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Thursday, September 28, 2006

I should wake up earlier.. But duno how cum slp and slp.. And wun wake up at all.. I only rem I was caught in a dream that was so difficult to break myself away from dreamland and make myself sober once again.. It was only until Step called me den I was finali break away from there.. And when I looked at the time.. It was nearly late for our meeting..

Step and me went for lunch as LY told us that he and Sher alreadi had early lunch le.. And so the two of us settled down at the usual kopitiam.. After which we headed towards LY's place.. When we were there.. SF was there also.. Den we all went to watch LY played World of WC.. Seems nice.. And SF is kinda hooked by it.. But the problem is the game is not free.. Not as if u bought the game den can play online for free.. Investing in it will kinda need much reserves.. Esp for SF who still have gf to feed.. Hahaha.. I also have someone to feed.. So will be hard to make ends meet.. LoLz..

And so after some discussions.. We set our foot off to the sacred ground at Loyang.. At first the interview was still alrite.. But as it go on non-stop for the next 2 hrs plus.. I started to feel sleeply.. I was gg to doze off le.. I pryed open my eyelids to prevent that from becuming reality.. Was so scared that I can't endure anymore.. And den pong.. Drop dead on the table.. >_<~

Was ushered around by the manager.. Looking at different places.. Different tasks and jobs.. And there was this earplug thingy.. It juz looks exactly like those candy machine.. Put coins in den turn and turn.. Den candy will cum out.. And it's called Soft Ear.. LoLz.. Machiam name of a candy..

By the time everything ended.. It's late alreadi.. Not forgetting I have to go for appointment later on.. After dropping the rest at Bedok.. I rushed home for dinner in hope that I can make it for later appointment.. The urge to see someone is juz so great that u juz wanna go down straight and throw aside all other stuffs.. It's juz that difficult to describe ba.. I guess most of u will have that kind of feelings many times in their life.. Juz as much as u wan to see someone again as if u haven seen her for a decades.. And it merely less than 28hrs.. That eagerness in one's heart is so hard to fathom afterall..

Sometimes what many said abt it's better to be late than not to cum.. How true is this? I feel it will depend on what circumstances one is in.. Imagine if u are dealing with a conservative and tradition person.. Will u rather be late or dun cum at all? I would preferably choose the latter juz to avoid any unnecessary troubles.. But sometimes it will kinda even makes things worst if choose the latter.. So sometimes I reali duno what paths to choose from.. It juz seem that either one will end up the same afterall..

Picking up the phone is not hard.. The hardest thing is dialing the number u wan.. How many times have u ever hesitate whether to call that her or that him? And it was nvr difficult if it's frenz..

I juz like this phrase.. "Happy Moments, Praise God.. Difficult Moments, Seek God.. Quiet Moments, Worship God.. Painful Moments, Trust God.. And Every Moment, Thankz God!!" It's juz that meaningful..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Today WH looked so pale.. Cuz she was sick yesterday.. Poor WH.. *PatPat* And WH was so sweet loh.. She bought me mooncakes from Ritz.. That must be veri expensive loh.. Like wat Rene said Ritz's mooncakes are expensive de.. She also bought for Jan and Cher.. That's reali veri nice of her..

Went to Bedok for lunch today.. Missing crew is our HR leader.. Haha.. She is busy meeting with her MGB members.. Was asked how cum I saw Chan Ru suddenly so happy.. Haha.. Actuali is becuz of yesterday when YT suaned her.. Den I realized she kinda blur blur de.. Who else when using a com or lappy dun scroll down document to see it? LoLz.. Well.. Chan Ru doesn't.. Hahaha..

And when I saw Shar.. I think she is another funny fellow.. Imagine u will be fine 10cents for every min late.. And Shar she was fined a buck.. That's ten mins late.. Wahahaha.. And LY collected the one buck from her.. That's a great system to implement.. LoLz.. Can use as outing fund too..

Aaron was funny also.. Imagine the first time I saw him.. I feel he quite fierce de.. But after sitting down with him and the rest of my clique.. I find him a nice guy.. I wondered what did my Mrs Tan chatted with him when LY.. Sherr.. Rene and me went to canteen to tabao food for them and ourselves..

