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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Shame on u, Thailand.. (Sport Editor, 2007)

It is as if this tournament is somehow cursed that it must feature football teams that take on the persona of village sides..

In 1998.. Thailand and Indonesia tried their best to lose when they took each other on hoping for an easier tie in the semi-final..

In 2005.. Some in the Myanmar team dressed up as thugs at the National Stadium as they hacked SG players down one after another.. And soon someone on the bench turned a bottle into a missle that threatened to knock S.Subramani out..

This time round.. Thailand once again took the ugly spotlight.. Holding up play for 15 mins.. Threatening to walk out after referee Ravichandra awarded a hotly disputed penalty to the Lions in the dying mins of the first league of Asean final..

This Asean final is reali dramatic.. First I feel that the Lions in the first half is extremely rough.. Which I agree.. But the Thais are on spar since they also gd actors.. Freaking know how to act in groaning and moaning of their pain.. One even dropped to the ground suddenly when no one is touching him.. Machiam his name is written in Deathnote.. And kena a heart attack..

Lions score one goal in scramble egg.. While the Thais equalized with another goal which I feel is offside.. I duno what the linesman thinking also.. And the controversial penalty juz made the atmosphere becuming tenser..

And someone is arguing that the Thais are not sore loser against me (Not as if I'm the one started arguing).. Well if they aren't why they protested and refused to continue the game.. Must make it until the match commissioner cum out and beg them to return to game.. Yes the referee's decision might be harsh.. And Alam Shah might not necessary be pulled down by his jersey.. But decisions made in matches are absolute firm and final.. Protesting like that made them looks childish.. I also dun wanna argue with her.. She herself is qualified referee in another sport.. She should know the role of referee well.. U urself should know by ur heart that decisions made are final.. We can't say anything abt the decision made by the M'sian referee Ravichandran cuz we are NOT professional FIFA referees by the way.. I'm not standing on the Lions' side juz becuz I'm frm SG.. I'm alrite with them arguing with the referee abt the decision.. But for goodness sake dun be childish and throw tantrums like a child.. Show some professionalism pls.. At least respect our respectable President Nathan who was there watching this final..

By the way.. To me sore losers is defined as players who lose their professionalism and sportsmanship in games they played.. Whether it's gaming or sports.. I myself played in many sports.. Even when my team loses to another team in match esp when it's final.. We dun lose our cool juz becuz we freaking lost to others.. Losing is not shameful afterall.. So what if we lost? Juz bucked up and trained harder.. Simple as reading ABC.. There's no need to make a mole out of a mountain unnecessary..

Five big acts to prove that the Thais definitely breached the gate of professional.. First of all.. They shouldn't surround referee Ravichandran as if they are juz some freaking gangsters.. Secondly.. They shouldn't trooped off the pitch under the instructions of their coach Chanvit Polcheevin.. Thirdly.. They shouldn't threaten to abandon the match before a capacity of 55,000 crowd at the stadium which included our President SR Nathan and several members of Cabinet.. Fourth.. This is a cup final match.. If players are to walk off the field every time a decision goes against them.. Den many games will be called off before 90 mins of play.. Last of all.. This is the act which I can't accept.. How can a coach encouraged his players to troop off? He dun deserve to be a coach at all.. I always tot that coaches are always the most sensible and the one that can control their anger and emotions against all sort of storms.. If that the case.. I guess Chanvit Polcheevin is not much different from Mourinho either..

Even the papers said in an indirect manner that the Thais are sore losers.. No doubt as replay suggested Ravichandran could well have been wrong.. But in this day and age surely Thailand had to know better.. While they might have felt robbed.. Sportsmanship had to prevail in the end.. Otherwise farce will rear its head over the world in every match for officials make mistakes all the time..

Coaxed tirelessly by tournament officials.. Even their manager Thavatchai Sajakul were all powerless to get the coach and players to do the rite thing and get their asses back onto the pitch.. It was as if they didn't care for the image of the game.. These footballers and this coach.. It was as if they didn't care that South East Asia would once again becum the laughing stock of the world..

