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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Few days ago.. Wahid kena accident in warehouse.. The forklift he drove kena the partition wall.. The door nearly fell off the wall.. As what they described.. The door is like floating.. And can fall down anytime.. The door is damn big.. >_<~ Actuali I wanted to kapo and go down see one.. But Yt said got alot of big shots ard.. Well.. So I guessed I better keep a low profile..

Yesterday meeting.. Yt and me were told that we no need to attend it.. So shiok.. And Kenneth walked out of the meeting furiously after five mins of the meeting.. Details I also not sure.. Amos was describing what Kenneth did.. He said Kenneth bang the table and said to Joyce that he had enuff.. And added that Joyce tok like children.. And after that he left.. Kinda seedless rite? I mean if u dare to do such thing.. Why left the meeting in a hurry? My analysis is becuz he knew that he is saying something senseless.. I mean what do he mean when he said that Joyce tok like a child.. It's like outta no where loh.. Heard from them that Joyce was stunned when Kenneth said that to her.. Haha.. If it's me.. I guessed I will be stunned too.. Cuz I merely catch no balls.. Maybe guys do have that monthly period too.. Hahaha.. Well.. At least to that Kenneth ba.. =X

Yt was saying that he gonna put on weight if he continue the lifestyle during the period of work.. Ok.. Imagine.. 0540hrs had four pieces of bread and a cup of milo.. 0740hrs had wanton mee + milo bing.. 0900hrs had two egg prata + milo bing.. 1200hrs had lunch.. 1500hrs had teabreak.. LoLz.. Wow.. Haha.. Kinda power hor.. Daily food value package.. >_<~ Haha.. And that prata uncle is damn funny.. Whenever I came with Alex.. Amos.. Ahtan.. Wahid.. Yt and me.. That uncle will signal me.. So I signal back two.. He know I always two eggs one.. Amos they all always damn bad one loh.. Always when that uncle came.. Esp Amos and Ahtan will use Jalan Kayu to disturb the uncle.. Haha.. In the end.. The uncle will make fresh prata for us.. And now even charge us $1 for one egg prata.. That's cheap loh.. Usually is 120cents leh.. LoLz..

I absolutely detest ppl that backstab or attempt to backstab.. Everytime we go break long time and no ppl said us.. Recently issues abt teabreak too long have arises.. Everyone knew is that dame Lbp's doings.. She purposely go report us to Kenneth then today Kenneth came up to check on us.. Nb loh.. Whu the hell is she anyway? Dun ever step on my tail loh.. In front put up a nice cover to hide her true self.. Behind the curtains she stabs everyone of us.. And what reali pissed me off is during last Sat.. Was asked to cum back to do o/t.. She came at 1400hrs+.. And told Alex and me that if we can't finished it we can't go home.. Knn.. Whu the fark is she to give us any discrete orders? Nvr help to sort out the stuffs still wan to kaobei here and there.. To me.. Unless u reali help in the stuffs I'm doing now.. If not kindly STFU loh.. Cuz u have no absolute rights to order me.. Like what Wahid said.. At this level everyone is of equal status.. Even though we are temp.. That also dun make her more superior than us.. And for her to know if she din know the rules well.. Sat is o/t.. I have the rights of not cuming back to help at all.. Got it stabber!! Chuck aside the 1.5x rate of wages for o/t.. Not becuz of that I came back to help.. It's becuz I dun wish to see the rest struggling with the task.. Every extra person can lessen the burden of another person.. And who wish to return on Sat juz to do some boliao stuffs.. I dun wish also.. I juz wanted to slp to my heart content only..

Enuff of that idiot.. Now back to some interesting qns.. Ok.. Here goes the scenario.. A guy is going off for war.. He is damn zai one.. So war is nothing to him.. But mishaps is always unpredicable one mah.. So before he left.. He went to look for this gal he likes.. The gal kinda know that the guy likes her.. Both of them are not couples.. Juz frenz.. He tok to the gal in her house for some time.. As the gal sent him off to her house's door.. The guy grabbed the gal's hand and put on a ring on her finger.. The gal is stunned.. Didn't know how to react also.. So now the qns is.. How do gals react in this situation? I was thinking maybe the gal will slap him or what.. But thinking in another way.. It's kinda sweet and romantic rite.. For guys pls assume u are a gal now and think in the shoes of the gal.. For gals of cuz no need assume u are gal lah.. Hahaha.. Juz otot loh.. Hehehe.. =P

