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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ur attachment style is the way u manage anxiety abt closeness.. Everybody is capable of all three styles.. But each person has a dominant style..

Does attachment style vary with a particular romantic relationship?
It does.. With two pursuers.. It's great in the beginning.. But ultimately u're going to have to come up for air.. If u have two avoiders.. One will have to shift or u'll never have contact.. The goal is to get the pursuer to shut up.. And the avoider to show up..

More women are pursuers when it comes to verbal intimacy.. And more men are pursuers when it comes to sexual intimacy.. A pursuer in the living room can be an avoider in the bedroom..

How can u have a healthy relationship if u aren't securely attached?
If u're a pursuer.. When those magic moments of connection happen.. Breathe it in.. Practice the art of daily appreciation.. "Thank u" remind u that u got something.. That's what's missing with the pursuers.. They think they dun have anything..

If u're an avoider.. Recognize ur own need for connection.. Understand that u can communicate in nonverbal ways.. U can write a letter.. Send an email.. Leave a rose on ur partner's pillow.. Initiate touch.. Daily acts of initiation will reap great rewards..

The big mistake is to think that the avoider doesn't want closeness.. Or that the overbearing pursuer wants to push u away.. Fights usually happen when one person is asked to take on a style that doesn't work for them..

The good news is.. Some of ur attachment style is hard-wired.. But the rest of it is learned behaviour.. The older u get.. The more securely attached u become..

Answer True or False

1) I show love clearly and regularly to the people I care for..
2) I openly accept the love and care of others..
3) I ask for help freely and often..
4) I have at least three people I trust and confide in regularly..
5) I feel calm and secure on a daily basis..
6) I am known for my patience and tolerance..
7) People see me as available for intimacy..
8) I am open with my feelings..
9) My lifestyle shows that relationships are a priority..
10) I initiate and maintain contact with people in my life..
11) I generally take care of others better than I take care of myself..
12) I need a lot of contact time with my close relationships..
13) I get anxious when separated from the people I love..
14) I am the one who initiates most contact in relationships..
15) I sometimes come across as critical or pushy..
16) People see me as impatient..
17) I can be demanding in relationships..
18) I have had several relationship disappointments..
19) I can be pretty intense in relationships..
20) Much of my thinking involves close relationships..
21) I often lose myself in work or projects..
22) I tend to be quiet or uncomfortable in social situations..
23) I am generally a private person..
24) I tend to be quite self-sufficient..
25) I get uncomfortable with extended periods of closeness..
26) I think too much is made of relationships and closeness..
27) My partner has complained about my distancing behaviors..
28) People sometimes see me as over-involved in work..
29) At times I consciously avoid contact with others..
30) I can be withdrawn in relationships..

The more true answers u have in each category.. The more u display characteristics of the corresponding attachment style..

Questions 1-10: Secure
Individuals with this style can freely show and receive love.. Are sensual.. Sexual.. And have high self-esteem.. Can ask for help and offer it to others.. Get upset but get over it.. Do not hold grudges.. Forgive.. Are comfortable with closeness as well as distance.. Enjoy time alone and with others..

Questions 11-20: Pursuer
Individuals with this style expect a great deal of contact and closeness.. Usually want more time and attention than their partner does.. Are sensitive to rejection.. Get anxious when separated from their partner.. Want more information than their partner gives.. Focus more on what they dun have than what they do.. Are often perceived as needy.. Are better at giving love than receiving it.. Get upset easily.. Hold grudges.. Are hyper-vigilant abt their partner's behavior..

Questions 21-30: Avoider
Individuals with this style want and need a lot of time alone.. Are often less talkative than the partner.. Are sensitive to any form of control.. Are often quite self-sufficient.. Give little information.. Withdraw when upset.. Have difficulty expressing their feelings.. Are often very involved in their work..

Happy Bday to u..
Happy Bday to u..
Happy Bday to u.. u...
Happy.. Bday.. tooooo... u... u..
Happy Bday to Xh!! May all her wishes and dreams will cum true.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, February 23, 2007

Ever tot of u squeezing among the hot-headed crowds juz to poke the first joss sticks into the incense burner.. Is it reali worth to get urself stomped over by elephants' legs all over the place? Haha.. Well.. Ppl believe what they wan to believe.. It's juz a myth or should I said legend passed down ages ago.. Who knows maybe it's true afterall.. I juz wondered whether that successful first person from last CNY will do it again if during that period of last CNY he or she has yet been overwhelmed with luck..

It has been tradition that children stay up late at nite during CNY can prolong the longevity of their parents.. I juz wondered how many of u still do that in this era.. I did try to hold out until dawn breaks.. Haha.. Even though it's juz a myth.. But if it's for ur own parents.. Why not juz believe in it for the sake of ur own mummy and daddy..