Even though the Thais did take to the field in the end.. But the damage had alreadi been done.. Discipline must be instilled first if South East Asian football is serious abt moving up the football ladder..

Professional behaviour among all footballers must be the mantra.. And above all.. Players from all sports must believe that in the hottest of cauldrons.. Sporting behaviour is even more beautiful than the game..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Yest ended the interview.. Actuali was thinking that it's quite boliao and wasting alot of time.. But in the end it turn out to be fun.. Fiona is veri funny if u reali know her.. She juz that great in entertaining the rest.. Everyone of us is juz pretending to be asking qns.. When the lecturer is walking over.. We ask the interviewee qns.. And when the lecturer is gone.. We tok all sort of crap.. Haha.. So fun.. FX caught my attention.. Juz toking with her makes me feel great.. Keke.. Alreadi Sem 6 yet din reali tok to everyone in the entire cohort.. Some ppl juz dun catch ur attention until the veri end esp when u tok to them.. Actuali I juz find that she is sweet and humourous in some ways.. And I always tot that I will be the one teasing ppl esp gals.. But that's not always the way.. LoLz.. Got gd compliment from Fiona.. And it will be a surprise if u heard her speaking in mandarin yK ni heng hao xiao leh.. LoLz.. Actuali Ali also another funny fellow.. When I'm interviewing FX.. She seems like nervous.. But I started to break the ice by asking she some qns.. Of cuz not the interview qns.. I asked her whether she's from poly or jc.. But surprisingly she is from NP-EEE.. Den started asking abt her braces.. Haha.. And Fiona out of nowhere kena asked abt the braces thingy too.. After the interview we need to give feedback to the interviewee.. Juz nice that the lecturer came so can't pretend not to give.. Was told that I'm nervous.. Yup agreed to that.. So the lecturer asked them what to resolve this problem.. They mentioned to do more presentation.. And den the lecturer asked me what can I do abt this problem.. Den I replied saying that go haunted houses more loh.. LoLz.. The lecturer machiam wanted to faint liao.. Keke.. FX also said that's a gd one.. Heee.. =P

After everything end went to PS to have lunch with someone.. Well Aijisen is kinda nice.. Though it's the second time I think it's quite nice if occasionally had it.. I reali feel gd.. ^^

How can Xu Weilun juz like that left.. She's one of the belle I like.. So pretti and sweet.. Haix.. If Shinigami exists.. Why din they juz let her survive.. Was pretti cruel to a talented gal who was not even in her thirties.. And she left with two regrets.. Li Wei break down after knowing that she is gone forever.. And no one will ever expect that an impact from the back of the vehicle is as great as in the front.. SRS airbag can't open since the impact is from the back.. Maybe an airbag at the back is necessary afterall..

Poor selection of cars is also one of the factors which I considered will heighten the risk of death when there is a collision from the back.. Minicoopers.. One of those high end vehicles which have powerful engines juz like Ferrari and Evo as many mentioned.. Does it reali make u safe with its structure? I'm dun wan to make comments on that.. But I certainty will not encourage my frenz to get vehicles that are bootless.. Which means vehicles without boots.. It juz increase the risk of death since it has less structure to sustain any possible impact from the back.. Even though there might still be bumper around.. But that's still not gd enuff.. Even a Class 3 vehicles can have such great impact on such vehicles.. I can't imagine what can a Class 4 or 5 vehicles do.. Probably making them into prata..

By the way.. There is info stating that the manager of Weilun is moving at 155km/h.. Well.. If some vehicle is to hit their back.. That's means the vehicle behind is moving at minimum 20 to 30 km/h extra in order to catch up.. Which will be 175 to 185km/h probably.. U will probably be thinking of how cum need so much more speed to catch a vehicle moving at 155km/h.. That's becuz u can nvr catch up a vehicle moving at 155km/h with 156km/h or 160km/h.. U must always rem that the vehicle is always in front of with a distance.. So it's impossible to catch up with such marginal increment of speed..

