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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Finali had our PM test today.. Went to pick up the number card.. And it happened to be behind Eve.. I walked past and said dun slp liao lah.. Haha.. She woke up.. We started chatting non stop.. I was telling her abt Aaron wanna mao her cuz she always parked at the handicap lot.. LoLz.. Anyway Aaron meant it in a veri jokeful manner.. Not as if he reali wanna mao Eve lah.. I can imagine how Aaron said it.. Must be damn funny.. I think if it's me.. Aaron will probably said "Oh that yeKai ar.. Always parked at the handicap lot.. Must mao him till he becum handicap.. So that he will qualify to be one.." Hahaha..

I reali got to thankz Eve for today.. Keke.. U all must be asking why.. But I choose not to say in here.. I will tell u ppl if u ppl are interested to know.. Anyway at first I tot Eve was juz joking only.. But she reali did what she promise.. And I nvr even think that it will happen.. I should use the word "honour" to describe her.. She honoured her words despite we know that it's not rite to do such things.. Anyway I reali reali have to thankz her for been so generous.. As far as I'm concern.. I know not many ppl can be like her..

After the test.. I saw Xh.. I showed her my top.. She asked why I wear a jacket over it.. Aiya cuz it's cold mah.. And my clique ppl left the hall.. Proceeding to toilet.. The guys were outside waiting for the rest.. Eve and Xh.. Together with Gai and Jac went past us.. Eve had a cheeky smile.. While Xh pat my back and said nice top huh.. Who give one.. Keke.. Well.. Only the Eve and Xh know who give one.. Hahahaha.. *Fainted*

Today had my celebration with my dearest clique.. Seven ppl squeezed into one car.. Was kinda a big challenge.. However it still done afterall.. I drove down to Bugis to go to the place where Stephen suggested to hold the celebration.. It's still early so we went to shop a while at Bugis Junction.. Went from toys dept to Kino.. I saw some funny books.. And I saw this Bart Simpson book.. It has alot of stuffs inside.. However.. I juz interested in the area of how to cheat in test or exam.. Haha.. I read it and realised it's only valid for "True/False and MCQs type of tests.."

When ppl said they wanna buy me present.. But I dun reali yearn to have present.. It's the company I yearned for instead.. Esp with ppl I like and care.. Even if it's juz for that fast and short five hrs.. Or even an hour.. I also feel satisfied le.. Even if I get teased or suan by u.. I wun mind also.. Cuz stuffs like these are juz trivial to me now.. I have learnt and grow from the past.. And the mistakes.. What I wan now is seeing u happy and that's all I wish for..

What happened when u said the wrong things the wrong time.. And I believe that happened to u ppl also.. It can be disastrous.. So what is the remedy for it.. I duno either.. Let's juz hope that time can change and calm things down.. I dun wan to say much either.. Having a World War is juz another part of life.. Like what I told Eve today at Hall.. She asked me what happened.. Haix.. I duno how to tell her also.. What I can said is the usage of languages.. The usage of sensitive words.. All happened too fast and sudden..

Saw Sam in sch today.. Walked past me.. I looked at her.. She keep smiling in a weird way.. o_O" I wondered why.. But I guess that the way she behaves.. The times when I was with her and Jenn.. She kinda behaves in this manner also.. Keep smiling non stop..

I was tired after the whole day excursion.. Eyelids are forcing itself to close.. Tomolow still got class.. And veri fast.. It's left with only three lectures.. It's fast.. Another sem is over soon again.. And when the exams cum.. Everyone will be mugging once again.. Saying abt mugging.. And I saw a lame joke today.. It's abt mug and cup.. It says a cup is smaller than a mug becuz the mug has gone to gym while the cup din.. Haha.. Funny and lame..

Song dedicated to Xh.. The translation of the song totally describes the feelings she have now.. The feeling of missing someone.. Though Drew is far far away.. But the Earth is round.. No matter how far u and Drew is separated.. The time will cum again when u and Drew can see each other again.. Rem the separated ones go beyond time and space and get together again.. Stay happy for the time being k..

