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Friday, May 27, 2005

Today by rite got six ppl for badminton one loh.. But in the end oni five turned up.. Whu is the culprit that din cum.. It's STEPHEN!!! He overslept loh.. @_@" Tot he will turned up later on but hor it's no loh.. By order of the three princesses.. He shall be executed.. LoLz.. Today lose till no underwear to wear loh.. Lost all the way.. But it's fun.. Then got these group of angmohs from Hungary.. They just finished their hockey training.. So they approached us to ask us to let them played badminton for a while.. They are good.. Veri versatile.. Watching them played.. We machiam like ikan bilis loh.. And got one nice uncle see us like so pathetic playing with ruined shuttlecock.. So he gave us a brand new shuttlecock.. Thankz uncle.. =] And Raz today kept kena Liyee's underhand style.. Hahaha.. Raz learnt veri fast and used it on me.. =_=" Noooo... Raz dun entered the World of Darkness created by Liyee.. Hahaha.. =X Today I Hou Yi shoot bunny.. Three times liao.. *Burst Stream of Destruction* Booommm.. Wahahaha.. ^^ Then kena banned from bathing for four days by Joanne.. Teamed up with Chen Yu.. Din performed well also kena banned from eating for duno how mani days loh.. Haha.. In the end the days became longer and longer.. Different types of Activity also increased.. Cannot pee and shit for 50 days.. Etc.. LoLx.. Lalala.. After the game Liyee went to bathe.. So I also followed.. But din bathe.. Just use water to splash.. Then got one ahpek walked over to me and tok to me.. That is fine with me lah.. But he is naked loh.. His below that "thingy" is machiam like looking at me also.. It's just like two person toking to me loh.. By rite I should not be paiseh one since in ns it's just like a daily routine.. Walking ard naked not a big deal.. Since the whole camp is guys oni.. But in public I think it's abit extreme lah.. U nvr knw suddenly got small kids ran in then the mum ran in also to pull the kids out.. *Fainted* Anyway went to TM with them for lunch.. As usual the journey to lunch is machiam like going to the West to claim scriptures.. Wahahaha.. Poor Liyee and me.. Hehehe.. I think u all should guess it correctly lah.. The three princesses went shopping again.. >_<~ Went to a shop called Blush.. U knw at first I tot buy clothes oni mah.. Why asked Liyee and me to wait here.. So I decided to follow.. But as I went closer to see.. I saw this big label 36b.. Etc.. Waaaa.. Heng I din followed.. Hehe.. Aiya they buying their "Laundry" loh.. Wahahaha.. So in the end Liyee and me went to gaigai also.. After that went up to Lvl 4 to look for the three princesses.. Searched the whole foodcourt canot find them leh.. In the end they were looking for us too.. Tot we are at the arcade.. LoLx.. Settling down.. The gals went to buy their food first.. Chen Yu had wanton mee.. Joanne had beef noodles.. Liyee had indian cuisine.. Raz had fish slice noodles.. And me went for korean cuisine.. After that felt like having dessert.. Went to buy the dessert.. Make the auntie blur.. Hahaha.. Chen Yu's red ruby without ruby.. Wahahaha.. Joanne's ice kacang without kacang.. Making Joanne's ice kacang order.. I told the auntie no red beans and put oni the syrup.. Then I kept thinking what the syrup name.. Hmm.. The auntie looked at me.. >_<~ I said auntie I want the dark dark syrup.. The auntie was like stunned.. Simi dark dark syrup.. Hahaha.. In the end.. Got one secondary gal bought Chendol.. Then I pointed to the auntie that colour.. The auntie like machiam wanted to vomit blood.. Hahaha.. It's brown sugar syrup lah ahboy.. =p That secondary gal must be thinking why I so dumb.. *Blush* Aiya sometimes ppl do have the tendency to forget things one.. After Liyee finished his lunch.. He went to buy bubor.. Raz was asking is it cold or hot.. I told her cold one.. Wahahaha. Raz reali ahdumb hor? Hehe.. They were looking at the photo taken at last wakeboard.. Raz was complaining why they took the photo of her like that one.. Haha.. The funny thing is when Raz said.. Waaa.. U all took photos all tucked in tummy one hor.. Wahahaha.. Laughed till beng.. Leaving finali.. Chen Yu and Raz walked home.. Liyee went to interchange took Bus 67.. Joanne and me took Bus 72.. Went past a TV showing that Zoe's Tay movie.. That Hai Zi Shu.. Joanne said I am like that boy in the scene.. =_=" Then managed to see one of my frenz.. Boarding the bus.. Asked Joanne one qns.. The chinese character "日".. If add one line to it where will she add.. Haha.. Aiya but she heard of it before liao from FM 93.3.. Anyway the possible characters that can be formed are "田/目/白/旦".. Haha.. Haiz.. I think buay zhun one lah.. >_<~ Joanne asking me what I choose.. But I refused to say.. Hehe.. Then she said must be "田" loh.. Noooo... I dun wan to be "田" lah.. "田" is Stephen leh.. Wahahaha.. ^^ Joanne's sis will be leaving for Beijing at 2300hrs later.. Bon Voyage to her sis..