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Friday, April 28, 2006

Five lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.

1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.

During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall,dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?

I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello."

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain

One night, at 11:30 p.m, an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance, and put her into a taxi cab. She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached..

It read: "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."

Mrs. Nat King Cole.

3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.

"How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked. "Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it. "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.

By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the icecream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies..

You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.

4 - Fourth Important Lesson - The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts.

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Today was kinda an exciting day for most ppl.. And the news from tv said so.. Cuz today is the Nomination Day for all the PAP and Opposition Parties like SDA.. SDP.. and WP.. When I saw the news.. I was like wow.. Are the civilians reali so on ar? Early in the morning alreadi went to their respective SMCs and GRCs to support.. I was thinking in SG the PAP definitely has the greatest number of fans than any other asian popstars.. Haha.. Ironic to say that there is no triple threats in any SMCs and GRCs.. Which I feel disappointed in.. Haha.. Maybe the opposition parties set an agreement that they will not pit against one another..

It has generally been assumed that for the first time since 1988.. PAP will not be returned to power on the Nomination Day itself.. And if the past three elections are a yardstick to many.. Should PAP be returning to power again today? Or will it? Anyway there could be a twist in the tale today.. Like what is reported.. This year General Election will be involving the greatest number of ppl of SG.. A simple majority of 43 out of 47 seats are needed to form the government today.. So vote wisely for those who are involved.. Anyway based on juz war cries alone is not enuff to win the battles..

Toking abt war cries.. I believe soon I will start seeing lorries with loud speakers roaming ard screaming.. LoLz.. This reminds me of CNY's atmosphere where the lion dance's crews will be travelling ard SG.. Gonna stuffed my ears with ear plugs.. If not how to study for OTD.. LoLz..

Anyway I seriously hope there wun be any Opposition Parties in my GRC.. So I no need vote and can study PM loh.. But the chance is veri low.. Almost zero.. Reason is becuz it's a GRC.. And almost all GRCs are hot spots area.. No one will give up GRCs so easily unless they are simply not interested in that particular areas..

When the tv screened the logo of which party vs which party.. And the lineup of that particular party.. I reali feel like LOL.. It's machiam like a football match.. See who will win the league.. Haha.. So interesting..

As expected that there will be some areas been walkover by the PAP.. Reasons are simple.. Either the PAP opponents are veri powerful or the opposition are not interested in it.. Areas with Mentor Goh and Lee guarding simply means no need to fight.. Juz like u are a Lvl 1 Hero fighting a Lvl 99 Boss.. LoLz.. There is simply no ways to win.. Unless use cheat codes loh.. Hahaha.. >_<~

This time round oni the East and North is involved in the General Election.. Seem like the Opposition Parties are interested in East more.. I wondered why.. Is it becuz East side is more impt? LoLz.. Maybe.. Or maybe they knw that AU FC elites are all in the East and Northeast? Muwahahaha.. Maybe hor AU FC can join in the election too.. Let's see.. Hmm.. One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Haha.. Juz nice to take part in Tampines GRC.. Keke.. Maybe wait for five years for the next election.. Wahahaha..

Have u ppl seen the pizza hut advertisement.. Starring Michelle Chia.. Haha.. Like kinda vague.. Still got part two.. To be continue.. LoLz..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Finali finali finali.. The most annoying paper of the century is gone.. I juz pray that we all will survive under this stupid paper.. Let the Punisher Ly do the job of "Burn Reilly, Kill Norton, Sack Mok!!" While I Fry Reilly, Grill Norton, Steam Mok and Pwned Investment!!" Hahaha.. Anyway I guess most of our ppl will feel relieved after this Inv paper.. Which I believe..

Che.. Jan and Wh came in late.. And ironically Wh sat besides me.. And guess what.. After the paper Step told me that Wh ask Jan whether I'm the one.. Haha.. I din know at all.. Cuz I dun dare to look over also.. Well.. So today.. The mystery is solved.. At least for this STM gal.. Wondering what is STM.. It's Short Term Memory!!

And Ly is grumbling over the bull and bear qns.. LoLz.. He din see properly.. Guess from now on he will hate these two animals.. And he is rite.. Why can't use other animals loh.. Why must the animals start with "B"? Making everyone careless.. I was careless too.. But I read the qns again.. And I realized hey it's a bull and not a bear.. Should I say the examiner is despicable? LoLz.. Well examiner has the rite to set all kinds of qns..

Actuali I was kinda fed up with Mok when I saw the first calculation problem.. Been the fact that his own notes is reali fark up to extreme compared to the RMIT one.. But so be it.. I dun fussy abt that.. But it's a fact that he din teach us abt the futures and spot prices at all.. And I know he will say I have given u tutorial.. It's ur responsibility to do it.. Ya he's rite that it's our responsibilities.. So does it means it's our responsibilities then he dun need to teach? Then he might as well dun teach loh.. Let's us do and study ourselves..

And Sf said someone during the exam asked Mok how to do this particular qns.. I think hor it's kinda vague to ask such qns in exam.. Do u think ur Mr Mok will tell ya? LoLz.. Of cuz not..

And heard from them that Gopi came in for the paper after 45mins.. Hmm.. I wondered how cum he can enter? Cuz I tot after the first 30mins no one can enter to take the paper le.. Well maybe he have special reasons.. And Sf was beside him I guess.. He said when he is doing section B.. Gopi has alreadi finished the paper and handed up le.. Waaa.. Took the paper 45mins later yet can fin so fast and earlier.. Machiam saint leh.. Sf looked at him stunned.. Haha..

I believe Amoral United is celebrating and cheering over Chelsea's defeat.. Haha.. If not the blue shirts will sorta or kinda win two titles le.. Well done red shirts!! Anyway Mourinho is juz a sore loser after losing to Liverpool.. Lose means lose!! Dun give reasons to cover or whatever vocab that can be used.. Yawnz.. Arrogant ppl wun stay top too long.. I reali wish and wanna pray hard for Man U victory against Chelsea in the next EPL match.. This match will determine whether Man U has the chance to overtake Chelsea and stay top.. And I hope the last three matches for Chelsea including Man U match.. Chelsea will lose all the way.. Haha.. *Pray*

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, April 21, 2006

Guess everyone now is so stressed and fed up rite? Haha.. So here are some lame jokes to relieve stress..


Boy : May I hold ur hand?
Gal : No thanks.. It isn't heavy..

