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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Yest was the final day for Yt and me.. Maybe it's the last day.. That's why I seem to be doing things with my best.. Actuali was hoping to leave asap.. And when the last day came.. It was kinda reluctant to go.. Duno why.. Maybe it's juz like u only have one last day to live.. And when tomolow cum.. U no longer live in this world.. Wanted to call KFC to treat them but everything seem to be so bad.. The line juz can't get through.. Waiting for the past half hour.. And it needs an hour for delivery.. So we decided to got other place to eat.. Waiting for cabs also hard.. =/

Sometimes there are things that have passed by ur life.. And once u dun cherish the chance ppl give u.. It's reali be gone forever.. And I juz experienced it yest.. How sad and disappointed it was.. And juz that day before yest.. It was such a gd opportunity for me.. Why I said so? Becuz of the following: 1) Alighting the same place as me.. [It's the veri first time I see that.. I should say it's rare] 2) She use her arm to touch me.. [I duno is accidentally or not.. But the road is so wide.. She definitely has alot of space to walk..] 3) She walked veri slowly.. [Hmm.. It's juz like u can feel it that the pace is veri ususual.. 6th sense ba..] 4) Consecutive glancing to the back.. [This is kinda obvious.. I'm not blind.. Cuz I also did it before in my life mah.. I believe everyone also did it ba.. Oops.. Haha..]

Haiz.. I was thinking still got one day left mah.. So I will ask for her contact no. for that veri last day.. And ya she did came the last day.. Saw her in the morning.. But when I can't get any sight of her during high tea.. I know sumting is not right.. Unable to confirm.. I waited upstairs for some time.. I went to check again.. And I'm veri sure she had left le.. Haix.. Guess she took half day leave.. So now I reali know what is 错失良机.. Opportunities reali dun cum by easily.. Once missed it in ur life.. And that is it.. It's juz another lesson learned for me.. Never take things for granted by thinking that there is still tomolow.. There is still time.. But in true fact.. The sand of time slows for no one..

Auntie Sally got Yt and mine hp no. cuz she thinking of asking Yt and me to her place for CNY.. Was kinda surprised also.. I mean we were only here for less than two months.. Or she reali hoping I will bring abalone over.. Hahaha.. And she told me yest that her hubby passed away one year ago.. And I feared that her eyes might juz turned red.. I understand the feelings of been alone for the rest of one's life.. Why can't there is happy ending for everyone in this world.. It's reali veri sad to know that unfortunate things do happen to ur surrounding frenz.. =/

And today is the final countdown to nxt year.. It's gonna be 2006 soon le.. And what had happened in this year will be drawn with a line and full stop.. Actuali 2005 seem to be a year which had alot of things happening.. At least to me.. Like controversies btwn ppl.. But I'm glad that things finali turned out well for some of us.. I juz hope 2006 will be a fresh and happening year for us.. There might be changes going on too.. I juz wanna tell Colin that even if there are changes.. We will always be frenz till the end..

After some reseach.. I found out that Sam's bf is from Hendon Camp.. Is it true that most gals will choose Cdos as their bfs? Hmm.. If I put myself into a gal's thinking.. Well.. Most likely I also preferred Cdos leh.. Hahaha.. =X Well well.. I also a diver mah.. Why dun wan choose me.. Wahahaha.. >_<~ Rem my section commander will shout "Oie.. Plt 3's divers.. All fall in now!!" Hahaha.. Guess only Ly.. Steph and Yt will get what I mean.. It's juz aka the same concept of zero fighters.. LoLz..

Every year there will be new year resolutions for everyone.. I duno what resolutions u ppl set for urself.. But I do rem that I set alot of resolutions for 2005.. And seem like out of so many.. I only managed to fulfil one.. But I'm glad at least one of them cum true.. So for 2006 I juz set that I juz wan to see everybody happy.. And that's all I ask.. Hmm.. Is this a wish or resolution? I think u ppl will say that this is a wish not resolution.. Cuz resolution is all out to do it and fufil it.. I think I will do it in a way so that I can accomodate everyone.. And I wan my $200 for this cuming IPPT's window.. LoLz.. Nehneh one.. By rite last window should get $200 one.. Kuku one.. Stupid SBJ.. Zzz.. I guess my $400 will be best to obtain when I turned into CAT Y in 2006.. Hehehe.. Old liao mah.. So standard must drop also.. Hmm.. 0950mins or 1000mins? If it's 0950mins hor.. Then I guess only 6secs diff from 0944mins wun make much diff either.. Doesn't help at all.. Cum on pls change it to 1000mins leh.. LoLz..