Sometimes I juz feel that CNY is to relieve the crisis after Vday.. Hahaha.. Get what I mean? Cuz during Vday.. U will probably had outflows greater than inflows.. Which will made u temporary illiquid.. But still not yet near to bankruptcy lah.. And when CNY cums.. The red packets u get will at least help to ease off some of ur burden.. Hopefully it will ba..

McDonald has cum up with hot new Bagel with Omelette.. Its bread is boiled before it's baked.. So as to give a distinctive texture and shiny crust.. So what is in the Bagel? It's sandwiched btwn a lightly toastd bagel are a fluffy folded egg omelette with silvered onions, juicy tomato slice, turkey ham and cheese.. It definitely looks appealing enuff to attract breakfast freakz (Cuz the pic looks damn yummilicious).. Hahaha.. Besides that.. Coffee will be served all day long at McDonald islandwide.. Of cuz it's not those normal coffee that cums along when u ordered a breakfast meal.. It's McCafe Cappuccino.. Latte.. Long Black and Espresso.. Maybe it's much more economical than Coffeebean or Starbucks? No idea..

The game of mahjong nearly killed me today.. Haven even won one round out of duno how many rounds.. Maybe twenty rounds.. Only until the west I started to win one round.. And it's five folds.. But Step bao all cuz he threw the tile.. It's juz out of nowhere I suddenly started to win.. In the end from losing streaks became winning streaks.. It's juz so unbelievable.. After Ly and Sf left.. Step.. Yt and me played a three persons style.. It's veri easy to win as well as lose.. And folds of three or four is machiam a norm.. Well.. Lost all the way loh.. But overall still won a meal for dinner.. Tot of having a Kakashi's Thirteen Odds.. Haha.. But not even some decent tiles to make that.. Unlike previously.. Always got alot of chances with those tiles.. Haix..

During dinner.. We had a tok on Christianity.. Since Step is there to clear any possible doubts.. Was told by my frenz yest that the partner of one must be a Christian if they wan to be together.. But I rem Step said it's not necessary.. So I asked him again.. He said it's all abt choice.. Yt was asking also.. Yt kena teased that he got someone in mind who is a Christian.. Haha.. Must be lah.. U can't escape the eyes of us!!! LoLz.. When Step said one can convert.. But does he or she convert for the sake of their luv or for the sake of believing in God.. That's reali a gd qns..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, February 16, 2007

Hanazakarino Kimitachihe is a nice drama.. Funny always.. And I wondered how long can Ella reali camouflage herself as a guy in the drama.. The big white dog seems to have sad eyes leh.. Anyway I like that dog.. Though it's big in size.. It's veri friendly.. Hana Kimi is a must to watch wor.. Haha.. ^^


Budget 2007

What the government is handing out..
GST offset package: $4 billion over 5yrs..
Employer's CPF contribution rate: Raised to 14.5 percent starting July..
Workfare Income Supplement: For older low-wage workers to cost $400 million a yr..
Heathcare Spending: Raised to $3 billion a yr in 2012..
Lifelong Learning: Spending tripled to $500 millions annually..
R&D Trust Fund: $500 million injected..
Corporate Taxes: To be cut from 20 percent to 18 percent.. Saving businesses $800 million..

How the government will get it back..
GST Rise: From 5 percent to 7 percent starting July.. Raising $1.5 billion in tax revenue annually..
Nll: Planning to include capital gains in Net Investment Income.. So that more funds can be used for spending on social schemes and investments to sharpen competitive edge..

Do u ppl see anything that benefit u? Haha.. Maybe the employer's CPF contribution rate up by 1.5 percentage points is that u can see.. Juz nice when graduating everything commences.. Well.. That implies the extra 2 percentage points GST will also be building onto ur expenditure at the same time.. Too bad that CPF can't be used to negate that effect.. Anyway the gd thing is that there will be a 8 percent reduction in road tax.. It's better than nothing.. Hippy hurray!!


The most competitive and provocative teams of the Amazing Race return to duke it out on the All-Stars edition on Mon.. The villianous couple Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich from Season 7 will be one of the competing 11 teams.. Haha.. Wanna learn how to achieve a big barrel of bad karma.. Watch them well..


Ever feel ur heart thumping upside down cuz u will be meeting ur bf or gf's parents for CNY? Does ur mind keep running wild? Worrying will they like u or not? Haha.. Well.. What will be.. Will be afterall mah.. Anyway so how's everyone preparation? Before the mahjong game which will be cuming up next week.. Rem to collect as much angbaos as possible.. So as to showhand during next week showdown.. Haha..

Kakashi will be off for CNY.. So cya again after the holidays.. Happy CNY to all!!