Gal : Say u love me!! Say u love me!!
Boy : U love me..

Gal : If we become engaged will u give me a ring??
Boy : Sure.. What's ur phone number??

Gal : I think the poorest people are the happiest..
Boy : Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple..

Gal : Darling.. I want to dance like this forever..
Boy : Don't u ever want to improve?

Boy : I love u and I could die for u!!
Gal : How soon?

Boy : I would go to the end of the world for u!!
Gal : Yes.. But would u stay there?

Gal 1 : Have u ever had a hot passionate, burning kiss?
Gal 2 : I did once.. He'd forgotten to take the cigarette out of his mouth..

Man : U remind me of the sea..
Woman : Becuz I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
Man : NO, because u make me sick..

Wife : U tell a man something.. It goes in one ear and comes out of the other..
Husband : U tell a woman something.. It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth..

Mary : John says I'm pretty.. Andy says I'm ugly.. What do u think, Peter?
Peter : Hmm.. A bit of both.. I think u're pretty ugly..

Gf : "And are u sure u love me and no one else?"
Bf : "Dead Sure!! I juz checked the whole list again yesterday"..

Teacher : "Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon?"
Pupil : "The moon".
Teacher : "Why?"
Pupil : "The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it".

Teacher : "What do u call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?"
Pupil : "A teacher"..

Waiter : "Would you like your coffee black?"
Customer : "What other colors do you have?"

Teacher : "Sam!! U talk a lot!!"
Sam : "It's a family tradition"..
Teacher : "What do you mean?"
Sam : "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher"..
Teacher : "What about ur mother?"
Sam : "She's a woman"..

Tom : "How should I convey the news to my father that I've failed?"
David: "U just send a telegram: Result declared, past year's performance repeated"..

Teacher : "Now.. Children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him.. What virtue would I be showing?"
Student : "Brotherly love"..

Teacher : "Now.. Sam, tell me frankly do u say prayers before eating?"
Sam : "No sir.. I don't have to.. My mom is a good cook"..

Patient : "What are the chances of my recovering doctor?"
Doctor : "One hundred percent.. Medical records show that nine out of ten people die of the disease u have.. Urs is the tenth case I've treated.. The others all died"..

Teacher : " Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE?"
Student : "Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day and at the same time"..

Teacher : " George Washington not only chopped down his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it.. Now do u know why his father didn't punish him?"
Student: " Because George still had the axe in is hand"..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, April 20, 2006

First of all.. HAPPY BDAY SHERRY!!!

Countdown five days.. And the sickening Inv paper will commence.. Reali sickening loh Inv.. Erxin!!! And I dare say it's the most annoying module for this sem.. Comparing to the other major modules I think the other modules needa stand one side also.. Haha.. Thinking of how to pwn Inv.. But I guess kena pwn by it in the end..

Cabinet is disbanded today at 1700hrs.. The date for voting is announced on 6th May.. Sianz leh.. Can set further mah.. Haha.. >_<~

Hmm.. Was wondering whether a guy do something for a gal means that he is trying to woo her.. Was this reali the truth? But I think not necessary it might be the case.. Hmm.. Cuz even as juz normal guy frenz can do things for a gal too mah.. Not necessary must have some ulterior motives or so.. However in reality that is not always the case.. Which I guess most ppl agree too..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, April 17, 2006

Name.. Month..

Does your name begin with: A
U are not particularly romantic.. But u are interested in action.. U mean business.. With you.. What u see is what u get.. U have no patience for flirting and can't be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute, demure, and subtly enticing.. U are an up-front person.. U often dun get hints and u ever pass any.. Brains turn u on.. U must feel that ur partner is intellectually stimulating.. Otherwise u will find it difficult to sustain the relationship.. U require loving, cuddling, wining, and dining to know that u're being appreciated.. Ur mate's physical attractiveness is important for u.. U tend to be very practical and not very emotional.. Ur choices are very good and can only lead to trouble.. U very self satisfied and egoistic..

Does your name begin with: B
U give off vibes of lazy sensuality.. U enjoy being romanced, wined, and dined.. U are very happy to receive gifts as an expression of the affection of ur lover.. U want to be pampered and know how to pamper ur mate.. U are private in your expression of endearments and particular when it comes to love.. U will hold off until everything meets with ur approval.. U can control ur appetite and feelings.. U require new sensations and experiences.. U are willing to experiment..

Does your name begin with: C
U are a very social individual and it is important to u to have a relationship.. U require closeness and togetherness.. U want the object of your affection to be socially acceptable and good-looking.. U see ur lover as a friend and companion.. U are very sensual.. Needing someone to appreciate and almost worship u.. When this cannot be achieved.. U have the ability to hold out on affection until u receive this.. U are an expert at controlling your desires and doing without.

Does your name begin with: D
Once u get it into your head that u want someone.. U move full steam ahead in ur suit.. U do not give up your quest easily.. U are nurturing and caring.. If someone has a problem.. This turns u on.. Y are highly passionate, loyal, and intense in ur involvement's.. Sometimes possessive and jealous.. U are very sharp and talented often with sense of humour.. When people bother to look deep inside they cannot resist what they see.. U are stimulated by the eccentric and unusual.. Having a free and open attitude.. U get jealous of other people and lose your temper..

Does your name begin with: E
Ur greatest need is to talk.. If ur date is not a good listener.. U have trouble relating.. A person must be intellectually stimulating or u are not interested sexually.. U need a friend for a lover and a companion.. U hate disharmony and disruption but u do enjoy a good argument once in a while-it seems to stir things up.. U flirt a lot.. For the challenge is more important.. But once u give your heart away.. U are uncompromisingly loyal.. U will fall asleep with a good book.. Sometimes in fact u prefer a good book to a lover..

Does your name begin with: F
U are idealistic and romantic.. Putting ur lover on a pedestal.. U look for the very best mate u can find.. U are a flirt.. Yet once committed.. U are very loyal.. U are sensuous and privately passionate.. Publicly u can be showy, extravagant, and gallant.. U are a born romantic.. Dramatic love scenes are a favourite fantasy past time.. U can be a very generous lover..

Does your name begin with: G
U are fastidious.. Seeking perfection within urself and ur lover.. U respond to a lover who is ur intellectual equal or superior.. And one who can enhance ur status.. U are sensuous and know how to reach the peak of stimulation because u work at it meticulously.. U can be extremely active-never tiring out.. Ur duties and responsibilities take precedence over everything else.. U may have difficulty getting emotionally close to people..

