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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

At first I tot the cost for the bbq is reali being waived off.. Only until today lunch at Aijisen.. I realized that I was the only one thinking that it's true.. Haha.. Reali gong lah.. Haix.. When I think too much den kena said by them "Xiang Tai Duo!!" Den when I see things in a simple manner.. Also can't get things right.. Haha.. My.. My..

There is something I wanted to write but until now keep forgetting.. Haha.. Until Step remind me.. Well.. It's abt the list of deterioration as well as blossomation.. Okie that blossomation is my own term.. Only can be found in my dictionary.. As u can see from it.. What it reali meant is ppl that reali deteriorate as sems passed by.. Contrary it also meant those who reali blossom as sems passed.. The list of criteria can be ranging from the way they dress.. The way they look.. Etc.. Well.. It's always that few which we think reali turn out unexpectedly pretti as compared to the past.. We have our own views and I think we agreed most of the time with each other opinions.. Haha.. And when u see someone in ur class has turned out to be Ann Kok number two overnite in front of u.. How will u think? Will u be thinking that it must be the work of the stupid silicon? LoLz.. When ppl asked me I also duno how to ans them.. This mystery I think Kindachi also can't solve lah.. Hahaha.. =P

Being conferred the title as private investigator is kinda erm.. Duno how to express too.. LoLz.. But without doubt I realize I'm actuali quite good at searching for ppl in frenster.. Yup.. I give myself 8 out of 10 points.. Heee.. Even though it should be full score instead.. Wahahaha.. Maybe I should set up a service for searching ppl.. That will be helping the community rite? Haha..

Was telling Step that now must stock up roses for VDay alreadi.. Cuz price is marking up gradually alreadi.. Ya it's exactly one week to it.. By now I guess should be marked up abit liao.. Den Step said it will wither if get it early.. Yup it's true that it will KO soon after purchasing.. However with duly care and concern it will not KO that soon.. If reali KO-ing soon den die die also must perform CPR to keep it alive loh.. LoLz.. ^^

So how everyone preparation for VDay? Is it alreadi been planned out nicely.. Or are u still struggling with a splitting headache of what to plan? Haha.. No worries.. There is lotsa things to do to make this day memorable and reminiscing.. Not forgetting romantic too.. Probably now some might be tied up with a tight budget since dining out and roses will reali kill ya a bomb.. That probably the pessimistic side of it.. However dun forget that CNY is coming.. So it has somehow become more optimistic le.. Haha.. Anyway dun worry.. Cuz Kakashi's 24hrs professional loaning is available with low interest rate.. LoLz.. Or maybe u will wan Kakashi's low budget romantic programmes for VDay.. Also available.. Haha.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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