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Saturday, July 30, 2005

Yesterday morning I was in my dream.. Then my hp rang.. I tot whu so early.. It was * that called me.. Asking me whether I wan to accompany her till the train came.. Actuali I think it's alrite one.. Though it might be veri foolish to go down and accompanied her for just 30 mins or 60 mins.. Then after that go back home again.. Kinda lame but I think it's still depends.. I think she is one of those that worth me going down to meet her even if it's just for that one minute.. I am contended.. Anyway I reali duno what to do cuz I also just woke up and by the time I finished washed up then I guessed the time is alreadi up liao.. And she will be leaving for her destination liao.. Time is reali too short.. Actuali I should have gone meet her loh.. Should have put on my PT shoes and ran all the way down.. It's alreadi quite a few times that I din meet her when she asked me.. Anyway she wun be those that will angry with me one.. Hehe.. Yeah and I know that it will be the same whether now or future..

Imagine as soon as u reached for a date with some frenz and u just said ur first word becuz someone just asked ur opinion about it.. And u got scold and shoot for giving ur views about it.. Reason been just becuz what u said is something another person dun reali like to hear.. It's reali annoying loh.. Plus that u got a veri volcanic temper.. What would u do? Pour tons of water into the hot and boiling lava that almost erupted so as to cool down it temperature.. Or u just let the lava burst out killing everyone at the scene.. Cannot be u let the atmosphere becuming so tense just for the minute u arrived rite.. Adopting this method in the end.. 忍一时.. 风平浪静..

And if there are ppl asking u to have a makeover.. How do u feel.. Conclusion One is that u look just sux and boring to them.. Conclusion Two is that been with u is a total disgrace to them.. Conclusion Three is they might reali wan u to look good and so called presentable.. Worst still is no matter how u change and change it's still the same.. It does not mean that u change liao reali will attract more gals or what loh.. If reali makeover create wonders then everyone will be doing it liao loh.. In the end.. It will attract more gays then gals loh..

Walking home from Central yesterday.. Holding a big bun in my hand.. Biting it as I strolled down the dark and cold street alone.. These are the quiet moment where one reali can recall the sweet memories in his mind for that particular day.. But I dun seem to recall any.. Haiz.. It's also suitable to hum some songs since the whole street seem to be own by u alone..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, July 25, 2005