Today Wayne asked me.. U from afternoon class.. Cuz I asked for Class A attendance.. Den he asked me why I came in the morning.. Haha.. Guess what I answered.. I told him cuz morning class more lively and interesting.. And I said cuz Wayne himself is not energetic in the noon.. So kinda not fun at all.. Most imptly of cuz is to accompany her.. In the end Wayne said that's reali a gd answer.. Haha.. But now that he know it also no point le.. Next week will be the last lecture liao..

Juz today I helped Mrs Tan to buy "Lian Rong Pau" aka "Green Bean Paste Bun" from canteen.. I know she dun like black Lian Rong.. So I go asked the Pau auntie..

Me: Auntie.. 你的莲蓉包里面是黑色还是青色的?
Pau Auntie: 什么!! 什么黑色还是青色? 莲蓉就是莲蓉.. 那有什么黑色还是青色..
Me: ....
Pau Auntie: 豆沙包是黑的.. Jagung包是黄的.. 你问的是不是这两种? (Jagung is corn in Malay)
Me: 不是..
Me: Orhh.. 因为我的朋友说莲蓉包里面有两种颜色吗.. 所以我问问看..
Pau Auntie: 你的朋友骗你的啦..
Me: ....

In the end I juz buy it back.. Den told Step abt it.. He said where got black or green.. It's yellow colour only.. LoLz.. I feel so paiseh esp when there are ppl behind me when I buy the pau.. Overheard the conversation.. >_<~ Ppl tot I'm trying to be funny and giggled their life away..

And how much I detest humji taggers is juz as much as I hate noobs.. Who is childish in the first place? It probably those humji and useless noobs that only know how to criticize ppl without showing their true identity.. They probably love the trill of been caught at the end of the day.. Maybe that's called psychotic.. Self depriving.. Or even lack of love by her frenz.. So no point hiding behind that screen of urs.. It's juz pointless..

After months of spending time with her.. From my home to her home.. Though not alot of time as compared to others.. I think I kinda reached another level of my life with her.. At least I can take all the teasing or even critics from her.. And it juz appeared as nothing to me anymore.. Is that called maturity stage of one's thinking? Haha.. I'm saying as if I'm a bond that has maturity period.. >_<~ But I'm reali glad that u are still by my side..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Today is the second orientation row for the freshies.. The turnout was gd.. Even better than the previous time.. Each boat will consist of freshies and seniors.. And will have a mini race at the end of the day.. So it will be up to each boat how they wan to teach the freshies.. I juz luv to play the viking ship where everyone will be sit on the edge of the boat facing each other.. And den rock like hell.. Everyone is shouting like hell.. Screaming for help..

And today is Sava Sprint.. We have catered a bus to the destination.. Sava Sprint is an international event held annually.. So it will definitely be an eye-opener as u can see how the various teams from various country fared.. Teams from Philipines are strong.. Penang too.. Well.. NTU and NUS kinda din fared this time round.. Was kinda surprised.. Glad Safra team did well.. Cuz Ming.. Jacq.. Jeff are all in there.. Our dear ex-rowers..

Since someone juz started it.. I shall settle it to the way she wan it.. Dun expect me to say things in a nice way (As if u did it in a nice way in the first place)..

Anyway one big fark asked me to fark off cuz she claimed I have told her enemy abt her stuff.. Well.. If she insists it.. So be it.. I simply not interested at all.. And u so sure I said it? Who u think u are? Kindaichi (金田一)? Pull up ur bloody eyelids and see.. U think ur "recently gd fren" din know abt ur stuff? And it juz happened that ur "recently gd frenz" is also ur enemy's gd frenz.. Use ur brain and think.. If ur left hemisphere brain not enuff.. Use up ur right hemisphere brain as well..

And if u wan to relate to what happened previously.. Who is the one that uses her long tongue to spill out abt other ppl's secret first? U should jolly well know the consequences before u did that.. Blame on ur gossip diarrhea.. Dun cum climbing to other ppl's head and claim ppl did u wrong.. Yawnz.. Now u put urself in the shoes of a victim and make ur stand.. Den when I put myself as a victim after what u did.. How do I feel?

Worst still.. U still rem at Long John Silver in TM.. When there are only u and me.. We sat down there having our meal.. And u asked me whether I believe that u din tell the secret anyone.. I pondered a while.. Den u say to me "U dun believe me?" And den u showed me that action of disappointment cuz I hesitated whether I trust u or not.. In the end becuz of ur that action of disappointment.. I believe u to the bottom of my heart.. And I'm sure u wun say it out at all.. And u know how it feels when I came to know abt it that u are the one that spilling out everything..