Lastly I wish everyone of u a veri Happy ENY.. ENY is English New Year hor.. LoLz.. Cuz Chinese New Year is CNY mah.. Enjoy urself ppl.. All the best in the cuming year 2006.. ^^

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Some things are juz so short and memorable.. Even though it's only juz for a nite.. I certainly enjoyed myself for been a Gamesmaster for the veri first time.. Still rem the first time is Tyng Tyng asked me one.. In the end I din accept her offer.. Instead I pulled Xiaohui and Gai into it.. Haha.. Funny when I recalled it.. This time round is Jenn asked me one.. Taking over the role of Tyng Tyng.. The fact that I joined it is becuz of I wan to try it out.. And it's the veri first time that it's in the nite of Sentosa.. Of cuz there will be some other underlying reasons.. Haha.. One of them of cuz is to see Sam loh.. =X

And ya.. Yest is RMIT's Orientation for freshies.. Went to sch ard 12+ to see whether can help out in my DB club.. Oh ya cuming to say abt my DB's ppl.. I juz feel abit shocked by the X'mas present Sebas gave to Angelic.. Actuali the story goes like this.. On 24th Dec.. Which is X'mas eve.. My DB's team had a celebration at Sentosa.. And they draw lots to exchange gifts.. I think it's drawing the names of the ppl.. Let's say if I draw a name called John.. I will take the gift from John.. And everyone will have a gift from the lots.. And what I heard from them is that Angelic received a vibrator from Sebas.. *Faint* I din know they so happening one loh.. Well.. I was thinking what if a guy draw tio Sebas's gift.. Wahahaha.. Alrite I can't imagine it at all.. >_<~ And they kept disturbing Angelic by asking how the product.. Is it satisfactory.. Etc.. LOLz.. I wanna laughed till fall off my seat..

So after staying with my club for some time.. I went for the briefing with Gavin abt the events later at nite.. Had hot snacks catered for us.. And the dinner too.. My station involved three games.. Which Jac.. Yt and me will be taking care of.. Tok to Xuefen.. Hmm.. Last time I find that she is someone that is kinda hard to tok with.. And I feel she is those serious type of gal.. Which means I can't tok rubbish to her.. But I am totally impressed by the way she speak.. Cuz I dun feel awkward at all.. Instead more relieve.. In fact she make the first move to tok to me..

The weather is veri bad.. So there might be a high chance of cancelling the events.. But in the end it still carried on.. Cuz the weather is much better le.. There is a dragonfly that hung on to my sleeve for quite some time.. Maybe the weather is so bad that it wan get some warmth.. I juz can't bear to shake it off.. But it flew away later on.. It's juz like what Yongzheng said.. It's making a pit stop at my sleeve.. After refilling the petrol and food.. It's time to take off.. It's juz like there are certain ppl that passed by ur life.. They stopped by ur side for a while.. And they left..

Everyone set off to their respective stations.. For Jac.. Yt and me would be camping at Merlion.. Finali the game had began.. It's reali true that the first group to cum is veri enthu.. But as later groups came.. All alreadi half dead le.. The last seen group is at ard 0300hrs.. The three of us were waiting for that last four groups to arrive.. But somehow none had arrived.. I was reali veri sleeply le.. I lie down on the floor with Jac and Yt beside me.. And I KO soon.. I slp and wake up many times.. But still no one came.. It was alreadi 6+ le.. Like what Yt said.. They have alreadi given up.. Ya.. I think I will also give up.. It's reali veri tiring to run ard the island to specific stations to play games.. Machiam like from Paldawan to Siloso.. It's reali shag..

Jac asked me to help her look after her station as she went to washroom.. I know the washroom is up the hill.. And it's take u to climb four escalators to reach it.. Jac came back telling me she was scared cuz the washroom no lights at all.. No lights is reali veri scary.. I agree.. Heng Yiyao's group was up there.. He stood outside the entrance of the washroom to keep Jac occupied.. Having someone toking to u is better than listening to a piece of silence.. And things juz get worst when she is holding a lightstick of not any other colour but green. @_@" I told Yt that later if I wan go pee.. Can he accompanied me? He told me juz pee in the vegetation ard us.. =_=" But it's not any other place leh.. It's a tourist attraction.. How can I pee anywhere..

