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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Today go meet Jiamin and Alyssa for lunch.. Cuz I promise them that I will go down to meet them for lunch after my reservist.. I take cab down then on the cab I was writing greetings on the card for Jiamin bday.. Cuz the cab moving mah.. So like veri ugly.. Hehe.. Reaching Suntec I go shop shop around see got what gift suitable for her.. Walking around the whole Suntec then finally made a choice.. Then I go over to meet them.. Then they ask me to treat them eat.. LoLx.. Then thought can eat together.. But bo pian the boss say oni one can go at a time.. Then Jiamin and I go tabao for Alyssa and one of their colleagues.. In the end say I treat one then Jiamin go paid.. -_-" Then we returned and sit there eat.. Hurhur.. I eat with Jiamin first then with Alyssa.. They taking turns to eat.. So asked me to eat slowly so can accompany all of them eat.. LoLz ^_- Then when I was on the way home.. I saw this guy wearing those tight sleeveless shirt.. Knn like bapok loh.. Sibei xianlan somemore.. Pui.. I was walking behind him all the while looking at the way he walked.. He purposely knock other people shoulders when he walked past them.. So many people diaoz him loh.. He was lucky that the meeting with the gals boost my mood.. If not I will purposely from behind knock his shoulders.. See whether fun or not to knock other people shoulders..

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, November 26, 2004

Back from the boliao ICT.. Actuali what happen was that they made a mistake in the admin side.. Then I suay suay kena called back for nothing.. Whatever it is I think tis ICT reali is veri meaningful to me.. Cuz I made back two of my frenz which we so called quarrel in the past.. Maybe it's reali predestined for me to meet the two of them.. They are the one that know me reali well.. I glad to have them back by my side once again..

DAY 1(22Nov)
Gathered at stadium then wait for in-process.. Then I suddenly remember that I forgot to bring the reservists booklet.. OMG.. -_-" Heng in the end they say no need the booklet cuz it's all computerised liao.. Hehe.. *Phew* After drawing arms. We sat there waiting for XO to brief us.. After the briefing the company is split into three platoon.. Hehe me and my frenz all join plt3.. After dinner everyone were ready for the deployment for the excercise.. Then the Nsmen OC called upon my frenz and me.. Asking us to go see the XO.. I was puzzled then I think for a while.. Then I guess I know what happened.. Then after seeing XO.. He told us to return arms.. Then I thought we can go home liao ar.. LoLx.. The answer is NO.. Wahahaha.. XO said that the four of us are involved in this ICT due to error from the admin side.. Xo said aiya bopian lah.. Dun cum also cum liao.. Why not finish the ICT.. LoLx.. Therefore he said CO want us to go to the main ops room to mann that area..

DAY 2(23Nov)
The ops room full of officers.. Sibei stressed.. Then the scenario of bomb threat was created.. The EOD Team managed to stop the bomb from exploding.. Then few minutes later.. The Nsmen on prowl discovered a suspicious silver packaging.. Then everyone thought that it's part of the excercise.. Then in the end it's not.. This time things get serious as no one admit that the package is theirs.. The EOD Team reali commenced on live firing to clear the unknown package.. The robot they use is sibei cute.. Hehe ^_^ Then 3.. 2.. 1.. Babooommm.. The package was destroyed.. It was not a real bomb in the end.. But anyway it's gd to see that Nsmen are still so vigilant.. LoLz.. I was in the ops room with some Nsmen divers also.. Haha they reali sibei funny.. Talk on comms in hokkien.. LoLz.. I talk alot of cock with them..

DAY 3(24Nov)
The exercise like non-stop one loh.. Veri busy here and there.. No time to sleep at all.. Sibei shag sia.. Then got this LTA.. He was sleeping on the chair then he sleep till fell off the chair.. LoLz.. Also got this stupid MSG.. He always like to say jokes that are damn cold.. Only he laughs to himself.. LoLz.. See his face I want to beat him liao loh.. Knn sibei like to act as if he know alot of things loh.. Then he also botai boji sit down one corner laugh to himself.. Kumlan kia.. I want to slap him liao loh..

DAY 4(25Nov)
I managed to have a bath finally after all the tension arising in the base.. Then I go in take shower.. The water sibei cold loh.. Like ice plus water loh.. I was jumping as I used the water.. Then when I bathe finished.. I go down to the ops room.. Then suddenly got situation arising again.. Wa sibei zhun hor.. ToTo also bo so zhun.. Then when the scenario finally ended.. I was told to pass down the instruction by XO to stand down all stations.. The callsign for XO is "Xray Oscar".. But hor I go and used "Xtra Oscar".. Muwahahahaha.. I want to laugh till beng.. Sibei paiseh.. XO was right in front of me loh.. *Blushed*