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Woke up at 1100hrs.. Do some housekeeping.. Then went back to slp again at 1500hrs.. LoLx.. Woke up at 1800hrs for DBz.. Had dinner.. Think going to slp at 2200hrs again.. Hahaha.. The Great SG Sale is here liao.. Looks like there will be some squeezing to be done.. The kiasu cum auntie style.. Snatching and grabbing all the stuffs.. Avoiding these places will be best.. If not kena squashed to death also duno.. LoLx.. This is a typical Singaporean style.. Reali canot stand those ppl that scared like canot buy the stuff.. Then cum and snatched or grabbed or wateva style they use.. Zzz.. Reminding me of few weeks ago where I went to collect registered mail.. Met tio tis couple.. They went to collect a mail without stamp on it.. The official asked them to paid 25 cents for the stamp.. The gal like dun wan to pay.. Kpkb here and there.. Just paid and FO lah.. Wasting my time.. She think the whole damn queue oni got her nia ar.. Oni 25 cents also wanted to make a big fuss out of it.. Just STFU and go loh.. Reali a noob cum whiner.. Zzz.. Today is our Liyee's bday.. Happy Birthday!!! May all ur wishes cum true..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Think from today onwards I gotta chiong chicken chop le.. One reason been the uncle is nowadays there liao.. Secondly gonna start on my plan again liao.. Haiz.. Reali veri tired of it liao.. But I seem got no choice at all.. =/ Today had chicken chop.. As usual the uncle will slide over with his slippers.. Haha.. So ironic that he wun slip and fall one.. Went over to tok to me.. Asking why my face so red.. Haha.. I told him kena possess by Guan Yu loh.. He said zhun bo.. Then he replied kena kissed by gal is it.. Haha.. I told him dream on loh.. How I wish it's true loh.. If kena kissed by gal I will be in hospital liao loh.. Cuz kena shocked till faint mah.. >_<~ Just now went to coffeeshop with Yongguan.. Told me abt how he steal other ppl java script for his own blog.. Hahaha.. Actuali wanted to eat chicken chop one.. But the uncle seem to be veri busy.. So in the end din went to order it.. Instead I had a drink.. Yongguan was so happy that Amanda initiate to tok to him.. Haha.. After so mani times.. Finali today she made the move to tok.. She also got tok to me.. Hehe.. =p Quite a presentable gal.. A real good catch for guys.. No wonder that botak and dinosaur keep sticking to her like super glue.. Both also damn cheehong.. Yongguan had his orientation today at SP.. His class got this gal whu smile veri sweet one.. Then I told him smile can be deceiving one.. Just do wat he think deem fit can liao.. Worried so much also no use.. And he is still young loh.. Instead I am the one that should worry not him loh.. T_T At the coffeeshop saw this three persons.. Two guys and a gal.. All three were smoking.. So I told Yongguan that if he want to look for a gf.. Dun ever find one that smoke their life away.. Gals that smoke most slightly chiong alot also.. Just asking him to open his eyes wide open.. Pretty and sexy doesn't mean they are always the best option.. Kuai kuai gals are always the best choice loh..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Today got a bbq at Colin's place.. Took Bus 168 to Woodlands.. Heng got a few seats.. If not stand all the way to Woodlands.. Reaching Woodlands then took train to Yew Tew.. Went into the NTUC to look for the rest.. They were buying the necessary stuffs for the bbq later.. Carrying all the stuffs to Adrian's car then he went off with Liyee to Colin's place.. Andy and me left behind at the pit while the rest all went up to Colin's place.. We set up the 3x3 formation.. LoLx.. Cuz it seem to have alot of fire starters mah.. The table and the pit itself were sibei wet leh.. So we went to wipe till it becum dry.. Asked Colin to bring the lighter down if not canot start the fire.. Then whenever a gal walked past.. Andy would sing Tong Hua loudly.. LoLx.. At least he bold enuff.. >_<~ Tried to finish off the hotdogs and crabsticks.. So can cook the rest of the stuff later on.. After that we cooked the beef marinated by Sherry's mum.. And lastly the chicken wings.. Which is always the most difficult opponent for bbq.. Cuz need to maintain from been charred and also make sure the inner flesh is completely cooked.. And the flame is not like stove which can be controlled.. Then comment abit also kena counter for nothing loh.. Zzz.. Forever one loh.. So it's best to stay and stared at the pit quietly while flipping the food through and flo until cannot flip.. Went to toilet with Andy.. Then we walked around the place to see and sing Tong Hua loud loud.. Machiam like nobody around.. LoLx.. Stephen came quite late.. At least he made all the way here.. After they finished everything.. We went to clear up the place.. And cut cake for Liyee's bday this cuming Thursday.. As usual there will be cake war going on.. Fire in the hole!!! The gals were like fighting for Intercontinental Title.. LoLx.. And Andy duno wat he do to his face.. Full