Does your name begin with: H
U seek a mate who can enhance ur zest for life ,fun & everything u seek for.. U will be very generous to ur lover once u have attained a commitment.. U are very affectionate and very strong.. Ur gifts are actually an investment in ur partner.. Before the commitment.. Though u tend to be very careful with ur every move and equally cautious in ur involvement's often as u believe that u have to look out for urself.. U are a sensual and patient lover.. U will hold off till everything meets ur full approval.. U are a perfectionist.. Hard to satisfy and strong in ur beliefs.. Not influential.. U always stand ur ground.. People can always count on u to stand by them in a crisis.. U are a dreamer with a passion for life..

Does your name begin with: I
U have a great need to be loved and appreciated.. Even worshiped.. U enjoy luxury, sensuality, and pleasures of the flesh.. U like necking spend hours just touching feeling and exploring.. U look for lovers who know what they are doing.. U are not interested in an amateur.. Unless that amateur wants a tutor.. U are fussy and exacting about having ur desires satisfied.. U are willing to experiment and try new modes of expression.. U bore easily and thus require adventure and change.. Ur commitments dun last very long and u often tend to stray.. Loyalty is not one of ur strong points.. U are more sensual than sexual but u are sometimes downright lustful..

Does your name begin with: J
U are blessed with a great deal of physical energy.. When used for a good cause there is nothing to stop u except maybe that they aren't always used for the good.. U respond to the thrill of the chase and the challenge of the mating game.. U can carry on great romances in ur head.. At heart u are a roamer and need to set out on ur own every so often.. U will carry on long-distance relationships with ease.. U are idealistic and need to believe in love.. U have a need to be nurtured deep within..

Does your name begin with: K
U are secretive, self-contained, and shy.. U are very sexy, sensual, and passionate, but u do not let on to this.. Only in intimate privacy will this part of ur nature reveal itself.. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty.. U are an expert.. U know all the little tricks of the trade.. Can play any role or any game and take ur love life very seriously.. U dun fool around.. U have the patience to wait for the right person to come along.. U are very generous and giving.. Often selfless.. U are kind-natured and sweet.. Which is found to be attractive by many.. u are a good friend..

Does your name begin with: L
U can be very romantic attached to the glamour of love.. Having a partner is of paramount importance to u.. U are free in your expression of love and are willing to take chances.. Try new sexual experiences and partners.. Provided it's all in good taste.. Brains turn u on.. U must feel that ur partner is intellectually stimulating otherwise u will find it difficult to sustain the relationship.. U require loving, cuddling, wining, and dining to know that u're being appreciated..

Does your name begin with: M
U may appear innocent, unassuming and shy.. But we know that appearances can lie.. When it comes to sex.. U are no novice but something of a skilled technician.. U can easily go to extremes though running the gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole idea of love.. U can be highly critical of ur mate.. Seeking perfection in both of u.. It is not easy to find someone who can meet ur standards.. U have difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to lovers.. U are often selfish.. Thinking u are always right no matter what.. U never give in.. Winning is ur prime desire at any cost.. U often forget friends and family and u live for the moment..

Does your name begin with: N
U are emotional and intense.. When involved in a relationship.. U throw ur entire being into it.. Nothing stops U.. There are no holds barred.. U are all-consuming and crave someone who is equally passionate and intense.. U believe in total freedom.. U are willing to try anything and everything.. Ur supply of energy is inexhaustible.. U want to be pampered and know how to pamper ur mate.. U also enjoy mothering ur mate.. U often have the greatest love affairs all by urself in ur head.. U are very imaginative.

Does your name begin with: O
U are very interested in fun activities yet secretive and shy about ur desires.. U can re-channel much of ur energy into making money and/or seeking we.. U can easily have extended periods of celibacy.. U are a passionate, compassionate lover, requiring the same qualities from ur mate.. Love is serious business thus u demand intensity, diversity and is willing to try anything or anyone.. Sometimes ur passions turn to possessiveness which must be kept in check..

Does your name begin with: P
U are very conscious of social proprieties.. U wouldn't think of doing anything that might harm ur image or reputation.. Appearances count.. Therefore u require a good-looking partner.. U also require an intelligent partner.. Oddly enough u may view ur partner as ur enemy.. A good fight stimulates those vibes.. U are relatively free of hang-ups.. U are willing to experiment and try new ways of doing things.. U are very social and sensual.. U enjoy flirting and need a good deal of physical gratification..

Does your name begin with: Q
U require constant activity and stimulation.. U have tremendous physical energy.. It is not easy for a partner to keep up with u.. U are an enthusiastic lover and tend to be attracted to people because of their ethnic groups.. U need romance, hearts and flowers, and conversation to turn u on and keep u going..

Does your name begin with: R
U are a no-nonsense and action-oriented individual.. U need someone who can keep pace with u and who is ur intellectual equal-the smarter the better.. U are turned on more quickly by a great mind than by a great body.. However physical attractiveness is not very important to u.. U have to be proved to be worthy for a partner.. U have a need to prove urself the best.. U want feedback on ur performance.. U are open, stimulating and romantic..

Does your name begin with: S
For u.. It is pleasure before business.. U can be romantically idealistic to a fault and is capable of much sensuality.. But u never loose control of ur emotions.. Once u make the commitment u stick like glue.. U could get jealous and possessive.. U tend to be very selfish often regarding urself as the only human being on the planet.. U like being the centre of attention.. U are very caring sensitive, private and sometimes very passive.. Turned on by soft lights and romantic thoughts.. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty.. U are an expert.. U know all the little tricks of the trade.. Can play any role or any game and take ur love life very seriously.. U dun fool around.. U have the patience to wait for the right person to come along.. U are very generous and giving.. Often selfless.. U are kind nature and sweet which is found to be attractive by many.. U are a good friend..

Does your name begin with: T
U are very sensitive, private and sometimes very passive.. U like someone who takes the lead.. U get turned on by music, soft lights and romantic thoughts.. U fantasize and tend to fall in and out of love soon.. When in love u are romantic, idealistic, mushy and extreme.. U enjoy having ur senses and ur feelings stimulated, titillated and teased.. U are a great flirt.. U can make ur relationships fit ur dreams.. All in ur own head.. Once u put ur mind to something u manage to stand by it and see ur dreams through.. U aren't very good at expressing ur feelings.. U like things ur own way.. U do not like change.. U like to hold on to things.. This may not always be good because if given an opportunity things may develop into great things.. U work ur way to the top.. Attention must be given to what others say because even though u dun want to hear it their advice may turn out to save ur life..