DAY 5(26Nov)
Hoho.. Today the final day for the ICT.. Everyone was waiting for the out-process to take place.. CO said he want to take a photo with the Nsmen.. So we waited for him then after finished taking the photo.. We still need to listen to his preaching again.. Hahaha.. Then finally the out-processing was done.. Then I take a cab home.. Woohoo.. Home Sweet Home.. ^_^

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Hehe today I started packing up for the ICT thingy.. LoLx.. Then I find that I like suddenly alot things missing.. =p Hurhur.. Heard that Praxis exercise is executing on mon.. >.<" Sian3/4 loh.. Zzzz... But then duno why I feel quite keen towards the ICT thingy.. Is it I hope that it will end soon or is it I miss my camp kaki so much that I am so eager to meet them.. ^_- Whichever the reason is I reali hope that I will have fun there.. Look like it's 12 midnight soon.. Exactly one day to chiong sua life again.. Five days away seem to be five years for me.. Haha.. Cuz I will miss mani of my frenz.. My family.. My bed.. And most importantly a sweet and cute gina.. I will miss grabbing her head.. Hehe.. *Bleahz* Dun miss me ok.. LoLz.. I know mani will.. Wahahahaha.. =^_^= *Blush*

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Today I meet stephen for a pool game at pavilion.. Before that we had lunch at S11 then go play pool.. Then when he go change his IC for the pool balls.. The counter gal asked him to leave his papers behind.. I thought is his frenz.. Then I asked him he said no.. LOLx.. We have been looking for the table for quite some time still cannot find.. -.-" Bo pian then we go back the counter asked where the table is.. We play for eight games and ended up in a tie.. Haha.. When we left.. We saw this gal from our class.. She working as promoter.. See her so busy so never go disturb her.. LoLx.. Then we go the small mac to buy ice-cream.. Hehe.. Yummy.. He buy the ice-cream cone.. And I buy choco sundae.. Then as we were eating.. A gal approached us for duno simi donation thing.. Our instinct told us to siam.. We tried to escape but kena pull shirt.. -_-" So no choice we LL must listen to what she say.. The donation is five bucks leh.. Quite alot loh.. I broke liao loh.. Still donate then I no $$ to date people liao loh.. Muwahahahaha.. =p

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Yesterday when I was sleeping.. I fall from my bed to my bro's bed.. -.-" Reali scared me loh.. I forget that my sis had return home.. So the bed my bro usually use had to let her used.. And he used back his original bed.. But then he lazi to set the bed up so he pull out oni.. Then I duno kena simi dream then suddenly moved backwards.. Then BOOM.. Sia lah.. Hurhur.. Then today I fell asleep at the sofa.. Hehe.. Guess what.. My habit of drooling came back again.. Muwahahahaha.. When I woke up I found a puddle of water on my left arm.. -.-" SHIT!!! I have done it again.. LoLx.. Hehe.. Sibei paiseh.. I just change my blog BGM to May Day new album.. Veri nice.. Lyrics is just below.. Enjoy.. ^_^

当 我和世界不一样 那就让我不一样
坚持对我来说 就是以刚克刚
我 如果对自己不行 如果对自己说谎
即使别人原谅 我也不能原谅
最美的愿望 一定最疯狂
我就是我自己的神 在我活的地方

我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望
我和我骄傲的倔强 我在风中大声的唱
这一次为自己疯狂 就这一次 我和我的倔强

对 爱我的人别紧张 我的固执很善良
我的手越肮髒 眼神越是发光
你 不在乎我的过往 看到了我的翅膀
你说过被火烧过 才能出现凤凰
逆风的方向 更适合飞翔
我不怕千万人阻挡 只怕自己投降

我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望
我和我骄傲的倔强 我在风中大声的唱
这一次为自己疯狂 就这一次 我和我的倔强

我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望
我和我骄傲的倔强 我在风中大声的唱
这一次为自己疯狂 就这一次 我和我的倔强

就这一次 让我大声唱
La La La 就算失望 不能绝望
La La La 就这一次 我和我的倔强

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, November 12, 2004

Return from chalet that last three days two nights.. It has been a fun and meaningful chalet.. There seem to be alot of surprises to me..


Reached Downtown East at around 1400hrs.. Had lunch with some frenz then we book in into the chalet.. Not too long the rest also came too.. We play some cards game like poker and uno.. Then I sibei suay kena slash in the face by Jolene.. Sobx.. (T_T)
Then Sherry say one more slash then I can become like Kenshin liao cuz its just nice to have a cross-shaped scar.. LoLx.. (^_-) Finally its nightfall liao.. Things will get more interesting in the night compared to day.. Hehehe.. =p As I am waiting for the celebration of both Stephen and my Shifu, Tricia birthday.. I am thinking of how to attack them.. In the end someone made the move.. Then a cake war broke out.. Wahahaha.. Sibei shiok.. I wanna siam also hard.. Stand one corner hide also kena..
(-.-)" Everyone were running like mad.. My Shifu sibei clever locked herself in the room.. Haha.. I think Shaofeng is the most innocent one.. Kena attack for nothing.. After everything ended.. Everyone had a nice and warm bath.. They all gone outside for dunno simi love divination.. Andy, Shaofeng and me din go.. We just stayed in the room then orh orh loh.. Zzz.. Then when I finally managed to fall asleep liao.. My Shifu came in and kept waking me up.. Asking me to go out for divination.. (-_-)"
Then when I refused she threaten me with something.. Hahaha.. But in the end I still won.. LoLz.. They all kisiao one lah.. Play till morning then go sleep.. Heng I not like them so mad.. LoLx..