of chocolate syrup.. Machiam like zombie.. Went around to scare ppl.. Waiting for the rest to bring their barang barang down.. Preparing to leave.. Bidded goodbye to the rest and also our Colin.. Thankz for organizing this gathering.. Took a cab with the gals.. In the cab I was talking all the way with the cab uncle.. And there was a sudden rainpour.. Veri heavy.. But becuming smaller as we reached Tampines.. Andy called me and asked me some weird questions.. In the end I asked him to ask Chen Yu.. Reaching home.. Went to bathe first.. Quite hungry.. Cuz din ate much also.. Dun reali like bbq stuffs.. Anyway went to take a serving of my Isomatrix Reloaded.. At least can curb the hunger.. Then quickly went to bed should be alrite.. Hmm.. 0115hrs le.. Time to orh orh le.. Somemore the rain made the sleep even better.. Goodnitez everyone.. Sleep tight and sweet dreams..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Yesterday nite went to kopitiam with Ahyong and Eddy.. They two got abit conflict.. But got me ard mah.. So everything also can be solved.. LoLx.. Ordered spring chicken to eat.. Stayed till ard 2300hrs then we left.. Accompanied them to wait for Bus 72.. Today went out with Alyssa and Jiamin.. Meet at Tampines.. Happened to see Joanne and another long hair gal at Mrt.. I tink is Huimin ba.. Alyssa.. Jiamin and me went to TM Long John Silver for lunch.. Three of us ordered the same Combo one plus slaw.. Then instead of two pieces chicken.. I got three pieces.. Aiya I tink maybe they tink one of the pieces is small.. So give another extra one.. The slaw damn sucks loh.. No taste at all.. Last time veri nice one.. Now machiam all also cut budget.. Slaw plus salad sauce plus water.. @_@" After lunch we went to basement Watson.. They wanted to buy things.. I was looking at the handsoap.. Looked veri nice to me.. So I kept looking at it.. That si Alyssa suddenly went over to call me.. Scared me loh.. >_<~ We went shopping for a while.. Then tinking of settling down.. Went to Starbucks.. Saw Raz there.. Scared disturbed her work.. So I asked them to change to Coffeebean.. Order ice blended mocha and caramel.. Rem got one time went to Coffeebean then ordered caramel fraps.. But since when coffeebean got caramel fraps.. I made a mistake in the end.. That is Starbucks not Coffeebean loh.. Settling down at Coffeebean.. Actuali wanted to sit inside but full.. So went outside to sit.. We chatted and gossiped from 1400hrs plus till 1700hrs plus.. Discussing abt the chalet thing nxt thing.. BBQ or cater also not yet decided.. I told Alyssa I wanted cater.. Hehe.. Then Jiamin said I lazy rite.. Dun wan to bbq food.. LoLx.. Tink the chalet will be at Aloha.. Got to apply exit permit liao.. Hahaha.. ^^ Ard 1645hrs.. Got this grp of two gals and two guys.. The guys sat outside also.. Just beside us.. The gals went inside.. After a while one gal hold a tray.. And her fren hold a cup.. They were at the glass door.. Like waiting for ppl to help them pull open the glass door.. The gal holding the tray looked at me.. Then like whispered to her gal fren who was holding a cup.. Must be saying I see her canot open the door.. Nvr went forward to pull open for her.. Zzz.. Assuming wat I said was rite.. First of all.. Her that gal fren holding just one cup got another hand to push the door open loh.. Secondly her guy frenz should went to help them.. And not sitting down there bua long long loh.. Thirdly I duno them at all loh.. So I tink best dun kapo so much.. Lastly wait Alyssa and Jiamin pulled my ears loh.. Say I flirt loh.. @_@" Actuali that gal holding the tray is quite good looking.. Haha.. But I still I controlled myself hor.. Hehe.. =p As we were abt to leave the gals looked at me again.. Aiya want to condempt me then do so lah.. I duno them anyway so dun affect me at all loh.. Walking home.. Started to rain.. Heng not too big.. Cut into Sunrise estate.. Then Starlight estate.. And finali Mangosteen Estate..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Yesterday went to sch for some briefing.. Nearly din attended it becuz I forgot long time alreadi.. Oni just found out that nite before.. Heng din slp early at 2200hrs.. If not I guess I will be up by 1100hrs the next day ba.. Reaching sch went to find Shaofeng.. He getting the deferment form.. After that we went down to the LT.. Meet tio Liyee.. Went to the LT.. See no one in there.. Oni after a while then some came.. Then the staff asked us to go out tick name.. Si Stephen cum liao first thing is not tick the name.. Instead he beat me.. @_@" Lived Hougang for too long also not good.. Will be influenced by Hougang Chalet aura loh.. LoLx.. The strength today is not even half of the whole class.. Reali veri surprising leh.. Anyway our clique also not mani turned up.. Oni got Jolene.. Liyee.. Mandy.. Shaofeng.. Sherry and Stephen.. Actuali the briefing was quite boliao also.. Less than one hour.. For that I got to travel all the way from east to west just for this