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Monday, June 27, 2005

Today went sch to settle the fees.. Meeting Stephen.. Went to the atrium to pay.. Then went up Level Six looked for Rohana.. Stephen said go collect the project.. Picking up the intercom.. Stephen was like stunned.. After hanging up.. Stephen said Rohana joked with him over the conversation.. LoLx.. Rohana came out with our project and assignments.. She said cannot find my marketing project leh.. Wahahaha.. Of cuz lah.. Stephen and me under same group mah.. Think she din saw the name.. After signing we went for lunch.. I said go Megabites.. Stephen insisted go canteen.. Claiming must think for fren mah.. Megabites too expensive.. +_+" Went to the ban mian stall.. Wanted to buy "yi mian" but then I told the auntie I wanted "you mian".. I think for a while.. And asked the auntie to stop.. Just cannot recall what the name.. Aiyo I should look at the signboard mah.. *Gong* Stephen was looking at our marketing project.. Haha.. U guys should see what Cecilia did.. She typed out the comments.. Clap clap.. Haha.. Cecilia said our marketing research is so well done that we nearly scored full marks for that section.. Hehe.. She said she like our graph's colours.. *Ahem* I am a great colour mixer hor.. Wahahaha.. Stephen saw our graphs been highlighted by Cecilia for no page numbers.. Then he said aiya must be no page numbers that why minus marks.. If not bingo full marks liao loh.. LoLx.. After lunch we went to the bookshop for a while.. Then went to Customer Service to check out the SPSS thingy.. Stephen and me went to register for the 26 July class.. Called Jiamin to ask whether she could get the Nric and full name for Alyssa and Kelly so that I can register for them also.. 47 places available per class.. Initially 18 ppl alreadi registered..So after the five of us registered.. Vacancies decreased to 24 places liao.. And the good news for some of us is that Class A will be our original class while Class B will be direct intake one.. So not affected at all.. Bad news is cannot get to know new gals liao loh.. =X Haha.. But then nvm.. Finance class is A and B combined.. Woohoo.. Hehe.. ^^ And hor the damn bus stop opposite of sch shifted damn far loh.. Buay tahan.. If rained duno how to cross over loh.. If run over I think also need to sprint for 50m loh.. When the heck is the shelter going to be build.. Zzz.. It's feel great when the kids holiday ended.. Becuz it will be much more peaceful for weekdays.. If not holiday's weekdays machiam like weekends.. Veri frustrated when I see them roaming around.. Knocking me.. And most important is that my DBZ is resuming since the holiday ended.. Yeah..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, June 20, 2005

Weilian Rocks!!

Finali got this Daniel Chan song.. A song sang by Weilian.. One of the Project Superstars contestants.. Till now I am still veri impressed with Weilian.. Saw him once at the Tampines traffic towards TM long time ago.. That time reali got alot of ppl surrounding him.. Listening to his singing and playing of guitar.. Is heaven reali so unfair to a talented person like him.. After listening to his song during the third audition.. I cried when he sang the peak of this song.. Now I know why so mani ppl cried.. Host Quan Yifeng cried out.. Judges like Fang Zhonghua also eyes red red.. Enduring from dropping tears.. Jiamin also cried.. Haha.. Not I sentimental or what.. Just that Weilian reali bring out the song in a veri touching way.. Even better than Daniel Chan himself.. I duno whether to say this.. But I believe he wun win afterall.. Defining what "Superstar" means.. It's someone with the looks and talent.. I duno afterall whether the judges will be biased becuz he is blind and stopped him from moving towards the final.. If that the case I think it's reali veri unfair loh.. From what I heard.. Results will be based on judges 30 percent score while votes make up the rest of the 70 percent.. I hope those ppl voting will be cleared of what is talent.. The happy thing is that from what I see from Superstars forum.. Alot of singaporeans are supporting and voting for Weilian.. I voting for the sake of Weilian also.. I rather vote for Weilian than SG Idol wannabe like Sylvester.. Forum also got ppl shooting Sylvester.. Saying ppl like Shen Xianglong also wan to be SG Idol.. Even if Weilian din win.. Reali hope his talent will be recognised and given a chance to have his album.. I will definitely go and buy.. Weilian u rocks!! Jiayou!!

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What is Friend..