Took a cab back home.. Settling things.. And it's 0900hrs le.. I jumped into bed and slp till ard 1500hrs.. Went down to have minipot.. Cuz lunch still not yet taken.. And I juz feel sleepy again le.. Tomolow auditors are cuming.. Gonna be prepared for lot of events happening le.. Countdown to two days before I'm free..

Lastly.. I would like to congrats Stephen for been qualified as a Class 3 driver..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, December 26, 2005

Exiting the wrong exit.. Then I realised it's wrong.. How I wish Ly is with me now.. Telok Blangah is going to Sentosa not Clementi.. Actuali I know that.. Juz fear that if I din exit now then later duno go where.. But I duno was lucky or what.. I juz anyhow bom then see Clementi signboard.. Went past NUS.. Then SP.. I knew that I was kinda near le..

And Orchard was having some roadblk from 1400hrs to 0100hrs.. Duno why also.. Maybe got some events going on.. In the end wanted to go PS.. But missed that crucial junction.. So go all the way towards Sheares' Bridge.. Was kinda fortunate that I still quite familiar with Bugis area.. Cuz I lived there for ard 18 yrs le.. Finali reach PS.. So qiao saw one of my poly frenz.. Was waiting for Bunbun and her supervisor.. Hmm.. It was quite late le.. But her supervisor still need to go work..

Going out on X'mas itself is reali warmth.. Esp when u see ppl that u reali wish to see.. And I mean no one else other than my better half clique.. It's always so nice to see ppl I cherish smile again.. Reali.. The smile is so priceless that no matter how much money u have.. U wun get to buy it at all.. And I know how impt it is for me to see that.. I'm reali veri happy.. At least this will be my happiest X'mas of my life.. And I'm glad that I reali see the process of giving and taking from my frenz..

But somehow I juz feel that the more I demand.. The more I feel I will lose everything.. Maybe sometimes juz be satisfied with what I have will be the best most sensible choice.. May it be gd or bad.. At the end of the day I juz hope everything can flow smoothly btwn our clique.. Lastly.. I would like to thank Auntie Margaret and Uncle for that wonderful feast.. We reali enjoyed it.. Merry X'mas!!

And ya tomolow is another long day for me.. Will probably camp at Siloso Beach for a nite.. But provided the turnout is gd ba.. If no ppl then all can pack up and go le.. Or if weather is damn bad then also cancelled ba.. Maybe a feast at the top of the newly built multi-storey carpark.. Kinda fresh idea.. I was reali wondering how to have a feast at the top of the carpark.. Reali so fast one year since Tsunami hit and grabbed lives of the innocent.. Hope the families wun be griefing so badly again..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Again the memories of some sad incidents flashed back to me again.. What happened in the past reali dun erase from one's mind so easy.. Especially those sad one.. Wadhid juz told me dun always look so sad all the times.. And he told me his story.. I think ard 10yrs ago.. On his Bday.. His fiancee bought a cake for him and returned him the engaged ring.. He told me that was the Bday's present for that Bday.. Reali veri sad.. I understand how he feels.. Now and then on his Bday.. This incident will be flashing back in his mind.. Why? Becuz if such things happened on some other unimportant days.. Maybe he wun take notice abt it.. But it's on his Bday.. Bday is so called everyone impt day of their life.. As for me I will also rem incidents on special occassions..

Meet Kelvin at town this morning.. Haha.. Well.. It's kinda surprised of me to go down town on x'mas eve.. Cuz normally I dun go out on x'mas eve or even the actuali x'mas.. Hmm.. I think it's better to say I got no one to celebrate with.. Everyone will be celebrating with their bfs or gfs.. So reali dun wan to bother them..

We went makan first after that then go shopped ard.. He wanted to buy a perfume that is strawberry in flavour.. And he knew it's at Lucky Plaza.. So we went to look for it.. When the search becum so tiring.. He decided to give up.. So as we went down.. I spotted two perfume shops.. And I told him.. It's reali glad.. Everything din cum in vain afterall.. When I saw his joy of getting the gift for his gf.. I was so happy for him..

