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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

And guess what I will answer when ppl asked me why so long never update on entries.. I will juz said busy loh.. I think I reali use up my time until like not enuff liao.. Ok exclusive of slping time.. Slping time needs at least 8 hrs.. Still got 16 hrs.. Juz chionging anime alone will took up more than half a day liao.. Says about 10 hrs for that.. Den 3 hrs for TV series on Channel U and Channel 8.. 3 different drama of an hour each.. Left 3 hrs more before going to bed.. So the rest of the 3 hrs will be doing some other stuffs here and there loh.. Such as chatting.. Doing some project stuffs.. Pacifying my little fiancée.. Blah blah blah..

All these add up liao.. Time sure not enuff to use de mah.. LoLz.. So what to do if 24 hrs is not enuff for ya? Haha.. Of cuz is to go to the Watch Shop "25-Hrs" to buy a watch from there so that when u put on the watch.. U will have 25 hrs instead of 24.. LoLz.. If still not enuff.. Go buy a "8-Days" magazine so that u have "8 days every weekkkk!!!" LoLz.. =P

Dialogue btwn Step and me:
Step: Why so long never update blog liao?
Kira™: Cuz I'm busy flirting loh.. =D
Step: I TOT SO TOO!!..
Kira™: .....

*A punch flew over to Step*


And I was been told that I spelled wrongly the name Palawan Beach.. I spelled Padawan Beach instead.. LoLz.. Well I do loves the sun alot but I dun go to Sentosa that often de.. In fact duno got one year one time or not.. Haha.. I only know got three beaches loh.. Obviously I only know Siloso.. Haha.. I juz went to check what is that third beach name.. It's called Tanjong Beach.. o_O" I keep checking whether I spell correctly or not loh.. If not some days later.. Ppl will be cuming to me telling me "Hey the beach name u spell wrongly again!!".. LOLz.. =X


Our dear lecturer Jeffery Goh always tok abt these two stuffs in his lecture.. Either it's abt SAF!! If not it's abt sex!! Buay tahan him loh.. Feel like DDT him after he said "Men can't live without sex!!" Mao him loh.. *BISH* (Dun cum asking me what is DDT hor!!)

But his lame jokes are undeniable funny to some extent.. And he was saying about jobs' positions in the industry.. Guess he is correct.. Nowadays powerful job titles dun mean that u hold a impt position in the company.. Like what he said.. Clerks have different job title allocated to them.. What makes me laugh is about what he say about the pros in Geylang..

Re-enactment of what Jeffery Goh said:
Jeffery Goh: Where u work?
Lady A: Oh I work at Geylang..
Jeffery Goh: Oic.. Den what is ur job den?
Lady A: Oh I'm a sex therapist..
Jeffery Goh: What the..

The reaction of the class:
Whole class: Hahahaha..
LY: Hahahaha..
Step: Wahahahaha..
And for me I will of cuz MUWAHAHAHAHAHA loh!! >_<~


The word Altruism like veri powerful leh.. That the new stuff Jeffery Goh taught.. Machiam like some saintly word to me.. Juz remind me of ex BF lecturer.. He always like to say this is mathematical truism..


And Jeffery Goh said something about Fa Lun Gong (法轮功) ppl going out for demonstration in SG.. Den all kena arrested..

*Note: Actual dialogue is in Mandarin*

Dialogue about Discussions of "Fa Lun Gong Part One":
Step: Do u know what is Fa Lun Gong's Highest Level (最高境界)?
Kira™: Erm.. Duno.. What is it?
Step: The Secret to Fa Lun Gong's Highest Level is..
Kira™: Is what?
Step: The sky will drop a "Wheel" down..
Kira™: ......

*Few mins later.. I drew something on the paper.. I showed it to Step..*

Dialogue about Discussions of "Fa Lun Gong Part Two":
Kira™: Do u know what is the "Name" of Fa Lun Gong Highest Level called?
Step: Duno.. *Shaking head*
Kira™: Did u see this pic?
Step: Ya.. Why?
Kira™: This pic reveals the Secret to Fa Lun Gong Highest Level..
Kira™: And it's called "Tian Xia Da Lun (天下大轮)!!"
Step: ......
Kira™: Muwahahahaha.. >_<~


I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

And so I reveilled at 0500hrs for the NB Real Run which juz ended on last Sun.. Was reali tiring to wake up so late.. And only slp for 4hrs that nite cuz before that was having a gd time with my little fiancée.. Hahaha..