Today morning saw Shaofeng and Teddy bear holding hands.. So sweet.. Haha.. But when Shaofeng saw me.. He was kinda paiseh.. Haha.. So long frenz still paiseh for what.. Hehe.. Received quite a few complaints from my clique.. Haha.. Okok.. I will try to blog if I can loh.. Had MOR class today.. Patricia anyhow called the group number.. And so heng tio Jiamin's group.. Cuz those been called had the privilege to call the next number.. So in the end my group was sabotaged.. After Stephen presented his findings.. He will of cuz sabotaged someone he know loh.. LoLx.. And Chen Yu's group kena bingo loh.. Oh ya.. There was this Group Number 21 whu refused to present and dun wan to own up.. A bunch of LAMERS!! Actuali I dun hate the group except this guy called Yiyi I think.. He just a person without "Feng Du" loh.. That's becuz Tiffy told me that while she wanted to go through the chairs.. And that Mr Yiyi was sitting there blocking the way.. She said excuse me but that fellow still refuse to give way.. So sickening rite.. Worst still I cannot stand his that looks.. We were going through the tutorial and that Yiyi's group kena.. Like what Patricia said "When the question asked for apple.. U dun give orange.." And his group simply dun listen.. Guess what.. They not only give apple.. But damn alot of fruits loh.. Stephen (2005) pointed out that "That's a fruit basket.." LoLx.. However this fact is been rebuted.. A study by Joanne (2005) claims that it is a fruit stall.. Haha.. In the end both theories had been overwritten.. Liyee & Yekai (2005) said "That's neither a fruit basket nor fruit stall.. Instead that a fruit distributor.." Wahahaha.. Damn song loh.. Reali veri funny.. After the class we went to tabao our lunch cuz later we will be doing our MOR project.. Settling at outside LT 3.12.. Huimin came later on to join us.. As usual Joanne would say Huimin was mesmerizing the guys again.. LoLx.. Guess what.. We had a gem stone selling session.. Somemore still got catalogue.. Wahahaha.. Huimin was the one selling it.. She looked more like a bookie when she took out the list.. Machiam like getting the bets ppl placed.. Haha.. Today went home with Liyee and Sherry.. At City Hall got these two sch boys.. They are primary level only.. But after what I heard from them.. I found that they quite power leh.. Hahaha.. Boy A was opening his file and he came across this paper star.. Boy A asked Boy B "Hey what is this star for?".. Boy B replied saying it's for ur wishlist loh.. Boy A was like "Oh I see".. Boy B then said "If I were to wish.. I hoped terroists will bomb SG".. I was like waaa.. I laughed out loud loh.. Liyee and Sherry also heard it.. The sec sch gal beside them was also laughing secretly.. However Boy A said "Dun be so cruel lah.. If I were to wish I hope SG will be hit by Tsunami".. LoLx.. OMG.. Machiam like Tsunami is nothing like that.. These two boys reali made me laughed.. Joke of today.. Then Boy B alighted.. Leaving Boy A behind.. He was doing his homework.. U all know the chinese "Zhao Ju".. Always need to continue the missing sentence.. Haha.. Then I go and disturbed him loh.. Hey Liyee.. This Boy B lived in Pasir Ris.. I was so scared that he would alight at Tampines.. Hahaha.. He is as lame as Stephen.. But why he din lived at Hougang? Maybe he took Bus 88 from Pasir Ris ba.. Muwahahahaha.. ^^ And I was robbed today.. Haha.. Our dear Joanne nvr returned me my cards.. The moment I reached home I went to hide my wallet.. In case my mum opened it and checked it.. Found out why my cards were missing.. Then I gonna be curry chicken liao loh.. Imagine if reali kena found out.. I guess I would say "Oh I lend it to my frenz.. And she will pay me interest for borrowing".. Wahahaha.. Or "Mum.. I lend it to ur future daughter-in-law le".. Wahahaha.. >_<~ Anyway I should be safe for tonite ba.. Hehe..