What is the meaning of FRIEND? This question has been repeating times and times again to myself these few days.. Reali wanna have the answer.. Always thought that friend is when there is in need of each other.. He or she will be present and showing u a warmth and helping hand.. And friend is for sharing ALL happiness.. Sadness.. Tears and joy.. A friend is someone you can tell your troubles to when it seems there is nothing in the world that you can do.. Or someone to crap endlessly with and tell stories till dawn.. Well maybe friend is someone I can give up the last cookie for.. But I found it's wrong.. Maybe I am too childish to give this kind of defination to "Friend".. I start asking myself.. Maybe I din reali do my part as a friend initially.. Din give in myself and reali care for them.. Thinking how they will feel when I said something out without realising the consequences.. Am I reali that BAD to them? I reali do not know.. I hoped not.. Maybe now I should do is care of my friends more rather than angry of their neglected.. But if I am reali down and damned.. Who do i talk to? Feel extremely lonely and meaningless life sometimes.. A friend is someone who wun pass judgment on you no matter what it is you say or do.. And certainly a friend is someone from whom you can take advice and wun tell you what you want to hear just to be nice.. This world is reali full of people who have such little care.. But it's makes me feel so happy just knowing that u all are here.. I know some of us might be of wrong in the first place.. But I reali hope you will understand that sometimes things are reali unintentional.. When I think of what a friend is.. I think of you guys.. You guys are great.. So I hope let the past be a lesson to be learned.. Friends always must give and take.. Hope you understand.. Sorri to you and also on behalf of those who made you angry..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Yesterday went to East Coast with Chen Yu.. Daven.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Sherry.. Yongtang and me.. Reaching the Mac where they said to meet.. Saw no one so went to empty seat to settle down.. Yongtang came over.. He said he called me but I din heard it.. Calling from the opposite of the street.. Received a call from Tyngtyng abt the OGL thingy.. She wanted me to confirm with her abt Xiaohui and another frenz of hers.. Tyngtyng was asking me why I din joined.. Told her that it's must be in pair mah.. So no one to pair up loh.. After a while Chen Yu.. Daven and Joanne came.. Liyee and Sherry were still on the way.. Ordered a 20 pieces nugget meal to fill up the stomach since Joanne and Yongtang not yet eaten.. Setting out finali.. Went to put our stuffs to Daven's car.. Chen Yu.. Daven and Joanne went for blading.. While Liyee.. Sherry.. Yongtang and me rented bikes.. Ready to set off.. Get set and go.. I started and rode off earlier ahead of them.. Sick of getting stationary and kena feed by mosquitoes.. ~_~" Travelled till the drink stall where they always stop by to buy drinks.. Waiting for them there.. Joanne.. Liyee and Sherry went past me.. Din see me at all.. Haiz.. Tot they will see me one.. I camouflage till so nice meh.. =/ Anyway I loitered around before chasing them.. I went to the shop to buy drink first.. Actuali wanted to buy for them one.. But din know what Liyee and Sherry like to drink.. Scared buy drinks not to their likings.. Only know Joanne always drink orange 100 plus.. But the shop reali din have it.. So I also din get anything for her.. Knowing that they will be at the jetty so I went to look for them.. Saw them at the middle of the jetty.. Liyee and Sherry went to get the drink at the end of the jetty.. But in the end there is nothing there.. Then I went to help them buy.. On the way out saw Chen Yu.. Daven and Yongtang.. Told them that they were at the middle of the jetty.. Yongtang accompanied me to buy drinks.. Yongtang went to the rollerblade shop next door.. So coincidence it's his frenz shop.. He bought a pair knee guards.. Went back to jetty I hit tio the concrete barrier at the entrance of the jetty.. Till now my hand still numb.. >_<~ And there is always ppl walking on the cycle track.. Blocking cyclist's way.. Damn fed up.. Made me fall into the pit again.. Wandering at the jetty.. The rest were chatting.. I went to see the uncle fishing.. Setting off again earlier than the rest.. Went to do some chin-ups.. After that cycled with Liyee side by side.. Talking all the way till the place we rented the bikes.. Returning the bikes.. Chen Yu.. Joanne and Yongtang continued with their blading towards Fort Road.. While the rest went to the hawker centre inside East Coast.. Found a shelter empty place to settle down.. Waiting for the lord and gege to arrive.. Was asking Daven how much he bought the Nissan.. He told me the car is not Nissan.. It's Mitsubishi.. Oh ya hor.. No wonder I find it weird why Nissan got Lancer one.. LoLz.. Reali stupid lah.. I duno that time thinking of what.. Finali they came.. Went to order food.. Daven left earlier.. Sitting down eating.. Crapping.. Gossiping.. We stayed till around 2100hrs.. On the way home.. Rain was pouring.. Glad that it's not big.. Decided to take a cab back.. The gals and me all hopped into the cab.. While Liyee and Yongtang went to take bus home.. And we parted.. Reaching Tampines.. Joanne alighted first btwn Century and TM.. Tot she going home? @_@ And Chen Yu alighted further up at TM.. Leaving Sherry and me.. The uncle told me he's not familiar with Tampines.. Asked me to guide him.. LoLx.. I told him I also not familiar.. Haha.. Reali paiseh..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, June 13, 2005

Jiamin.. Me.. Kelly.. @ Pizzahut..