Lastly.. I would like to thankz those that made their presence for today.. Esp Yt for making the effort to cum down even it's so late.. Sorri that we had waste ur time.. For those who din.. I understand the situation u ppl have..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Sighy Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, March 27, 2006

Happy Bday Advin!!!

Today had the last OTD lecture by Sherman.. Actuali quite can't bear to leave him.. Though first sight I dun reali have liking for him.. And it's not fair to judge a person by first impression.. And I finali realised how much I miss him.. LoLz.. Ly juz told me that our PM lecturer angmoh name is Manfred.. LoLz.. He was saying who the hell is Manfred.. Haha.. Manfred sounds like sibei man hor..

Went to Ly's place to study PM.. Nearly split my legs when I walked on that slippery drainage cover.. Haha.. Heng I din.. If not now in hospital liao..

Today I would like to thankz many of my sweet frenz who send me greetings.. Thankz to Advin.. Andy.. Cheshire.. Colin.. Cy.. Eve.. Jenn.. Jol.. Kelv.. Ly.. Ps.. Rae.. Sherr.. Step.. Tri.. Xh.. Xr.. Yj.. Yt.. I hope I din miss out anyone..

Thankz Advin for wishing me.. And he falls on the same day as me.. ^^

Thankz Andy for remembering my Bday and his concern for my grading.. ^^

Thankz Cheshire for taking the effort to find out my number and send me the greetings on behalf of my crew.. ^^

Thankz Colin for making the effort to sms me the greetings even though it's late.. ^^

Thankz Cy for wishing me "zao sheng gui zi".. LoLz.. I wish I can.. ^^

Thankz Eve for making the effort to call me to wish me Happy Bday.. Reali appreciate it deeply.. So paiseh that I ran off so hastely to do some stuffs.. ^^

Thankz Jenn for sending me sweet sms which brightened up my day.. And the Hallmark Bday card is nice.. Muackz.. Next time I wan a hug.. Keke.. ^^

Thankz Jol for greeting me online.. ^^

Thankz Kelv for sending me greetings.. I din know that he know the actual day.. LoLz.. Anyway thankz.. ^^

Thankz Ly for spending his time to teach me PM for the whole day.. ^^

Thankz Ps for the offer to celebrate my Bday for me.. ^^

Thankz my bro's gf.. Rae.. For giving me a surprise msg.. ^^

Thankz Sherr for making that blur blur Happy Bday greetings.. Haha.. ^^

Thankz Step for been the number two to wish me.. ^^

Thankz Tri for the greetings and the blessings.. ^^

Thankz Xh for the nice and sweet card.. Make me blushed when I read it.. Keke.. Thankz for the encouragement u give.. I will definitely wait patiently as u said.. I reali like the sayings "God has his plans!!" It's juz meant to me that there's hope in this world.. And also not to forget the great prezzie she give.. I luv it.. ^^

Thankz Xr for asking me to be happy always.. I will.. ^^

Thankz Yj for offering ur dear Er-Ma's hug to me ar.. LoLz.. But I wan ur kiss instead.. Keke.. ^^

Thankz Yt for that "zao sheng gui zi" too.. LoLz.. ^^

And I received a prezzie from my Dar too.. Thankz Dar.. I luv it.. Muackz.. ^^

Tomolow is PM test two.. Hmm.. I duno whether I can make it or not.. But I will try my best to do it.. With the help of Ly.. I believe I can at least make a pass in it.. Ganbatte to all who is taking PM.. And gd luck to all.. All the best..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

=) Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Shall say abt today event.. Reveilled at 0555hrs.. In fact automatically wake up at 0545hrs.. Set off from home.. Drove to Ly's place.. Haha.. Ly asked me to bring banana.. But I dun have.. Juz like what Xh said.. Banana is a high energy food.. And almost all sports person took it before any event.. Juz a boost of power.. But I believe in creatine more.. LoLz..