briefing.. =_= Anyway the briefing is abt the changing of BBBA to BBM.. Bachelor in Business Management.. Changes of modules also.. Major Specialisation is the same as last time for Sem 3 to 6.. But got minor specialisation for Sem 5 to 6.. All with effect from Jan 2006.. Our Sem 3 modules not affected cuz it's still within 2005 but Sem 4 modules will be affected since it's in 2006.. After everything ended.. Shaofeng.. Stephen and me went outside the LT.. We saw this cat kept looking upwards.. Reali veri engrossed loh.. He dun care the surroundings at all.. Then I said the cat must be peeping gals lah.. LoLx.. =x Went to library with Shaofeng to print out his SAF 100.. Tried and tried but still canot print out.. After mani attempts finali printed out le.. Zzz.. Went to Clementi with Shaofeng and Stephen for lunch.. On the bus deciding what to have for lunch.. Then Shaofeng said he want Mc Fish at KFC.. I was like huh? Got Mc Fish meh.. Reali no idea lah.. Been cut away from the society too long liao.. Hahaha.. Stephen said why not we go KFC and buy Big Mac.. Wahahaha.. *ABISH* Decided to went to the hawker centre.. As usual the sugarcane auntie will be there helping us find seats.. In return we will buy drinks from her.. She saw Stephen holding bubbles tea so she said "Him.. I no need to ask liao.. What abt u two.. What u two want?" Stephen ordered chicken rice.. Shaofeng had prawn mee soup.. Me had economical bee hoon.. After the lunch.. We went home.. Shaofeng went to take Bus 105.. Direct bus to Bishan.. While Stephen and me took train.. At the platform there got this sign saying.. Offenders that went down the track will be fined $5000.. Stephen said what if the person jumped down and died.. Who will pay the $5000.. -_-" Boarded the train.. Stephen went to Tampines with me.. U all dun think he so nice to accompany me hor.. He went to meet Janice loh.. LoLx.. That sweet gal when I first joined Stephen's cell group for badminton.. Haha.. In the train got these three sec sch boys.. I asked Stephen to look at one of them.. One of them the chest machiam is like a gal one loh.. @_@" Stephen saw liao looked at me laughed.. Took Bus 293 back home.. Just felt like taking it.. Although the bus route is veri much long that Bus 69 and 72.. But enjoying the scenery is veri comfortable.. Went past some sch.. Recalling my sec sch days in the past.. Sweet and bitter memories.. Today afternoon went to coffeeshop buy lunch.. Actuali wanted minipot one loh.. Then that western uncle saw me from so far.. I know that it liao loh.. No minipot for today.. *Sobx* He called me "Xiaodi lai lai.." He called from one end of the coffeeshop to another.. Walan make me paiseh loh.. Everyone turned over to see who is he calling.. *Blushed* He always like that one loh.. >_<~ In the end I ordered chicken chop from him.. Expected lah.. I hate that guy that is with the uncle loh.. A real "负心人".. That why got that guy ard I wun eat one loh.. But today I reali got no choice.. Actuali today got tennis one lah.. Then rained again.. Wtf loh.. Stupid weather!! Kan sian lah.. Everytime like that one.. Then now the sun so big.. Zzz.. Apology to Joanne.. Liyee and Sherry.. For taking so long to reply ur sms.. Hehe.. Occupied by things mah.. =p

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, May 16, 2005

My sis came back yesterday.. As usual bought lunch for us.. She bought alot of dianxin.. Eat till sibei full.. Dun see dianxin like so small and vulnerable loh.. They can stuff u up like machiam u eaten five bowls of rice.. LoLx.. Today went to gym.. Saw three chao ahbeng wannabe.. Zzz.. The auntie told me that they splashed the toilet mirror with water.. A bunch of noobs.. The auntie always try to keep the toilet clean and dry.. Yet her effort was not appreciated by these three noobs.. Today I was doing my stuff till I forget lunch again.. Too engrossed again.. LoLx.. Looking at the clock.. Alreadi 1400hrs le.. So late le might as well dun go down buy back eat liao.. So I went to cook instant noodles eat.. Had a few cs game.. Wahahaha.. Sibei funny.. Played map oilrig.. Some of the ppl reali sibei jokers one lah.. Keep saying "Walau why am I the VIP again!!" Hahaha.. And our Tong momo finali bought new com liao.. Finali liao hor.. Tink Joanne working in pet shop now.. Liyee and Sherry been so honest to SIA.. Now also no jobs.. Tomorow our gege is leaving SG le.. Going for her holiday.. Duno when she will be back.. Ya hor.. Duno that Princess Ah-Dumb got passed her the SD card or not.. If not our Lord Yongtang's effort will be in vain..