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Set off earlier to sch.. Notice my right side mirror had a medium sized cockroach.. Nehneh de.. I was hoping that it will fall off after I reached PIE.. Well.. I did not see it when I reached sch.. So I tot it flew off during the journey.. And it jammed all the way from Paya Lebar down.. I was wondering what happened.. When I saw the electronic display.. It said that lane one and two have accident.. I was thinking how cum so powerful.. Can take up two lanes.. And it will be extremely hard to filter from lane one to three.. Zzz.. Anyway when I passed the scene.. The cars were alreadi moved to the shoulder by the EMAS Recovery.. I started counting the number of vehicles involved.. And as I moved further.. The more vehicles I counted.. And it's a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang case loh.. 7 vehicles involved.. No wonder jammed so long loh.. Back to the cockroach.. When I went down to carpark.. A cockroach died on the floor.. So I think it struggled itself until sch.. So determined leh.. o_O"

After the last SM lecture.. Had a short meeting for MC.. After which some of us went for lunch.. Ly.. Sherry.. Sf and me set off for our destination.. Step wun be joining us cuz he will be meeting her gal earlier due to that RT he die die needed to fulfil in the everning.. Anyway since it's the last of phase two.. He is free finali.. Congrats.. While Rene will be having sky dining.. Woo.. That's nice.. But the price can kill..

Anyway Ly.. Sherry.. Sf and me went TM to had our lunch.. Tried out a particular dessert.. Except it's in HK style.. I think the original SG style is much better.. After that went to help Sf with his choco.. Haha.. Dun ever think choosing choco is easy.. Cuz it juz gives u headache.. Fortunately he had help from Ly and Sherry.. Den we went to NTUC to hunt the chicken thighs meant for chicken chops.. Having ur own candlelight dinner is always the best.. And it will had that romantic feeling in the air..

So how's everyone Vday celebration? Hopefully it will be a sweet one.. Thankz Cindy for that sweet choc biscuits she shared with us on Vday.. Thankz Sweety for being so sweet as usual.. Full of surprises.. Muackz.. ^^

Saw the cable preview for CNY.. Saw this on horoscope thing.. It said ppl that are unsuitable yet having mutual attraction are the following horoscope.. Ranking first is Tarus guy vs Gemini gal.. Second is Virgo guy vs Sagi gal.. Third is Cancer guy vs Libra gal..

Have u guys seen the DHL clip I forward to ya? Haha.. Seeing it the first time I tot that gal is asking for that DHL delivery man to be deliver to her.. Cuz she kissed him mah.. Den after watching the back.. I was thinking why that DHL fellow kissed that guy whom is signing on the electronic device to acknowledge the parcel.. I think again and suddenly aha moment.. LoLz.. Actuali in the first place that gal wan the delivery guy to deliver the kiss to another guy.. Aiyo no wonder so gay lah.. LoLz..

And when I heard SF screwed up his Vday.. I nearly fainted.. He hor.. Duno how to say also lah.. Haha.. Juz know some details of how he screwed up.. Tell u ppl again when I see u all loh.. Provided I rem.. =P

During Vday.. Did ur gf demand anything from ya? Haha.. Well.. I guess that is normal de lah.. Sometimes they do.. And sometimes they do not.. Maybe it's a fact that women are greedy.. They wan to be able to feel it.. To touch it.. To see it.. As well as hear it.. Haha.. And it's always that three words.. Well.. It's understandable so there's no need to further elaborate what's that three words are.. If u asked me.. I will tell u my favourite three letter words instead.. Hahaha.. >_<~

They said it's a gal's prerogative to be late as well as to throw tantrums.. Agree? Or u guys juz beg to differ? Haha.. Probably some of us will need to agree otherwise we will probably get ourselves grilled!!

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Okie.. Juz some dining info on ur big and impt day tml..

Ajisen Ramen
#01-01 (Tel: 6333 9512)

Valentine's Day Set:
Any 2 ramen + octopus (6pcs) + white fish (6pcs) + ebi mayo (6Pcs) + orange juice + mochi ice-Cream..
Price: $33.80
Duration: Till 16th Feb 2007

#01-68 (Tel: 6336 9784)

Love Bites
A special 5-course menu
Price: $69++ per couple
Duration: 13th & 14th Feb 2007

1) Prawn salad with refreshing mint yogurt dressing (Serves 2)
2) Crispy combo with mustard dip (Serves 2)
3) Choice of chicken & sausage baked rice or seafood pasta (Serves 2)
4) Heart-shaped ice-cream cake (Serves 2)
5) Love spritzer

Pasta Mania
#02-47/48 (Tel: 6339 6635)

Double Happiness Meal
2 pasta/riso OR 1 large pizza (10") + 2 soft drinks (16oz) + 2 dolce formaggio + FREE pack of red packets

Pasta choices: Meatballs (beef) and eggplant
Riso choices: Prawn with pinenut and mushroom
Pizza choices: Chicken ananas and spicy curry chicken

Free gift and/or menu selection while stocks last

Price: $18.80
Duration: Till 28th Feb 2007

Sakae Sushi
#02-54 (Tel: 6334 9015)