And it's reali kinda sad and disappointing that when u tried ur best to finish something before the deadline of some special occasions.. And u told someone abt it.. And what that person did is laughed.. Is it reali that funny afterall? Does that laugh makes u feel like u are an ignorant fool? U promise and u wan to keep ur promise valid.. But what u get in the end is this.. Why give up ur slp juz to complete it? Does it reali worth it afterall? Haix..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, November 21, 2005

Heard a conversation of a kid on the bus.. He was asking why this road can have car one meh? Then he added the red colour road.. Hmm.. As he alreadi said.. The red colour "road".. So isn't it a road afterall? LoLz..

Today had a meeting for the logistic department.. Juz like what Wahid said.. It gonna will be fun.. Haha.. Indeed leh.. Watching the battle btwn Joyce and Kenneth.. Damn shiok when Kenneth kena f***ed by Joyce loh.. Well.. Kenneth is someone who stepped on my tail the veri first day.. Imagine he walked over and said to Yt and me.. If u two get me into trouble I will personally kick u out.. Wtf is this? First day wanna to declare war alreadi.. Well.. It's not only me.. Imagine the first week Kenneth was employed to the company.. He alreadi quarrelled with almost everyone in the company.. So what do u ppl think? He is the one with problems rather than the rest.. Tio bo?

Amos was saying that waaa ur frenz was giggling throughout the whole meeting.. Haha.. He was saying me lah.. LoLz.. Aiya I reali can't help it mah.. Damn funny.. And today meeting I was damn bold to slp in front of Joyce.. Haha.. Anyway she is the head section.. The meeting is getting boring but heng the funny things which Kenneth did make me awake.. Wahahaha.. ^^

And during the daily 1430hrs meeting.. I also hide behind Alex and juz dozed off.. Oh man.. What is happening? I reali damn tired.. Maybe is becuz of yesterday hardcore training.. I reali wanna die loh.. 10 sets of 5 chinups.. Every one chinup that u can't do.. U will have to pump 20.. And when u cum down u needa pump another 50.. Nb loh.. That's kinda sadist to me.. In total 50 chinups and 500 pushups.. And plus some xtra 20 pushups here and there.. Zzz.. Anyway how I wish Kenneth will sack me off juz becuz I slp.. Heeee.. =P I reali have this wish man.. >_<~ I kinda looking forward to the nxt weekly meeting.. I wan to see how Joyce purposely screw Kenneth up again.. Haix.. Sianz sia.. Saturday gonna OT loh.. But it will only be one Saturday.. Hope Kenneth dun roti prata anyhow promised..

I kinda pissed off with my dvd player.. I recorded all the shows I wanted.. And I combine two episodes into one.. I did it yesterday.. And I'm sure that I din delete it accidentally or whatsoever.. Juz now when I wan to copy it over to dvd then three episodes gone.. How am I going to account to Bunbun? Sorri Bunbun.. =[

And when u are in this situation of fighting for this gal u like against ur deadly foes.. How would u go abt in doing it? Rem I asked my frenz abt it.. He is fighting for another gal.. And I asked him why and who do he fight for? He replied we will look for that answer together.. So chim for me to understand huh.. Anyway even if u are at a losing end.. Juz dun give up ba.. U nvr knw what the future holds..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Forever in memory of Eddie Gurrero (1967 - 2005)..

Well ppl are complaining that I MIA liao.. Haha.. Sound kinda true also.. It's a week since I updated any stuff le.. Was reali veri busy.. No time to write or work on my personal stuffs.. Everyday wake up early then reach home late.. Reached home only left one to two hrs to settle my daily stuffs.. Cuz got to sleep early for next day..

Learned some stuffs from Wadhip.. He is jux another lame joker.. Haha.. The questions he asked me are always veri lame one.. For instance.. If I am given a Harley.. How would I ride it? I think it must be some kind of trap for me to fall into.. So I said I will put both my hand on the Harley to ride it loh.. And rolled the throttle with both hands.. And he said ur Harley so special.. Got two throttles one? LoLz.. Ya hor.. And that's the mistake most ppl made.. Always like to roll both hands when imitating to ride a bike..