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Yesterday quite late slp.. Then today woke up ard 1030am.. Damn late.. Watched Gransazers.. LoLx.. Haha.. Boliao mah.. So watched loh.. Actuali Saturday also not much shows to see loh.. Went to continue my MX project.. Do till I forgot lunch.. Looked at the time.. It's 1400hrs le.. Waaa.. Quickly went down to buy lunch.. On the way out.. I saw the cleaner auntie.. Tok to her for a while.. Asking me why I so late then eat.. Haha.. =p Went to kopitiam to buy minipot.. Yeah.. Long time no eat le.. Rem two days ago when Chen Yu and Joanne came to the kopitiam and ordered minipot.. The auntie sent the minipot over.. And Joanne told the auntie we not like last time.. So mani type of minipots.. Making the auntie blur.. Hehe.. Went home saw my neighbour teaching his small son how to blade.. Eeeeek.. I also wan to blade.. >_<~ Haiz.. Think must need damn long time to learn it loh.. Quite hard.. The time now is 2315hrs.. And it's raining heavily.. Lightning struck in front of me.. *Stunned* Think tonite will be a cold and rainy nite.. Just nice to slp.. Everyone take care.. Rem to put on extra clothings.. Rem use blankets also.. Dun catch cold ar.. What time is it? It's hibernating time!! =^^=

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, May 13, 2005

Yesterday by rite should have tennis one.. But it rained.. So in the end cancelled.. Chen Yu and Joanne came over to swim instead.. Meet them at the coffeeshop at 1400hrs.. Then they had their lunch.. Ard 1500hrs then went over to swim.. Accompanied them to the pool.. Putting down their stuffs.. Then see them ready liao so I left.. Cuz I banned from seeing them swimming loh.. If not I will be either blindfolded or digged out eyes in order to stay behind.. So sad loh.. Anyway no time for them also.. Got higher priority stuff to do.. Making my swf.. ^^ Today went to Suntec Kbox for ktv.. Walked and searched the whole Suntec still canot find the Marche entrance.. Wtf loh.. In the end it's just beside the main entrance which I entered.. Damn dulan loh.. See all the signboards.. All also no direction of Marche.. Searched till I wan to beat ppl.. Zzz.. In the end they asked me to wait at Eng Wah Cinema.. I agar know where Eng Wah is.. But when I went up.. I saw all sealed up.. Wtf lah.. Dun tell me I so suay meh.. Go to watever place the place will be missing.. In the end I finali found it.. Standing outside the vcd shop.. Watched Tian Long Ba Bu.. Then a bunch of guys walked past me.. So familiar.. Oh gosh.. They are my cs frenz.. Actuali they meeting me today.. But I said I going town for ktv.. So coincidence.. But then they oni see my back so duno is me.. They going for movie at Eng Wah.. Went into the ktv lounge with Chen Yu.. Joanne.. Sherry and Liyee.. As usual they will sing like mad.. Me today dun reali got the mood to sing.. But still sing a couple of songs.. After the ktv they went for shopping.. The gals went to Mango shop.. They are terrible shoppers.. Imagine they can stay in that Mango shop for an hour plus.. *Fainted* That is a gal's shop so Liyee and me go in also no use.. I went off to look ard.. Went to the puzzle shop.. Got quite a few veri nice puzzle.. After that I went past a book shop.. Happened to meet tio Eddy.. He is surprised by my sudden appearance.. Then I told him his stick is at my place and I bring over to him next week.. After some chatting with Eddy.. We parted and I went to Tower Records to see song cds.. Liyee called me saying that they finished shopping at Mango liao.. After that we went to basement for dinner.. Going down the escalator.. They went to draw money.. Got this gal drawing money also.. She look exactly like Jiamin loh.. Whether posture.. Front back side views.. Looked exactly the same.. Nearly called her.. Heng I nvr called.. If not orbi liao loh.. Then we went to the foodcourt just beside us.. Settled our dinner there.. After that they continued their shopping.. Ard 2100hrs Jolene.. Liyee and Sherry left.. The Tampines gang stayed behind.. Waiting for Chen Yu and Joanne at the pillar outside the shop.. Watching the kids with their parents.. After they finished.. Decided to accompany Joanne to bugis to meet her frenz.. Since she scared dark.. Walking from City Hall to Bugis.. Joanne psycho Chen Yu to accompany her meet her sec sch frenz.. Alreadi anticipated this to happen.. Expected I going home alone again.. Anyway still accompanying them to Bugis.. Parting with them.. Waited for the train for 7 mins.. The train came and I was at the door waiting to enter.. A lady cut in front of me replacing my place.. In the end the train is full.. I canot get on it at all.. Farking hell loh.. I waited for so long and someone who din waited as long as I did.. Took over my place.. Does that mean been the opposite sex damn big fark is it.. *Puiz* Gal also must have the basic minimum fengdu loh.. Damn pissed off.. Reaching Tampines.. Went over to Starbucks to try my luck.. See whether Raz was there.. Stood outside for awhile.. Looking for her.. As I was abt to leave.. I saw her.. She cut her hair lah.. No wonder I canot spot from the back.. Took the impt stuffs to her and I left.. Went to Cheers to buy drink.. Decided to walk home today.. Must be romantic mah.. Hehe.. Walking towards Q-bread.. Heard Tong Hua.. Went over to see the Mtv.. Actuali wanted to buy one cd de.. But I oni left with seven bucks.. Today spent too much le.. And paying off debts to Chen Yu.. Walking towards the open space in front of interchange.. A peaceful and chilling route.. There are always veri little ppl walking this way back home.. Oni exceptions are those that cycled.. Sang and hummed along the way home since that whole stretch oni got me.. Cutting through St 71.. Poi Ching and finali home sweet home.. Waiting for lift.. Before entering the lift.. A lady came out with luggages.. Reminds me of Chen Yu leaving this Tues for holiday.. Dedicating this song for her departure.. 