I was alone after Kelvin left becuz he kena rashes.. So he went home to bathe.. As for me I was also looking for some stuffs.. I walked the whole of Orchard.. Looking at the shop directories of Taka.. Heeren.. Wisma.. Tangs.. Emerald.. Paragon.. Why I still can't it.. I was reali disappointed.. I asked many ppl abt it.. Everyone seem to have no idea of it.. Even ppl who chiong for branded stuffs also duno.. Is it so difficult to find afterall.. Or does it dun exist in SG at all.. I was wondering abt what to do..

Now I only have one last hope.. And that is called back and asked my bro to search online.. Even he said webby din said location either.. At the moment of leaving the crowded town sadly.. My bro called and said he found the location le.. Indeed it was rare.. I reali duno how many branches it have in SG.. From what my bro said.. Webby oni showed two branches.. Isn't it kinda little..

After getting the info.. I went to comb for the one last time.. Whether I found it or not.. I know I reali did my best le.. Alreadi searched from 12+ to 3+.. Walking from one end to another.. Walking non-stop for so many hrs.. I was sweating like hell.. Maybe Heaven juz pitied me by giving a big rainpour.. Drenched like a wet chicken..

And juz now at TM.. I meet tio Stephen's sis.. So I went over to say hi.. Walked ard TM.. Reali veri crowded.. Gift wrapping booths all veri long queue.. And was reali surprised that the interchange was so cold.. Not many ppl ard.. Normally during this time there will be alot of ppl.. Guess everyone alreadi set off early towards town le.. Walking home.. Munching my favourite roti from Q-Bread.. And I saw my beloved R1 on the street.. Reali veri nice.. How I wish I will be the one having a R1 one day.. And I know it reali dreaming.. Cuz I wun get to learn at all..

Lastly.. Merry X'mas to all of u.. Those frenz I know.. I hope u all will have ur wishes granted by Santa.. I hope mine will be granted too.. Even for juz one day I will be veri satisfied le.. Enjoyed everyone.. I juz hope tomolow will be a veri happy day for me..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

That si Bp showed Yt attitude as Yt din stayed for O/T on mon nite.. I mean does she reali need to do to that extent? Alreadi said O/T is voluntary one liao.. Whether we want to do or not is up to us to decide.. Not others.. And we are not obliged to do so..

Went for meeting yesterday in sch.. Discussion was quite a long time.. Everything will start on Tues.. Was kinda kan jiong.. Hehe.. Anyway will be going early to boost help to my DB club.. Then after that in the late noon.. Will be having dinner cater for us.. And then off we go.. Heading towards the romantic beach..

Yesterday was on long phone chat with Xz.. Chat till 0200hrs.. Was reali late as nxt day I still need to work mah.. In the end slp for ard 3.5 hrs.. Got to wake up at 0530hrs.. Though it like abit shag for me.. But it was kinda fruitful for me afterall..

Reali quite tired ever since after that heavy training on last Sun.. Jackson lead us run damn long distance.. Sprint here and there.. Then after sea training continued to run.. *Diaoz* My legs alreadi becum jelly liao.. Groin quite painful.. =/ Jackson told me that he might be hopping over to Cisco Team.. And will be bringing me over also.. LoLz.. Was kinda stunned though..

Countdown 4 more days and I will be free.. Yahz.. I'm reali quite eager to leave that place.. I guess Yt is thinking what I thinking too.. Even perm staff like Amos and Ahtan also leaving soon.. Well.. What can I comment.. Juz worried abt Wadhid battling those evil forces alone without Amos and Ahtan.. May the good live on and triumph..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, December 16, 2005

Juz watched the final episode of Wu Chu Cai Hong.. Was kinda surprised with the ending.. Hmm.. Think that drama ba.. Until the veri last moment u wun knw the finale of it.. What Jianyi said was reali veri hurtful.. Imagine a guy said "There is once a gal called Yoyo.. And she is no longer ard.. If u get to see her.. Pls tell her that dun wait for Jianyi anymore.." So sad.. And it not wrong to fulfil one's dream afterall.. Yoyo did what she wanted.. In the end she gonna forgo her luv for Jianyi.. Which is more impt.. Dream or luv? I guess it will depend on individuals again.. I juz feel that if the dream is veri hard to attain and u got this only one chance to fufil it.. Why not choose the dream.. I believe ur other part will understand it and be happy for u.. On the other hand.. Luv is also impt.. Cuz getting into a r/s is not easy.. So dun ever take luv for granted.. I always envy of those pple that can last their r/s for 3 yrs and above..