Another instance is.. There is an alley with one exit at each end.. Both exits got a vampire each.. One is old and another one is young.. So he asked me to choose which exit I will take to go.. Then justify the reason.. For me I choose the old vampire.. And I stated that cuz old vampire more experience.. So when he sucks my blood.. I wun die so painfully.. LoLz.. But it's correct mah.. Old means more experienced leh.. Well in the end what I choose is correct but the reason behind it is wrong.. When I know the answer.. I feel I like so stupid loh.. >_<~

And ya.. Eddie Gurrero had left this world le.. I was kinda shocked when I get to know abt this news.. Eddie Guerrero was laid to rest yesterday in Scottsdale, Ariz.. Eddie moved his family to Phoenix a few weeks ago so he could be closer to his mother and sister Linda.. The private ceremony was presided over by family friend "Superstar" Billy Graham.. Several current and former WWE Superstars were in attendance.. Chris Jericho.. John Layfield.. Dean Malenko.. Vince McMahon.. Chris Benoit.. Tom Prichard and Chavo Guerrero, Jr. all spoke in remembrance of Eddie.. The highly emotional ceremony celebrated the life of Eddie Guerrero.. Remembering exactly how loving.. Caring and humble he was.. Source from WWE..

My impression of Eddie is that he is a bad person last time.. But ever since some of the changes he has made to himself.. I changed my views towards him.. He is the second one after Owen Hart.. And I reali got no idea of why such thing happened to him.. Now the only thing I can wait is to see what the autopsy report says.. Rumours said he fought and got killed.. Some said he died of heart failure.. Whichever the reasons are.. I juz hope he will rest in peace.. The tribute for Eddie was so nice with the song.. With his mum.. Wife and child.. And all those memories in him he had before.. Now I know why tears well up in Ly's eyes.. Holding on to the tears that are so eager to get out from my eyes.. But it's hard..

When I heard that Eddie left.. I was saying to myself that life is reali so unpredictable.. It was juz like yesterday he won a championship title and today he juz left without saying anything.. We all know WWE is sort of a type of entertainment to us.. Especially for the guys.. There is always scripts of who will be the bad guys and also who are the good guys.. There is often rivalry btwn the superstars and all that..

But no matter how much hatred and rivalry one had with another person.. Juz let bygones be bygones.. Is it reali when that person he/she hated die one day.. Then he/she will reali forgive that person and cried for him/her.. Isn't that too late afterall? This applies to any one of us.. Yes I admit I do hated some ppl.. Till now I still duno whether to let the past be thrown out of my mind.. But memories is hard to erase.. Especially those hurting one.. Brain is not like a harddisk.. Brain dun work with a click on the delete button..

And sometimes one might juz wish that he/she can be get knocked down by a car and live in coma forever.. Juz like what we seen in drama.. And there will always be someone special to cum and visit him/her.. Though such feelings is nice.. And it can be juz as realistic as fairytale.. But how would the person that cared and loved the coma person feels? He/she can accompany the coma person for life.. But isn't that selfish? If the person I like reali thinks that life is meaningless.. And she juz wish that she can be in coma forever.. I duno what to do also.. Although I can be physically with her when she in coma.. But what abt mentally? I will reali miss her loh.. Her voice.. Her scent.. Her sweet smile.. Her adorable actions.. And those happy moments we had together before.. And I will wish I can join her.. And we meet in the coma world of ours.. But I reali dun wish to see this day happening to any of my frenz I know.. Especially those that I reali like and care of.. Today song dedicated to those I loved.. And especially to Eddie..

Though u have left us Eddie.. But we will always remember u.. Whether now or future.. U are great.. U roxs..

Forever in memory of Eddie Gurrero (1967 - 2005)..
-- SpenC™

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Today went to East Coast for the second BBQ of this year.. It's the official launching of SIMDragons.. Well it's did turn out well than I expected.. Andy called me to ask me whether I am going for the Korean Tigers Demo.. I wanted to see one.. But choices had to be made btwn the two alternatives.. Since I had MIA for so long from training due to exams.. I guess I better made the wiser choice to attend the BBQ.. Alighted from Bus 31.. I reached the Mac.. I called up to check up the pit.. It's Pit 42.. I looked ahead.. It's shows Pit 29.. @_@" Erm.. Although 29 is not far from 42.. But the walking distance is reali veri far loh.. Walked till I sianz.. I reali think of renting a bike and ride over.. But bo hua loh..