Alyssa.. Me.. Kelly.. @ Pizzahut..

Today Alyssa just told me abt the timetable for Sem 3.. It's out already.. I see liao sianz 3/4 loh.. The main three modules is still the same.. But due to overwhelming numbers of ppl.. Especially those direct intake one.. Make a veri great impact on us.. We will be separated into Class A and B.. Nb lah.. Reali sian loh.. Then like some I know will be separated liao.. =/ And I quite certain the class will be separated according to surname again.. To make matters worst.. Finance will be at nite loh.. Zzz.. I will miss the trio gals.. Haiz.. Unless skip my original own class then attend the same class with them together.. Hmm.. Guess many will be doing this.. But I think it's wun be so easy.. Foresee that the attendance list will be different.. So in the end also need to attend my own class in order to sign the attendance list.. EP and marketing got alot ppl.. Separated into two big classes.. While poor HR and finance no ppl take one.. So kena nite class in the end.. Whyyyy!!! Gonna borrow vehicle for every Thurs.. If not reached home also damn late.. Reali a blessing that it's din fall on Wed.. >_<~

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Yesterday our two gege came over to swim.. Went to the gate din see them.. They alreadi came in le.. Chen Yu brought dumplings over.. We settled down by the side of the pool.. Trying out Chen Yu homemade dumpling.. It's noya dumplings.. Actuali not bad.. Just that not sweet enuff.. And also lack abit of spice.. ^^ Just nice cuz the dumpling can be my afternoon teabreak snack.. Hehe.. And Joanne was saying my blog is getting shorter and shorter liao.. LoLx.. Ordered me to write a long one.. >_<~ After passing Chen Yu the Project Superstars dvd and Joanne the bks.. It's time for me to leave.. As usual ba.. I was not allowed in their presence when they swim.. Chen Yu said cum cum I let u see my beautiful legs.. LoLx.. I scared see liao I kena nightmare.. Wahahaha.. =P When they were abt to leave I saw them.. Asking them how the sauna thingy.. They said no kick.. LoLz.. Nvr put water on the stone of cuz no kick mah.. Cuz there wun be any steam.. Joanne was asking that day when I went Ktv with Alyssa.. Jiamin and Kelly.. Then Chen Yu asked whether they are more siao than them.. I said u two are more siao than them loh.. Then kena kick by Joanne.. Guys u all must remember "Only gege can critcise gege".. If not imperial punishment.. LoLx.. Today afternoon nothing to do.. So went down to coffeeshop.. Sitting down at the coffeeshop.. Staring at the indian stall.. Looking at what the indian guy was doing.. He was doing the prata dough.. Kneading and pinching.. Veri skilled leh.. And the cuming soon Initial D movie tink wun be nice.. The director shoot this movie just sux.. The story is anyhow one loh.. Characters not full.. Main characters like Keisuke Takahashi.. Seiji Iwaki.. And Shingo Shouji.. Not included.. Kns loh.. Might as well dun shoot this movie.. Waste time only.. Worst still let that 花心 big carrot Jay Chou be Takumi Fujiwara.. He reali not fit to be loh.. He will only spoilt the innocent and nerd Takumi's image loh.. Damn it..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Today afternoon was watching my recorded Project Superstars for yesterday.. LoLx.. Reali laughed till beng loh.. Some of them reali machiam bhb one loh.. Aunties also cum joined.. @_@" Got one auntie said she can dance.. I see what she dance.. Feel like asking her.. Are u doing aerobics exercise? Zzz.. Another one said she doing Jolin's 36计.. Pls leh.. U called that Jolin's 36计.. Feel like kicking her ass.. And someone claimed that she looks like Ou Xuan.. LoLx.. I want to faint loh.. Zzz.. So far I only think that blind guy is the best.. His song reali damn nice loh.. I think he is worth more than the word best.. I should say excellent.. And for today Project Superstars.. That 2944 with a big leaves on his pants.. Damn disgusting loh.. Veri gd kena shoot by judges.. Some asking for retry somemore.. Out means out loh.. They think they playing arcade ar.. Lose liao can insert token to continue ar.. Got this gal whu is out of the competition.. Then got this guy ran up the stage to give her flowers.. Damn sweet loh.. >_<~ Got this 14yrs old gal.. Not qualified becuz 15 yrs old is the minimum age.. She was there to see the gals competing.. Host Wang Jianfu asked her to sing a few lines to show her talent.. To me ok nia loh.. Not like what she claimed.. She can sing better than those at the stage.. Kns loh.. 14 yrs old want to dream and be a star.. Better get ur 'O' Level certificate first lah small gal.. And Contestant Lijun getting darker and darker liao.. Gosh.. Worst than last time she starred at Holland V series.. *Fainted* Her name gonna add "Mohammad" liao loh.. Hahaha.. Duno why so mani ppl like to choose Jolin.. Sun Yan Zi and Ah mei song.. Afternoon went to cut hair.. Cum back my mum saw me.. Asking me u kisiao is it.. Sometimes hair cut liao still veri long.. Sometimes damn short.. Wahahahaha.. ^^ Oops.. Tonight got both show I wanna watch.. Haiz.. Gonna record the "Lost" show on Channel 5.. While I watched "The King of Yesterday and Today" on Channel U.. And then later Inuyasha and Shaman King on Central.. Hehehe.. =P