And by mentioning the contents of ur sacred stuff is nothing big deal compared to what u did.. And in the first place did u and I ever make an agreement that ur blog contents can't be shared? I doubt so.. However we did make gentleman's agreement on my secret.. So who is more at fault now?

And dun always expect ppl to do it ur way.. Enuff is enuff.. SS Family Day that time is also another nonsense.. U claimed that why must u wait for another person's reply to set the time for setting off.. And why I din ask u what time u wan.. The thing is.. It's not as if that person din go den I also not going.. Even if that person din go.. I will also go.. Simple as that.. Why must u be so red-eyed on such things? Not as if u will lose a chunk of flesh from ur body..

Lastly I wan to say.. I alreadi asked ur so-called enemy abt that matter.. The answer I received is "There's no such thing happening.." So go dig up the facts before throwing blame to other ppl.. Let's juz says that ur enemy is lying to me.. Even if ur enemy is lying and it's true that such thing has happened.. I DID NOT MENTIONED UR SO-CALLED SACRED ADDRESS TO UR SO-CALLED ENEMY!! U think I finished meal nothing to do go memorised such complicated and long address? Let me juz tell u.. I have more impt things to do than to do such trivial thing like this.. U and me did make an agreement on the address thing that it should not be make known to other ppl unless with ur approval.. U THINK I'M U? Dun care abt agreements made btwn frenz!!

And of cuz I know abt the incident of that "him" which spills the beans too.. And why I din do anything to him? It's simple.. Cuz we have a greater affinity compared to urs.. And most imptly of all.. I and him did not made any agreements abt the secret in the first place..

If u scared ppl see den juz changed the bloody address.. Or might as well dun create it in the first place.. Or better still write it in a diary since u wan so much privacy.. And if u think ppl like me will continue to spill ur contents.. Why still dun change the address? Aren't u asking for trouble? Or is it u juz wan ppl's attention like what many feel? Yawnz..

And dun ever think that I kept quiet all these while means I scared.. And dun even think that I din confront u means I'm admitting I did u wrong.. Puiz.. That's becuz I simply dun give a damn to it.. Get it!! I saying all these is becuz I dun wan to be framed for nothing.. Understand NOOB?

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wayne Kwan set up a leadership camp.. And will like us to join in.. It's only for a few days.. $150 per head.. Somewhere out there in M'sia.. From SG only need one hr time to reach there.. Though I hope I can go with her or them.. But I know the chances of going is almost 100 percent impossible..

Today Wayne showed us the video again.. And I heard someone behind me dozing off.. Can hear the snoring sound.. LoLz.. YT also slping beside me.. I also feel like slping for that 20 over mins..

Ever seen ur frenz treat himself so familiar with ur home.. That he will own time own target switched on the aircon.. Opened the fridge.. Taking out a drink.. Lying on the sofa.. And watched movie.. LoLz.. And he said that is the differences btwn normal frenz and true frenz.. Muwahahaha.. Nice theory leh..

And the funniest thing is.. He was the one that started watching the dvds.. And was the one that dozed off.. And he is also the one that jumped out in fear from his slp when my parents opened the door.. LOLz.. U juz made a record of jumping high!!

On the way home.. Saw the minipot auntie cycling over.. First time saw her cycling.. LoLz.. So I smiled and waved at her.. She smiled and waved back.. And she added juz send gf home le ar.. Heee.. ^^ What u think leh.. Hahaha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, September 18, 2006

Today lecture suppose to be for Class A.. But as I glanced around.. I feel Class B's ppl are overwhelming.. How cum A's ppl so little huh.. Today break was as usual.. Long and sweet.. LoLz.. Was with Advin chatting away..

Was listening to what Jeffery Goh said.. And den suddenly behind got ppl kicking my chair.. So I tot it was purely accidental.. And it came the second time.. So I still thinking it was bu xiao xin.. LoLz.. And when the third kick came.. The impact gets harder.. So I think is ppl calling me.. So I turned around and saw WH and Jan.. o_O" At first I tot it's someone I duno.. And den he or her use this kind of method to call me.. I will definitely diao him or her loh.. Hahaha.. But it turns out to be the sweet gals I know.. Keke.. =X

Jeffery Goh said on average.. Gals tok 20000 words per day while guys tok 9000 words per day.. At first I tot he is suaning the gals.. Saying them like to nag alot.. But in the end it turned out to be aiming at the guys.. Becuz he said that guys always dun listen that why the gals need to repeat what they said.. LoLz.. So will end up toking more loh.. O_o" Well.. Well.. But I still think even without repeating they still tok alot lah.. Hahaha..