Jeremy is going away next Tues for Melbourne trip.. So he will be handling over his duties to me for the time being.. Most of them will be flying to Australia also.. I finali got the team singlet.. Hmm.. I should say I'm reali satisfied with the colour and design.. It's kinda nice to me.. Yahz.. ^^

Chairman and vice-chairman were asked to give a speech.. Jackson said confirm got sabotage one.. Yeah and I agree with him.. So we are behind hiding.. Haha.. We hide behind Jeffrey.. Since he is big enuff to cover us.. LoLz..

Played a few games.. Like squeezing everyone into a piece of newspaper.. And also the well known "Zhong Ji Mi Ma".. We were split into four teams.. Ming set the first number.. Ok my team is Team One.. So we called for number 50.. *Bingo* We tio the number.. Nehneh one.. Where got so zhun one.. *PS: Stephen dun say I hai them hor!!* Haha.. Cuz I always called for number 50.. Team two's turn to start.. They called for Number 8.. *Bingo* Kaoz.. So heng meh.. Ming must be cheating.. Well.. Maybe reali out of luck that both teams kena..

The forfeit reali erxin lah.. It's liquor duno plus simi softdrinks.. Zzz.. And additional mee goreng with duno what ingredients in it.. Yucks.. Haha.. Heng I excused liquor.. Yahz.. Angeline's team is the one which the rest of the team wan to torture one.. Well.. Everyone was aiming at Angeline instead of her team.. The reason is.. Haha.. Hard to explain also.. When her team loses.. Everyone was so enthusiastic.. All chiong to add ingredients.. LoLz.. Poor thing.. Her team suay loh..

Had a photo taking session.. My left and rite are the gals.. >_<~ Actuali is Gavin beside me one.. But the gals chup in btwn Gavin and me.. We were wearing the team singlet.. Flesh to flesh contact with gals is reali veri paiseh for me.. And also when playing that newspaper game.. It's also damn squeezy loh.. Then got one gal held onto me.. Her chest is touching me loh.. Not I touched her OK!!.. Then I pretended duno anything and looked up to the sky.. Reali veri paiseh loh.. Praying that it will end quickly.. And Jacqui also like drunk liao.. She leaned onto me.. *Diaoz* Jacqui normally is alreadi veri seducing liao.. When she is drunk she looks even more appealing to guys.. I guess many of the guys must be fantasizing liao.. Haha.. That's guys lah.. So nothing to be ashamed of.. Guess I today reali got tao hua luck ar.. LoLz..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Finali the last paper is over three days ago.. Hopefully can crap through it and get a pass.. *Prayz* That day is also our chalet day.. Rushing home to pack up our stuffs.. While some went down straight away to the chalet.. Went to take vehicle from my sis-in-law.. And then went down to Bedok find Ly and Sherry.. Taking the route from TP to Bedok.. I not sure when to turn left.. It was like is it this one or the next one.. So in the end I tried the first one.. Well and it's turn out to be the wrong one.. LoLz.. I was kinda lucky that the one I turned wrongly into have a roundabout to turn back.. Hehe.. So the answer is obviously the second left turn is then correct liao.. Reaching the bus stop where we had our OE group project for the first time at Ly place.. And Ly took over the driving baton from me.. Change of Command.. Haha.. So we headed towards Advin's place to find him and also bought the relevant softdrinks the gals wanted..

After we bought what is needed.. We headed towards the chalet.. And Ly did something so power at the expressway loh.. Haha.. He drove over the chevron.. *Camera flashing* LoLz.. Was veri hungry since we din took our lunchy yet.. And Stephen came over.. And asked one of us to help him carry the food later from the supplier.. So I went with him.. Alreadi saw the uncle liao but he drove to the carpark.. So we tot he will stop at the carpark.. But he din.. He drove off to Coastal Sand instead.. *Diaoz*

Chalet was so far so gd ba.. At least nothing bad has happened.. The gals were stacking the pyramid aka "Die Luo Han".. And Sherry is the last one on top of the rest.. That photo is nice.. Machiam like I'm on the world highest point.. And making human popiah and sandwich is nice.. Well everyone did that to Cindy.. LoLz.. Poor Cher.. Heee.. But I think she feel quite song also lah.. Rite Cher? Wahahaha.. =X We had BBQ there with food cater by Bunbun and Stephen.. I'm glad that we do have a world class chef to cook food for us.. Yeah and the chef is Jiawen.. We are reali fortunate.. Grilling the wings ain't that easy at all.. But she reali can grill it till so swee n sweet.. =D~ I miss it even though it's only a day since I ate the wings grill by her..