Valentine's Day Set Dinner
Tender duck meat skillfully blended with delicious apple sauce, crispy golden prawn ball, grilled unagi with mochi, Dobinmushi and an elegant ball of rich vanilla bean white truffle ice-cream

Price: $48.80++ per couple (Chances to win spa packages)
Duration: Till 14th Feb 2007

Terra Cafe
#01-53 (Tel: 6339 6146)

Valentine's Day Set Meal

Price: Set meal starts from $9.90 per person
Duration: 13th & 14th Feb 2007

Fish & Co
#01-90/91 (Tel: 6338 2836)

Valentine's Day Set Meal

Price: Set for 1 @ $29.90++ (1 main course + dessert + 1 drink)
Price: Set for 2 @ $60++ (Seafood platter for 2 + 2 desserts + 2 drinks)
Duration: 14th Feb 2007

The Coffee Conoisseur (TCC)
#01-92 to 96 (Tel: 6837 2027)
#01-97 (Tel: 6336 6956)

Valentine's Day Set Meal
A 3-course set menu

Price: Fish & Fig set @ $28.60++
Price: Ruby orange chicken set @ $26.80++
Soup: Sun-dried tomato consomme
Dessert: Precious memoirs with tcc premium coffee or tea
Duration: Till 14th Feb 2007

All prices are correct at the time of blog and subject to prevailing GST, 10% service charge and 1% cess where applicable.. Pls contact individual outlets for more details..

For more Vday info pls mail to or for Vday financial help.. Pls mail to (Applicable only to Helloboyboy).. LoLz.. =P


The Premiership clash btwn Arsenal and Wigan Athletics is again the scene where referee fail to make the right decision.. It's disappointing when u get a penalty that is such a nailed-on one and it's not given.. Definitely heart pain de loh.. This is interesting.. Extract from Sportstoday "U might wonder what the hell goes on.. Do they not like giving penalties at places like ManU and Arsenal?" Haha.. Is it true huh? Must asked the ManU fanatics Ly and Step..

As claimed by Paul Jewell (Wigan coach).. Phil Dowd (referee) asked the Athletics to fark off and den telling Jewell that he will be sent into the stands for lashing out at him.. Now who asked who to fark off huh? Probably it's Jewell who swear first since that strong penalty claim is turned down.. Well.. Let the FA looks into the matter ba..

What amused me is that according to Dave Whelan (Wigan chairman).. He said that Dowd gave 10 yellow cards at the Emirates and there was only one foul all games.. Does that mean there is only one foul in every matches? Hmmx.. By the way how is that possible huh? It juz implied to me that everyone was so nice on the pitch.. No one pushes another.. No one pulls jersey.. No one pulls leg.. No one headbutts.. And no one tackles.. As if it was a peaceful and amicable match.. Or did I interpret wrongly huh?

Juz as much as there are farked up coaches around instigating players to troop off the pitch.. There are also farked up referees too..


Tremendous drop of COE bidding for 1600cc and below vehicles.. Grabbed it while stocks last.. Haha.. Rem that Step said he will get a lower cc vehicle first.. Den I told him.. Waa.. Still must start with small one ar.. I still thinking of getting the big one instead.. LoLz.. He nearly faint.. And I can juz imagine myself roaming around with my MarkX and Camry 5 yrs down the road.. Haha.. =D


Go watch that 2230hrs Channel 8 show by Jack Neo tonite.. Will probably laugh ur arse off.. Haha.. I have great laugh lah.. Jack Neo go asked whoever has premarital sex one.. Press the red button.. Den the entire crowd kept silent.. Who dare press lah.. LoLz.. Den he asked again.. Who has been to porn sites before.. Haha.. The ironic thing is some parents did press the red button saying they did.. LoLz.. Aiya but I think those teenages are all pretending lah.. How can they nvr been to porn sites before.. That's lying lah.. Esp those teenage boys.. Kill me also dun believe lah.. LoLz.. Okie I gg to continue watching.. Damn hilarious.. ^^ Happy Vday to all.. Enjoy ur date..


I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, February 12, 2007

Actuali humanity is kinda ugly since everyone has a beast with claws hidden within.. The beast remains hidden inside the deepest recesses of ur heart until it suddenly cums to the forefront.. That beast uses ur powers to hurt other without ur permission.. Sometimes even hurting the ones u care abt.. But if u can tame that beast and control it with ur own strength.. Den it will becum a great power that will help make ur life better.. However that dark consiousness in u and me is not that easy to tame afterall..

Ppl who aren't geniuses are always unhappy cuz they keep thinking that why can't they be the one.. But in reality.. Ppl who are born as prodigies aren't happy.. In fact it's those who believe in themselves to the end and work hard with a fiery spirit are.. And did u ever wonder why some ppl grow stronger as they fell? It's probably becuz they have memories which they can't forget.. Think abt it.. See whether it make sense in ya..