Imagine what time I gonna reveilled if I going for AHM'06 the cuming Sun.. Oh ya the race starts at 0530hrs.. And u needa reach Padang an hour before commencement of the race.. LoLz.. So it means the latest time to wake up will be 0330hrs le..

Anyway back to the details of the NB race.. Reached there on time with my team but we started 10 mins later after the gun goes off.. Haha.. Tot by joining in late the crowd will disperse abit.. But in the end it's not.. The crowd like ants.. And most ppl are juz blking runners' way.. But still can overtake here and there if one is determine to do so..

CL and me keep penetrating the crowd.. And until the second water point which is ard the 6km mark.. CL and me stopped for a drink.. And that idiot drank liao den ran off.. Nehneh de.. Nvr waited for me.. Idiot!! And so I reached until the 7km mark and I walked awhile.. During this point is reali damn frustrating lah.. Cuz it's the start of the beach area.. Padawan beach.. When ppl played there of cuz is fun loh.. But try running on such surface will simply killed one.. Esp when one have ran up to 7km and it's juz so sickening to step into such terrain with ur feet stucked in the hot sand.. Haha I think I walked quite a distance.. LOLz.. Slacker!!! Cuz no one to run with me le loh.. Sianz.. Anyway I'm kinda satisfied with my overall timing also.. Hahaha.. ^^

It was juz so hilarious when CL and I are competing one another to prove something.. And it juz made things get more funnier and exciting.. And it was juz two stupid guys fighting over a gal.. And this gal is juz another joker which I simply juz love the way she is.. LoLz.. >_<~

And Jay is going to star a movie abt basketball.. Seem like veri nice.. Ever since Inital D has been made.. I was thinking maybe they can made this basketball movie into a more kua zhang type.. Juz like Slamdunk..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Like what Step said from the papers that GrudgeBringeRs Titans Commander, StrykerX aka Prasad aka our classmate Caecilia's bf.. Was unable to play for GBR Titans becuz his NS leaves are all used up alreadi.. Well.. Feel wasted ba.. I did rem that if representing SG in competition.. Most likely can be granted to leave SG to play for the Finals even if still serving NS.. Well too bad ba..

The Titans lose their Commander and can't proceed without him.. And so it marked the end of Titans' career for Asian WCG'06.. As a result Team ExsequoR aka xqR won the overall and becum the CS team representing SG.. I was wondering how cum xqR is so strong.. And when I see the lineup.. I finali understand why.. Juz imagine what Real Madrid is made up of den u will understand.. And I juz can't understand how cum there are foreign players in there.. Maybe they are PR.. Hmm.. Only two are pure Singaporeans..

And now one member of xqR need to withdraw from xqR cuz he is not local.. And this player seem so familiar to me.. Think he is from Team SK from Sweden.. Anyway Team SK is a very strong team.. Always ranking either first or second among the whole World.. Back to topic.. And so xqR is lack of one player.. So guess what.. Info was saying that xqR bought a player from Titans for USD 20m!! LOLz.. Will u believe it!! I certainly think it's crap loh.. Sounds more like English Premier League (EPL) to me loh.. Ok let me assume that the exchange rate is USD$1 to SGD$1.67 as at today.. USD 20m today will be around SGD 33.4m.. And who the hell will use SGD33.4m to buy a gamer? I think only noobs do that loh.. Even the World best player Heaton who is from Team SK dun worth that much either loh.. All in all I juz dun believe it lah.. They dun even have a million.. Let alone 33.4 times of that amount.. Guess this is the most hilarious thing I ever heard loh.. o_O" Well maybe there is someone with enormous purchasing power behind them.. Anyway it juz dun sound rational.. Logical.. Or any other words that can be used to describe.. Blah blah blah..

I was relieved that Chairman has cancelled the run on AHM'06.. Of cuz I'm delighted loh.. 10km hor.. Can kill almost all of u loh.. Anyway it was cancelled becuz registration is needed.. Now the regulations have becum stricter le.. Thankz to that.. Wahahahaha.. =D

And I juz hate every Mon nite.. Always need to wait for at least half an hour to get out of the carpark.. WTF loh!! Last sem not like that de loh.. Can't the management do something abt it at all? And the traffic marshallers seem to be the one causing the jam.. It was so sickening loh.. If not can't they juz kindly shifted some nite lectures to other days since there are so many days for them to choose.. Instead of crowding so many nite lectures on a single day.. Zzz..