Does your name begin with: U
U are enthusiastic and at your happiest when in love.. When not in love u're in love with love and always looking for someone to adore.. U see romance as challenge.. U are a roamer and needs adventure and excitement freedom.. U enjoy giving gifts and looking good.. U are willing to put others feelings above urs..

Does your name begin with: V
U are individualistic and u need freedom, space and excitement.. U wait till u know someone well before committing urself.. Knowing someone means psyching her/him out.. U feel a need to get into his/her head to see what makes him tick.. U are attracted to eccentric types.. U believe that age is no barrier.. U are good at responding to danger, fear and suspense..

Does your name begin with: W
U are very proud, determined and refuses to take no for an answer when it come to love.. Ur ego is at stake all the time.. U are romantic, idealistic, often in love with love itself.. Not seeing ur partner for who she or he really is.. U feel deeply about love and tends to throw all of urself into a relationship.. Nothing is too good for ur lover.. U like playing love games..

Does your name begin with: X
U need constant stimulation because u get bored quickly.. U can handle more than one relationship at a time with ease.. U can't shut off ur mind.. U can do two things at once.. U are very talented..

Does your name begin with: Y
U are sensual and very independent.. If u can't have it your way.. U will forget the whole thing.. U want to control ur relationships which doesn't work out too well.. U respond to physical stimulation.. However if u can make money u will give up the pleasures of the flesh for the moment.. U have a need to prove urself the best.. U want feedback on ur performance.. U are open, stimulating and romantic..

Does your name begin with: Z
U are very romantic but show feels that to love means to suffer.. U wind up serving ur mate and attracting people who have unusual trouble.. U see urself as a lover's saviour..



Turn ons:
Aquarius are friendly and fascinating people.. They have in-depth knowledge about various subjects and u can converse with them for hours without getting bored.. They are capable of giving a lot of love that can be amazing.. They have very broad outlook about life and u can relax in their presence.. They will always welcome ur ideas and actions about humanitarian causes.. To keep an Aquarians lover interested u must possess that mysterious and intriguing quality.. Once hooked they will always be very faithful to u..

Turn offs:
Do not expect or plan a normal, simple and predictable life with an Aquarius partner.. Aquarius people are totally unpredictable.. They can go to any direction without giving any advance notice.. They are basically very restless and get very easily bored.. Though they are very friendly but do not expect them to reveal their inner most feelings to u (They will never).. They can be very detached and impersonal that u may find very strange.. Do not be surprised by this unpredictable quality that may crop up often..


Turn ons:
Pisces are very sensitive and charming people.. If u are looking for someone who is understanding and can understand ur feelings then u have met the right person.. U should appreciate their feelings too and in the time when u need them they will help u.. Pisces have keenly developed sixth sense and have great intuitive powers.. Their hunches may usually be on the mark.. But they can exhaust their physical and mental energies.. They are born dreamers and u can build palaces with ur dream lover (Only in real life it may become a little difficult preposition)..

Turn offs:
Pisces are dreamers and u should not expect them to have worldly ambitions.. They are not materialistic in nature.. It is not that they like living below the poverty line but they have no earnest desire to accumulate wealth.. They are very sensitive and u have to be always careful about their feelings.. The fishes are capable of drowning u in their tears (Even men born under this sign).. Pisces people are very intuitive but do not depend on them to make decision on important matters..


Turn ons:
Aries are naturally active and vibrant people and they have affinity for such people too.. U will have to increase ur pace to be in step with them.. Remember they leave tortoises and snails way behind without even glancing at them once.. They like and appreciate frank and straightforward persons.. With them u can be ur true self that is no pretenses (But dun try ur luck being over frank - They are volatile).. If u are in love with Ram then u have to show ur enthusiasm in all their activities (U can always yawn later!!)..

Turn offs:
Do not tell an Aries that he or she may be wrong lest u may stir a storm in a teacup.. But instead do what u feel is right and of course do not take the credit for the work done well.. Aries people are very faithful and passionate lovers.. Do not give air to the smoldering fire within them by making them jealous.. No flirtations or fooling around with others in their presence unless of course u wish to write your death wish (U will be granted!!)..


Turn ons:
Stability and dependability characterize Taurus.. They like people who can blend and grow with them.. If u have a Taurus partner u should appreciate all things bright and beautiful.. They have an inherent artistic sense and are fond of color and music.. Judge the life with them from purely materialistic point of view.. Enjoy everything luxurious that money can provide.. Enjoy good food (Better if u can cook to please them) and good drinks with them..

Turn offs:
Taurus is very slow to anger (In fact u may spend the whole life with them and still no spark) but u should not push ur luck too much.. Being unreasonable or aggressive with them may get u into trouble.. Do not press him or her into a corner and if u do.. Be prepared for a violent rage.. Taurus is capable of violent outbursts though this is on very rare occasions.. If u have a roving eye forget it because Taurus have or can take the cake when it comes to being possessive.. They can be suffocating when being possessive about u..


Turn ons:
Gemini is a highly intellectual and versatile person.. If u have a Gemini partner u have to match your wits with his wits to keep the zing in the relation.. They want to be mentally stimulated so u have to be good in conversing.. Ur sense of humor will get u a permanent residence place in the heart of a Gemini.. Be more communicative with them and if u are good in this then u will never know how hours pass by with u holding each other`s hand..

Turn offs:
Gemini like to do many things at the same time so if unfortunately u are the types who is looking for stability u may get disappointed.. Do not hold back a Gemini or u may lose him as they are restless and need change in life constantly.. U should try to adopt urself with the ever-changing Gemini.. Orthodox or conservative old fashion ideas are no-no in their dictionary.. Change with the ever-changing Gemini and do not flow against the current..


Turn ons:
Try to adapt urself with the changing moods of the Cancer.. At one moment they may be laughing and enjoying and in another moment they may cry or sulk.. U may have to adjust with the moody and sensitive Cancer.. They are like the tides in the ocean always fluctuating.. Cancer people love food so if you know how to cook and can be poetic and romantic (Added Bonus) then u know the way to their heart..