IME LT was damn big for Fri.. Cuz it's big and there is not much ppl.. Therefore it's colder than usual.. The snacks is nice.. That yummilicious choco cake is woooo.. Haha.. Okie it's reali been some time where I ready get my arse to grab some snacks.. Well.. Not many snacks attract me.. That's what I can say.. It's not as if I have set my expectations for the snacks machiam damn high.. I'm not asking for New York cheesecake or any other high class snacks.. Juz that the colour dun attract me.. Haha.. U must be thinking that den brown colour is nice meh? Haha.. Probably is feelings ba.. Must have feelings with the snacks first den can eat lah.. We have four ppl.. So I took two choco cakes and two carrot cake.. But it juz made me feel like veri auntie lah.. >_<~ And I was hoping to take and go asap so as to minimize the auntie-nism.. But Xy veri "helpful" loh.. Deliberately knocked me away with her shoulders loh.. o_O" Hahaha.. Anyway I was damn shocked lah.. I din know she so cheeky one de leh.. Heee.. Oh ya by the way Xy is starting to be part of the Bleach gang le.. Yeahz.. Finali a gal huh.. Keke.. And can foresee that sooner or later she will start to bankai here and there le lah.. Wahahaha.. =X

The sch drama ended today.. Haix.. Was damn sad when Teresa died.. Script said must die so die die also must die.. At least ending is a decent one.. And if u ever has a gf like Felicia Chin.. U will be thanking to God everyday for being so kind to u..

That drama "Happily Ever After" is funny.. Simply luv it.. Though it's kinda lame and crappy.. But it's veri entertaining.. At least for me.. Haha.. I luv Elvin Ng that cow polo T.. It's cute.. I wondered is that polo T reali what HL delivery staff wear? Haha.. And the language usage of "shit" in that drama is "xuete"!! LoLz.. And in this drama.. Yang Jian aka Erlang Shen made a comment on "Women are horrible creatures.. They're wild animals.. No.. They're UFOs.. U may not even know why u get killed if u slip up!!" LoLz.. True huh? ^^

The workshop today is fun.. Well.. If only every lecturer are like Steven Chong with a great sense of humour.. Step said is it only fat ppl are humourous? Step is implying he is humourous.. Haha.. By the way he is one that has such ability.. Anyway that doesn't mean ppl with other sizes aren't at all.. And I dun think it's necessary to show my humourous side unless with certain ppl..

And I think K is making a fool out of himself.. Appreciate that initiative and guts he shown.. However my reasoning is.. If u're not sure of anything.. Dun anyhow speak up.. Cuz it will only made ppl laughed at u.. It's juz as frustrating to see that haolian mudman speaking of how great he is in front of the class.. Well.. Spots dun change afterall..

Went around the Vday's Bazaar in sch to see see.. There is this twisted flower which seems kinda creative.. It cums with a crystal pendant.. It costs 48 bucks.. Kinda expensive leh.. But what interests me is that high soaring balloons in the middle of the Atrium.. Actuali it's abt writing ur luv messages for ur luved ones and sticking it onto the balloons.. I was wondering how to stick it all the way up the balloons since it's juz a matter of time that the bottom ones will be filled up.. Maybe it's juz like what tradition said.. The higher u can stick it.. The better the turnout btwn u and ur luved ones.. Haha.. Sounds foolish to u right? Yup so have u stick urs today? *Secret* Haha.. There's nothing to be paiseh abt since the courting phase will be much more paiseh than this one.. Tio bo? Haha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, February 09, 2007

The best joker of the year.. Andrew Low..

Scenario 1
Andrew: Okie we will go through the tutorial qns 2..
Everything was going smoothly until something happened.. Andrew was thinking real hard of how to do one part of the qns.. He went back to his seat and den start looking at some papers.. Started mumbling among himself.. Den suddenly aha moment for him.. Step took up his notes and asked us to look over.. Step pointed at the paper asking "Tell me what is the mark?.." "What? Say again.." "Louder pls.." Hahaha.. Anyway only IME ppl understand what Step is doing.. Actuali we are juz re-enacting what happen that day.. It was an act to suan Andrew for being so nehneh during his first lecture with us.. Cuz he took a transcript of a student scoring 98 marks for IME to show us.. And keep saying "I teach one hor for xx times".. Well since he's so great and can produce a 98 marks student.. How cum he can't do that qns leh? Ironic rite?

Scenario 2
Andrew: Okie.. Now we will see how much better off is the economy..
Andrew (Scribbling on transparency): 12.75 + 2.25 = 14..
Student A: It's 15..
Andrew: No.. It's not.. It's 14..
Student A: It's 15..
Andrew (Looking @ transparency counting..): Hmmx..
Rest of the Class: LOLz..
Andrew: Oh it's 15..
Step: Pls leh.. 12 + 2 = 14 alreadi..
Kakashi™ (Nodding): Ya.. Ya..
Kakashi™ (Shaking): Haix.. Beyond redemption liao..