Having Integra Type-R vehicles on road is veri normal.. But ever seen Integra-R cabs roaming on the street.. The first time I saw it was around a month ago.. And I only saw it three times until now.. It was reali rare until it reali makes me wondered whether that's a real cab? I will definitely flagged it next time I saw it.. The headlight and lightings was reali nice.. Luminous green accompanying with silver paint on its body.. It juz seem too much like a racing vehicle le.. So much that it juz resemble Tokyo Drift..

Who knws what type of "hazard" might be hiding inside of this cab? Well maybe the starting fee is more expensive than Mercz cabs $2.80.. Maybe peak hour rate of $3 instead of $2.. Or maybe the meter jumped faster than other normal meter.. LoLz.. Or maybe even more scary.. The vehicle is feed with nitrogen gas juz like "Need for Speed".. And zoomed.. Off u go..

Speaking abt the speed thing.. I juz rem what Mok Tian Soon said before abt the train using magnetic field to operate.. He said the train can go up to 400+km/hr.. o_O" Well.. If it's reali that fast den I guess having vehicle wun be of any used le.. Let's juz said calculate based on 400km/hr.. Taking example from Tampines to Clementi.. Total distance roughly around 40km.. To reach desination u need only 6 mins.. That's reali fast.. Den still need cars for what? All go take this super fast train will be enuff.. And our government can jolly well solved all the cars and traffic problems.. But of cuz my theory did not include the boarding and alighting time.. Anyway if it's reali that fast I doubt it has sufficient time to stop either..

Sometimes when u r sitting at void deck with ur frenz.. U will juz have this feeling that ah beng and ah lian are idling there doing nothing.. That's the mentality I have since sec sch days.. Den again.. Where can u find such ke ai and cute ah lian around like her? Keke.. =P And worst still.. Where on earth can u find such a nerd and stupid ah beng like me? Hahaha.. =D U know I juz enjoyed these little little moments we had.. Even though it's only 10 or 20mins.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Went to town yest to have lunch.. The World is small.. Happened to saw Sam and her bf.. No wonder I find the face so familiar.. After lunch we left.. Went to Liang Court to collect my taggy and race chip.. Saw Andy there too.. He told me he is leaving SPC soon.. Joining NTU.. Hmm.. NTU will be even stronger le.. As I was leaving I saw the name on the package is not mine.. So I went back to change it.. Heng I'm still inside.. If not reached home den realized is abit too late le..

Kinda tempting to go watch WCG de.. Since it's at Suntec Convention Hall.. So near also.. Actuali din realized WCG started alreadi also.. And it ended today I guess.. Alreadi long time din enter the World of gaming.. Seem like washing hands alreadi.. I wondered who will represent SG in CS again.. Will it be Cecilia and her team? Hmm.. Maybe ba..

Finished watching FMA finali.. At the end of the day.. It juz teaches us that to have something.. U need to sacrifice something of equivalent value.. However the fact is the World is nvr perfect.. Therefore the principle of equal trade will nvr exist as a fair trade afterall.. That is why how cum some ppl can be rich without reali sacrificing alot.. While on the other hand some ppl can forever be poor despite the amount of sacrifices they have made..

But I'm sure that without giving in sacrifices.. One will nvr be able to achieve wat they wan.. Although during the process of sacrifices one might feel the pain that he or she is going through.. But all these is juz inevitable.. And those pain will eventually be worthwhile some day.. Juz like wat WH said.. One will nvr know what results come from their actions.. But if he or she do nothing.. Den there will be no result at all.. Ya it's true..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, August 10, 2006

First of all.. I'm unlocking this blog again is becuz of inconvenience to some of my frenz.. So if some noobs gonna trying to be funny again.. Well.. Let's see what I will do next..

Happy National Day to all!! Did ya enjoy the fireworks? Well.. It will be gd if u live on the top level of ur place.. Den everything will be juz as live as possible.. Every time I watched NDP is only for the sake of the contingencies.. Simply loves the Color Parties.. Their drills are always so impressive.. And of cuz not neglecting the GOH contingencies.. They are cool too.. The cdos and divers.. Woo..