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Went to meet cute today.. She was giving tuition at Pasir Ris.. So I asked her out for lunch.. I was frustrated when I saw three buses went past me.. I know that it liao loh.. Gonna be late.. Asking her to wait for me a while cuz I needed to go TM purchase some stuffs.. Was trying to do things as fast as possible.. After purchasing I went to the station.. Saw the time was three mins before the train reached Tampines.. So I went to toilet.. Peeing halfway and my phone rang.. Cute called me.. Saying that the train was reaching liao.. I was like huh.. So fast meh.. Bopian loh.. So I withdrew back some of the urine.. Rushed out then sped up the escalator.. Zipping my zip on the way out.. Seem like multi-tasking.. If ppl saw what I am doing.. They might think I am suffering from mental disorder.. Glad that I managed to catch the train.. Went to the fourth door to look for her.. As usual that is our meeting place all the while.. She tried out my Eas drink.. It was grape flavour.. We had a indirect kiss.. That is she drank then I drank.. Hehe.. Asking me alot of gong questions.. Will she becum muscular if she drank a sip of it.. Haha.. That's of cuz no lah.. So kua zhang leh.. But I reali like the way she looked at me when she asked me stupid questions like these.. Reali like those typical dream gal loh.. Duno how to describe that type of feelings.. Went for the OE workshop today.. The person giving the talk is Chan Lai Huat.. I think he was merely repeating all the stuffs he said during our first OE lecture.. Duno whether should say him having a great sense of humour.. Or is it just that lame.. And tomolow gonna see him again.. Zzz.. Accompanying Stephen to had his dinner at the canteen.. I also bought some food to eat.. And I went to buy drink.. I was stucked there again.. Zzz.. Stephen asked me why I buy drinks always like so long one.. Haha.. Not the first time liao.. Me always kena cut queue by other ppl.. In the end always the last one.. Am I been too nice to let ppl first or is it I must be damn kiasu like some ppl.. Heard that The Incredible Tales yesterday was damn funny.. Hmm.. Maybe to some ppl whu know the female ghost think it's funny.. And there are quite a few episodes of The Incredible Tales been rated PG.. Looked like quite hardcore hor.. I was wearing singlet then kena asked by my mum.. Asking why my arm so red.. Cannot be want me to tell her that I went to suntan loh.. Cuz these few days where got sun loh.. Even if got sun.. It's reali ridiculous that only that patch is red loh.. Or wanted me to say I am not well liked by my peers loh.. So always kena pinched and beaten up.. So I just said I kena bite by one veri big commando mosquito loh.. On the way home saw Jiawen standing at the interchange's pillar.. Staring at something.. Went over to say hi to her.. Stephen and I saw this advertisement at the notice board.. It's abt some animation competition.. He asked me to join.. Haha.. I was thinking of joining too since I alreadi have a piece of my work ready le.. Anyway I will probably be writing a brand new story ba.. My current story might be quite inappropriate for competition.. Got to check the webby for the requirements first.. Anyway the due date for submission will be 15 Dec.. Just nice after exam.. I am veri eager to hear from the Chairman of DB.. If successful then I will be going down for the trial this Sunday le.. Hopefully I can make it through.. My dream is to join SDBA.. ^^ And tomolow Stephen will be having his driving test.. All the best to him.. Gd luck.. Hope u and Miss K will clear all obstacles.. Remember dun ever choose Route 6 and 7 hor.. =P And today will be the veri last blog I gonna write le.. A great thankz to those who have supported me for the past one year.. Reali appreciate u ppl.. Alhough for the past one year many things might have happened.. Like anoymous ppl tagging to shoot ppl.. Causing some unhappiness.. And I pissed off to scold them back.. Reali a moment of folly.. All these while I had shared my views towards some matters happening around us.. Whether in sch or not.. Making public apology to those I think I did them wrong.. And sharing my joy and laughter that I had.. Maybe to some ppl this place is like a forum.. While to some it's just a place to relieve stress.. Or even the place for their reading pleasures.. I was reali wondering why I started a blog in the first place.. Is it for the sake of myself or someone else.. And I reali din expect that it's get so well response that many of my frenz supported me.. A sincere thankz to all of u again.. Until next time..