Turn offs:
Cancerians are very sensitive people and can get easily hurt.. So do not play with their emotions and sentiments.. They are like tides that can take u with it.. They form emotional bonds with even inanimate things too so do not ask them to discard old caps or souvenirs these things hold special meaning to them.. U have to realize that the crabs have soft heart and are vulnerable.. Do not contradict their tested line of thought and action it would only lead to confusion..


Turn ons:
If u have Leo partner respect him and his majestic manners.. Accept the advice of Leo.. The lion.. As he is the king of the jungle.. It is the sign of a showman so if ur partner does everything in grand style enjoy it.. Do lavish Leo's frequently with compliments and see them purr like a cat.. They fall easily for flattery and want to be center of attraction of all eyes (Sometimes they can be quiet theatrical too)..

Turn offs:
Never ever hurt the ego of a Leo.. Pride, ego and vanity are some of the bags all Leo's always carry with them.. Do not touch these bags.. An authoritative Leo is even more difficult to handle in such circumstances.. Leo is a sunny sign so they do not like people who are gloomy or depressed.. Even if u are crying at heart keep a sunny smile on ur lips and then let lion take the charge and remove all worries from your life..


Turn ons:
Virgo's are very methodical and have great sense of duty but are blind to their own faults so if u have a Virgo partner emphasize more on their qualities (As it is they are not going to accept).. Take keen interest in what they are doing and u will realize that they will go out of their way to help u.. Do rely and appreciate their mental powers than physical powers.. They can turn even an unsuccessful venture into a success..

Turn offs:
Do not push a Virgo into limelight or on the center stage unless of course they do so on there own.. They are shy and reserved by nature and do not like to be cynosure of all eyes.. Virgo's have a secrets that virtuous as they are would not like to come out in open so even if u have the key to their secret skeleton closet hide it do not admit even that u know anything about it.. Virgo.. The virgins does not want to tarnish their public image..


Turn ons:
Libra needs peace and harmony in all their relationship so help them maintain that.. Venus the ruling planet gives them beauty and they have weakness for people who can compliment them about their beauty (U will not have to make an effort to do that anyway).. U can help Libra seek union and partnership in life.. If u have Libra partner u can be sure to share beautiful and pleasurable moments together..

Turn offs:
Libra is kind and gentle soul but very argumentative.. Hence do not start an argument or discussion unless of course u are free and do not know how to pass ur time.. They hate to lose and most probably in between of discussion they may change their side too (Remember scales can tilt) and still continue arguing from other side.. Do not push ur Libra partner into making decisions.. They will keep weighing pros and cons and may still not be able to come to any decision.. Have patience!!


Turn ons:
Scorpio's are full of passion and zest for life.. They have tremendous drive that can involve u too.. Tune in to their wavelength and u can enjoy the harmony and music in life with them.. Scorpio's are loyal and never forget a kind deed done by u.. If u want to enjoy life with ur Scorpio lover share their passion and intensity and u will be fascinated by how beautiful life can be with them..

Turn offs:
Scorpio's are very passionate and intense but they are also fiercely possessive and would like to possess ur mind, body and soul.. Do not let seeds of jealousy grow in them because then u may have to suffer agonies of jealousy and discontentment in life.. Scorpio's have explosive tempers be careful how u handle them.. They never let anyone know what is going on in their mind till they strike and u may be caught unawares.. Do not flirt around in the presence of ur Scorpio lover..


Turn ons:
Sagittarius is basically a happy go lucky kind.. U can enjoy with their zest and enthusiasm in life.. They can bubble with excitement that can be tangible at times.. And if u share same interests and hobbies then life can be great fun together.. They are frank and straightforward so if u want some truthful opinion about anything or anyone goes to them.. Be optimistic as they are and view life as glass half full..

Turn offs:
Sagittarius is fiercely independent and cannot tolerate restriction hence do not try to hold them back in life.. Let them enjoy their freedom because if u hold any special place in their heart they will always come back for u.. Do not feel irritated by the exaggeration in their speech.. They may go on and on talking about certain things that may not even interest u but it is their way of trying to communicate with u.. They are basically frank and outspoken (To the point of being rude) so do not feel offended by their talks..


Turn ons:
Capricorn are strong and dependable hence if u want to put ur money on anyone it is of course this zodiac sign no matter how many difficulties (That incidentally are many).. The goat has to undertake to achieve the goals.. They are practical and conservative in their outlook and they expect u to blend in their color. They set certain standards for themselves in their life and they will always try to maintain those standards.. For them social status and image is very important in life..

Turn offs:
Do not expect a Capricorn mate to open their heart and pour everything to u.. They are very secretive and reserved people.. They are very thorough in all their affairs and hate any kind of sloppiness.. Capricorn is very tightfisted and economical.. Do not expect lavish gifts from them and if they do give you any gift (That is very rare).. It will have some practical use (No romance please).. But that does not mean u will be deprived of anything on the contrary u will be well provided..


Today see TP on road six times.. That's reali alot.. From Bedok.. Buangkok.. Temasek Poly.. TPE.. Four times hiding on bridge.. One time on the road shoulder.. One time on normal carriageway.. Anyway if din speed till too much.. Wun get into trouble with them de..

And it's extremely upset when u feel that somebody is belittling u.. Whether intentionally or unintentionally.. Maybe like what the horo said.. Juz dun take it too hard.. Actuali shouldn't be influenced by such minor matter.. But we are humans.. Humans do feel and think.. =/

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, April 14, 2006

Countdown to a week and more.. And the first showdown will be cuming soon.. Sianz.. Inv reali quite disturbing.. Haiz.. I wondered how the rest is doing.. I hope they are doing fine.. Haha.. So that I can ask them qns mah.. Called Sf today.. Then he said he not yet started.. I said "U still dun start!!" The rest all started OTD alreadi liao.. LOLz.. Sf was damn shocked when he heard that.. Hahaha.. Of cuz I purposely bluff him said everyone finished revising their specialization liao loh.. Now starting OTD.. If not this fellow will take forever to start.. LoLz..

I was reali delighted when the owner of the auction finali get back to me.. Alreadi so many days le.. So I tot he sold it le.. I know the item is alreadi six years old from the day it is released.. So thinking of getting it in SG will definitely be a veri difficult task for me.. And I reali dun have any idea of where to look for it.. Maybe alreadi extinct le.. But again I believe Heaven will reali help those that are reali sincere and determined to get the stuff.. Keke.. Would like to thank Wh for offering her hand to help me look for the item too.. Xiexie.. ^^

Few days ago.. Wh was watching Final Destination 3.. So I told her veri erxin one leh.. She say is it? So I told her abt the sun-tanning and pellet gun part.. Haha.. She said oh no the sun-tanning part is here.. Haha.. Immediately she off it.. LoLz.. Btwn I din watched it yet.. I juz made up the story as from I heard from frenz.. Keke..

