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Monday, February 12, 2007

Actuali humanity is kinda ugly since everyone has a beast with claws hidden within.. The beast remains hidden inside the deepest recesses of ur heart until it suddenly cums to the forefront.. That beast uses ur powers to hurt other without ur permission.. Sometimes even hurting the ones u care abt.. But if u can tame that beast and control it with ur own strength.. Den it will becum a great power that will help make ur life better.. However that dark consiousness in u and me is not that easy to tame afterall..

Ppl who aren't geniuses are always unhappy cuz they keep thinking that why can't they be the one.. But in reality.. Ppl who are born as prodigies aren't happy.. In fact it's those who believe in themselves to the end and work hard with a fiery spirit are.. And did u ever wonder why some ppl grow stronger as they fell? It's probably becuz they have memories which they can't forget.. Think abt it.. See whether it make sense in ya..

IME LT was damn big for Fri.. Cuz it's big and there is not much ppl.. Therefore it's colder than usual.. The snacks is nice.. That yummilicious choco cake is woooo.. Haha.. Okie it's reali been some time where I ready get my arse to grab some snacks.. Well.. Not many snacks attract me.. That's what I can say.. It's not as if I have set my expectations for the snacks machiam damn high.. I'm not asking for New York cheesecake or any other high class snacks.. Juz that the colour dun attract me.. Haha.. U must be thinking that den brown colour is nice meh? Haha.. Probably is feelings ba.. Must have feelings with the snacks first den can eat lah.. We have four ppl.. So I took two choco cakes and two carrot cake.. But it juz made me feel like veri auntie lah.. >_<~ And I was hoping to take and go asap so as to minimize the auntie-nism.. But Xy veri "helpful" loh.. Deliberately knocked me away with her shoulders loh.. o_O" Hahaha.. Anyway I was damn shocked lah.. I din know she so cheeky one de leh.. Heee.. Oh ya by the way Xy is starting to be part of the Bleach gang le.. Yeahz.. Finali a gal huh.. Keke.. And can foresee that sooner or later she will start to bankai here and there le lah.. Wahahaha.. =X

The sch drama ended today.. Haix.. Was damn sad when Teresa died.. Script said must die so die die also must die.. At least ending is a decent one.. And if u ever has a gf like Felicia Chin.. U will be thanking to God everyday for being so kind to u..

That drama "Happily Ever After" is funny.. Simply luv it.. Though it's kinda lame and crappy.. But it's veri entertaining.. At least for me.. Haha.. I luv Elvin Ng that cow polo T.. It's cute.. I wondered is that polo T reali what HL delivery staff wear? Haha.. And the language usage of "shit" in that drama is "xuete"!! LoLz.. And in this drama.. Yang Jian aka Erlang Shen made a comment on "Women are horrible creatures.. They're wild animals.. No.. They're UFOs.. U may not even know why u get killed if u slip up!!" LoLz.. True huh? ^^

The workshop today is fun.. Well.. If only every lecturer are like Steven Chong with a great sense of humour.. Step said is it only fat ppl are humourous? Step is implying he is humourous.. Haha.. By the way he is one that has such ability.. Anyway that doesn't mean ppl with other sizes aren't at all.. And I dun think it's necessary to show my humourous side unless with certain ppl..

And I think K is making a fool out of himself.. Appreciate that initiative and guts he shown.. However my reasoning is.. If u're not sure of anything.. Dun anyhow speak up.. Cuz it will only made ppl laughed at u.. It's juz as frustrating to see that haolian mudman speaking of how great he is in front of the class.. Well.. Spots dun change afterall..

Went around the Vday's Bazaar in sch to see see.. There is this twisted flower which seems kinda creative.. It cums with a crystal pendant.. It costs 48 bucks.. Kinda expensive leh.. But what interests me is that high soaring balloons in the middle of the Atrium.. Actuali it's abt writing ur luv messages for ur luved ones and sticking it onto the balloons.. I was wondering how to stick it all the way up the balloons since it's juz a matter of time that the bottom ones will be filled up.. Maybe it's juz like what tradition said.. The higher u can stick it.. The better the turnout btwn u and ur luved ones.. Haha.. Sounds foolish to u right? Yup so have u stick urs today? *Secret* Haha.. There's nothing to be paiseh abt since the courting phase will be much more paiseh than this one.. Tio bo? Haha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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