As usual there will be a r/s telling session by Jolene.. Everyone did their.. And I did mine too.. Well.. Should I say it's reali accurate or not at all.. Actuali juz listen and believe what one want to believe.. Even if the outcome is not that gd.. Dun be so groomy abt it.. Contrary if the outcome is veri gd.. Also dun be so happy abt it.. Afterall it's juz serve as a guideline to us.. Cuz today ur divination might be gd but tomolow its might not be so.. Every hour.. Every minute and every second.. The world is changing.. Or I should say ur fate or life is changing..

Playing the polar bear.. Haha.. Everytime is so lame.. Si Stephen will say "Must be yeKai.." Then he will clapped shouting "yeKai yeKai yeKai.." @_@" Nehneh one.. *Bleahz* Haha.. And Advin consectively becum the Elder.. Same goes for Bun.. She consectively is the polar bear.. Ppl like Ly and Stephen has been a big time cheater that's why everytime ppl will point their target at them claiming they are the polar bear..

Playing the Game of Life brought by Stephen.. It's kinda a nice game to play with.. Everyone played it.. First day I was playing with Advin.. Liyee.. Stephen and Yongtang.. While on the second day I was playing a full six players game with Advin.. Xiaobun.. Xiaocher.. Xiaorene and Xiaoyu.. Haha.. Throughout the game I was buwee by them.. *Sobx* Except Advin and Xiaorene din buwee me.. Si Stephen also buwee me when he took over Cindy's place.. >_<~ *Take yeKai's salary card and lifecards* Haix.. =(

Daven came on the second nite.. He joined us in the evening and went off back home later on.. And around in the early midnite he bought us Nasi Lemak and wings.. Thankz for that.. Chen Yu had Roti John.. While Cindy.. Xiaorene and me ate the Nasi Lemak.. Sitting outside to eat then suddenly downpour.. Haix..

And the sparkling sticks is veri nice.. Everyone took a few photos holding one of the sparkling sticks in our hand.. All the couples took their photos with it.. And Ly and Sherry's photo with the sparkling sticks is the nicest.. With the bubbles to romance the atmosphere.. Reali is aha moment.. Thankz to Advin and Xiaorene to be my temporary bf and gf.. Haix.. But I think I always spoilt photos one loh.. Think I can't take photos at all.. Reali veri unnatural and artificial.. Veri fake.. Duno how to smile nice.. Etc.. Sianz..

Today finali went for training again.. Went to Joo Chiat with Bun to collect some stuff and then went to meet Jiawen.. And we went down together for training.. Sir today like bad mood loh.. So fierce.. Wonder what happened.. Shouting here and there.. Had some physical training and sparring today.. And all senior belts wear body protector.. Adults and some senior belt kid kids were asked to line up two lines facing each other and then sparred with ur opponents.. In front of me is this under 16 poom belt holder.. Think she is called Zoe ba.. And then Sir go and change her with Bun.. *Sweating* I was like siao liao loh this time..

Even at wushu I also din reali sparred with my those senior frenz.. Cuz we are close.. My shifu also quite pissed with me when I like dun attack them.. And he will say "yeKai always din k them.." LoLz.. The only time I reali k ppl is that time I versus that damn dinosaur..

Back to topic.. So Jiawen vs Regina.. Bun vs me.. And so on.. Blah blah blah.. I duno what I should do loh.. *Stun* The fight began.. Haha.. I ran and ran.. And Bun chased and chased.. And I was trapped to a corner like a mouse.. >_<~ LoLx.. Sir called for kuman.. And everyone shifted one position to the rite.. I dun wan to take on Regina.. *Shivers* Obviously is courting death.. She is fierce loh.. Haha.. So I kesiao tok to her to buy some time so Sir will kuman again.. The next opponent I faced is a malay gal.. She win liao loh.. I do turning kick and she kick my below.. Sai loh.. Where got like that one lah.. Kinda lame loh.. Well juz serve that as a lesson to me.. And I kicked her till she fell to the ground.. Ok I admit I'm not gentleman.. But that's sparring not playing catching.. Like what Sir said learn so much pattern pattern.. Nvr reali apply and put into use.. It's as gd as useless.. It's true..