Final conclusion.. If Andrew can teach.. So can u.. LoLz.. Find it familiar? Cuz it's always said by Martin Yan.. By the way.. Andrew is reali damn funny.. Okie.. Maybe he is the legend created for ppl like me.. Cuz he gives me hope.. LoLz.. And the rest know what I meant..


Kakashi™: Oie.. Go K leh..
Step: Sure.. U all go plan lah..
Kakashi™: Reali?
Kakashi™: But whenever we plan.. U will always go fly plane without fail..
Step: (Giggling away!!)
Kakashi™: -_-

Step.. U no horse run since I alreadi record it down.. Conversation done @ 8th Feb 2007 @ 2341hrs.. Any breach of it.. The rest will bankai u!!


Oh ya I keep forgetting what Step told me in the previous entry abt the list of deterioration.. Anyway he said "The gals deteriorated becuz they forget to re-innovate themselves.." Haha.. Which is true..


I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

At first I tot the cost for the bbq is reali being waived off.. Only until today lunch at Aijisen.. I realized that I was the only one thinking that it's true.. Haha.. Reali gong lah.. Haix.. When I think too much den kena said by them "Xiang Tai Duo!!" Den when I see things in a simple manner.. Also can't get things right.. Haha.. My.. My..

There is something I wanted to write but until now keep forgetting.. Haha.. Until Step remind me.. Well.. It's abt the list of deterioration as well as blossomation.. Okie that blossomation is my own term.. Only can be found in my dictionary.. As u can see from it.. What it reali meant is ppl that reali deteriorate as sems passed by.. Contrary it also meant those who reali blossom as sems passed.. The list of criteria can be ranging from the way they dress.. The way they look.. Etc.. Well.. It's always that few which we think reali turn out unexpectedly pretti as compared to the past.. We have our own views and I think we agreed most of the time with each other opinions.. Haha.. And when u see someone in ur class has turned out to be Ann Kok number two overnite in front of u.. How will u think? Will u be thinking that it must be the work of the stupid silicon? LoLz.. When ppl asked me I also duno how to ans them.. This mystery I think Kindachi also can't solve lah.. Hahaha.. =P

Being conferred the title as private investigator is kinda erm.. Duno how to express too.. LoLz.. But without doubt I realize I'm actuali quite good at searching for ppl in frenster.. Yup.. I give myself 8 out of 10 points.. Heee.. Even though it should be full score instead.. Wahahaha.. Maybe I should set up a service for searching ppl.. That will be helping the community rite? Haha..

Was telling Step that now must stock up roses for VDay alreadi.. Cuz price is marking up gradually alreadi.. Ya it's exactly one week to it.. By now I guess should be marked up abit liao.. Den Step said it will wither if get it early.. Yup it's true that it will KO soon after purchasing.. However with duly care and concern it will not KO that soon.. If reali KO-ing soon den die die also must perform CPR to keep it alive loh.. LoLz.. ^^

So how everyone preparation for VDay? Is it alreadi been planned out nicely.. Or are u still struggling with a splitting headache of what to plan? Haha.. No worries.. There is lotsa things to do to make this day memorable and reminiscing.. Not forgetting romantic too.. Probably now some might be tied up with a tight budget since dining out and roses will reali kill ya a bomb.. That probably the pessimistic side of it.. However dun forget that CNY is coming.. So it has somehow become more optimistic le.. Haha.. Anyway dun worry.. Cuz Kakashi's 24hrs professional loaning is available with low interest rate.. LoLz.. Or maybe u will wan Kakashi's low budget romantic programmes for VDay.. Also available.. Haha.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, February 05, 2007

Went sch early to settle some errands.. Met Eve.. Xh and Xy.. Eve asked me why so early cum sch.. I said to register the workshop thingy.. Xh said I looked so blur.. Was I huh? Haha.. Maybe it's becuz when they asked me abt the workshop thingy.. I was like huh here and huh there loh.. >_<~

Praba gave us small pieces of paper to write down the ans of the qns he asked.. He finali realized that wanting us to speak up is impossible at all.. Haha.. My.. My.. He is such a joker.. Cuz he claims that since he is teaching MC.. He must make us change.. LoLz.. That's true also.. If a MC lecturer can't make his students like us change.. He kinda a failure liao.. So from now on.. Praba will use all the change models to change us.. Such as Kotter's Eight Steps Change Process and Kurt Lewin's Force Field Analysis.. LoLz.. =X

I was calling Cindy in class.. But I always called her full name.. Which means Cindy Cher loh.. And den Ly and Sf tot I calling who.. How cum kept calling "Signature Signature!!" LoLz.. Okie.. Cuming to think of it.. The pronunciation is kinda close.. Hahaha..

