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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Today reaching mrt around 0830hrs.. Quite late loh.. But still managed to reach sch in time.. Reaching Bedok.. There were this two guys.. Boarding the train.. They were frenz.. One of them from Bedok till Buona Vista kept glancing at me on and off.. What the hell.. I tot I know him then I looked again.. No loh I dun know him at all.. Zzz.. Pls loh I am not interested in guys.. And I have no intention to convert to gay.. Alreadi kena in frenster now I a bit scared le.. *Puke* Reached sch just nice 0930hrs.. During break time Alyssa.. Jiamin and Kelly went over to give me a bday present.. Reali thoughtful of them.. It's a shirt and a card.. This is the veri first bday present I got in my whole 24yrs of life.. Many of u may not believe wat I said.. Frankly speaking for the past 23yrs.. I have been celebrating at home with my family.. Every year I got a cake.. Except one year when the bird flu reali hit hard on my dad's business and I told them dun buy cake for that year.. And today I had a cake from my frenz.. And I mean it's reali from my frenz and not my family.. Again this is also the veri first time I had a cake from someone else other than my family.. Celebrating with Advin who is also same bday as me.. Not forgetting Adrian also.. They sang the bday song made me feel paiseh.. Reali long time since someone ever sang bday song for me.. Cutting the cake.. Gave one piece to our dear lecturer Gopalan.. Then she said can smaller abit.. Haha.. Then Advin and I took three pieces into the LT for Alyssa.. Jiamin and Kelly.. Joanne said this piece is bigger in size so u know who to give loh.. Haha.. Win liao.. I cannot be biased one mah.. Then everyone gathered to take photo.. Although this "Tian Yi Wu Feng" plan I alreadi know quite long le.. So it's no surprise for me.. Nevertheless I still appreciated the effort they put in to celebrate the bday for Advin.. Adrian and me.. Gals and guys reali thank alot for everything today.. For once it will be another sweet memory for me.. ^^ Thank to those who were around today.. Oni two not around and they were Chen Yu and Shaofeng.. Chen Yu needed to help out her sista wedding today so din attend sch.. As for Shaofeng I duno why he din cum.. Nvm I will kill him on Tuesday.. Hehe.. After sch we had some discussion abt our project.. Then Stephen wanted to take photo for Joanne and me mah.. Then that Joanne said I dun wan to take photo with Yekai.. Walau I not Ivy loh.. Win liao loh.. Then she immediately hide her face.. @_@" Then I used the survey paper and hit her head.. She took the whole law book and smacked me.. -_-" Colin was tokin to me also.. And I like dreaming then nvr listened to wat he said.. He took up the law book wanting to hit me with it also.. *Phew* Heng the moment he picked up I recovered to my sense and quickly looked at him.. If not kena left and right combo.. Then Joanne said she just learnt side kick.. And she tried on me loh.. And she reali kicked it.. *Ouch* Aiya Stephen and me always her experiment guinea pigs.. Haha.. Bopian lah.. Who ask her rank is higher than us.. LoLx.. Time for lunch.. Colin went home claiming her auntie cooked special stuff for him.. Joanne went to Clementi to buy 4D then went to East Coast for picnic.. Raz.. Tricia and Yongtang went to bird park to do their survey.. The rest went to canteen for lunch.. Today reali a lot of ppl loh.. Despite it’s a Saturday.. Reason mainly due to UOL lecturers came to SG for revision with the students here.. Bopian so we all tabao.. That chicken rice stall auntie like sell till buay song.. Still wanna cheat my three bucks.. I asked for roasted meat mee.. Plus mee and fried wanton.. In the end I checked no additional mee and fried wanton in my share.. Zzz.. But I managed to get back the fried wanton though I lost fifty cents.. Going to our lao di fang to settle down and eat.. Ivy's group were also there.. Then Ivy went over to tell us that time she and Adrianne they all ate the mee and kena food poisoning.. -_-" Ivy then asked me why my hair becum like that.. And she used her hand to touch my hair.. Machiam touching her dog loh.. Zzz.. Reaching home I went to try the shirt Alyssa.. Jiamin and Kelly gave.. The size just nice.. Ok to me.. Not so big like they said..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^


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