I was wondering how is it possible to maneuver such high speed.. I think oni Alonso is qualified for that.. If u travelled at over 80km/h at the area near AYE connecting to ECP.. U will find it hard to maneuver it cuz there is juz too much bends within a stretch.. And I reali means it's alot.. That's why at that particular area of AYE.. The limit is 70km/h.. Which I find it reasonable.. U can try at 100km/h if u wan.. Juz dun cry over spill milk when anything happens.. Cuz nobody will be pitying ya.. U are not Alonso by the way..

TP juz made announcement on most frequent black areas of fatal accidents.. Clementi.. Bk Timah.. Upper Bk Timah.. Serangoon and Tuas.. Well.. As mentioned by them.. TP will be patrolling these areas very often.. Therefore juz be careful when moving in these areas..

Finali Jocelyn Yeo retired.. Without her I wondered how SG going to manage in its swimming.. Seem like there is no one that can match up with her.. Ok dun say abt those China PR swimmers in SG.. That's cheating ok.. Juz say abt pure SG swimmers.. I think there is none that can outshine Jocelyn and flying fish Hong Bingqiang..

Today LT is so small.. Not even enuff to cater for other ppl.. And maybe what Rohana mentioned is rite.. Stick to ur own class schedule.. Well.. But I think it's still alrite provided the LT is those large one as compared to today.. Small and miserable.. Machiam those minor modules class.. Haha..

New Windows is out.. It's no longer called Windows XP or Windows 2007.. It will be Windows Vista.. Price ranged from SGD154 to SGD615.. Whether it's worth to get it will be probably up to individual values.. It should be veri different from previous Windows edition..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Finali went to get our dear princess bday prezzie le.. Alrite.. Load off.. Went with Step since he know more of that particular item design.. Blah blah blah.. Rite now since Step finali gotten his hard earned pay.. He will be clearing all of his liabilities he had.. Ironically on the other hand.. It's somehow becum that everyone will be his debtors.. Hahaha.. Yup.. All becuz he is forking out for the snowflaky prezzie mah.. And since it's CNY soon.. Better to clear all our creditors in one shot.. Haha.. Not that I'm super duper supersitious.. Or like wat the elders pass down claiming that if own ppl's money during CNY will give ya more bad luck and becuming veri suay.. Hmmx.. Juz becuz even if I dun mind.. There might be some that mind mah.. So why not make things easy for everyone.. Haha.. ^^

Rite now I simply is engrossed in the 1900hrs and 2100hrs tv series on Channel 8.. Haha.. Previously I'm not like this one.. Haha.. I mean some dramas are juz that catchy to me.. Esp when there is new ppl and another new plot which I have yet seen before.. The sch drama is damn funny.. Life sometimes juz need such drama to cheer ya up de mah.. Contrary the shipyard drama is going to have its peak soon.. Imagine there are three gd frenz since young.. Two guys and a gal.. Guy A like the gal.. While the gal like Guy B.. Ever been in such situation before.. I bet u have it.. And the drama is making me yearning to work at Keppel.. Muwahahaha.. >_<~ Brain washing me liao.. Hahaha.. By the way.. Yao Yishan is pretti.. Heeee.. Every guy dream gal loh!! (I suppose I'm rite?) ^^

Rem dun anyhow tap on other ppl's wireless network.. Cuz u will get charged under the Computer Misuse Act.. Can get u jail up to three yrs or max fine $10k.. Well.. Juz be careful if u wanna tap..