Around afternoon Charmaine, Collin, Ivy, Jolene, Shaofeng and me go to the pool to see see.. Only Charmaine and Collin go swim.. While Ivy and Jolene sit under the shade chatting.. As for Shaofeng and me.. We looking at the Wild Wild Wet.. Haha see got chiobus or not.. =x In the late afternoon where the rest all wake up.. They decided to go beach play ball.. Shaofeng did not join cuz he left.. Advin, Collin, Ivy, Liyee, Sherry and me play volleyball first.. Then later switched to play monkey.. As but Charmaine, Joanne and Tricia they go play kite.. LoLz.. Then we decided to have a cycle.. We rent bikes from a bike shop.. Cuz I dunno how to cycle so Collin and I ride on a double seater bike.. It was scary at first but in the end it was fun.. We cycle till the chain broke off.. Haha.. Dunno why the chain break.. Anyway we went back to change another one.. Then we proceed to the legendary maze.. And towards the Fisherman Village.. To me the trashing out of things between Collin, Liyee and me seem to be the most meaningful in the whole chalet.. This matter had been hovering around for four months plus.. And it was time for things to get sorted out once and for all.. At least I get the answer which I all along wanted.. The whole process took hours.. Afterall things still worked out well.. Hopefully there will not be of any unwanted conflict in the future.. Anyway Ivy said that whatever that had happened was due to the miscommunication which is quite true.. We promised to compromise in future which is a very good thing to do.. (^_^)

我和我最后的倔将.. 握紧双手绝对不放..
下一站是不是天堂.. 就算失望不能绝望..
我和我骄傲的倔将.. 我在风中大声的唱..
这一次为自己疯狂.. 就这一次我和我的倔强..

yK »--(¯`v´¯)--» jY
"jY San Watashi No Kanojo Ni Natte Kudasai"

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Today meet my fren fo a swim.. Be more precise is playing water.. LoLx.. The sun like wan to cum out then dun cum out like that.. Sibei dulan.. Yawnzz.. In the pool we just tok n tok.. Seeing chiobu is a necessary task when in the pool.. LoLz.. There is also quite a number of kids learning swimming.. Then after the swim we have had lunch together at a new open community centre.. Then we go out gaigai for the whole day.. ^^

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Finali finish all the papers for today.. Just return from gym.. And I play cs from 6+ to nearly 2am.. Wahahahaha.. Sibei song.. Rape n frag those cb kia that I hate in my life.. Clear team two times.. LOLx.. Clear six in a row with AK with three HS.. Then clear six in a row again with Carby with four HS.. Muwahahaha.. Song n shiok.. Still need to touch up abit more if not my skills will be rusty after that 3-4mths of not touching my dear.. Then I managed to see one of my kaki in the server also.. Then I rape him.. LOLx.. Rape till he buay tahan.. Cum over to join my side.. LOLz.. YawnZzz.. Sibei tired.. Nearly 8hrs of non-stop fun.. Haha.. Cs is still the best.. At least it is fun loving n dun make me feel sad.. Then today kena trapped by financial planners.. Me n Shaofeng tio.. Haha but too bad my account not mine.. LoLx.. Then one of my ex clan leader wan me to join back his clan.. Haiz.. Hard to reject him.. Hmm.. He will be taking over one of the server soon.. Asking me to be admin.. Haha.. So honoured.. ^_-

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Finali finish three papers liao.. One more to go.. And I will be free.. Today spend much of the day studying for Fri paper.. Then I thought they going for dinner so I purposely called back to ask mum dun cook my portion.. BUt in the end what happened.. Study till 2030hr liao.. Still dun wan to go dinner.. Then I thought if I go they will go also.. But I wrong.. Think I so free is it.. Why I stay back is becuz I wan to have dinner with them.. Reali tink I wana study meh.. I can jolly well do it at home.. But they just let me down.. Dulan to core.. Like I transparent.. Taking me for granted is something I hated also.. Watever loh.. Anyway I gone for dinner with another frenz at Clementi.. I tink frenz that have been years with me are still the best.. At least they knw my style.. After some time they sms me asking me where my location cuz they wan to join me n my fren for dinner.. Wat for.. Too late.. Even though I eating at Clementi I just told them that I on train.. Bo xin in the first place.. Wat for wan to remedy the situation again..

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^