祝你一路顺风.. Bon Voyage.. Take care and enjoyed ur holiday..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Yesterday went to Bugis.. Had a dental appointment there.. Went with my parents and bro.. My bro went in first.. When he came out.. It was my turn.. So I knocked the door and entered.. The dentist said I got wisdom tooth problem.. Aiya I also know lah.. Then told me that it's a matter of time that I have to remove it.. Asked me why I in ns nvr go and remove it since it's free.. I scared pain mah.. Zzzz.. Must cut the gum then chop the tooth into small pieces then take it out.. Lastly sew the gum back.. He think put anesthetic liao I becum Superman ar.. No pain at all.. -_-" And I kena operations so mani times till I scare liao lah.. *Shivers* The dentist kept saying a lot of things to me.. Expecting me to answer him with my mouth open wide and a lot of water inside?? Abit no sense rite.. Zzzz.. He kept saying this area will be veri pain when he drilled the tools on it.. Asked me to endure.. @_@" Then he said ok bopian liao he gonna drilled it deeper.. I was like huh? What the hell he mean by drilling it deeper.. Just dun make me "bogay" hor.. *Fainted* Then he use the air flow to clean the teeth.. The pressure abit powerful loh.. When it touches the gum quite painful loh.. The liquid abit sweet but if u hold too long in the mouth.. It's awful loh.. Becum hot and choking.. Guys who did chemical defence before will know tat type of feeling.. Choke to death.. *Yucks* He taught me how to use the dental floss.. Waaa.. I was damn shocked of how he used the floss on my teeth.. Today then I realized dental floss is like that use one.. All the while I tot it just putting the floss line btwn our teeth nia and removed watever food in btwn the teeth.. The dentist first put the floss line btwn the teeth.. After that he forced the floss line all the way down btwn the joining point of the tooth and the gum.. It already going down to the root of the tooth liao loh.. When I saw that I was stunned.. Like that my teeth wun drop meh.. Damn scary loh.. And he asked me to consider put braces cuz my teeth veri close together and crooked.. >_<~ When I reached home I went to the mirror to see my teeth.. Then I realized why my behind gum got blue black.. Must be hit by that air flow thing.. =/ Early tis morning received a call from Raz.. Wanting to borrow some stuff from me.. But I dun have.. So I said I will help her ask my bro for it.. Meanwhile she can try to ask from the others.. Went to Kbox with Chen Yu and Joanne today.. Joanne asked me where I am.. I replied saying I am walking over le.. Then she asked me to go up second level cuz she and Chen Yu were "q-ing".. I was like huh what is "q-ing".. I tot q-ing aka singing.. Then when I was on the escalator up and saw them.. Then I realized what "q-ing" mean.. LoLz.. *Diao* Q-ing is queuing.. Went into the room so fast put me to sing.. Haha saying I keep saying wan to sing Tong Hua.. Where are u Stephen!! Kbox provided lunch for us.. Now then I know got such services.. LoLx.. Had curry chicken rice.. Chen Yu and Joanne said now they were having lunch so it's my job to sing song entertain them.. @_@" Wanna pretend also canot.. All the songs dedicated were from my blog.. LoLz.. So I canot say duno how to sing loh.. Chen Yu asked me will I be sianz cuz they all keep singing.. Aiya I wun one lah.. My motive is to listen to our gege and princess sing songs mah.. And the songs I know also limited lah.. So no worries.. ^_^ Then got this weird song kept popping out of nowhere loh.. Machiam like we dun sing it.. It wun give up.. Keep popping in despite we din dedicate it.. LoLx.. Finali the three hrs of Ktv session finished.. After the Ktv we went to library.. They wanna borrow storybooks to read.. So they went to toilet first.. But Chen Yu nvr see the sign then tot that a gal toilet and loitering outside and see whether that the correct one.. Joanne also gong gong followed her.. LoLx.. Decided to borrow Macromedia book to see.. So I used my IC to borrow both mine and Joanne's books.. After that we went to buy some drinks.. They were queuing up and the queue was quite long.. So I went to the SG Pool buy Toto.. Then I went to the playground there sat down and waited for them.. They walked over said "Xiaodidi why u here alone.. Where ur mummy.. Nvm we bring u to the nearest police post.." Hahaha.. *Lame* We parted after some walking towards central.. Chen Yu later still needed to work.. And Joanne later got taekwondo.. Joanne and me took Bus 72 back home.. Alighting with her.. Accompanied her home.. Walking her to the lift then she said she walking up the stairs.. Waaaa.. Sibei shag one leh.. Went home then KO into bed.. Hehe.. >_<~ Today is Andy's Bday.. Let us all wish him Happy Bday.. Hope all his dreams will cum true.. And lastly Yongtang today left early in the morning to Thailand.. Bon Vogage!! Must rem to bring us goodies hor.. Hehehe.. =p

