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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Wa seh.. That day I dream of the ToTo numbers reali cum out today.. So zhun.. Wasted nvr go buy private one.. If not tio 290bucks le.. Wahahahaha^_^ Then just now in the evening I saw my bro just came back.. Grumbling f*** up system in SCDF.. To me it reali damn f*** up loh.. Where got recall oni give half hour time grace one.. Sibei crap loh.. The minimum must be around 2hrs loh.. Knn tink my bro superman is it.. Can fly from Changi to Boon Lay.. Take cab also not enuff time loh.. Somemore that time is peak hour.. Arbo why not they themselves go try and see whether can be done or not.. Those ppl must be eating cowdung grow up one.. No brains at all.. Nowadays officers' brains like pea.. Eat more pig brains like pundeh.. A bunch of NOOBS..

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Yesterday the me and my fren were having bbq at Sherry's house.. It was reali a veri pleasant event for me.. I haven't been so happy for long time le.. We managed to help out Sherry's mummy in some chores.. At least we were of some use.. LoLx.. Then we were playing the "Police and Murderer" game.. Haha.. Although lame but it's still fun to play.. Then Stephen implemented a game called simi "Polar Bear" game.. Haha it's fun loh.. But duno why he pick me as the veri first polar bear.. -.-" Since then Advin, Liyee, Collin and me like always either the first few to die one or been accused of polar bear.. Wahahaha.. Reali veri funny throughout the process.. The time is getting late and one by one left.. Then the rest just gather at Sherry's room and we have a guitar session there.. They open a bottle of red wine i tink.. Then I drink abit.. I almost kena knock out liao.. LoLx.. Actuali wan to stay overnite de.. But in the end nvr becuz I tink not nice ba.. Paiseh ba.. Then everyone go liao le.. Me of cuz must go also if not I will be kick out of house.. Wahahah.. Then before we go Sherry' mummy give us the french loaf.. Wahaha^^.. Just nice I can use to hatam ppl.. Finali I still wan to thank everyone for their role in the gathering.. LoLz.. =p

One Day In Your Life..
Said Love Would Remind You..
How Could You Leave It All Behind..
One Day In Your Life I Gonna Find You..
With The Tears You Let Me Cry..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, September 20, 2004

Reali sibei sianz loh.. My mood is getting from bad to worst with all the thingz happening at the same time.. I reali cannot tahan animore.. Reali veri stress with studies.. I gonna break down soon and getting depression.. Working so hard in the end I get nothing.. What have I gain.. Nothing and nothing again.. What have I done to get all these.. Am I not putting in enuff effort or is it I just not good enuff.. Whichever the answer is.. I considering pulling out of my studies alreadi.. Maybe after tis semester.. Glad to knw some new frenz out there.. Keep in contact ba..

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Today cycle for 15km.. Whoo.. Sibei shiok.. Good for letting out steam as well as unhappiness.. It was also raining quite heavily.. I found out that when sweat and rain water combine.. It's actuali quite song one leh.. To me it made me feel like I like achieve something.. Anyway hope wun get sick.. LoLz.. Just now watch the channel-U show at 2100hrs.. About William Hung one.. Sibei cock and funny.. Signing autograph also need parents approval sia.. Worst than me.. LoLx.. Then around 2210hrs.. I was chatting with my frenz from SG and M'sia.. I tink we all are the best combination of crapsters around ba.. Haha.. Anybody wan to win us also veri hard lah.. Haha.. Cheers to all.. ^_^

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Today nothing special also.. I think oni my frenz cum and accompany me then we have lunch together.. Haha he and me wait for each other to go buy the food.. In the end wait for 20mins still nvr go buy.. LOLx.. In the end I still win.. He go buy for me.. Wahaha.. Frenz for 10yrs plus le.. He agar agar know my pattern one.. Haha.. He is so far my best buddy.. Cuz whenever I in trouble he will help me.. Like I always go his place seek refugee.. Then when we eat.. We always like u treat me, I treat u, Like neverending one.. Wahahaha.. Ya hor today lunch I still haven't pay him yet.. LOLx..

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Today I 1100hrs go to lie on bed.. Then lie n lie I fall asleep.. I wake up then saw the room so dark.. I thought I sleep till evening loh.. LOLx.. Scare me sia.. Chey.. Then I saw the sky filling with dark clouds.. Then not too long heavy rain came.. This type of weather damn shiok for sleeping sia.. Then around 1530hrs I go to gym see see got chiobu or not.. Wahahaha.. So suay sia.. No chiobu but got ahgua.. I see him I damn turnoff.. Goose pimples all cum out.. Somemore bad mood.. He heng ar.. If not I hatam him liao.. Sometime I feel like putting a poster outside stating *No AhGua Allowed*.. Damn cannot stand the posture they show.. Sibei erxin.. *Puke*..

One Day In Your Life..
Said Love Would Remind You..
How Could You Leave It All Behind..
One Day In Your Life I Gonna Find You..
With The Tears You Let Me Cry..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Dun Know what to write anyway for today.. Just kinda feeling veri down.. Like got something pierce directly through my heart.. Maybe I just a suxor.. Anyway I used to it le.. At least I tried.. Whether succeed or not.. I know I have at least done my best to win her heart.. So I have no regrets.. Thanks for all the support from my fellow frenz.. You all are the best.. Dun be sad for me liao.. There is always a next time.. Remember what I told ya.. In this world.. It's the survival of the fittest.. I lost becuz I am weak.. I admit this fact.. Reali hope one day I will be strong enuff to withstand any more blows.. *Jiayou* *Jiayou* I can do it de..

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Finali the tormenting days are over for me, and also for my fellow frenz.. All the irritating assigments are finali over.. Leaving merely two assigments left.. Then cum the exams liao.. Another torturing moments for all.. Yesterday reali alot of happenings in the train.. Firstly when I was on the way to school in the train.. I was sitting down sleeping.. Then got one auntie put her stuffs on my thigh laps..
(-.-)" Win liao loh.. Treat my laps like a table.. Zzz.. Then when I reach school.. I go to the lecture room as usual.. That time I nvr wear specs mah.. So I open the door.. I was shocked to see the whole room filled up with people.. I thought "Wah our class people so siao onz ar.. So early all cum liao.. Or is it I late.. LoLz" I put on my specs and realised that those people are not from my class.. After school ended.. As usual I was inside the train on the way home.. The journey is quite smooth until it's reaches City Hall.. When lots of people squeezes in like duno what.. Then duno what happened.. Everybody siam the area one metre from where I stand.. Oh then I realised that got one small gal vomited.. I think alot people kena the vomit.. Becuz it was so cramp that time.. Wan to run one inches away also veri hard.. The stench hovering inside the train accompany me till Bedok where the mrt staff and a cleaner finali clean up the mess.. The smell reali act as a catalyst.. I nearly wanted to vomit also.. HENG!!

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^