It's Ml's Bday today huh? Cuz saw Sug gave her Bday prezzie.. I'm not sure also.. *Scratching head* Haha.. So wish her Happy belated or early Bday in here.. Haha.. ^^

I heard my bro mentioned abt the sofa bus in SG.. And when I was reading some of my frenz entries.. I realized that it's true that there are reali such buses around.. And when I saw the interior of these buses.. I nearly can't believe my eyes.. It was juz like paradise.. Reali I'm not trying to be big hole or making a mole out of a mountain.. *Somba* LoLz.. And when I read further.. It was from Nokia..

Anyway I juz dug more info abt this service.. It's called The Nokia Music Mobile.. The Nokia Music Mobile will give u free rides around some of the hottest night spots.. From 24th to 27th Jan.. 31st Jan to 3rd Feb.. 7th to 10th Feb.. 14th to 16th Feb from 2100hrs to 0100hrs.. During this period of time.. From 2100hrs to 0100hrs.. This free shuttle service will take u party-hopping around the coolest and hippest pubs and clubs in town.. From Bar None.. Alley Bar and Aries Pub to CHIJMES and Ministry of Sound (MOS) as well as The Butter Factory and Zouk.. What's more is u can enjoy free downloads of music videos.. Wallpaper and ringtones via Bluetooth any time of the day..

Bus Routes
Stop 1: Outside Tangs Plaza
Bar None.. Devil's Bar.. Crazy Horse Disco.. Hard Rock Cafe.. Blu Velvet.. Thumper..

Stop 2 : Orchard Emerald
Ice Cold Beer.. Rouge.. Alley Bar.. Que Pasa.. Bar Induz.. Ridley's.. Music Underground..

Stop 3 : Plaza Singapura
Aries Pub..

Stop 4 : St Andrew's Cathedral
CHJIMES.. Baby Face at Fullerton.. New Asia Bar.. Balaclava at Suntec.. Q-Bar at Parliament.. DXO at Esplanade..

Stop 5 : Clarke Quay
MOS.. Attica.. Attica Too.. Kandi Bar.. Barfly.. FBar.. ESTE the Club.. Crazy Elephant..

Stop 6 : Clemenceau Ave
The Butter Factory.. Cocco Latte.. Tivoli Bar.. BarCelona.. Bar at Robertson.. Double O.. O Bar..

Stop 7 : Grand Copthorne Hotel
Zouk.. Zouk Wine Bar.. Phuture.. Velvet Underground..

The ending of a story marked the start of another.. Does the drama "The Peak" reali marked the peak of the plot? Hmmx.. Was like kinda disappointed cuz I tot that there will be more than one couple in the end.. However there is only one in the end.. Well.. Maybe sometimes no ending is better than having one.. Afterall it's juz a drama.. But again it's not possible to hold back any emotions and tots in drama at all.. That's why some ppl will cry after watching certain drama..

It has reali been a long time since I took train with Ly.. And even the rest too.. Had lots of topics on our way back.. Ly was telling me that words spoken out of someone u care before or now is always veri piercing and hurting compared to what some other ppl said to u.. That's true.. Cuz it doesn't reali have that much big impact if it was in the case of some other frenz.. How piercing can it be? Maybe to me it can be as piercing as an Artic Warfare Magnum.. But what can u do in the end? Maybe shutting both eyes is the best possible solution..

We tend to overlook some ppl that are too close to us.. And took their luv and concern for granted.. But when we finali realized how much they meant to us in one way or another.. It's kinda late since the damage is alreadi being done..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Two championship events taking place at the same time today.. First congratulates our Lions for grabbing the ASEAN Championship once again.. Though duno whether the Lions reali deserve it.. But I juz take my hat off with Kairul Amri's goal.. That was the moment of shock for the 40 thousands Thais spectators.. And also the moment of joy for the minority S'poreans.. Was frustrated with Lions' defence.. Though I din reali support either teams.. But Lions reali suxs in the second league.. I can juz imagine the possession rate for the Lions is 20 percent throughout the whole game.. That suxs.. And I simply can't stand that no.7 Thai player Thonglao.. His face juz turns me off immediately the first time I saw him.. And I think he is reali a freaking loser.. If u ever see what he did in this second league against the Lions.. Of cuz I understand that the last moment of conceding goal will rush the Thais for thirst of another equalizer.. But again.. No need to go till such extreme.. By the way I think Lions' captain should juz step down.. I dun think he should be a captain with that kind of slacking attitude on the pitch.. No doubt he might be the longest Lions player.. But attitude still must always be positive..