The time has comes..
I know what is best for you..
I know where I should be standing right now..
And I know how much I actually likes you..
I know we can never be together..
But I want you to know..
You are special to me..
Be it now or future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Listening to FM 95.8 in the morning.. They were saying what is the most ignorant animal on earth.. LoLx.. Hmm.. What u all think.. Should have an answer le ba.. And u guys know where the biggest cockroach is located in SG? Hahaha.. I am lame.. But if u duno just asked me and I will tell u the location.. LoLx.. >_<~

Believe u guys also get to know abt the NKF case few days ago.. No one will ever expect the most respected foundation in SG is lead by such a dishonest and despicable person.. What to say.. This is what a human is.. Actuali this case is all the idiot CEO's fault.. Cannot blame NKF ba.. All the hard earned money from the public that were donated went into this idiot's pocket.. Cannot swallow this lah.. And as a public servicing foundation how can CEO claim year end bonuses.. That's totally ridiculous.. Anyway if u guys are interested to sign up the petition to kick the damn CEO out of NKF pls go to this webby..

And in the evening.. I was shocked when I heard my dad shouting.. I went out to see what happened.. Again the same old thing.. Irresponsible ppl throwing stuffs down to the balcony again.. My dad and brother went straight up to that unit.. That unit consist of two sisters.. A grandma.. Two sch boys.. And a maid.. The younger sister is the mother of the two boys.. Those whu seen my dad before should know his looks is damn fierce one loh.. I know they bound to quarrel upstairs one.. But with my brother ard with him.. This dispute is bound to win cuz my brother toking damn zai one.. He can shoot ppl till they nothing to say.. Anyway the younger sister is reali a damn unreasonable person.. She said she not happy that my dad shouted up.. Pls loh.. If she is in our shoes will she did that too.. I nvr know that the sch boys were such undiscipline kids loh.. The elder brother is fine.. Stephen and me played basketball before with the elder brother.. But his younger brother is a damn menace loh.. If not for I see it with my own eyes.. I cannot believe how bad he is.. Removing the metal case from the rubbish bin.. And threw it up at the basketball's ring.. He think that a ball ar.. Kicking the bin like a soccer.. What is this.. Imagine if I am a gal.. And I am having pms.. Damn annoying loh.. Worst still if I am struggling for my exams.. Still dare said my dad uneducated.. So what my dad is uneducated.. At least he know what is common sense.. And since u so educated.. So must I commend u for teaching ur son so well.. So obedient that he knows how to dump rubbish out of window and kicking bin.. At least her elder sister is reasonable.. She admited that she did saw the the bin incident.. Dare to do dun dare to own up.. Wanna be a faggot go ahead loh.. Anyway her neighbours all know liao.. Shame on u.. What if next time throw a cup down..

Watching Superstars fourth quarterfinal.. Hehe.. Hope Silver can get in.. She got those looks I like.. Especially her dimples.. The smile of hers is veri veri sweet.. Haha.. =P Yayy.. Later results liao..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Afternoon class is sianz.. Cuz lunch always got problem.. Looking for ppl to have lunch.. Haiz.. In the end they always either eat liao or meeting other ppl.. =/ So I alone went to TM to had my beef noodles.. After that went to basement to buy things.. Haha.. Managed to see the Channel 8 "Hui Ge".. That comedian always "alamak here alamak there.. He shaved all his hair.. Becuming botak.. So cute.. Went to take train.. Reaching sch quite early.. So tried to walk as slow as possible.. Just for the sake of delaying time.. Saw Bus 74.. Normally will rush to chase it.. But in the end always wun be able to catch it.. And today I purposely wanted to miss it.. But reali ironic loh.. So long liao and the bus is still there.. -_-" As soon as Shaofeng came.. He showed me this sms from his teddy bear.. The sms said "Kok Shaofeng I caught u red-handed in SIM holding another gal's hand".. Shaofeng was kinda pissed for this thing.. I mean he was in bed sleeping and he received this sms out of nowhere.. It's reali kinda turned off for him loh.. I understand how he felt.. And I believe he is not those flower-hearted kind of ppl loh.. There are always ppl looked alike one loh.. Maybe resembling one's walking feature and gesture.. Having a relationship is equal to having mutual trust for each other.. If this trust cannot be compromised then I guess this relationship is deem to be an empty and meaningless one.. Hope he and teddy bear will be fine.. Had OE lesson today.. Lecturer is just another lamer to me.. I paid for learning and not for u to command ppl to move up.. And the last three rows must be empty.. I want to sit where is my damn problem.. Not urs.. Whether I can fucking see or not also not ur problem.. He is indeed a sarcastic and arrogant person.. That why I dun wan to be OE leader.. Cuz given my temper I think I will probably beat him up for his nonsense.. And why must groups keep in number of four.. Creating so much unnecessary troubles for everyone.. Making everyone else splitting up here and there.. It's reali make no sense.. As if he reali counted the total number of ppl then divided it equally.. Like what Stephen said.. It cannot be so zhun one loh.. There is bound to be odd one out.. Like for our clique.. Making so much troubles for us.. Reali a headache.. We reali dun wish to be the so called bad and evil ppl doing all those stuffs.. Kicking ppl out here and there.. And some of our ppl like duno what loh.. Thinking of it makes my blood boiled.. Going into details make me hot.. Mentioning them make me piss.. Will be updating the details soon in another location.. All in all whu to blame.. Whu knows..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, July 11, 2005