Finali 2 more weeks and I will be free.. Duno what to say also.. I'm happy and sad at the same time.. It's true that feelings will be left over there afterall.. Even though it's only for juz a 6-7 weeks.. I quite can't bear to leave those nice and funny ppl there.. Though sometimes they are sarcastic to me.. I knw it that they are juz trying to disturb me.. And I truly understand their intentions.. Especially AhTan.. I dun reali look up upon him at first.. But as time past.. I find that I like him alot.. His sense of humour is uncomparable to anyone I know so far..

Tomolow will be doing O/T again.. Sianz.. But looks like I dun have much choice either.. Think they reali need help.. And that stupid Kenneth told me juz now that he gonna hold the leave form and only return me when I turned up tomolow.. Haha.. Scared I put plane meh.. Actuali YT and I promised him that in return for the leave.. We will go back tomolow to help out..

Reali looking forward to the two things this month.. First: The cuming X'mas.. Duno got any special event or not.. If no then I see whether I can date my dream goldfish.. Heee.. Second: The cuming two days one nite GMs in two weeks time.. Alreadi submitted my name and another two frenz's names le.. Hopefully it will be fun.. *Winkz*

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

22 Ways To Make A Girl Smile..

1. Tell her she is beautiful or gorgeous . . . Not juz fine or sexy . . .

2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . Even if it's just for a second. . .

3. Kiss her on the forehead or neck . . .

4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to . . .

5. When she is upset . . . Hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you . . .

6. Recognize the small little things . . . They usually means the most to girls. . .

7. Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with . . .

8. Write her notes . . . She'll love them . . .

9. Introduce her to family and friends . . . As your gf . . .

10. Play with her hair . . .

11. Pick her up . . . Tickle her. . . And play-wrestle with her . . .

12. Sit in the park and just talk to her . . .

13. Tell her funny jokes . . . Tell her stupid jokes . . . Or just tell her jokes . . .

14. Let her fall asleep in your arms . . .

15. If she's mad at you . . . Kiss her . . .

16. Give her piggyback rides . . .

17. Bring her flowers . . .

18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone . . .

19. Look her in the eyes and smile . . .

20. Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants . . .

21. Kiss her in the rain . . .

22. If you are in love with her . . . Tell her . . .

Everything said above is as if it's can be easily done.. But when u reali do it.. It's another thing.. If things are so simple afterall then girls wun be mad at guys le.. And I know I made some ppl veri angry too sometimes.. What past is past.. At least things dun seem to be so bad now.. I will change for them.. Reali..

And today went to sch for re-enrolment.. Predicted that I will be late so sms Ly to chop seats for me and Sf.. Was it Heaven's will or coincidence that I met someone today.. Of all the times why did u have to appear in front of me.. Even if it's Heaven's will.. I believe I still have a choice to go after u and said hi.. Or juz walked the opposite direction so that u wun see me.. And I choose the latter instead of the former.. Was reali glad that someone managed to block the view so that u can't see me.. We are juz two meters away.. Imagine like that close u also can't see me..

Was I sad afterall? I guess I will say no.. Maybe things alreadi becum so hard-hearted that ur presence no longer matters to me anymore.. Right now what I wan to do is to build the best ever frenzship with my dearest clique.. Yes they are impt to me.. When I'm down or happy.. They will always be the one there for me to share my weals and woes.. What have u done anyway? Or why not say what have I done for u? I juz had enuff of u saying to me why I always tok to my clique and not to ur clique.. As I mentioned many of times.. There is always priority.. Why should I put someone as my first priority when that someone dun reali put me as his or her.. Or maybe I should say I juz feel u dun reali deserve to be my first priority at all.. Everyone have their own priorities.. This applies to everyone..

I alreadi made the first move to avoid yet u walked over towards my direction again.. I hid behind an advertisment board.. I was praying pls dun walked animore closer.. I was thinking of MVP Valentine's last episode.. Where Duan Chenfeng and Xiaoxi were separated by two persons carrying a huge board.. And they were juz beside each other only.. And in the end they got to see each other after that board was been put in place.. That board is Taizi's pic.. But I reali dun wish that happen to me.. I juz hope that board will separate us and prevent u to see me.. Forgive me for my ignorance and stupidity..