He also mentioned that by the time he finished teaching the lectures for morning and afternoon.. He alreadi used up the 9000 words.. And when he reached home he wun tok to his wife.. He was saying as if once the quota limit exceeded den can't tok animore.. Machiam like sms.. Exceed usage needa paid extra loh..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Today was told to take my fitness test for DB cuz last Wed I din took it.. Aiya tot can siam but in the end can't.. LoLz.. Anyway juz do it lah though I dun reali in the mood for it.. No harm either..

After training went with Dan and JJ to bath at PWD.. On the way out JJ mentioned something abt buying a flat den it will be ready in five yrs time.. Dan den purposely said so fast wedding liao ar.. During this time JJ was on phone with his gf.. Dan mentioned tell u dun anyhow use shotgun liao.. U see lah.. LoLz.. Was laughing the way.. After JJ finished his conversation.. He said juz now what Dan said was reali dangerous.. Hahaha.. Cuz JJ's gf might hear it..

And what on earth is Kallang closed down.. Wtf.. And u can guess it well.. It's the base for the police for IMF.. Yawnz.. And wanting to go to Orchard need a frigging long way out from Geylang..

Juz as much as I hope to do some surprises.. But in the end it juz came to nothing.. CL and me were waiting to launch the surprise and yet the star is not around.. Haix.. What to do.. CL and me juz waited and waited in hope will get a reply.. In the end nothing at all.. So afterall we decided to leave le.. Waiting will cum to no end afterall.. Enuff is enuff.. And I feel so bad that CL came all the way down juz for this.. What does this lesson taught me? It juz taught me dun be kapo afterall.. Been to nice sometimes is juz unnecessary and might end up like fools.. Juz like CL and me.. Nevertheless juz treat it as an experience..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Today had a conversation with our lecturer Chua Chong Hock.. Din know he dun have a job de.. Now only depending on lecturing and consulting to live on.. Hmm.. Now I know why he wan us to put nothing lesser than five in his evaluation.. Of cuz I wun put max score juz becuz of sympathy.. But I juz feel he know his stuff well.. So giving him max score should be not a problem either.. As we chat.. The evil consiousness lying inside the four of us started to emerge as we know how to earn some quick bucks from CCH.. Keke.. >_<~ Speaking whether it's ethical or not is juz not the issue.. Cuz it's a transaction afterall.. Haha..

Imagine u pushed ur gf or bf into the rail track and den wan to run away using the same train.. That's ridiculous!! As if the onlookers are fake de meh.. And for goodness sake if wan to "jie dao sha ren" also think of a better way lah.. So lame.. Use public transport to kill his gf.. And I'm refering to the Clementi train incident.. Well.. No matter how big the problem is.. Also no need to resort to such evil method loh..

And an article said that the movie Devil wears Prada is evil.. Haha.. Why evil is becuz the movie cause gals to go chiong Prada.. Juz like obsessing in it loh.. Haha.. That's gd mah.. Boost our economy!! LoLz.. ^^

And wtf is blogger superstar!! LoLz.. Now machiam everything also wan to have superstar.. o_O" Obviously the winner will be Xiaxue.. If not it will be Colin and Kero liao loh.. LOLz.. =X Or maybe Sarongpartygal.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Yest juz had my IF test.. Actuali for those who din study it's a blessing for them.. Cuz 22 out of 30 qns are simply repeated.. And the rest of the 8 qns is definitely to differentiate from DI to HD.. That's what I believe.. Sometimes one might feel in such a way that it's isn't fair for those who study so hard.. Cuz those that dun study or attend classes dun deserve to get gd grades at all.. If it cum to concepts.. I believe many will not be able to do.. Only a few exceptional elites will ba.. And that Mok TS duno go where yest.. By rite he should be around loh.. If not what if got ppl wanna asked qns abt the paper den how.. And I'm kinda glad that IF has ended earlier.. Haha.. Aiya the only sad thing is I wun get to listen to Mok TS lame and cold jokes animore le loh..

