyone in their own and unique uniforms..

We have waterbombs battle at the coast.. It was fun.. I headshot Jc and Noel.. Muwahahaha.. Long time no cs le.. LoLz.. And the one I kena from Jeremy is reali veri painful.. Straight to the chest.. Ppl walking past will kinda see us like kids.. Running and throwing like mad.. And they are so bad loh.. All aimed me.. Threw me into the sea.. Nehneh de.. And one by one becum victims.. Hahaha..

At Changi V.. One of the must do things is to go see bapoks.. So we set off ard 0400hrs which is the peak time where there will be most bapoks ard.. We walked past one of the grp of bapoks.. And one of them said loudly.. The red one is cute.. The blue one is cute too.. I tot what sia.. The bapok is saying me and Cl loh.. We wore red and blue respectively.. Yucks.. Anyway the bapoks always kena whacked by cdo.. Cuz Hendon camp is juz nearly oni.. That why they are always scared of the cdo.. LoLz..

U knw how sad one can be when u saw ur frenz breaking down in front of u.. And when u feel that u wan to help but u are juz so much limited in ur ability.. Juz like wat Mike said.. "Promises - Made by boys.. Fulfilled by men.. Broken by jackasses.."

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Actuali sch like not fully started yet.. Like veri free.. Haha.. And so I went for UOL recruitment drive.. Helping out for my club.. And I guess we are the biggest family compared to other sports in SIM.. And not to say the first to won medals and trophies for SIM within a year of establishment.. Of cuz we should feel proud.. Fri will be the gathering for us.. 3 days 2 nitz.. Woo.. I reali got alot of chalet this year.. LoLz.. And soon the next race will be up again in Sept.. It will be Sava Sprint.. Of cuz the main focus will be on River Regatta in the late Nov.. Again I will forgo alot of stuffs juz for the race..

Sometimes I juz becum so cheeky that I will say "xxx I miss ya!!" Haha.. Esp when I din see the person for veri long time on net or in person.. LoLz.. And so I did it to Eve yest.. Haha.. She said miss me too.. Erm.. If I dun rem wrongly ba.. Den I said reali or not!! She said of cuz lah.. And she explained by saying during LM lecture break.. At the junction to the washrooms I saw her and her face glowed at me.. LoLz.. Actuali until now I still dun understand what does the glow meant.. Haha.. Anyway maybe it means beamed at me ba.. Like light bulb huh.. Keke.. =P

I juz send u guys abt the Microsoft thingy.. But duno u all can see or not.. It's abt sharing Bill Gates's fortune.. Cuz he is donating it out rite.. And every mail u forwarded u will receive a xxx sum of money.. But den I rem someone said before that if Windows got problem.. And Bill Gates compensated one dollar to those affected.. He will be bankrupt.. Hmm.. So how can he now give the money to those ppl that forwarded the mail with a sum of more than one dollar? Kinda impossible rite..

Did anyone realize that nowadays at Channel U.. There is some games going on.. U all should go see when Channel U is not yet open for shows.. Or when it is close for the next day.. When it is not open.. Normally will see alot of advertisements and show previews mah.. But now got games in it.. Using hp to play it.. Today it's playing the riddle puzzle.. Juz like Wheel of Fortune.. Solving words.. Some days before is a game like Bejeweled.. And during the World Cup period got this war game damn fun.. Think it's called Tanks War.. Imagine all the tanks are control by users using hp to sms the command and degree to attack.. Haha.. Veri fun.. I wondered what game will it be tml.. For any games.. The top scorer will earn a 100 bucks as prize..

Some jokes to laugh ur arse off..

Casey came home from the doctor looking very worried.. His wife said "What's the problem?" He said "The doctor told me I have to take a pill every day for the rest of my life.." She said "So what? Lots of people have to take a pill every day their whole lives.." He said "I know.. But he only gave me four pills!!"

What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling ur name?
Ans: U didn't hold the pillow down long enough..

A bear.. A lion and a chicken meet up.. The bear says "If I roar in the forests of North America.. The entire forest is shivering with fear.." The lion says "And if I roar on the great plains of Africa.. The entire savannah is afraid of me.." "Big deal!!" says the chicken.. "All I have to do is cough.. And the entire planet craps itself.."

Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same complaint.. Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip replacement.. The first patient is examined within the hour.. Is x-rayed the same day and has a time booked for surgery the following week.. The second patient sees his family doctor after waiting a week for an appointment.. Den waits six weeks to see a specialist.. Den gets an x-ray which isn't reviewed for another month and finally has his surgery scheduled for three months from then.. Why the different treatment for the two patients?
Ans: The first is a golden retriever.. The second is a senior citizen..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, July 10, 2006

Finali I fin keying in all the contacts of my hp today.. Haix.. Reali no time to key in.. Cuz of an impt event few days before.. Was amused that I had so many contacts.. But keying one by one reali can kill.. And now I know why my sis complaining how cum my contacts are neverending.. LoLz..