Was I reali that evil and bad afterall? Avoiding ppl when I can juz go up and say a word hello.. Sometimes I juz feel that what isn't needed shouldn't be pursuit at all.. Today I might have did an immoral thing.. I think I should say amoral instead.. Why made myself so unhappy if toking to u reali is so hard for me.. Maybe I should juz say sorry to u for now..

Went with my dear clique to Kbox today.. Din sang much either.. I only can listen to ppl sing.. Cuz I can't sing mah.. Hot chinese tea becum cold one.. I think I told tat person cold.. Yea and I did that.. Sorri Ly.. Cuz I tot he was asking me milo hot or cold.. So I said cold one.. Left at 1700hrs so as to reach home on time for dinner then training.. I dozed off leaning in train.. Tomolow working again.. So sianz.. Juz dun feel like seeing some acting ppl there.. I alreadi promise myself that if those f**kers cum and step my tail again.. I will reali flare this time.. That's it.. No more nice yK..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Upstairs got alot of things to do yet I was transfer to QI to help them do stuffs.. Was told to so called polish a kind of prism.. Must remove the yellow stain with sanding paper.. And then wrapped it back into the paper.. Christina and Suzanna were there explaining how I go abt doing it.. Christina asked me I wrapped before or not.. Cuz I seem like lost.. I said no.. And Suzanna added so gd ar.. Only received gifts no need wrapped gifts.. As if like real..

Ard late noon.. Christina was there to tok to some ppl that supplied a certain part in to the company.. She said that the part is not qualified and must be rejected.. That guy refused as he claimed that in the first place he alreadi told our company abt the relevant details of the products he is supplying.. The tone gets louder and tenser..

Early in the morning when upstairs.. Was issuing stuffs.. Counting and finding parts.. I duno what happened to me.. Juz whateva I do it's not correct.. Count also count wrongly.. Finding the parts for so long.. Yet when I asked my frenz to find it.. He find it in a split second.. Mind reali not concentrating becuz of some matters.. Wadhid then told me.. Must separate personal and work.. When working dun bring ones' own problems in.. And when knocking off dun bring work back to ur home.. Ya he is rite..

Yest went to Xiaor3ne's BBQ.. Was waiting at home for my inlaw to return.. Before that.. I tried to cut the rest of the chicks and wrote Stephen's greetings on it.. Then cut and make small plastic covers for each of the chicks.. I tot it will be veri fast to finish as like what YT said.. But it's took me from afternoon to evening then finished it.. So simple things as seen on surface dun reali mean that it's easy when doing it.. In fact reali time consuming.. As instructed by YT.. I will wrap the gift with abt 8-9 layers of papers.. As Christina mentioned earlier that I nvr wrapped gift before.. So now I reali got to wrap it up myself.. Although not reali that perfect and well done.. But glad that it dun look that bad afterall..

It's getting late.. I quickly went down to find LY and Sherr.. Last time I turned left earlier.. Now I turned left later.. I duno what's wrong with me.. In the end go round and round when the place is juz nearby.. Before we set off Xiaor3ne called me asking why we still no there yet.. She told me she lost her hp and was crying.. Cried to Cindy and Cindy tried to call the lost hp.. And an uncle picked up the phone.. Cindy quickly asked the uncle to return the phone.. The uncle asked what the features of the phone.. And Cindy told her that Luffy is on the phone.. Lucky Luffy saved the hp.. And so we set off towards East Coast.. I followed behind LY.. He slowed down to wait for me.. And it was kinda fast that we reached the destination.. LY parked his vehicle.. And I stopped along the road.. I asked him to park for me.. >_<~ Okok.. I admit I dun dare to park..

The moment we reached.. CY and YT reached too.. Sitting down.. CY wanted to try to cook her food but those ppl that are cooking seem like dun allowed her to do so.. And there came another 4 frenz of Xiaor3ne.. Abit beng and lian.. Ok named them as Beng A and B.. Lian A and B.. Lian A suddenly said loudly that.. I'm hungry cannot is it!! Kinda fierce tone.. I was guessing that the 3 persons cooking the food dun allow Lian A to cook either..