After the test.. LY.. Step and me decided to go 85 market to have supper.. On the way out.. A car approach from my rite side.. Cuming from B1.. Haha.. Was astonished to see it's the powerpuff gals.. Haha.. Ok lah it's WH.. Cheryl and Jan.. LoLz.. Make a move ahead of them first.. Keke.. And WH said I din let her vehicle go first.. LoLz.. But hor there is a stop line there!! Haha.. So I must abide the regulations to go first.. Heeeee.. =P

And from sch till Bedok.. WH was either beside my vehicle.. If not will be in front or behind.. LoLz.. I obviously saying rubbish rite.. Cuz it's either front.. Back or side mah.. If not den on top of me meh!! Wahahaha.. That will only happen in the cartoon Mask.. Hahaha.. >_<~

And when I reach Bedok only den I realized WH is racing against me to see who can reach Tampines first.. Hahaha.. No wonder she cut here and there.. ^^ And the prize of reaching first will be steamboat.. Runnerup will treat the winner steamboat.. That will of cuz inclusive of Cheryl and Jan also.. >_<~

HR lecturer Chua CH that day say something abt colours.. And he said ppl have different colours.. Some are white.. Some are brown.. Some are light brown.. Some are black.. And some are light black.. LoLz.. WTF is light black!! >_<~

And today Wayne Kwan asked that CHK whether he is 35 yrs old.. LoLz.. And asked him where is his frenz.. He is sitting alone.. Well I should say all his frenz are gals..

The film Wayne Kwan screened was nice I guess.. Cuz I fell asleep.. Haha.. And I slept till drool.. >_<~ Wow.. And I nearly kiss tio ppl.. Keke.. =P Went back home and have my favourite minipot with my cute ahlian wannabe.. Hahaha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Went to Bedok South for lunch today.. Actuali it was my first time stepped foot there even though I did eat the famous fishball noodles from there before.. Why the fishball noodles is so famous there is up to u to find out le.. Haha.. And the Cuttlefish Kangkong is definitely nice as I heard from LY.. But I think the Hot Wok stall food is nice after I tried it today..

If someone asked ya to describe him or her as much as u know abt him and her.. How would u describe? Does ur descriptions include only positive stuffs? Or it consists of negative stuffs too?

And I said I love her complexion so much that I fall in love with her complexion.. And she juz asked only fall in love with her complexion only ar? Haha.. What does that mean leh.. Hahaha.. I dun mind falling for the person itself.. Keke.. >_<~

LoLz.. I was counting how many tortoises I had on my msn list.. Haha.. And count and count.. A total of 27 tortoises.. No need so mafan lah.. Juz go Bedok 85 and Chomp Chomp to eat up the stingrays can liao.. Keke..

Women after age 30 is considered old woman.. While guys before married are considered kids.. (Lovely Samsoon, 2006) Hahaha.. *Lame*

Tml is EG lesson again.. Time for more lame jokes from Jeffery Goh after Mok TS's and Wayne Kwan's class for Mon and today..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Morning HR.. Den noon IF.. That's the first full day class for me.. LY.. Step.. And Torri.. I should say ever since Sem 3 ended.. We do not have any full day class.. Sem 4 there is no more full day classes until halfway of Sem 5.. And soon Sem 5 is ending again..

I reali dun feel so well cuz of that day been caught in rain at town.. I came for HR lecture sneezing all the way.. And I juz hate it when I spread to LY and the rest.. And I feel so sleepy and cold.. It was only until teabreak that I finali came out for tea from LY's persuasion..

And our dear Mr Chua Chong Hock scared the hell outta me loh.. During teabreak he was calling some names as I entered the LT.. I tot he calling to see who around.. So I went out again to join the rest.. When the class ended.. He called my name and a few.. Den said those names been called must go and see him after class.. o_O"

When I was at the front with him and the other seven ppl.. He asked me what's my name.. So I said loh.. He den said how cum I'm here.. He tot I not around.. Cuz he din see I put up my hand.. But I got put up loh.. Den kena suan by him saying that my hand veri heavy is it.. >_<~ And den he said.. U guys are in deep trouble.. I was thinking what the hell happened loh.. Nehneh de lah.. In the end it's something positive.. =)


And I sometimes juz wonder how cum ppl in the same clique dun zap stuff for the rest of their clique members.. It's not the first time that I saw that.. Hmm.. I was thinking maybe their clique is big.. That's why.. But I was told that last time ours also used to be big.. Also not like that.. We did zap for everyone also.. Hmm.. True also.. Anyway I juz can't stand fishmongers (If u know what it means).. Or is there a better word to use? LoLz.. ^^