After the training we went out with Sir for supper.. At one point Jiawen was saying to Regina abt Zhentao.. Well I think what Bun said is correct.. A guy wun do things for a gal if he dun like her.. Esp when he did things that reali endanger his life.. Like kena bitten to death by the big huge white fang.. LoLz..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, November 07, 2005

Haix.. So it's kinda an affirmative on Ly's ICT.. So sianz loh.. How I wish can push the chalet to the date after he fin his ATEC loh.. The number of guys alreadi so few like ikan bilis liao.. Plus some might not be cuming at all.. =/ Haix.. Steph also like leaving on Wed morning or early afternoon.. And I think I probably be staying for the most Tues only.. Might be leaving in the late afternoon.. Cuz Thurs morning I might got training due to the oncuming event Regatta.. So need to go home rest and set off from home instead from chalet.. And if since I going home.. I might as leave abit earlier to go for my training on Wed nite..

My mood kinda suxs for now.. It's juz as if I am having monthly mood swing like the gals.. Haix.. And this weekend Tkd demo also can't go see liao.. Everyone is not free.. Except for SIM club side.. If I go alone it's as if I'm an idiot watching there.. No one to discuss abt the stuff and all that.. The President will be rushing down after her powerboat practical.. And juz got a news that there will be a BBQ at East Coast this Sat by our DB team.. Crashing schedule again.. Also there might be a chance for me to work over the nite that Sat itself.. It's reali like so many stuffs crashing onto me.. And after tomolow paper.. Guess most of us will be on MIA status again.. And I like kinda got a whole chunk of To-Do-List to settle.. Seem like blogging also wun have time liao.. Hopefully tomolow paper will be peaceful one.. I'm not greedy..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Asian Wakeboard Pro Tour is in its second year with Asia's top riders travelling from Osaka to Singapore and on to Phuket.. The objective is to see who can claim the rights as Top Asian Wakeboarder this year.. The PAYM Asian Xcursion Tournament will be the platform for probably the most intense competition in the island republic's Xtreme sports arena.. Events will be Wakeboard (Xpression Session & Asian Wakeboard Pro Tour).. Skateboard.. Agressive Inline Skating.. Breakdancing and Flatland BMX.. Participating countries will involve Japan.. Thailand.. Hong Kong.. Korea.. Brunei.. Philippines.. Indonesia.. Malaysia and Singapore.. Will be held tomolow 5th and 6th Nov from 0900hrs to 1800hrs at Marina Promenade.. Sianz loh.. Always exams not finished then all these events cum out.. And when exams finished then all the events also MIA..

And there will be a Korean Spectacular Demostration of Tkd on 12th Nov nxt Saturday from 1930hrs at Tpy Stadium.. Free entry.. Serve cum serve first basis.. Main door will be closed as soon as the the stadium is filled up.. Quite keen in watching it.. But duno Sir.. Bun and Jw wan to go or not leh..

Juz had a dream today.. Was dreaming abt bbq with Ly and Steph.. It's fun.. How I wished the alarm din rang so that I can continue to enjoy in subconcious world of mine.. Haix.. =/

Ocean finali came out liao.. Saw his pic.. Hmm.. Looks ok to me.. Well at least not like Mark Lee.. Refused to reveal his age.. Juz said that he is in his early 30s.. Guy also scared reveal age meh? Well.. Respect his decision ba.. And quite sure he got go cut down his size.. His previous photo in newspaper seem to be alot rounder loh..

How would u feel when ur loved ones is going off to overseas to study or work? Will u able to leave ur loved ones here? It's not juz 1 yr.. Instead it's 3 yrs.. It's reali a long time.. The pain and misery for 1 yr is enuff to kill let alone 3 long yrs.. The heart-wrenching moments we saw in drama is more than enuff to show us how sad and painful it is..