Today had Mor in the morning.. The HK lecturer from marketing that time will be teaching us for tis module.. Everything went well.. Teabreak le.. Went out with Shaofeng and Stephen.. Asked Shaofeng to chop the bench first.. I will take tea for him.. Putting down both our tea and I alone went to the toilet.. When I came out.. I was looking for my tea.. Duno which buay paiseh one took it.. Then I looked at the queue.. It was so long.. Reali damn sianz to queue again.. Dulan till I dun wan to drink animore.. Went inside the LT to take curry puff.. Went back into the LT.. Saw Gal A alone.. So I went over to tok to her.. She was like veri down.. She asked me to see my hp sms.. I was like huh.. I din received at all.. Then I went to check.. In the end is no reception.. Anyway nvm mah.. Then she suddenly eyes red red.. I tot she yawn mah.. But I was wrong.. She cried.. I was like stunned.. In the LT so mani ppl.. But I guess something must had happened.. If I probed further more.. I think she might breakdown.. So I remained silent and went back to my seat.. Shaofeng saw it and said why I made her cried.. After sch.. Went to look for her and her frenz.. To find out what reali happened.. Actuali before asking them I think I realised what happened.. But just din confirm oni.. Anyway it's becuz of the misunderstanding btwn Gal B and Gal C.. And Gal A was been sandwiched btwn both of them and reali din know what to do.. Now I understand why.. I think sometimes frenz reali must give and take.. Now Gal C refused to sort things out with Gal B.. If things nvr get sorted out.. It will nvr be solved.. After so mani things that happened before.. I learned that always sort things out to solve it.. If not the miserable one will always be the one around them.. And sometimes what someone said dun reali reflect the tone and meaning of that person.. "说者无心.. 听者有意.." Just dun take things too hard.. Now that everything changes.. Will their frenzship remains as before or.. Haiz.. As an onlooker there is reali nothing I can do to salvage the situation.. Imagine if I tried to help and kena shoot back.. U are oni an outsider!! That's reali veri sad loh.. Today I finali realised what is "束手无策".. Seeing someone I know crying and I am standing there duno what to do.. I am reali lost.. Even the greatest conflict I encountered can be solved so I guess things will be back to normal for them again.. Hopefully.. Had a conversation with Gal A just now.. I am not gd in consoling.. Just tried my veri best to tell her what can she do to help.. Etc.. I am glad I have a bunch of great frenz around me.. Though most of them are lame.. Hahaha.. U know whu u are.. But with them around is as good as having the greatest happiness one might seek.. I am reali contended.. =)

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Today went for finance in the late afternoon.. Reali veri sianz when classes fall on Sat.. Seeing everyone going down to town to relac and enjoyed themselves.. While I went down to attend lecture.. But nvm cuz still got Colin.. Liyee.. Shaofeng and Stephen to accompany me mah.. Hate going out on weekends cuz everywhere also damn packed.. Dun reali like crowds.. Reaching school le.. The earliest is Liyee.. Then we went to take the notes for the rest.. The lecturer is reali quite a nice person.. Though he do looked like a site foreman to me.. Haha.. Shaofeng also think so.. =x Total strength for finance is 103.. 88 full time and 15 part time.. Anyway the lecturer name is Mr Mervyn.. And he told us abt the results of last sem.. The moment he said got 2 percent ppl flunge.. Shaofeng and me quickly punched our calculators to check the exact number who flunge.. Wahahahaha.. We damn lame hor.. >_<~ But the number of HD and Di is damn high.. Shaofeng said his teachings is veri gd.. Then I said is it like Saminathan.. He said ya.. I added cuz Saminathan is his son mah.. Haha.. And Shaofeng believe it.. *Fainted* Today teabreak machiam damn soothing for me.. Duno why I sudden felt the urge to eat the snack provided.. Cuz I normally dun eat one.. Actuali from I see.. Quite alot of ppl frm our class in finance.. Liying and Xiaohui whole clique is in finance.. Saw Yujia also.. Adriane.. Huibing.. Happy tree frenz and Max etc.. Was there also.. Heng we came early if not no seats liao.. Scanning the class see got pretti gals or not.. LoLx.. Hmm.. Think got a few not bad.. Hehe.. =D~ Learn a new quote from Mr Mervyn.. "Cash is king".. Hahaha.. But it's reali a fact.. Took train with Colin.. Liyee and Stephen.. Colin left at Outram interchange.. While Stephen left at Lavender.. And Liyee at Bedok.. Reaching Tampines.. Went to TM for a while.. Went to GNC to check some info.. Haiz.. Gonna budgeting again.. Haha.. Just nice got finance to help out with the budget.. Hehe.. =^^=