While Xh was grumbling over that they are the first grp for DPP presentation.. I'm grumbling over that we are the last grp for the presentation.. Haha.. Been first and last is always not gd one loh.. Sianz Sianz Sianz..

I wondering how u all study one.. Did u ppl set urself some motivation at nite? As in u will study veri hard from morning till noon then when it cums to nite.. U will be having some leisure.. Like gaming.. Listening to music.. Blogging.. Or even chatting online with some special ppl.. Haha.. I guess I choose the last choice then.. Keke.. Imagine every nite chatted with some special ppl till near 3am.. Hahaha.. That's shiok!!

Oh.. It's time for Big Intestine!! Haha.. Some of u that duno must wondering what's that rite.. Haha.. Anyway it's the korean drama Da Chang Jin.. Da Chang = Big intestine mah.. Hahaha.. Lame rite.. I did mention this in my earlier entry.. Juz to refresh for those that din read my earlier entry.. Actuali I reali made an honest mistake that time.. I wanted to type "大长今" one.. Then I go entered "大肠今".. LoLz.. Only then I realized why so weird huh.. Haaa.. Since then all my frenz will say "Hey time for big intestine!!" They will say in English so as to suan me.. Cuz in Mandarin "Da Chang" sounds the almost the same whether it is the correct or wrong vocab mah.. So use English will be more distinctive.. LoLz.. Alrite.. Time to go watch le.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Went to HMG yest to help Merlyn out on the entries as I promised earlier on.. As well as checking mine too.. Haha.. Actuali I oni made one mistake nia.. And I spent the whole day there looking through all the other entries by other ppl.. Before I left Jo saw me and said she was reali shocked when she knew abt how I key in the data.. I tell u all she use the word "Shocked" reali machiam damn shocked loh.. The expression and all that she shown.. Hahaha.. >_<~ She said data is totally correct but it's been input at the wrong place.. She said I'm the first one in history that did that.. LoLz.. And she said no one realized it and tot it's correct.. But why there is bug leh.. No one know why.. Hahaha.. Say until machiam I'm hacker lai de.. Keke..

I left HMG and went to the main Raffles Square.. Reali veri crowded.. No diff from town.. But at nite also crowded.. Guess why? Cuz the crowd are those ppl that suicide after they burned their fingers.. And they are called the "Ghostly figures" (Mok, 2006).. Hahaha.. What interest me is I saw a guy without wearing any top with a pair of cupid's wings went around giving roses.. There is also another gal doing the same.. Should be some kind of events ba.. I tot is Love Bites 3 aka Yuan Lai Jiu Shi Ni 3.. LoLz.. But host not Bryan and Kym.. Oh ya.. Must clarified that the gal is wearing a top.. If not some of u read le tot "There is also another gal doing the same" means wearing and doing the same as the guy.. LoLz..

Rem before Inv due that day.. I was toking to Wh on Inv.. She said she wanted to ask her poly tutor to help her.. But she tried called and in the end still failed to get her tutor.. No wonder loh.. Her tutor is called Chan Soon Huat while she dialled on Chan Lai Huat.. LOLz.. U see.. How can someone who teach us OE teach her how to do Inv.. Then she said Chan Lai Huat kept saying he duno.. But Wh said dun wan help said so lah.. Why pretend here and there.. Haha.. She was so pissed off then.. But when she called up her gd buddies Miss Tamp and Ris.. They were laughing the way off.. So bad hor!! But it was reali a honest mistake made by her.. Even though I'm saying that they laughed at her is bad.. But I reali can't help laughing my arse off.. So let me LMAO now!! Muwahahahaha..

Yest training I first time blew my temper off.. I will always help my Shifu if he asked me to.. And yest I and another Dan holder Ninjitsu person helped out on behalf of my Shifu.. While Shifu himself went to coach others.. We took over and told them to line up from shortest to tallest.. No one listen.. Say nicely to them.. Take things for granted.. I can be nice.. When come to training.. I'm regimental.. There are other ppl looking.. If ppl see this type of discipline we have.. How will they think..

That stupid Caiying tot he is saint is it? Kao pei kao bu here and there.. Btwn like what his arch enemy Marcus said before.. His name is like a gal name.. I agree.. Nowadays still have arch enemy.. Quite vague rite.. How I wish Marcus is here.. Then he will have a way to deal with that Caiying.. I blew off and shouted at him.. Atmosphere became a total silent.. Parents of some looked over.. Shifu must be shocked also.. Cuz I normally veri nice to them one.. Then again ppl will always take advantage of ppl who are gd to them.. And suay suay they tio me.. I have mood swing also.. Though I wun have pms but my temper in the veri first place is alreadi not gd at all.. Juz like volcano.. Erupt anytime anywhere.. Btwn my Shifu totally dislikes this Caiying.. And my Shifu everytime will find reasons to punish him.. Hahaha.. U ppl see loh.. What a nuisance this kid is.. Somemore alreadi so old le.. I think Secondary liao.. Pissing me off is asking me to slay them with my wrath.. Wait till I use my Sir's training at Shifu's class then that "目中无人" fellow will know what is "求生不得, 求死不能"..

Saw the dialogue on "Why our votes matter?".. I think some of those ppl toking to our SM Lee is abit the what leh.. Hmm.. Dun wan to comment much either.. Anyway one said that PAP is arrogant and big bully.. But SM Lee said that if PAP is arrogant and big bully.. Will he be toking to her now? Another said why dun SM Lee step down and retired.. SM Lee replied by asking him "Do he want him to step down?" That fellow dun dare to ans.. Haha.. Must be humji to ans loh.. Scared still ask somemore.. I truly agree with what our SM Lee said.. "Politics is not juz abt the government itself.. It's abt us.. It's abt everyone.." Cuz our future and lives are directly affected by the government governing.. So choosing the right government is definitely an impt decision for us..

