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Friday, February 09, 2007

The best joker of the year.. Andrew Low..

Scenario 1
Andrew: Okie we will go through the tutorial qns 2..
Everything was going smoothly until something happened.. Andrew was thinking real hard of how to do one part of the qns.. He went back to his seat and den start looking at some papers.. Started mumbling among himself.. Den suddenly aha moment for him.. Step took up his notes and asked us to look over.. Step pointed at the paper asking "Tell me what is the mark?.." "What? Say again.." "Louder pls.." Hahaha.. Anyway only IME ppl understand what Step is doing.. Actuali we are juz re-enacting what happen that day.. It was an act to suan Andrew for being so nehneh during his first lecture with us.. Cuz he took a transcript of a student scoring 98 marks for IME to show us.. And keep saying "I teach one hor for xx times".. Well since he's so great and can produce a 98 marks student.. How cum he can't do that qns leh? Ironic rite?

Scenario 2
Andrew: Okie.. Now we will see how much better off is the economy..
Andrew (Scribbling on transparency): 12.75 + 2.25 = 14..
Student A: It's 15..
Andrew: No.. It's not.. It's 14..
Student A: It's 15..
Andrew (Looking @ transparency counting..): Hmmx..
Rest of the Class: LOLz..
Andrew: Oh it's 15..
Step: Pls leh.. 12 + 2 = 14 alreadi..
Kakashi™ (Nodding): Ya.. Ya..
Kakashi™ (Shaking): Haix.. Beyond redemption liao..

Final conclusion.. If Andrew can teach.. So can u.. LoLz.. Find it familiar? Cuz it's always said by Martin Yan.. By the way.. Andrew is reali damn funny.. Okie.. Maybe he is the legend created for ppl like me.. Cuz he gives me hope.. LoLz.. And the rest know what I meant..


Kakashi™: Oie.. Go K leh..
Step: Sure.. U all go plan lah..
Kakashi™: Reali?
Kakashi™: But whenever we plan.. U will always go fly plane without fail..
Step: (Giggling away!!)
Kakashi™: -_-

Step.. U no horse run since I alreadi record it down.. Conversation done @ 8th Feb 2007 @ 2341hrs.. Any breach of it.. The rest will bankai u!!


Oh ya I keep forgetting what Step told me in the previous entry abt the list of deterioration.. Anyway he said "The gals deteriorated becuz they forget to re-innovate themselves.." Haha.. Which is true..


I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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