Saw an article on someone reflecting when he was young as a child.. He said that there is this prata shop that he would eat it every weekend.. But his perception changed as he grew older.. He said wat used to be crispy prata now tastes like rubber.. Haha.. Adding on that it's not too hard to see why.. Actuali I can guess wat he will say before even reading further.. Anyway he said that as the shop gained popularity.. Its clientele grew.. To meet demand.. The shop started to make prata in advance.. These turned cold once taken off the hotplate and lost their crispness.. So what the customers now get is something that has been sitting on the counter for a good 15 mins.. Relating to Jalan Kayu.. Well.. Jalan Kayu's prata ain't that nice animore.. Maybe first time eating is nice.. And that they make it on the spot is a real nice thing to commend.. However.. As time passed.. The price of different pratas are marked up.. Well.. I juz feel dun worth that price.. And it's ridiculously high.. A cheese prata ard $2.50.. WTF!! Can even get it cheaper than that somewhere else loh.. It's not as if the pratas are in a state of shortage that they need to mark up the price to reach equilibrium.. o_O" Well.. Even when there is surplus.. That doesn't mean that the price will mark down too..

Jack Neo wants to film on Huang Na's case.. Hmmx.. Doesn't it sound like rubbing salt into someone else wound? That's what the papers said.. I'm not against it nor am I for it.. I juz stayed neutral.. But if we wanna include the issue of ethics.. I feel that's not veri appropriate ba.. Considering the feelings of Ah How's family.. Did Jack Neo reali put urself into their shoes? Well.. In papers he claimed that he understand their feelings.. On top of that.. I juz dun see what can the movie reali show anyway.. Showing how the poor gal is murdered or being violated? That's reali veri veri mean.. Making money is impt of cuz.. But making money out of the dead is juz downright unethical.. Rite ppl?

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Have ya heard of the proposal for F1 street race at night past familiar landmarks.. It's 1900hrs on a Sunday in September next year.. The magnificent scarlet Ferraris.. The gleaming silver McClaren-Mercedes.. The playful blue and yellow Renaults.. All will be straining at the leash in front off Marina Bay.. One by one the five red starter lights go off and those powerful engines will roar to life.. Kinda exciting rite.. At 300km/h.. Led by World Champion Fernando Alonso.. They will fly in a blur past the Esplanade and City Hall.. Around Swissotel and finali into Suntec City.. One of the SG groups have offered to host the Grand Prix in 2008.. That's reali a forward looking event.. Heee.. Well.. At least it's something new in SG mah.. And I believe everyone will be interested to it..

Bleach series getting exciting again le huh.. Hmmx.. Plot is getting abit complicated again.. Haha.. Well.. Shall wait and see.. By the way it's no doubt one of the best anime I have seen so far.. Another hollow cum shinigami fellow.. Woo.. And Ishida's dad came out? Hmmx.. Juz as I tot the whole of Quincy bloodline had alreadi been cut except Ishida.. Haha.. Reali full of unexpectancies.. It's juz the same as life.. Life is full of variables mah..

Was delighted when the Russian owner Roman Abramovich wanted to sack Mourinho.. Haha.. Well cuz I hate Mourinho mah.. Was so surprised of how Chelsea so called top players wanted to back Mourinho up.. By the way my clique dun have any Chelsea fans.. So I dun reali care if Chelsea fans saw what I wrote.. Who cares anyway.. LoLz..

World of Warcraft juz added new stuffs into it.. Called it an expansion ba.. Think should be new races.. It's making everyone queuing overnite to get it.. I mean in SG.. o_O" Well.. Everyone have their own luv mah.. Haha..

I heard that some ppl alreadi send their resumes liao.. And all workshops such as effective interview and power resume are all full.. Well.. Maybe to some that ain't too fast.. For the workshops I feel it's still alrite.. But sending the resume now is juz kinda off.. Or maybe well kiasu in SG term.. Well unless the employer is willingly to wait for ya to fin ur studies.. By the way ppl advertising jobs always wan immediate vacancy fill.. Unless there are special considerations attached.. Anyway the convocation is in Sept.. That's still a long way to go.. Anyway if suay suay tabao den how? That's one more extra sem rite.. Well if I'm the employer I wun be waiting for anyone unless he or she is reali one of those that are headhunted..