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, July 08, 2005

Walau damn disappointing loh the Superstars results.. Those good one all out.. Where the justice.. Kelly is out.. Haiz.. There goes my pretti gal.. =/ At least the gd thing is that Lijun is out also.. Finali there is justice.. Reali abit kelong loh.. What are the ppl doing.. Smsing for those singers that should be out.. Junyang is in and that is expected.. But Derrick out!! WTF loh.. Jason should be the one out loh.. Even the Li Feihui is shocked when he heard Derrick is out.. Kelong kelong lah.. =/ Hopefully the wildcard round those deserve to be in one will make it in.. *Pray*

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Later the results of Superstars will be out liao.. Predicting again.. Guys I think Jason like gonna be out.. Another one maybe is that M4.. As for Derrick.. He seem veri zai leh.. Plus his cute face to boost him.. Chipmunk kid.. Wahahaha.. Sure can survive later at 2330hrs.. Just finished watching the gals third round quarterfinal.. That 18yrs old Ruth today quite gd huh.. Hmm.. And the pretti air stewardess Kelly forever the best among the rest.. And her tanned complexion is nice.. Unlike that Lijun.. Yucks.. What I am damn happy abt today is that Lijun kena criticised by Xu Huanliang.. Orbi gd loh.. Kena suan by Xu huanliang.. Claiming she always like saying the lyrics and not singing.. And lastly he said "你不能老是这样混过去的".. Muwahahaha.. So mean hor.. But that a fact.. At least that the right thing the judges ever do.. Xu huanliang finali got of some use afterall.. Hahaha.. Oopz.. Anyway the results later might be a disappointing one for the gals.. U knw what I mean loh.. Whu I detest the most.. Haha.. Using supporters to push her through all the way.. Heard that today marketing Class A no ppl go.. All went to attend Class B in the morning.. LoLx.. If it's me I think I will do the same also.. No sch for today and tomolow reali damn sianz.. Like feeling veri empty loh.. >_<~ Today is Jenn's Bday.. Wish her a happy 20th Bday.. May all her wishes cum true..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Today morning in train.. Got one places each on both side of me.. Then got two ladies came.. They are frenz.. I felt so bad that I separated the two of them.. They cannot talk at all.. I wanted to shift to let them sit together.. But.. Haiz.. I hesitated.. Actuali it's nothing wrong also.. But I reali felt paiseh.. Then the train is moving liao.. And one of the ladies lost her balance and placed her hand on my laps.. Damn paiseh for me.. >_<~ Today attended MOR.. The lecturer suddenly so fierce.. U better bloody elaborate!! LoLz.. Atmosphere becuming so silent.. Class ended.. Stephen left first.. Liyee fire in the hole.. Also vanished.. Walking to the damn far far bus stop.. At the stair.. Joanne screamed.. She left her rose at the LT.. Accompanying her back to the LT.. On the way back saw Jolene and Mandy.. After retrieving the rose.. Chen Yu.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Sherry.. Raz and me.. Took train back.. Inside the train.. Actuali is quite peaceful one.. But got a stupid idiot on his hp stuff till veri loud.. Machiam like his house.. Ppl were all looking at him.. It's same for us also.. Joanne said till veri loud.. It's veri noisy.. That idiot looked over.. Searching for the person whu said it.. The moment that idiot is looking for that person.. I was thinking what to do if he reali want to be tiki abt it.. And Liyee also tried to act funny towards that idiot.. Hmm.. Imagine if that idiot reali came over and confront Joanne and Liyee.. What should be the nxt step? Tell him u wait ar.. I called my chief Stephen.. Hahaha.. Or is it Liyee and me versus the idiot and his indian frenz? Seem like veri dramatic.. Hey Liyee.. Will u use ur fists if been forced? Haha.. For me.. My fists will nvr be activated.. Unless they tried to touch the four gals.. Dun asked me why.. I also duno.. Just that I am veri particular abt this type of thing.. I believe all the guys also shared the same mindset.. Maybe at first will be abit scared.. But I think when things get hot enuff.. The theme "I feared no man" will come into my mind.. Hahaha.. Anyway Liyee and Sherry alighted at Bedok.. Chen Yu.. Joanne and me alighted at Tampines.. While Raz headed towards Pasir Ris meeting Gary.. After meeting Daven.. The four of us went to had our lunch.. After the lunch.. Joanne left first to meet her frenz.. Leaving Chen Yu.. Daven and me.. Sitting down a while more.. And we left..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Woke up veri early today.. Met my frenz at the coffeeshop.. They siao one leh.. Ordered so much dimsum.. In the end cannot finish it.. LoLx.. After that we took a cab to the stadium.. We will be participating in Tampines GRC Racial Harmony Walk 2005.. Haha.. >_<~ Reaching there around 0845hrs.. Looking for the rest of them.. Veri crowded.. And the Guest of Honour is Mah Bow Tan.. Plus some other MP also.. After we had done our part in the show.. Purpose to leave liao.. In the end waited for YG cuz he needed to settle some BGR stuff with someone here.. *Diaoz* ED also cheehong loh.. Went to ask for gal number.. -_-" Leaving Ben and me nia.. So we went to the Milo vehicle to take milo drink.. Ben reali bhb loh.. Cut queue and somemore the notice so big saying no filling of milo with container.. He bo chup and took the mineral water bottle to fill.. While waiting for YG.. We went into the stadium to see what going on.. Then kena spotted by the CC ppl.. Forced us to take part in some competition.. @_@" In the end bopian.. Take part loh.. I was wondering what game is it.. It's about having a big sarong.. Then squeezed in as many ppl as you can.. But without breaking the piece of sarong.. Actuali it's the competition btwn Tampines Central CC.. Tampines Changkat CC.. Tampines East CC.. Tampines North CC and Tampines West CC.. We representing Central.. I was there looking why so little ppl participating.. Then one whole chunk of ppl came down.. In the end we din get to play at all.. Haiz.. That battalion of Tampines JC ppl won.. They stacked ppl.. No wonder can get to a hundred plus in number.. After everything settled we went to Starbuck for a drink.. Arghhh.. Headache sux.. Pre-sch symptom.. Haiz.. And finali tomolow sch starts liao.. Sem 2 reali started fast and ended fast.. So is the holidays.. No more lazying in bed till late late liao.. =/