Now I understand why there is a minimum age of 21 to vote.. Cuz even ppl that are older than 21 yrs old can be so foolish in thinking.. What can an under 21 do then? Probably something even worst.. Ok I shall said that there are some under 21 that are mature also.. LoLz.. If not knifes will be cuming after me soon.. Keke.. I rem one even said then why din the current government remove the opposition party totally.. Like what SM Lee said.. It's not possible.. Agree too.. Taking simple example.. Taking too much of one kind of food is not healthy.. Taking too little of another kind ain't too.. So it must be a balance of both..

Now for those that will be involved in the election is to wait for the declaration date given by our PM Lee.. The day where he announce the dispersion of the Cabinet with immediate effect.. Then only the voting will start.. I juz hope the voting date will hit exactly 13th May.. Haha.. Are u ppl thinking what I'm thinking? Keke.. Yea so that our DPP1 presentation and deadline will be pushed later.. Haha.. But what I fear is.. What if the date kena push earlier.. LoLz.. Then ho seh liao loh.. Been clever in the first place kena killed by own cleverness.. Keke.. >_<~ Let's us pray!!

Scenario 1: How will u ppl react when u called someone who is obviously a gal.. And the voice who picked up is a guy.. Haha.. Will ur first reaction be:
1) Erm.. U are?
2) Oh sorri.. I have dialled the wrong number..
3) Whu the hell are u? Quick get xxx to listen to the phone..
4) Hey what happened to ur voice.. Why becum so man? LOLz..

Whichever are the ans for u ppl.. My first reaction is that guy must be her bf.. But she said it's not.. Well.. I believe what she said ba.. Haha..

Scenario 2: The guy picked up the phone becuz the gal is driving.. So the qns is.. Will u ppl asked ur opposite gender frenz to pick up the phone on ur behalf when u are driving? Or is it only ur loved one can pick up for u on ur behalf only? To make things more complicated.. The call is from ur loved one.. Then what will u ppl do.. Juz let it ring or asked ur opposite gender frenz to pick up for u..

Scenario 3: What if u called and the moment the line is picked up.. U said yes dar what can I do for u? And then the voice that replied turned out to be a guy.. Keke.. Well.. Erm.. Haha.. Maybe total culture shocked for me ba.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, April 09, 2006

These few days reali busy with Inv project.. Reali hard to do.. Haix.. Reali struggled alot in this project.. Not able to blog also.. Reali shag with the stuff.. On Wed by rite should be going Geylang my grp to enjoy durians one.. But in the end had to forgo the trip due to the oncoming deadline for Inv.. Bunn must be disappointed.. But nvm cuz like what she said.. The guys will be treating the gals durians as a form of compensation.. And Bunn said that of cuz no problem treating the gals mah.. Cuz one can't eat much with the braces on.. While the other by nature dun eat alot.. Hahaha.. True indeed.. =P Then like that can save some money loh.. Keke.. >_<~

Rem on Thurs I went to Sf's place early cuz needa do the survey thingy.. Going to Tpy and J8.. But kena 闭门羹 aka Bi Men Geng.. Like what Sf said.. They dun seem to welcum us at all.. At least at J8.. The situation is better.. Went to the counter.. But no one is there.. Looking through the side.. Saw a staff at the left branch attending to a customer.. Then suddenly someone said hi to us.. Sf was looking ard wondering whu was that.. He tot is that staff which we saw at the left branch.. And he wanted to say hi back.. But it's not that staff..

While Sf was wondering whu said that "Hi" to us.. I started to tok to someone.. It's the person who said hi to us.. I started saying "Hello.. We are from SIM.. Blahx3.." And the person replied me.. However Sf looked at me with a shocking look on his face.. He was thinking whu the hell I'm toking to.. And how cum got voice toking to me when he can't see the person at all.. He tot he saw ghost.. LOLz.. Can hear voice but can't see person.. Hahaha.. Machiam as if I have yinyang eye.. ^^

If those ppl who know abt our class Caecilia.. And they have seen her bf before.. Will realize that her bf Prasad is on Singnet homepage with his teammates.. Advertising internet ADSL stuff.. But I doubt anyone will know abt it.. Cuz only those whu frag will know abt the background of her bf ba..

Today morning Yj msg me said she wan ten pieces of deep-fried Mok.. LoLz.. Finali someone ordered it from me.. Keke.. And today went to sch with Ly.. Drove till the west PIE and it started to rain.. Vision is definitely blur.. Can't see properly also.. The worst is when reaching sch can't even find a decent parking lot.. Damn it.. And when I saw so many idiots dun parked in the designated lot.. I feel like parking on the entrance of the exit.. So that all the cars can't exit.. Haha.. Damn.. And nearly collide with that stupid car.. Cuz that car parked without a proper lot.. And it makes other vehicle difficult to make a turn.. Wondering why so many vehicles today.. And realized it is UOL revision.. That should explain why.. Zzz..

Thankz Wm for asking whether we need the Inv papers.. And gotta thankz Eve too.. For lending me the papers to zap also.. Eve said before class ended must return.. LoLz.. I said of cuz lah.. Then kena whacked by her.. She added if nvr returned then I must bring down to her place personally.. Haha.. I said can I use registered mail instead? Keke..

Today went to meet Bunn and Jw.. Then proceeded down to Tpy stadium for grading.. Had Long John for lunch.. After which we went to 7/11 cuz I needa buy some carpark coupons.. The event started at 1400hrs.. I was outside with the rest of the details waiting.. And there is this Pri 6 boy from Yishun RC Zone 2.. He looked at my grading card and said.. Wow 1981.. And he started counting.. The funny thing is no matter how he count.. He still duno my age.. @_@" Is counting that so difficult meh? Anyway I juz told him my age so as to relieve his burden of counting.. Wahahaha.. And he said his bro is 19.. So he asked me then his bro is younger than me by how much.. @_@" Like that also duno how to subtract meh?