Juz some annoying news for us drivers.. Haha.. Bus lanes for some area will be a full day bus lane.. As we can see from Orchard which is the first to implement it.. The new additional areas will be Bras Basah Road.. Eu Tong Sen Street.. Hill Street.. Somerset Road and Victoria Street.. Basically it's a long stretch along Bugis area up to Chinatown area.. Existing bus lanes timing for morning is still the same.. However for the evening timing there is changes.. It will be from 1700hrs to 2000hrs.. Juz take note of it.. U wouldn't wan to get a summon by TP anyway rite.. Haha.. By the way there are some areas which TP always stand by to catch ppl using the bus lanes during the restricted hrs.. Haha.. One of them is Thomson.. Where TCS is located.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Got my bday prezzie finali.. LoLz.. Same as Step but Step can use it to buy anything with that voucher.. But I can't.. Why?? Becuz our dear Joa said I oni use it to buy jeans and nothing else.. o_O" Nehneh de lah.. =X Anyway I can secretly go use up the vouchers.. But I know if I did that.. I will probably inviting wrath liao loh.. Haha.. Well maybe I will kena thousand carrots attack ne!! LoLz..

Today seem to be a bad day.. Bad weather plus bad mood.. Eating lunch also no appetite loh.. But like what everyone say.. Tml will be a better day mah.. Yeah.. I'm looking forward to more new exciting stories that can be written down in my life.. So that when I grow old and die.. I will still be reminiscing abt the happy moments of the past.. So before my life have cum to a big full stop.. Must keep on triggering new journeys..

Read about why guys cheat.. We all know that while guys and gals are both capable of cheating.. It's often the guys who have the biggest problem keeping their belts firmly buckled.. And we all know that no matter who it's with.. Why it's done.. Or where the after-hours canoodling takes place.. Cheating is most of the time the ultimate r/s death sentence.. But instead of dwelling on what happens after the cheating takes place.. One of the ways to perhaps prevent infidelity is by knowing a little bit about why guys stray..

I believe alots of guys simply dun have the strength to end r/s.. They may try ("I'm just not happy") or they may take on other tactics to drive a gal away.. A lot of guys simply have trouble breaking off r/s because they dun want to be perceived as that bad guy.. The jerk.. The insensitive lout who ended something good.. So they will probably tiptoe around specific issue in hopes that the gal will get so frustrated that she'll back out first.. Haha.. Kinda tactical huh? Or maybe to some it's juz that downright.. Well.. If that doesn't work.. Den a guy knows that the only way out is to commit a r/s sin that drives a gal away for good.. It's not right.. But it's what happens anyway..

Those with iPod.. Ever think about what's on ur iPod? Probably gigs of mp3 in it.. U have ur favorite songs you play over and over.. But every once in a while.. U're in the mood to hear something u haven't played in a long time.. U dun need to hear it but once every month or so.. But still.. U appreciate the changeup.. R/s need to be like good iPods lists.. U're comfortable with ur routine and u like ur routine.. But it's always nice to change things up.. What guys really wan in r/s (and what I feel gals also want) is to be able to take comfort in the routine of a long-term commitment.. As long as there are some surprises that make it feel like a new r/s every once in a while.. In order to keep the r/s strong.. U've got to change the songs every once in a while.. That goes for in the bedroom and out..

I simply luv to watch Sam Leong's Star Chef show.. Haha.. Well.. I think it's veri interesting and u can learn alot from his comments and critics he give to his contestants blah blah blah.. Actuali been a chef is not a bad thing afterall hor.. At least can cook yummy food and most imptly cook for ppl too..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, January 08, 2007

First day of sch is exciting to most ppl.. Esp when they can see those ppl they wan to see in class.. Haha.. Well.. Not everyone will be like that.. It has been long when all of us sit in the whole straight row again.. Haha.. Din reali realized until Step told me abt it..