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, May 09, 2005

Yesterday was Mother's Day.. Woke up with my bro at 0530hrs to make breakfast for my mum.. Haha slept at 0200hrs then woke up at 0530hrs.. LoLx.. Around 0630hrs after everything had finished I went back to pig.. Nearly miss my cartoon at 1230hrs.. Heng my sis called back ard 1100hrs.. The ringing of the phone shocked me up.. Walau I dreaming leh.. Everything also vanished when I opened my eyes.. >_<~ My sis came with her hubby with a cake to celebrate Mother's Day.. Rem two days ago.. There was a veri heavy rain in the afternoon.. It was like oni a rain mah.. I not so concern abt the rain.. But when I looked out at the balcony.. The balcony door's slider was flooded with water.. It's already full le.. The water was entering my living room.. I was stunned.. Wat the hell was happening.. I rushed to take one whole chunk of cloth to suck the water.. *Phew* Today went to Cold Storage to change my savings into fifty dollar notes.. Then I gave the counter auntie a hundred dollars.. The auntie said why I gave her twenty more bucks.. I was like huh? Reali I sibei blur lah.. Din count then tot that stack is one hundred dollars.. Luckily that auntie honest.. LoLx.. Saw the news just now reporting abt a pervert going ard Hougang to show his naked body.. Stephen why u nvr make Hougang safe!!! U see Tampines got Chen Yu.. Joanne.. Raz and me.. The security so tight.. Sound and safe.. Wahahaha.. If that pervert cum Tampines.. He gonna be the suay liao loh.. Meet tio our gege and princesses.. They will make sure he becum Xiaochenzi the Second.. Muwahahaha.. >_<~

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, May 06, 2005

Yesterday was our last paper.. After so long.. Our torment are finali over.. After the paper we decided to go town enjoyed.. Chen Yu.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Raz.. Sherry.. Yongtang and me went to Plaza Singapura.. Went to Cartel to have our dinner.. Chen Yu and Joanne alighted earlier to shop for some stuffs then joined us later.. Waiting for that gege and princess.. Sibei long leh they all.. Yongtang and me damn hungry liao loh.. Yongtang and me were looking at the Cartel Waitress "A".. Not bad leh.. Hehe.. Then got one more Waitress "B" bringing the menu to us.. This one then hot leh.. See till eyes dropping on the ground liao loh.. LoLx.. Finali Chen Yu and Joanne lai liao.. Then they wanted to place their orders.. Then I told Joanne she no need place le.. Cuz I helped her order veggie mix for her.. Got a lot of veggie cum her favorite carrot.. Wahahaha.. Anyway we placed our order.. I duno wat the name of the food called so I anyhow said in here hor.. =p Chen Yu had the St Louis Ribs.. Joanne had pasta.. Look like carbonara.. Liyee had chicken lasagna.. Raz I forgot wat she ate liao.. Sherry had chicken chop cum pasta.. Yongtang had porkchop cum a piece of chicken.. Me had teriyaki beef pasta.. Then Yongtang said all of us ordered porkchop so that we can tried Raz's food and she canot tried ours.. Sibei evil leh.. Becuz muslim canot touch pork mah.. Wahahaha.. Everyone finished their stuff except Chen Yu and Sherry.. Chen Yu canot finish becuz that ribs reali damn tagong leh.. Sherry no need said liao.. She always eat her food veri slowly.. Waitress "B" came over to clear my plate.. Then I said ok and thankz.. Joanne hor she then went to disturb me.. Saying got pretty gal helped me cleared plate and I din said thank u to her.. Make till that waitress paiseh loh.. Then Chen Yu wanted me to help her finished off the rest of the ribs.. I reali damn full leh so canot lah.. Then I suggested Zhong Ji Mi Ma.. Lose one eat loh.. Hehe.. Then Liyee kena the first victim.. He kena by trapped by me.. Wahahaha.. Those laughed so much one always will be the next one loh.. Indeed loh.. Joanne trapped me loh.. >_<~ Last one to tio one is Yongtang.. Kena trapped by Joanne also.. In the end all the guys were victimized.. LoLx.. Then we brought in the free flow bread to be the stake.. Changing our game into a new one.. Duno wat name is it.. 007 Bang? Wahahaha.. ^^ Raz tio liao then kena punished ate the bread.. She ate till like damn suffering.. Haha.. Purpose is to get her tio and we can stop the game.. Leaving Cartel.. We were outside Cartel.. Then got one weird uncle went to us praising our "normal" language veri zai.. We were like huh? We Singaporeans of cuz zai lah.. Hahaha.. The four gals went to shop.. Leaving behind the guys.. So heartless hor.. =p But they nvr realized