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Monday, February 05, 2007

Went sch early to settle some errands.. Met Eve.. Xh and Xy.. Eve asked me why so early cum sch.. I said to register the workshop thingy.. Xh said I looked so blur.. Was I huh? Haha.. Maybe it's becuz when they asked me abt the workshop thingy.. I was like huh here and huh there loh.. >_<~

Praba gave us small pieces of paper to write down the ans of the qns he asked.. He finali realized that wanting us to speak up is impossible at all.. Haha.. My.. My.. He is such a joker.. Cuz he claims that since he is teaching MC.. He must make us change.. LoLz.. That's true also.. If a MC lecturer can't make his students like us change.. He kinda a failure liao.. So from now on.. Praba will use all the change models to change us.. Such as Kotter's Eight Steps Change Process and Kurt Lewin's Force Field Analysis.. LoLz.. =X

I was calling Cindy in class.. But I always called her full name.. Which means Cindy Cher loh.. And den Ly and Sf tot I calling who.. How cum kept calling "Signature Signature!!" LoLz.. Okie.. Cuming to think of it.. The pronunciation is kinda close.. Hahaha..

It's Ml's Bday today huh? Cuz saw Sug gave her Bday prezzie.. I'm not sure also.. *Scratching head* Haha.. So wish her Happy belated or early Bday in here.. Haha.. ^^

I heard my bro mentioned abt the sofa bus in SG.. And when I was reading some of my frenz entries.. I realized that it's true that there are reali such buses around.. And when I saw the interior of these buses.. I nearly can't believe my eyes.. It was juz like paradise.. Reali I'm not trying to be big hole or making a mole out of a mountain.. *Somba* LoLz.. And when I read further.. It was from Nokia..

Anyway I juz dug more info abt this service.. It's called The Nokia Music Mobile.. The Nokia Music Mobile will give u free rides around some of the hottest night spots.. From 24th to 27th Jan.. 31st Jan to 3rd Feb.. 7th to 10th Feb.. 14th to 16th Feb from 2100hrs to 0100hrs.. During this period of time.. From 2100hrs to 0100hrs.. This free shuttle service will take u party-hopping around the coolest and hippest pubs and clubs in town.. From Bar None.. Alley Bar and Aries Pub to CHIJMES and Ministry of Sound (MOS) as well as The Butter Factory and Zouk.. What's more is u can enjoy free downloads of music videos.. Wallpaper and ringtones via Bluetooth any time of the day..

Bus Routes
Stop 1: Outside Tangs Plaza
Bar None.. Devil's Bar.. Crazy Horse Disco.. Hard Rock Cafe.. Blu Velvet.. Thumper..

Stop 2 : Orchard Emerald
Ice Cold Beer.. Rouge.. Alley Bar.. Que Pasa.. Bar Induz.. Ridley's.. Music Underground..

Stop 3 : Plaza Singapura
Aries Pub..

Stop 4 : St Andrew's Cathedral
CHJIMES.. Baby Face at Fullerton.. New Asia Bar.. Balaclava at Suntec.. Q-Bar at Parliament.. DXO at Esplanade..

Stop 5 : Clarke Quay
MOS.. Attica.. Attica Too.. Kandi Bar.. Barfly.. FBar.. ESTE the Club.. Crazy Elephant..

Stop 6 : Clemenceau Ave
The Butter Factory.. Cocco Latte.. Tivoli Bar.. BarCelona.. Bar at Robertson.. Double O.. O Bar..

Stop 7 : Grand Copthorne Hotel
Zouk.. Zouk Wine Bar.. Phuture.. Velvet Underground..

The ending of a story marked the start of another.. Does the drama "The Peak" reali marked the peak of the plot? Hmmx.. Was like kinda disappointed cuz I tot that there will be more than one couple in the end.. However there is only one in the end.. Well.. Maybe sometimes no ending is better than having one.. Afterall it's juz a drama.. But again it's not possible to hold back any emotions and tots in drama at all.. That's why some ppl will cry after watching certain drama..

It has reali been a long time since I took train with Ly.. And even the rest too.. Had lots of topics on our way back.. Ly was telling me that words spoken out of someone u care before or now is always veri piercing and hurting compared to what some other ppl said to u.. That's true.. Cuz it doesn't reali have that much big impact if it was in the case of some other frenz.. How piercing can it be? Maybe to me it can be as piercing as an Artic Warfare Magnum.. But what can u do in the end? Maybe shutting both eyes is the best possible solution..

We tend to overlook some ppl that are too close to us.. And took their luv and concern for granted.. But when we finali realized how much they meant to us in one way or another.. It's kinda late since the damage is alreadi being done..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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