If I'm the one going to work overseas today.. Given the potential rise in salary.. Attractive bonuses and promotion.. I reali duno if I can put down everything I have in my hands and proceed with it.. The urge is juz there that I can't bear to leave my gf here alone or even my family and frenz.. It's 3 long yrs loh.. Even if my gf understands it.. My family and frenz understand too.. I guess I will still be unwilling to leave.. Everyone has to make impt decisions somewhere in their lifes.. Though it's the turning point of ones' life.. But I juz hope I wun get to meet with this situation one day..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Reali slacking these few days.. No time left liao.. Sianz.. I wan to mug but I juz tempt with that long number days left to the last and final paper.. Faster finish leh.. I wan to go chalet and play like hell.. Say ghost stories there with Steph.. Ly and Yt.. Cycle till the chain break.. Blade till I reali know how to blade.. Row with my kakis.. Performing the legendary triangle training with them.. Train with Sir they all.. Go supper with them at nite.. Camp at Jalan Kayu at 3am in the morning.. Write my scripts.. I wan to play fortune telling.. LoLz.. Play DW5 and Smackdown.. I wan the multiplayer smackdown.. And I wan to work..

I wonder whether there is reali a real life story as follows.. The gal asked the guy whether he got like her or not.. The guy denied and said no.. The gal is sad cuz she know that he do like her but why still wan to deny it.. One day the gal is sick.. And the guy went to buy medicine for her.. He wrote a memo and left it by her bed to inform her.. The gal woke up to find the guy missing.. She din see the memo the guy left behind.. She is worried abt the guy becuz she juz had a bad dream abt the guy meeting an accident.. The gal went out with her weak body in search for the guy.. The gal went past the pillar.. And the guy too.. Both din see each other..

The guy reached home and found the door is open.. He dashed in and looked for the gal.. But he can't find her.. And he rushed down to search for her.. They keep walking past each other without seeing each other.. It's juz like so cruel for heaven to make them go through all these.. They searched for hours.. And finali they walked past each other at a junction.. Both of them waited for the traffic.. The gal find the guy familiar.. While the guy find the gal familiar too.. So they turned around their head.. And saw each other.. The guy smiled at the gal.. So as the gal.. He ran towards her and hug her.. Saying "Dun leave me again".. The feeling is so sweet when u see someone looking for u.. And when he or she finali found u.. It's juz like finding something so precious back.. The looks in the eyes tell everything.. The relieve.. The happiness.. And the gladness..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Deepavali..

Ok the answers to the qns..

1) 乌漆妈黑
Wu Qi Ma hei

2) "妈,拿被!"
"Ma, na bei"

3) "豆" 因为豆杀包 (豆沙包)
Dou Sa Bao

4) 真像大白 (真相大白)
Zhen Xiang Da Bai

5) 萨旦因为萨旦胡先 (萨旦胡辛)
Saddam Hu Xian (Hussein)

6) 拍彩照
Taking colour photo


Was discussing abt some stuff with Ly in train yesterday.. Reali it's true that there are barriers in communication.. The way everyone interpret meanings is totally different.. Whether it's been sms or msn.. It's reali means alot.. The attitude.. The tone.. The gesture.. The reaction of one's face.. These are all the impt things which we can't see at all.. Thinking of ER that exam qns.. Haha.. Well.. All the solutions to barriers are reali common sense.. But these are the common sense which everyone tends to oversee it.. It's true.. The best way is maybe dun think so much abt it.. And stop asking troubles for ownself.. As in thinking of why ppl like "attitude" to u..

Juz wondering how would u ppl feel in the following situation..
Ur frenz login to msn.. His/her status is away cuz he/she went to watch Tv.. U and him/her chat when he/she is back to the com.. But he/she went to watch Tv again.. And his/her bro came back home from a holiday.. So his/her bro logout his/her account despite there is the flashing of conversation going on.. What I mean is the flashing of orange bar at the bottom when there is a new msg..

So the point is.. Is it rude of his/her bro to do that? Or is it juz fine? As in there's nothing big deal abt it.. Logout logout loh? And when u asked ur frenz why he/she like suddenly logout.. He/she said his/her bro want to use the com loh.. And u asked him/her why he/she din tell his/her bro off for doing that.. And he/she replied u "For what.. It's his/her bro com!!"