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Today waited for Jiamin at the platform.. We going to meet Alyssa and Kelly at City Hall.. And Jessie might be cuming also.. While waiting for Alyssa.. We went to write the greetings in the card.. Then I smudged Jiamin greetings.. Kena nagged by her.. LoLx.. Went to Suntec for lunch.. Settling down at Pizza Hut.. Went to take the soup.. Had chicken and cream soup.. Then I went to scoop the soup mah.. Jiamin saw the way I scooped then said walau why u like that scooped one.. >_<~ The soup is damn nice leh.. But too bad oni can have one serving nia.. Had pasta for us.. Ok lah not bad.. Not like Megabites carbonara so cheesy.. We treating Alyssa becuz her bday mah.. After the lunch we went to Kbox.. Sang from 1430hrs till 1730hrs.. Keep asking me to sing with feelings.. LoLx.. >_<~ Jessie came quite late and stayed for a while.. I went to refill the tibits.. Then when I went in.. I hit the phone and it dropped off.. I used my shoulder to hold on to the phone.. The Kbox gal saw it and went over to help me.. Hehe.. Reali paiseh lah.. And they all damn bad loh.. Said dun see pretty gal then like that leh.. Purposely said to let the gal hear.. LoLx.. Win liao lah.. I went to the toilet.. I was at the basin there calling back home to settle some stuffs.. Then got this black complexion guy came out from the cubicle.. For goodness sake loh.. Pls dun stick ur xiaodidi out btwn the zip and walked ard loh.. Was kinda stunned loh.. @_@" We left after the ktv session.. Alyssa and Kelly went to the other side while Jiamin and me went to the East side.. Reaching Tampines.. Accompanying Jiamin to make some payment to the SAM machine.. Went supper with Eddy and Yongguan.. Had eggs and toasted bread.. Eggs is nice.. ^^ And Zoe was asking me whether I wanted to be orientation group leader yesterday.. Hehe.. Dun mind also.. Can get to knw new gals mah.. Wahahahaha.. =X Think later can watch Project Superstars repeated.. Missed it just now.. Think it's gonna be damn funny one..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, June 06, 2005

Today went to TM Golden Village.. Watched Magadascar.. Haha.. I panicked cuz I still at home ard 1445hrs.. >_<~ Then went to take cab down.. Scared me lah.. I forgot I am the one holding the tickets.. LoLx.. Alighting from cab I ran all the way up.. Saw Joanne and Raz.. Stephen and Chen Yu went to buy drinks.. Stephen orbi loh.. Dropped the whole cup of lemon tea.. Our legs all kena the spill on the floor.. Went into the cinema first.. Saw a HP printer advertisment.. Haha.. Damn innovative.. The show finali started.. Damn funny.. But a pity that it's oni 90 mins show.. After the show we went to Starbucks to settle down.. Raz got discount for us.. Chen Yu had caramel fraps.. Joanne and me had greentea fraps.. Raz got tis raspberry stuff.. *Sour* And Stephen had latte.. We stayed there till quite late.. Stephen met tio one of his church frenz.. And Gary also joined us later.. Leaving le.. Gary and Raz went off.. Stephen went to airport.. Chen Yu.. Joanne and me went to shop ard.. Went from Century Square to TM.. Then saw this soft toy.. It's the Magadascar lion.. Hehe.. Joanne said I am that lion.. >_<~ While Stephen is that zebra.. Wahahaha.. We left ard 2000hrs.. Accompanying Joanne home.. Taking Bus 72.. When abt to alight.. The bus like braking too rough.. Nearly fall behind.. Joanne said dun crushed me.. LoLx.. Then I went home in a fearful and worried feeling.. Cuz today results is out.. After hearing from many ppl.. Reali quite scared loh..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, June 03, 2005

