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Monday, August 30, 2004

Wakao today the bs test damn disappointing lah.. Sad to say it's dun seem hard but also dun seem to be easy.. I hate those half half type of paper -.- Zzzz.. I thought the paper will be what I expected from the past papers.. In the end, it's seem like becuming a nightmare for me lah.. Everything changes not even one qns is similar.. Kan phua lame loh the paper.. Limpeh see the first few qns I alreadi chimxin liao loh.. Skip the first five qns then go do the calculating part.. Then I see all the ppl around me like keep flipping the papers.. Like doing the qns veri fast loh.. Make me kanjiong spider.. Anyway this paper not bad lah cuz got Liying sit beside me.. Muwahahaha.. Make my motivation increases from 10% to 100%.. =p Then on the way home.. I and Liyee happened to meet tio Advin, Collin, Joanne and Sherry at Dover Mrt.. On the way me keep kena teased by Collin.. Collin u wait hor.. I gonna Stone Cold Stunner u one surprising day.. Be prepared.. Muwahahahaha^^

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Today excursion is reali a fun one.. Meeting up some frenz.. Then we have a bowling match.. To me I am totally a newbie or noobie in bowling.. Nevertheless still tried my best lah.. Haha then the game still end up with a tie.. My last game is veri cool leh.. Especially when sherry and I are pitting on our last set of the game.. Funny lah we actuali hit exactly the same pin leaving one pin on each end.. Play ar play it's dinner time le.. All of us makan finished liao then our super star Joanne still haven arrived yet.. Wait ar wait then she finali lai liao.. Then when she sit down.. Stephen says he going le.. LOLx.. It's so ironic.. Like playing soccer.. Substitution for reserve.. Then we proceed towards Esplanade taking photos.. We happpened to walk past two old japanese aunties who were taking photos.. But they like buay song we walk past.. Then Joanne say that they scold baka.. -.-" After wandering around for some time.. Finali settling down at satay club near Fullerton Hotel.. Toking and chit-chatting all the way.. I quite impressed with what they say.. Quite futile for me in some ways.. Haha maybe can use it in future^^.. Then on the way home, me and Advin saw this fellow wearing a red beret with casual clothes on him.. LOLx... Kinda lame..

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Today one of my cs frenz ask me go to his mum bday party.. Limpeh wan to luff till beng.. I thought is his bday then maybe I will go.. He is lame lah.. Then when I say dun wan to go he tempt me say intro his cousin to me.. Wahahaha.. Heng my determination strong hor.. Nearly say onz loh.. Phew.. Then today got another tootz frenz of mine tricked me by copying one of my frenz msn nick.. And chat with me.. The moment I saw I know something is wrong.. Then I go check the email address.. Indeed is an imposter.. I straight away Stone Cold Stunner him *ABISH*.. LOLx..

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Today when I going off.. I happened to meet Collin, Joanne and two new frenz.. One is Clement.. The other is Sherry.. LOLx.. Then we chat alot at the canteen upstairs.. Talking on all sort of craps.. Wa I now then know that Collin reali can talk alot of craps.. Muwahahaha.. Same goes for Joanne too.. Wahahaha.. This group reali made my life alot more lively.. Hahaha.. Tomorrow when Advin and Stephen cum.. Wahahaha.. That will be the end of the world..^^ Where the Crapists united.. =x

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Today when I go for hair treatment.. My consultant say my hair like weeds.. So hard and dry.. But she correct lah.. Wahahaha.. Sibei paiseh loh.. She then say why ur hair like shapeless le.. Nvm I cut for u.. OMG.. So terrifying.. I that moment wonder she got license or not.. *Shivers* ..In the end she say no need scare lah.. The most becum botak mah.. -.-" ..*Stunned* Haha then she ask me close my eyes dun look.. Obviously I wun lah.. I not gonna becum a chao recruit again loh.. Muwahahaha..

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Kns finali finished the boliao essay le.. Sibei time comsuming loh.. Zzzz.. I think I spend 3 weeks doing the lame essay.. YawNz.. When me and a group of frenz finished lunch and we headed towards the Students' Mess.. There they own time own target go do their stuffs.. Some play pool while others played the table soccer and chatting all the way.. As for me I go sit on sofa sleep a while loh.. Then hor they sibei bad one loh.. Wana leave liao dun wake me up.. Left me behind.. Sobx Sobx d[T.T]b I get back to u all one day.. Muwahahaha.. Then today when I was on the way home.. Shaofeng, Liyee and I took the train and we saw this gal from our class.. I normally called her Bugs Bunny due to her bunny teeth.. Anyway she was my junior in SP that time.. Started calling her Bugs Bunny since 1999.. Then I saw her left shoulder got tattoo.. Then I told them.. They say "yeKai u pajiao is it".. That one is drawn one lah.. Pundeh.. Wahahaha.. Then I discussed with Shaofeng about tattoo thingz.. Thinking maybe I should put barb wire on my left arm.. Muwahahaha.. And also earrings ba.. Yeah that's cool leh!!

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, August 13, 2004

Today on the way home.. When out of the control station a guy hook my ear piece away from me.. The corridor so big still want to walk so near me for what.. knn.. Then I just now talking to gal in msn from our class.. Sibei attitude.. Knn say guys are weaklings.. CCB.. She think she big f*** is it.. YawnZ.. Then I ask her.. She and her bf steady how long liao.. She replied 5yrs then say so long also sian.. Obviously she saying she tired of the relationship.. Like that might as well dun go into relationship loh.. THE LAMEST EXCUSES I EVER HEARD.. Zzzz.. Guys pls dun be weaklings and get look down by some retard "NOOBS".. Get what I mean..