letting guys like "us" to roam around and shopped is their greatest mistake.. Wahahaha.. Went past a shop and saw many badges hanging at the glass panel.. The wording is reali veri interesting.. Liyee.. Yongtang and me stood there for quite long thinking of which badge to give whu.. Haha.. Choose till so long and finali had our choices.. Went around looking for the gals.. Duno where the hell they camped.. Finali know where they were le.. Went to look for them.. Liyee.. Yongtang and me all attached our badges to our bags.. Great show was about to start liao.. Hehehe.. Oni Sherry realized Liyee got a badge on his bag.. Then she went to told the rest of the gals.. Joanne was searching for my badge but canot find it.. Haha.. Then I covered up my badge with my hand.. But then kena forced open by Joanne.. After seeing the content my badge.. She laughed till beng.. >_<~ Then Yongtang distributed the rest of the badge to the gals.. Hahaha.. Joanne was the last to be given so that we had the time to escape.. If not we would be chop by her liao loh.. After all the fun we decided to settle down at bakerzin.. Daven and Jiawen also joined us.. Ordered a piece of chocolate amber.. Shared with Raz since she scared eat too much later will put on weight.. LoLx.. Then kena said by Chen Yu and Joanne said waa we two so sweet ar.. Shared a piece of cake.. *Fainted* Leaving around 2300hrs.. Everyone went to flag for cab except Yongtang he went to take train home.. And we queued at side of the road.. Then got one guy wanna cut queue btwn us.. Chen Yu saw then said loud loud to tell us abt that guy.. Jiawen approached that person and asked him to queue behind us.. But he insisted that he was in the queue earlier on.. He bluffing lah.. I din saw him at all from the start.. I oni saw that group of angmoh in front of us.. Liyee then duno said wat to me but I replied him saying that I dun wish to beat that guy.. Count himself lucky cuz I am veri happy today.. Becuz.. Hehehe.. =p Chen Yu.. Daven and Raz shared one cab.. Sherry took alone the cab.. Our turn to take cab and Joanne asked me whether to let that guy took first.. Today was our great day so dun let that noob spoilt our mood.. =) Jiawen.. Joanne.. Liyee and me shared in one cab.. Liyee alighted first.. Followed by Jiawen and Joanne.. Reaching home.. Went to bathe and played my Shining Tears.. Time for 24hrs non-stop hardcore fragging.. =^^=

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Today must write blog loh.. If not kena complained by ppl liao loh.. Just received a complain today.. Hahaha.. Worst still there are one gege and two princesses in my area loh.. Haha.. Wanna execute me also veri easy.. And tat princess which lived the nearest to me wun hesitate to chop me loh.. LoLx.. >_<~ Today is our Com Law paper.. Also the second last paper.. Glad the paper nvr pattern pattern loh.. Unlike that damn Mab.. Go die lah si Kaye.. Kaye is that damn coordinator name loh.. Zzz.. Woke up today then reached sch ard 10am.. Waiting for our Chen Yu Gege and Princess Bun.. LoLx.. Shaofeng came at ard 1310hrs.. Then quickly copied all the necessary secrets into the textbook.. Hehehe.. =p Aiya everyone also like that one loh.. Must make use of the advantage loh.. Dun make use then kumlan loh.. LoLx.. Wanna be as despicable as possible lah.. If not kena eat by the examiner again.. Chen Yu was saying Joanne reached liao.. But then like no sight of her.. Then I said aiya if she lai liao we will know one.. Chen Yu was asking why we will know.. Reason is simple.. Cuz bunny hop mah.. So if Joanne is here we can hear the sound of hopping *Diao* *Diao* *Diao* loh.. Hehehe.. ^^ Then I tabao lunch for them.. Buying food from the chicken rice stall.. Then I tot that "Black Face Auntie" not ard loh.. So was quite relieved.. But reali tian yi lah.. When I went over to buy beef rice for Joanne.. Tat auntie was there at tat stall.. @_@" Taking cab home with Chen Yu.. Joanne and Raz.. Since all also going back home so just nice on the way.. Paper alreadi finished liao loh then Raz said I nvr offered her to take the ride.. @_@" Of cuz she included lah.. *Fainted* In the cab they keeping chatting like ten years nvr tok like tat.. Wahahaha.. Oopz.. Then duno wat Joanne said to Raz loh.. I asked Raz and she refused to say out.. I said Raz u so nice.. Tell me wat she said.. But then also no use.. Her mouth like cockles loh.. Just wun said out.. Chen Yu said she wun betrayed frenz one.. >_<~ I said "Ok loh dun say.. Raz no wonder u devil.." Hahaha.. =p Reaching Century Square.. All the three alighted.. Then I continued the journey home loh.. Duno whu said whether I alighting with them.. Siao leh.. I alight then take bus home meh.. Wan me to knock ur head ar.. Hehe.. Last paper to go liao.. Even though it's the damn dulan paper in everyone eyes.. But bopian still must take it.. Everyone ganbatte.. Two more days to POP.. Oopz.. Should be two more days to freedom.. =^^=

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^