Stomper came.. Cindy kept saying he pregnant.. Haha.. Another name he had is Songbo.. @_@" Abit vague.. But is his chinese name reali Songbo meh? It's getting late.. So most of us gonna left.. As CY and YT still got to return to camp so Ly and Sherr left with them.. Sending them back to AMK.. My coupon is also up.. But I also heck care din put another new one.. If reali kena summon then too bad.. Juz hiong it loh..

Xiaor3ne was hesitating whether to leave or stay overnite with the three frenz who did all the cooking and the stuffs.. Cuz she got camp with YT also.. Cindy was rite.. Morally Xiaor3ne shouldn't leave as her frenz did so much for her.. At least must stay to show her appreciation.. But sometimes things are like that one.. U got to make a choice.. Whether it's moral or immoral.. If her frenz know that she gonna reached AMK at 0730hrs tomolow.. I guessed they wun forced her to stay either.. It's juz too rush for her..

So in the end she decided to leave.. And so Cindy.. Stomper and Xiaor3ne left together.. Since Stomper is more familiar with west side route.. So I passed the baton to him.. We reached a petrol station to top up fuel first.. Stomper din realised that the petrol tank is on the left.. So he needa do a turn back again.. And then our heroine Xiaor3ne said she wanna drive to turn it back to the correct pump station.. So Stomper stood at the Pump 8 waiting for her.. While I was beside her as she slowly drove it over.. The four of us nearly get killed by Xiaor3ne loh.. Oh ya plus that petrol attendant auntie.. She was shocked also.. Stomper's eyes opened damn big.. I nearly kena heart attack.. Cindy I guessed she alreadi shocked till nothing to say.. And guess what Xiaor3ne did? She nearly crashed into the pump station.. *Phew* If she did.. I guessed everyone will be BBQ..

Stomper proceeded with his journey towards Bk Merah.. And Cindy will be staying at his place.. So they left.. And so I took over it.. And headed towards Holland V.. Reaching Xiaor3ne's place.. And it's kinda late.. So I accompanied her back to her place.. Seeing her going up with the lift so left.. As I was abt to leave.. She called me saying that she din tell me how to get to sch yet.. I knew that.. But juz dun wan to trouble her again.. And she went down again.. So she guided me all the way to sch.. Setting off once again.. I travelled for quite some time and din realised that my headlights was not on.. Nearly kena caught by police.. Cuz I on the headlight not long then a patrol car with blue and red light flashing is behind me.. I was thinking dun tell me they are after me ar..

Though it's reali late le.. But I enjoyed the nite life that I dun have before.. It's reali the first time for me.. As in driving ard so late at nite.. After scouting the actual route.. I headed back towards Holland V to send Xiaor3ne back.. She told me no need walked her back le.. But I insisted again.. Better be safe than sorry.. That's what LY and me believe in.. And indeed something did happen.. That's this funeral wake beside us only.. And then suddenly everyone is running out of the place in fear.. I saw the maids running out.. Old couples running out.. Etc.. I was stunned.. I duno what happened.. That moment what I can think of is grabbing Xiaor3ne's hand and run and run.. We managed to detour ourselves safety from that place.. I came up with 3 assumptions.. First is there is a fight going on.. Second is got someone using a chopper to hack ppl.. Third is the corpse became alive.. The third one is abit vague.. But like what ppl said.. When a cat jumped over a corpse.. The corpse will turn alive..

I reali cannot tahan liao.. So I went to Xiaor3ne's place to release water.. Her mum was so nice.. Asking me whether I know how to get home alreadi.. Even if I duno I will still say yes I do.. Had a cup of water.. Xiaor3ne asked me whether I want some more.. Of cuz not.. Wait halfway bladder full again.. It's abt 2am le.. So I better get going.. On the way down.. I was kinda in fear too.. If reali got ppl use chopper hack ppl.. I still not so scare.. But if it's reali walking corpse.. Eeeek.. I think my leg will becum jelly loh.. I looked all directions.. In case got freaking undead following behind me.. Reaching the vehicle.. I quickly locked the door and drove off.. As I left I saw a police car going towards the funeral place.. So now I guess the problem should be something abt fight or quarrel ba.. Cuz there is no flashing of blue and red lights.. Reaching home finali.. It's a long journey.. Tiring but yet worthing in some sense..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^