And today I juz went into Purgatory.. Reali time consuming.. Worst is that annoying Envious Jealously (EJ).. Reali sickening fellow.. Haix.. I dun wanna leave my score with stain mah so can't die at all.. I guess he is the strongest foe which I have faced so far with a more than decent amount of 12000HP.. With my high levels.. I tot EJ will be juz a pushover.. Nvr will I expect he is no pushover as I tot.. His ability to cast all crest spells and combo magic made the situation worst.. Haix.. Kena one time is enuff to take 90 percent of my life away liao.. Let alone let him possessed one or two stocks.. And that Lost Progress spell which negate all supporting spell casted by me reali veri despicable loh.. And worst still is when he is at 3000HP.. He will cast Spirit Ward to banish one character.. And this truly made the battle even harder.. And I refuses to use any third.. Fifth.. And seventh keys.. Cuz using these keys will show in the score that u have use these keys before.. However the reward of beating EJ is reali veri rewarding.. And so I offically announced that I have beaten EJ without dying and using keys.. Yeahz.. =)

And so World Cup marked its end today at 0500hrs.. Did everyone stayed up to watch it? Maybe some did.. It was great that Italy won afterall.. And I'm glad they did.. The penalty at 5-6mins of the game reali put me off.. But since Italy concede earlier.. So to equalize it might be possible.. And reali they equalize with that powerful heading.. It was reali impressive.. And so this WC marked the end of Zidane international career.. Say bye bye to him.. Actuali not only him.. Figo and Oliver Kahn and many more also ended their international career.. With these legendary players are gone.. New legends will be created once again.. Juz like when there are Evils in this World.. The Lights will defeat the Evils.. And restored peace to the World.. And den the Evils are out again and the Lights defeat them once again.. It's juz like a cycle.. Keep on cycling non-stop..

Cuming to think of it.. The next WC will be in 2010.. By den I guess alot of players have alreadi left.. And most of us becuming aunties and uncles soon.. Haha.. Time flies.. Rite now whu can foresee what will happen in the next four years.. Maybe some of my frenz will becum millionaires.. Maybe some will becum part of SG Cabinet.. Or maybe some will becum popstars that are well known throughout the World.. Haha.. U nvr know mah.. Like my buddy always said "事事无绝对".. Ya loh I agree with him.. Juz like when u wan to go after a particular person but u juz scare u wun make it.. But that's not true.. Everyone has a heart.. And whether u will succeed in the end will depend on ur perseverance to melt his or her heart.. Rite?

Have u ppl ever forced to make a decision of whether to continue on a certain stuff or juz leave it alone and let Heaven decide for u? When I know MK is so strong and certain in her decision of some stuff.. I realized what she said make sense to me.. "好马不吃回头草"

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, July 08, 2006

It has been nearly a week since last update.. Was reali busy after the race.. Cuz another big event for me is cuming up again.. Dun reali have much time left.. So after race I everyday chiong my plan.. I was so worried that I wun have enuff time to meet the deadline cuming up soon.. Ppl stayed up late to watch 0300hrs WC semi-final.. While I stayed up stay to finish up my stuffs.. Haix.. I was reali drained out.. Cut and cut until my thumb swollen.. 99 fishes ain't that easy to make.. It certainly do take time.. But I'm glad I finali managed to fin it afterall.. My sis saw it.. And said she also wan it for her bday.. Haha.. And she said I wan the amount to be the year she is borned.. LoLz.. Wow.. That will made up to an amount of nearly 2k..

Making own card also is another headache.. How I wish I have unlimited amount of creativity.. But still I did in with my own style in the end.. By nxt week I can pass the DIY stuff to GG le.. So that she can do it for PP upcuming bday..

How does it feel when u can reali click with ur frenz's mum juz in a few hrs? And it reali does happen.. Haha.. MK's mummy reali is funny.. Keeping disturbing me.. And her fourth auntie is another one also.. These three days I think I'm the happiest living thing on Earth.. Haha..

Reali thankz WH for helping me settling some impt stuff.. Without her I guess my plan will all gone to drain.. She is reali veri helpful.. I reali got nothing to say abt her.. So gd and nice..

First day 3hrs of slp.. Second day 5hrs of slp.. Woo.. But I glad tat I made full use of all the time I have.. There wun be a second time with such great opportunity.. How I wish the time juz stop for that long nite chat.. And nvr will dawn break..

How do u feel when someone accused u of joining other clubs? And claim that if u have no intention to continue learning with the current instructor.. Pls go and join ur frenz's club.. WTF is this? Frenz's clubs? I totally caught no balls of wat is going on.. Is this as gd as saying I'm betraying my own club? Watever.. I reali dun like this.. I admit I din make appearance for a long time.. But I have my reasons.. I'm not those that cum as they wan or go as they like.. And I'm totally annoyed when I saw the reply.. Anyway without that person saying it to me.. I will also leave on my own.. And one last thing.. So what if I know my stuff well.. Does that mean I learn it from other clubs? There is something called manual..

Tonite is the 3rd and 4th placing.. Ger vs Por.. Not showing of Ch5.. NVm.. Final got show can liao.. I juz feel like I'm watching drama.. The first few episodes din watch.. Den straight away watched the last episode..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^