The fun thing is when I told him my age.. His first reaction is "Waaa then u married liao ar?" Keke.. So I told him ya I married le.. Then I added "See that gal is my wife.." Keke.. The boy then said "Where where.. Which one??" I said "There.. That one loh.." I dun denied that he is clever.. First guess he is correct le.. But then I still denied lah.. Keep him busy for the time being.. And he asked so u have kids liao? Haha.. What a hypothetical qns for me.. I juz asked him what he think leh.. Of cuz I ans him in the end.. For that I will have to prepare to take on the wrath by my fake wife le.. Hahaha.. So when u guys see me in bruises mean that I kena whack liao loh.. Keke.. >_<~

Sir today reali made me paiseh loh.. Ok lah I admit I dun reali know how to tie the belt.. So when I tied it.. Bunn said that not the way to tie it.. So she tied for me.. I itched hand.. I go untied it and becum square one again.. Cuz I wanna tried it myself.. Then Bunn said not correct lah.. Haha.. So she tied it for me the second time.. As she is trying to tie.. Sir saw and heard our conversation.. So he said "He wan u to tie for him lah.. Hurry hurry.. Tie for him.. He must be yearning for a long time liao" Hehehe.. Nehneh one leh Sir.. But I like that tease Sir give.. Cuz things like that dun happen often except once in a lifetime.. *Blush*

I'm veri happy today.. Hmm.. Why is that so? Maybe it's becuz I did something for someone special.. And no matter how she think and feel.. I know the way I treat her will nvr changed whether now or future.. Cuz some things for a guy juz wun changed.. And I jolly understand that fact well.. But at least I know I'm happy doing things for her..

This webby try go see.. Duno whether u ppl play it before.. But I tink it will be interesting..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

*I feel so xing fu*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Imagine u are in the middle of the sea enchanted with heavy rain pouring.. Strong wind blowing.. Big waves fluctuating and lightning striking.. That will be the most exciting journey outta sea for anyone of u.. The fear and fun is something unable to describe unless one go experienced it himself or herself.. Fear of been thrown out of the boat by the strong waves.. Fear of been struck by the lightning any point of time.. Coxson quickly took cover by squatting down.. It's kinda obvious that in the middle of the sea there is nothing for the lightning to strike.. LoLz.. Anyway if our dear coxson kena strike then all of us will kena too.. No horse run..

Ter lead us for a run from HQ.. This run is the most challenging run I ever have before.. The route is from HQ to Suntec.. Then from there run all the way up Shears' Bridge.. It's nice to view scenary from the top of Shears' Bridge.. But to have that.. One needa sacrifice to travel up the steep upward sloping route.. It's not easy to run up a slope.. Esp when u duno where exactly is the end of the slope.. I slowed down and waited for Jef.. But he signalled me to go ahead.. I was reali drained off when I finali reached the peak of the bridge..

Went to Ly's place yest to do Inv.. Took the bus and it jammed all the way.. Damn sianz loh.. If not I alreadi reach Bedok Central early and rendezvous with Sf and Step.. Anyway what exactly happened is becuz of the heavy rain.. And the road there becum flooded.. Some cars juz can't resist the flood.. So they broke down on the road.. And it's not juz one car.. It's a number of them.. Now that explained the jam..

Reaching Bedok.. Went to look for the two of them.. Craving for fried hokkien mee aka "Vomitted Noodles" (Bunn, 2006).. The queue is damn long.. So give up in the end.. While we were eating.. Someone went up to this fried kway teow stall and asked whether got fried bee hoon.. @_@" Wtf loh.. He is obviously trying to be funny.. Well lamers are everywhere..

Rem Yy was asking me who I buying food for.. I din ans him.. Haha.. He said must be buying for gal rite.. LoLz.. Then I said why canot buy for guy? He kinda refuse to believe.. So I told him that if I told him I'm not straight.. Will he believe or not.. He dun believe at first.. Then after walking for some time.. He asked me again.. U reali buying for guy ar? U reali reali not straight ar? Wahahaha.. Damn funny..

The feeling is so nice when u know someone care for ya.. Esp when u will be doing something unpredictable the next day.. For others it might not be dangerous.. But for me it's certainly is.. Hmm.. Let me see how many sms I got from her.. Heee.. And it so warmth when u insist to wait for someone yet she told ya to go rest early.. And she added that if she call me and my voice sounds sleepy.. She will scold me.. Keke.. The feeling is juz like my.. Hahaha.. I dun dare to dream of it also.. =P

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

=) Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The last PM lecture I rem Manfred saying something abt the Iomega watch his frenz asking him.. But his frenz told him that a gal of his is looking for a watch called OMG.. LoLz.. In the end it turned out to be Iomega watch.. Our PM lecturer then said this time his frenz reali OMG loh.. Cuz Iomega watches are ard 4k.. LoLz.. And Manfred said something abt the petrol.. The moment he mentioned Esso.. I interpreted as Asshole.. I was like huh? Wtf is he toking abt? Well that's our incredible PM lecturer Manfred loh.. Keke.. And he said.. He tot the PM Test Two will be abit hard for us.. But he said "To my surprise.. I found that history repeats itself.." Haha.. That's of cuz gd news for us mah.. Cuz Test One we did well.. So if he said history repeats itself.. That means we did well for Test Two also loh.. ^^

Finali went down for my training.. The first and last one before grading.. Reali can't make it due to Inv falling on the nite.. And it's always so zhun that it will clash with my trainings.. Inv is so hard that I reali can't forgo it for my training.. But I will make up during the holidays in May and June.. I juz hope next sem for International Finance it wun fall on the same old day again.. Of cuz all will only be made known provided I clear Inv loh..

Anyway the training on Thurs is reali HELL!! I think Sir purposely wanna whack me one.. The moment I greeted him.. He gives me that evil smile in his face.. I knew that's it liao.. This is a lesson to be learnt.. That's the price to pay..
At first the training is juz so-so.. However the training soon became intensified.. That feeling is terrible.. I duno how to describe.. What I can say is.. The feeling is like doing SOC.. Haha.. Now the guys will get what I meant.. To me I think the most xiong part is after all the different style of running.. Where Sir started to tell us to perform the different kicks from the start point to the end point.. And vice versa.. I think Amos.. Jw.. Regina and Wt also veri shag le.. Practically it's juz like no rest in btwn..

How would u ppl feel when u saw the one u care cried in front of u? How would u ppl feel when u know the one u care is in great pain and yet u can't do anything to curb her pain? Do u feel that u are totally useless? I duno how u ppl will feel.. But I certainly feel so helpless and useless..

There are three things I wan to do for her.. But in the end I still din.. I dun dare to put my hand on her back to pat her.. I dun dare to rub the injury for her.. And I dun dare to put my palm on her head and say to her "It's alrite now.." What I can do is sitting besides her.. Looking at her.. Praying that Heaven will help her on my behalf..

I juz luved the way my godmother said stuffs to me.. Keke.. Sometimes the stuffs she said juz made me keep smiling and totally brightened up my days..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Helpless Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^