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Yesterday when I on the way home.. I manage to see one of my sec sch Frenz-B.. When he ask me abt our the other Frenz-A.. I was stunned to heard that my Frenz-A's dad passed away becuz of illness.. I and Frenz-A were reali veri gd frenz in our sec sch days.. Yet he did not told me abt it.. I think the incident happened 2yrs le.. It was kinda disappointed.. We are frenz for 10+yrs le.. In the end, it was someone else who told me.. After thinking for one night, I finali begin to realise that he reali treats me as a gd frenz that why he did not wan me to know abt it.. Knowing that I will be worried abt him.. Nevertheless I reali hope that if there is anything that cropped up in the future again, he will let me know.. That I do..

In The End..
It's Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, August 09, 2004

Today is National Day.. haha.. everyone also know lah no need to say one.. but I got one frenz who birthday falls on 9th Aug.. So fortunate to have the whole of SG to celebrate for him.. Those who falls on 25th Dec better still.. the whole world is celebrating for them.. Hahaha.. Time is passing veri fast.. I was thinking of the past when I quarrelled with my two best campmates.. Edwin and Andrew.. I reali like them alot as they reali are my confidant especially Edwin.. Edwin reali know what I thinking most of the time and he understand how I felt.. while Andrew make a good kaki for me.. I hate to admit that in the end I loses both of them.. I guess so.. Actuali I alreadi cool down long time liao.. But I duno why I still can't open my mouth to talk to them.. I reali hope that time can turn back which is impossible.. so that I can patch up with them.. Anyway everything is too late.. I am sorry Edwin and Andrew.. pls forgive my childishness.. =(

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sian ar today.. sibei boring lah.. LOLx.. I everyday also sian.. LOLx.. Anyway I today having a hard time writing that boliao essay lah.. Aiyo I write till chim xin le lah.. Then today see the Happy Fish last episode, ending quite lame but sibei sad.. Stay tune for Happy Fish II ba.. Maybe the ending much better.. After knowing red cheek missy name from my frenz on friday, I go on an island wide search in friendster see whether can find her bo.. Then today I finali manage to find my secretly admired red cheek missy friendster account.. Kinda heng and fately ba.. LOLz.. But sad loh.. status showed attached d[T.T]b Weepz.. Anyway the result is what I expected long time ago le.. Me like toad lusting swan flesh loh.. *Sigh*.. But hor she reali veri sweet and demure especially her rosy cheeks.. Except maybe abit short oni ba.. Anyway I think maybe the age chooses her dear over someone else in this era.. I always believe this "If it's yours then it's will be yours, if not force also no use.." But this saying is only true to some circumstances.. I think pursuiting what you want is the one and only best solution.. Let's hope that I will make it in the next era ba.. Bucks up and stop dreaming le lah YEKAI!!!

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Today damn "heng" loh.. Firstly when I boarding the bus I step on a gal foot.. OMG must be pain sia.. Sibei paiseh.. LOLx.. Then when I reach tampines.. I step into another lady foot.. LOLx.. Then today I find out my class red cheek missy name le.. One of my frenz told me one.. Kinda lame becuz it's took me one month to know that.. Haha quite happy^^ though.. Anyway today actually I going centro with my frenz one.. Haiz.. Then mum like kpkb.. Then dun go le loh.. If not I am partying with my frenz le.. Then I wun be here writing blog le lah.. It's almost 2am le.. Wondering what they doing now.. Sorry guys.. For me broken my promise.. Hope u all will understand my difficulty..

In The End..
Its Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Haha today I saw a damn funny thing at library of Toa Payoh.. Got one auntie sit there read book.. then she read till fall asleep.. the book drop on the floor.. she remind me of myself also.. me also like that one.. but me more worst lah.. I can sleep till drooling saliva one loh.. Got a few occasion in mrt I did that loh.. Sibei paiseh one leh.. I not sure so far got people see or not.. Then I accompany my fren to upper serangoon shopping centre to buy halflife but the shop close for 2days due to personal issues.. OMG so suay loh..

There Once Were Two Men..
Who Travelled The Same Path For Ten Years..
But Found Completely Different Truths..
So I Think If I Wander For Ten Years..
I'll Find My Own Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

SianZz.. Today damn pissed.. bo tai bo ji kena say by some noobs I hack.. OMG pls wake up my dear noobs.. Pls learn to differentiate btwn pros and cheaters.. Clearing team plus a few consecutive headshot doesn't prove anything.. Let alone if I reali have a good frags score.. Yawnzz.. Anyway I used to it already.. Heng I got frenz out there that can vouch for me.. if not kena pban for nothing again.. Friendship RuleZ!!

If You Should Lose..
Not Only Does Your Future Ended..
But Also The Future Of The One That You Are Trying To Protect..
The Fate Of The One I Protecting Is Depending On Me!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Today again is a peaceful day.. LOLx.. Anyway when I saw the news earlier this evening about that driver crashing into lots of cars and killing two people, it was kinda sad.. I mean they really very suay loh.. bo tai bo ji kena killed for nothing.. I always believe in this chinese phrase, "Shi Fu Bu Shi Huo, Shi Huo Duo Bu Guo" in other words it's means "If it's a blessing then it's not a disaster, if it's a disaster you want to escape also cannot." Haiz.. Anyway all lives are fated ba.. When it's time to go then you really need to go.. Who knows tomorrow what will happened.. To all my frenz out there.. pls take care especially those whom I really cherished alot one.. They should know who they are.. =p

In The End..
Its Only The Fittest Survive In This World..
If You Are Strong You Live..
If You Are Weak You Die..
That's The Truth!!

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^