I juz simply enjoyed the outing yest.. And nothing beats more than a warming chef going around asking for ur orders.. Etc.. And of cuz the ppl ard me are impt too.. Atmosphere is veri soothing too.. At least better than any restaurant I have been before.. And with someone which keep on teasing and disturbing me.. Nearly drove me crazy.. Hahaha.. But it was fun on the other hand.. *Blush*

Even the chef made fun of me when I had my third chawanmushi.. And his gestures showing that I'm veri gd huh.. And when I asked for the 4th one.. He came over and massaged my shoulder.. Asking me whether I'm sure? LoLz.. >_<~ Was so paiseh.. But I reali love eggs alot.. Esp steamed egg mah.. And of cuz I dun like eggs for my exam papers!! The chef came out with a chawanmushi.. And told me he get me a big one.. LoLz.. I guess if I ordered somemore.. He will make a big bowl of chawanmushi for me le.. Keke..

Went jalan jalan around at PS.. Finali settling down at the arcade.. Was so crowded.. Time Crisis 4 is out le.. Think not bad leh.. But veri exp.. Two bucks per credit.. House of the Dead 4 also not bad.. Even I feel that kind of excitment when I saw them play.. And there is this couple that hit the jackpot for those soft toys machine.. They got the tiger from Winnie the Pooh.. Think called Tiiger ba? Haha.. Duno how to spell also.. Only know how to say..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I juz rub to much on the seat of the boat.. And now arse kena blister.. First time.. I will nvr expect I will kena that.. Hmm.. It was juz like so sudden that I realized how cum I have so much injuries and wounds.. Both arms and legs.. Now addition of arse..

Every Sun after training I will reali shag out.. I duno why.. I reached home I napped for a while.. And den woke up later.. Was having headache.. Haix.. And I getting heaty le.. So no more curry and chili for me.. And so tml no more Jalan Kayu le loh.. I juz dun feel so well.. Worst is later tonite kena fever.. Den ho seh le loh.. Tues also no need go eat buffet le loh..

Zzz time..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, August 04, 2006

And so I went back to camp yest cuz they realized my Nric no. for the ORD cert is wrong.. Haha.. Veri ironic loh.. They only realized it after two and a half yrs later.. And me also blur blur din realized until they called me up yest.. The differences btwn a number nine and number zero.. Haha.. And Daphne had a hard time looking for me.. Cuz I did change my hp no. after my service.. She called all my past frenz to see whether they have my no.. However I rem I did update at MIW leh.. Hmm.. o_O"

Hmm.. Training yest is kinda the.. Ok no comment.. Imagined doing leopard crawl and back crawl on concrete surface.. That's reali veri painful.. This is not a battle field full of ROUNDS flying here and there ard me loh.. Neither am I camouflaging to fight a war.. o_O" I only pity the kids nia.. I think they reali can't take it le.. It's not easy to crawl.. Esp leopard crawl.. The gals are struggling.. I juz can't watch it animore le.. If it's cat crawl den it will be much easier le..

I juz realized my HR haven reali start yet.. >_<~ Haix.. Was busy settling some other stuff.. Plus mood is not so gd either.. But after toking to GG and Han.. I feel much better le.. At least they gave me the advices which I will need.. Sometimes there are things that should be taken up by nature course.. Rush and rush wun get one anywhere de..

Went to Starbucks (SB) two days ago with my clique.. Hmm.. Strawberries and cream.. A new product from SB.. Erm.. I think dun worth buying.. Medium size alreadi cost seven bucks le.. Somemore I feel it's so-so only.. Nothing special.. Maybe it's juz like strawberries ice-cream.. That's what Step said.. I still prefer my beloved caramel fraps.. That's the best I find so far.. Reali like that sweet and loving taste loh.. =)

Two days ago I tot I saw Jan jogging along the stretch of pavement by the road.. Reali look like her.. But Han told me that I must be missing Jan too much lah.. LoLz.. Cuz Jan dun reali jog de.. Hmm.. It's Hungry Ghost Festival mah.. Hope I'm not seeing things.. Keke..

U know hor.. Some frenz are reali sickening de loh.. Cuz they will gang up together and scare u de.. They will say "Hey how cum ur back got someone following u.. U know him or her?" And den when u looked back.. U saw no one.. Haha.. That means got ghost loh..

Ever tried to distinguish btwn ghost and spirit? Are they the same? Theoretically they are the same.. But practically ppl said they are different.. Always heard spiritual power.. Ever heard of ghostual power? Lame rite? Hahaha..

And lastly.. How to tell whether it's a Jap ghost? The answer is "They normally have a video tape in their hands!!" Muwahahaha.. Let me laugh one more time.. Ok ok.. I know Ly and Step going to tell me.. "陈业凯.. 不好笑loh!!" Wahahahaha.. But I find it reali funny when Mok said it leh.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^