And finali today I handed over the prezzie which I have been wanting to give to our dear Princess Joa.. Glad that she like it.. Wahahaha.. Not to mention gratitude to Step for allowing me to temporary store it at his place.. And also my Lady Luck who has let me found it.. Cuz it's reali not easy to find it in SG.. >_<~

This month is definitely the month for financial difficulties.. Haha.. U may wan to ask why.. Becuz it's the payment for all belated Bday prezzies.. And it's can be up to nine to ten mths ago.. Wahahaha.. Now u will understand.. Rite now I guess the most xiong one will be Step liao.. Probably the highest liability among us.. LoLz.. Fortunately some Bday prezzies alreadi cleared.. Phew.. If not hor.. Can't imagine either.. SF another poor thing.. LoLz.. Everytime ask him to share.. And if he dun.. I will probably poke a dagger behind him and force him.. Muwahahahaha.. *Joking*

Ever try to understand how human works? Well.. Probably like wat many said.. Humans are the most difficult animals for understanding.. They will only demand more and more of something they alreadi have in hand.. Instead of being contented.. They will ask for more.. Therefore the conclusion is nvr ever give everything u have to some ppl.. Cuz they will nvr be satisfied with wat u give anyway.. Probably the best way is to let them siphone bit by bit..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm glad that I have finali completed my FFXII few days ago.. Which I guess I'm quite pleased with the ending.. Nice song with meaningful ending juz made me feel so happy.. Maybe one will think that games are merely visual dreams.. However I feel that it's games which made ppl learn to think and cherish the ones they luv.. Maybe I'm juz living in my own world of fantasy.. Sometimes I juz wish that I'm part of the plot in the games.. I juz wan to have a happy ending juz like which most games have in the end.. Anyway I guess I have released one load in my mind.. Haha.. I'm saying until as if playing game is something impt in one's life.. But at least to me I wanted to finish things I started in the first place..

Sometimes one should reali feel contended with wat u have.. Keep pursuing wat u have in the past is nothing wrong.. But one should know when to stop.. I always believe that contentment is bliss.. What if when one compromise to make things better yet the other party juz dun show any signs to ya.. Probably ur reaction will be haix here and there.. Sighing all the time..

Nearly forgot to watch the show "Qiang Zhong Zhi You Qiang Zhong Shou" today.. Haha.. Of cuz I watched got meaning one.. Saw that Holland V PLC supervisor on tv in the show.. So interested to see how "zai" is he loh.. He certainly know how to tok big in the show.. Well.. I mean if u are superb den it's okie to be arrogant.. But been modest is also necessary.. Can't even wear an E-collar properly.. Wat else can u do.. LoLz.. Oh ya.. And that guy from PS branch is also there.. Wow.. He is an expert in differentiating the gender of hamsters.. Haha.. Not to forget our dear Joa is also on tv too.. And with Toffee too.. ^-^

Today have my grading.. It went well.. It's so ironic that whenever I know who I will be sparring with.. I will beforehand tell that person that if later he kena hit by me.. Dun be pissed or angry.. It's unintentional.. Haha.. But today my opponent kick me hard.. I was shocked.. Reali shocked.. I tot we alreadi say not to hit so hard.. Anyway it was a nice spar.. Sportmanship is impt.. Therefore not letting oneself losing control over their head and get pissed off juz becuz ppl hit ya hard is impt.. Sometimes wear spec is juz a demerit cuz it's kinda hard to see also.. And speaking abt not wearing specs.. Joa mentioned to me that I made Regina's hand bruised.. Haix.. Reali unintentional de.. I can't reali gauge how close she is so accidentally kick her.. I'm reali feel bad abt it.. Somemore she's my senior.. Sorri Regina.. >_<~

Sch starting tml le.. Haix.. I'm not sighing becuz sch started.. In fact I luv that it started.. So I can see all my frenz again.. I'm sighing becuz it means that we are leaving each other soon.. And it's juz oni another four mths plus together as classmates.. And after that everyone's journey as classmates will end.. Ppl will start to move in different directions.. Having their own working life.. Blah blah blah.. I myself also duno what I'm going to do.. Even though I have tot of what I wan to do and becum.. But it's juz another story of whether I can make it or not.. Time reali flies like it's often said.. Three years of time juz cum in a blink..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^