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, July 01, 2005

Just finished looking at the Project Superstars results.. Hmm.. Quite unexpected.. Din expect that pretti gal F2 to be out.. Cuz I think her voice is good loh.. For the guys.. I think that M5 is reali got the looks of cockiness.. In other words "xialan".. But even if that so I think he is good.. Think he out becuz ppl reali dun like his xialan looks.. For the guy's side I think ppl like M3 and M4 quite hard to be knock out.. Maybe they just like Sylvester type.. Young gals think that are yandao or cute enuff.. And vote for them like crazy.. I mean if they reali are that good I dun mind they are in.. But that 18 yrs old kid reali should be the one who should be out today.. Haiz.. Since when the world is fair.. I reali like M1 and Weilian.. As for M6.. I think he reali grow up with potato one.. Chinese cannot make it.. Anyway voting through sms dun deem to be reali a fair judgement.. Ppl like Lijun with so mani supporters will definitely gain advantage over the rest.. Maybe you all can say as if she know whole of SG ppl.. But it's a fact that the sms do stand a higher weightage than the judges.. Btwn Lijun reali dark till veri erxin leh.. Her tanned is not those swee swee tanned complexion loh.. -_-" If she dun tanned her till so dark she look veri swee.. Recalling that complexion she had at Holland V series.. That will be best.. Unlike our Princess Joanne.. See her tanned complexion so swee.. Hehe.. Tanning Professional.. ^^ Competition is always cruel.. Seeing them crying also quite sad.. In the end.. It's the survival of the fittest.. If you are strong you live.. If you are weak you die.. And that the truth.. Hope to see some fair judgement at the semi finals..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^