It's seem like there nothing u can do when he/she said that to u.. And so with that answer he/she give.. U seem to be unhappy and disappointed with it.. Cuz u feel like he/she seems like not putting in the least effort at all.. At least when he/she said that he/she did tell his/her bro off for doing that.. It will pacify u to some extend.. But he/she din..

And been so pissed off.. So u juz shoot him/her off with this "Is it ur parents give birth to u.. Then they can make u marry whichever guy/gal they wan?" Or if u wan to marry this guy/gal but they dun like him/her so will u listen to them and give him/her up.. The answer is obviously a "NO" rite.. What I wan to emphasize is "So what if the com is someone else?" Does that mean one dun have the basic human rights to decide on what is right to do and what is not? Does that mean the owner can abuse his/her rights?

Like what Ly said it's juz not right to close ppl conversation.. And Ly dun like it when ppl does that.. He said at least let the person know abt it first and let he/she sees the msg before closing it.. Cuz it might be something impt.. Is it juz that difficult to do juz a simple thing like this? I dun wan to be petty abt such matter.. But obviously I'm veri particular abt such matters.. Especially with that firm principles I insist on holding.. Some may think I unreasonable.. But I dun care.. Particularly when the word "frenz" come into my mind.. Is this how a frenz should treat me? At least Ly shared the same views as me.. I duno how the rest see it..

I know some ppl also got the way of "attitude msning".. And I asked Ly of how will he feel when he receive that type of languages.. Everyone will feel the same loh.. The feeling is not nice.. But like what Ly said.. Maybe that's their way of presenting their msg.. And they are so used to it le.. And I agree to it.. Habit is reali hard to change.. And it's not juz one day one nite to say change then change.. So in the end I also accept it and view things in a more optimistic way and accept the fact.. I dun wan to be sensitive to this type of things..


Alrite enuff of unhappy stuffs.. Time to ask some cheeky qns..
Scenario: There is this pair of twins sistas.. Ok I named them as May and June.. And also got a guy.. I named him as Dec.. So it will be easier to read.. Haha.. If not Cy complain that veri blur.. May is the elder sis and June is the younger..

Three of them are studying at the same sch same class.. And Dec like the younger sis June.. One day.. Dec wanted to give June a letter he wrote for her.. But he din give in the end.. He accidentally dropped the letter.. June picked it up and saw her name on it.. Dec quickly took the letter from her..

June went to ask May.. What is the meaning of seeing ur name on a letter? May replied say obviously is luv letter.. So the first qns is.. Is it true that letter with ur name on it means luv letter?

June said she glad that Dec din give it to her cuz Dec is not the type of guy she wan.. June's bf criteria are.. Must be taller than her.. Must have some special abilities and talent.. So the second qns is.. Do gals reali choose their bf based on talent and special abilities in some stuffs?

There is one incident where May was angry with Dec.. And she asked Dec to go away.. But Dec refused.. So May said if he dun go away.. She will shout and create a scene.. And May reali did that.. Dec went over and kissed her on the lips.. And May totally calmed down.. She din push him away.. So the third qns is.. Why May din push him away and then give him a tight slap?


And u ppl should knw abt that gal killed during the test driving of a Mazda sports car.. Juz feel that she reali suay.. The client drove it and crashed it.. Client din die yet she died.. Working for only 4mths.. With an age of 22 yrs old only.. Somemore she is the only child in her family.. And her parents will be alone from now on.. Reali sad..

And when my dad saw the news.. He said u young ppl always think that u all know alot of things.. Then always wanted to show off when we are reali ignorant with green horn on our heads.. But the fact that I kept quiet is becuz I reali know nothing abt sports cars.. Maybe the way of controlling sports cars is reali totally different from manual and auto cars.. For this tragedy.. I think is partly the gal's fault also.. Normally there wun be test drive for sports cars one.. Except for salon cars.. Juz dun understand why she proceed with it.. I know grabbing a deal is impt but what for.. So what if u reali earn alot of money? I know it's shiok to have alot of money.. But got money no life to spend also no use rite.. U can't bring it with u when u dead..

I think I should juz enjoy life for now.. Cuz life is so unpredictable.. Who knows what tragedy will happen tomolow.. 今天不知明日事..


Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^