Went for YT's Super Sunday event today.. It was fun.. I was delegated to Haunted House.. Well.. Of cuz my role is to scare the hell outta ppl loh.. LoLz.. Aiya.. I'm so nice how to scare ppl.. In the end maybe kena scared by ppl instead.. Keke.. =p

I think not bad leh.. Manage to scare till ppl cried and ppl vomitted.. Haha.. Powerful rite.. Some of them kept on playing again and again.. Anyway first time might be scared but after the second or subsequent time.. These ppl will know where are the locations of the traps and ghosts le.. Blah blah blah.. And den wanna be hero and tell ppl there got one.. And there got another one.. Yaya papaya loh..

Some even discuss STRATEGIES outside before entering.. Machiam acting like Ghostbusters loh.. LoLz.. So funny.. Like so serious in playing this game..

Commander of Ghostbuster: U stay here.. U cover him.. And u follow me..
Ghostbuster Member 1: Yes Sir!!
Ghostbuster Member 2: Roger Sir!!
Ghostbuster Member 3: Affirmative Sir!!

Got one gal quite brave de.. Many times ppl tried to scare her she's not been scared at all.. And den I was sitting on the table resting.. She touched my thigh.. And den touched again.. Den duno what is that.. I juz moved away the newspapers den shouted out "Dun eat my tofu lah!!".. Muwahahaha.. She jumped up.. LOLz.. This shows that the more one tried to act zaizai and fearless.. The more timid they are.. Haha.. =X

Anna is funny.. She act well.. But the way she projected her role I juz wanna LOL.. Hahaha.. Juz can't stop laughing.. Anyway I think not bad leh.. As in our overall earnings.. Was quite alot.. Business is gd.. LoLz..


I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, September 01, 2006

*Abstract taken from My Lovely Samsoon*
The reasons why some gals can't find themselves a decent guy is:

1st.. Nice man are ugly..
2nd.. Gd-looking men are unfaithful..
3rd.. Gd-looking and nice men are alreadi married..
4th.. Gd-looking, nice and single men are incompetent..
5th.. Gd-looking, nice, single and rich men are not interested in them..
6th.. Gd-looking, nice, single and rich men who are interested in them are playboys..
7th.. Gd-looking, nice, single, rich men who are interested in us and not playboys are gays!!!

Hahaha.. Quite true hor.. >_<~


Foot Fact 1:
26 bones, 33 joints, a network of over 100 ligaments, muscles, tendons working in perfect unison.. Any weakness or failure causes poor perfomance, pain and a possible life-long foot condition..

Foot Fact 2:
A 10 km run produces over 6000 foot strikes, each at a force 3 times the body weight..

Foot Fact 3:
The average person walks over 250,000 km in a lifetime, equal to walking around the globe 6 times..

Foot Fact 4:
4 out of 5 persons eventually suffer some sorts of foot problems..

Foot Fact 5:
Problems of the foot are later manifested as pain in the knee, hip or back..


Sometimes I juz wondered am I reali stupid to do some stuff which is unnecessary and certainly not obliged to do so.. I think I'm those that always will try to make up to some ppl if I ever made them angry in some ways.. But this time round I'm sure I din do anything wrong.. Is asking someone to study hard wrong? I reali duno.. It's for their own good not for me..

What for get myself down to town so early when I can sleep longer? Most of my frenz know I hate going to town.. And I will definitely give all sorts of reasons to avoid going there.. And I did it for ya..

What for get myself running around in the rain like a fool juz to find where is that place I can buy ur fav chocolate? And I dun denied that I'm not familiar with areas of town.. That's why I always get lost..

What for get myself drenched and lying in bed now like a patient when I have other stuffs to attend to? And I bet u wun understand how much I yearned to get that particular chocolate for ya to encourage ya to strive on for ur exams..

What for get myself shut by u when I asked u whether I can bring the chocolates to ya? Do u know how that feel? It juz feel so unappreciated..

Even though I heard from CL that ur mood swing is here.. But I dun think that is the way to treat ppl.. Maybe I'm not a gal so I dun understand that mood swing.. Fair enuff..

When I was with WH yest.. She told me that even Jan sometimes will act in a hostile way.. I might not know how that feeling is like.. But I'm certain I understand that feeling.. That's why I have closed both of my eyes.. And keep myself calm.. Constantly reminding myself not to lose my cool and argue for nothing cuz I know my temper is volcanic..


I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^