Project Superstars came to an end finali.. Who did ya like? Who did ya support? Was the one u support won in the end? Haha.. All these do not matter animore.. Cuz they are alreadi history.. The fact that Darren won doesn't mean he is gd.. Contrary the fact that Diya lost doesn't mean she is not gd.. It's juz a matter of luck.. As well as who has wider networks and cashflows.. Esp in such contest where there is no proper judges to give grading scores.. It might be true that singers are needed to be chosen by the crowd instead of judges giving scores.. Cuz the albums they going to distribute will be bought by the majority which is the crowd.. And scores can be bias some times.. Maybe ppl that haolian alot dun get to win afterall? Well.. Btwn the two u can see who is more haolian.. And who is more humble.. Wrath from Heaven huh? Hmmx..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Did everyone enjoy yest gathering at Lost Island Mimosa?? Haha.. Well.. It was reali great to see Advin and Colin again.. And how much I yearn that time will juz freeze for that veri moment.. Time juz keep ticking away.. Draining away every hr.. Every min.. Every sec.. And every millisec.. It's as if we are in the fairytale of Cinderella.. Nvrtheless.. I hope this final gathering for this sem will be a memorable one for everyone.. My deepest appreciation to Advin and Colin for making themselves available.. Thankz so much.. Not to mention our deepest gratitude to Sherry's mummy and daddy for allowing us to hold this gathering.. Thankz for being the hosts of this impt event.. Thankz to those who came early to help out with the chores and food preparation.. Thankz to those who help in finishing most of the food.. LOLz..

Had mahjong session after clearing up the place.. The starting lineup are.. Cindy vs Sherry/Rene vs Step vs YT.. Stomper came later in the nite and helped Cindy out..

Titles awarded..
1) Cindy having "gang" for several times.. She is awarded the Title of "Queen of Gang"!! Heee..

2) Rene having being slow in taking tiles.. Arranging tiles and etc.. Seems to take eternity to play each turn of hers.. She is awarded the Title of "Queen of Eternity"!! Hahaha..

3) YT having extra tile and less tile for two times in the game.. He is awarded the Title of "King of Big and Small Elephant"!! LoLz..

4) YT despite having less and more tiles which made him impossible to win the game.. Yet he tot of way to minimize his loss as much as possible in those games.. Deceiving everyone that he is going to gone bust soon.. And it turned out that he "gang" and "bite" flowers to yield his earnings.. He is awarded the title of "King of Deception"!! Hahaha..

5) Step by rite should have won certain rounds much more earlier.. However his prediction of tiles' appearances seems to be kinda suay.. And he think too much.. Haha.. Therefore he is awarded the title of "King of Think Too Much"!! Hahaha..


The workshops' schedules are out.. So grab it fast while stocks last.. Haha.. By the way.. I think the best possible schedule will be Workshop 1 since we have MC that day in the noon.. So according to the NEW Rational Decision-making Model by me.. It will be most rational to make the workshop in the morning from 0900hrs to 1200hrs.. Den from 1200hrs till 1400hrs lunch break (Venue: Top Secret).. Hahaha.. Den 1400hrs onwards till end will have our MC.. Plan swee swee rite?? Wahahaha.. Well.. How can u expect anything less than that from ur AUFC's perfectionist wannabe leh.. LoLz.. Anyway the details of the workshops are listed below..

Workshop 1 (By Steven Chong)
Date : 12 February 2007 (Monday)
Time : 9.00 am - 12.00pm
Venue : SIM Headquarters (please check the e-board for room number)
Fee : S$5.00 per student (includes GST)

Registration Deadline : 6 February 2007

Workshop 2 (By Steven Chong)
Date : 12 February 2007 (Monday)
Time : 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Venue : SIM Headquarters (please check the e-board for room number)
Fee : S$5.00 per student (includes GST)

Registration Deadline : 6 February 2007

Workshop 3 (By Steven Chong)
Date : 13 February 2007 (Tuesday)
Time : 9.00 am - 12.00pm
Venue : SIM Headquarters (please check the e-board for room number)
Fee : S$5.00 per student (includes GST)

Registration Deadline : 6 February 2007

Workshop 4 (By Steven Chong)
Date : 13 February 2007 (Tuesday)
Time : 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Venue : SIM Headquarters (please check the e-board for room number)
Fee : S$5.00 per student (includes GST)

Registration Deadline : 6 February 2007

Prior to registering for any workshop.. Please check your lecture schedules to ensure that it does not coincide with the date and time of the workshop u wish to attend..

Terms and Conditions:
- There is no refund for withdrawal or non-attendance..
- SIM reserves the right to cancel the talk/workshop due to unforeseen circumstances..
- In the event that a talk/workshop is cancelled.. A full refund would be processed..
- No further confirmation of venue and timing etc will be made known to participants unless there is a change..
- Participants are advised to be punctual as talk/workshop will commence on time..

Since everyone will probably be thinking like me (Great minds think alike.. Muwahahaha.. =X).. So there will definitely be an unevitable battle among different cliques with the same ideals.. Class A consists of 100+ ppl.. While Class B's numbers is probably abt the same.. And each workshops can only accomodate a maximum of 50 ppl.. So it will be better to make our decisions ASAP.. We shall adopt the Hello Kitty's Strategic Theory.. I will start sending SF to start queuing today till Mon morning.. Muwahahahaha.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^