Woke up at 0830hrs today.. So early.. So went back to slp again.. Heng woke up at 1100hrs.. If not later badminton at noon will be late.. Went down to tabao minipot.. Treat it as breakfast and lunch loh.. Walking towards the stadium.. Saw Stephen in front of me.. He just alighted from Bus 72.. Today strength oni got five ppl.. Chen Yu.. Daver.. Raz.. Stephen and me.. Cuz Raz later got worked at 1400hrs.. So we let her played continuously till 1300hrs.. After which she can go home to wash up then worked.. After Raz left.. Chen Yu and Daver Vs Stephen and me.. The last match is Chen Yu and Stephen Vs Daver and me.. Daver smacked tio Chen Yu.. Then kena scolded by our Gege.. LoLx.. I laughed till beng.. Then kena banned from laughing for 50 days.. Not fair lah.. Oni banned me.. Daver also must be banned for no kiss for 50 days.. Wahahaha.. ^^ After the game.. Deciding to settle down at TM foodcourt.. On the way.. Chen Yu and Daver were right in front of us.. Then she suddenly went back and pinched Stephen and my forearm.. Asking "Babu is wat colour.." Stephen answered correctly.. She released the pinch on Stephen.. Walau I dun even know wat she asking.. Said wrong colour kena pinch even harder.. @_@" Heng she later released the pinch.. *Phew* If not blue black liao lah.. Went to buy dessert.. That si dessert auntie attitude problem loh.. Nb.. Zzzz.. We were chatting.. Then I swing my arm.. Then got a sound.. *Piak* LoLx.. I hitted an auntie.. She was carrying food walking past me.. Haha.. Paiseh loh.. After that we went to Starbucks to look for Raz.. Ordered caramel fraps.. Sitting down for a while.. Chen Yu and Daver left first.. Leaving Stephen and me behind.. Toking cock a while more and we left.. Stephen was looking for Raz to bid goodbye but canot find her.. Stephen is blind lah.. Raz was squatting down doing some stuffs.. I walked past saw her.. Took Bus 27 with Stephen back home..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Today early went to return my book.. Haha due liao loh.. >_<~ Heng loh cuz nearly forget abt it.. Walked to the library.. Then got ppl approached me to donate money.. See wat organization is it before I donate.. I remembered tat time Stephen returned his book by pushing the book into the slot.. So I also push the book into the return slot.. Then got one beep sound.. Waaa.. So high tech liao ar.. LoLx.. Maybe I din stepped into library for centuries le ba.. Went to level two find some books for Joanne.. Search till I blur.. Then I asked the librarian for help.. In the end only got one book with that author from Tampines Regional Library.. And it's for reference only.. I went to the reference section and see the book.. It's not what Joanne want.. So I guess gonna empty hand left the library loh.. But then I not yet give up.. I tried my last resort by asking the infomation counter.. She told me that those books are at the warehouse.. And I will need to request for it to be send over.. The title list came out.. So many till I duno which one is it.. Haha.. So hor I went to check again on the computer to see which one is most likely fiction.. Then I went back again.. And borrowed two books today.. Kena the library virus by Chen Yu and Joanne liao.. Hahaha.. Saw the 1830hrs news.. Waaa.. Got one guy around 18-20 yrs old went to rob a lady whu was just reali to deposit her $30k.. Sibei wuji loh.. Orchard also dare to rob.. Clap clap.. Let say today we ppl are strolling along Orchard Rd.. Should we intervene and stopped the robber.. Reali in a dilema to help or not.. We can see the whole Orchard so mani ppl.. No one bothered to help.. Maybe afraid that the robber is armed.. Went to the kopitiam with Eddy and Yongguan.. Ordered chicken chop.. That uncle kuku lah.. Leaned on me.. He damn heavy.. >_<~ After we ordered toasted kaya bread and half boiled eggs.. The auntie introduced me a new lemonade drink.. Haha.. Entertained her loh.. So bought one can to try.. After I looked at the auntie shook head.. She asked me got shaked or not.. LoLx.. I said no.. She said see loh nvr read the intructions.. Wahahaha.. She win liao loh.. Drinks also must read instruction before drinking it.. Condolences to Jiamin and Liying.. Jiamin's Grandma and Liying's Grandpa passed away.. Hope they will be alrite..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^