Reaching Maju.. Went to register.. Saw Bunn's frenz.. Yz.. Went up the hall.. Do stretching.. Juz dun feel having enuff warmup.. 1st station: Shuttle run.. 2nd station: Situp.. 3rd station: SBJ.. 4th station: Chinups.. Last station no need say.. Everyone also know it's the most difficult hurdle to cross.. Actuali performance this time round is not much different from my last window last year.. Well.. Slacking alot.. But I promised myself to achieve the timing I had before.. At least before I grad.. No pain no gain.. Like what Law of Alchemy says "One can only achieve something if he or she put in the amount of effort in return.." And that's the basic principle of equal trade.. Yes it's reali true..

Actuali I think Ly and me did well in the static stations.. But when it cums to the running.. Kinda misperformed.. Any way when the run started.. I juz ran as normal.. Not like last time so fast.. But it's only the first 400m.. And I feel there's a sharp pain occurring at my abdominal area.. I know that it liao.. So fast pain means I can't last long.. What a joke to the rest if I fall out now.. Merely 400m only.. I wan to raise the white flag.. Worst thing is I saw the medic vehicle beside me.. What a huge temptation!! Nvrtheless still piang my way through.. I duno what strive me on.. Juz before the anything commence.. Ly asked me what persevered me to go on.. Hmm.. Actuali for me I think what led me on is becuz of the ppl I like and luv.. I think of them when my determination depleted.. And for today.. I juz think of someone I like.. And so that determination to run for that someone juz gushed through the mind and body..

Anyway I'm glad that I cleared the window before I totally becum CAT Y.. Haha.. Old liao loh.. Today is my last CAT X window.. Will miss it loh.. Keke.. Anyway been old is nothing to worry abt also.. Everyone will go through this stage.. Maybe CAT Y is much easier to achieve the 400bucks.. Heee.. =P That time can't get more money is becuz SBJ lacks of 4cm.. Today can't get more money is becuz exceeds 2secs.. @_@" Sianz.. Nvm.. I will take again with Ly some time in May ba.. That will be after my bday where the new window reopened again for abt me..

Ok now for yest event.. Went to Tiffy's party.. Went to meet Ly and Sherry at his place.. I followed Ly's vehicle as closely as possible.. But somehow I failed to catch up with him due to the huge number of vehicles on the road.. I can't imagine this area is so jammed.. But I juz tried to maintain my sight on his vehicle.. In the end still managed to catch up.. Reaching Aranda.. We went to look for the bday gal.. Yup.. And Su Ann opened the door for us.. The rest were behind bbqing.. Almost the whole grp of Zoe is here.. And Max that grp is here too.. Yt arrived with Chan Ru and Kharmaine.. Finali the cake is been cutted.. And then the rest all stayed inside to play mahjong.. Two tables of mahjong.. Wow.. All also know how to play.. For Chan Ru and Kharmaine I think must be Yt teach them one ba.. King of Mahjong mah.. LoLz.. Anyway.. Ly.. Sherry.. Yt and me went out to eat food.. Din reali have food.. So I ate up Kharmaine's food.. Same goes for Chan Ru.. Kaixin and Winston's food.. The rest of us juz attacked their food.. Keke.. Well.. We are doing a gd deed in fact.. Ants are roaming liao mah.. So we save the food by protecting them from the ants..

Today having Mok's lecture.. Was slping throughout the lecture.. Today only got Ly and me.. Steph and Sf din cum.. So Ly must be damn bored cuz I zzz throughout.. Except when Mok said lame jokes that woke me up.. Haha.. Ok today he said why ppl dun wan to use DHL for delivery.. And the ans is DHL stands for Delivery Halfway Lost!! *Lame*

Was darn tired now.. Ly must be too.. Haha.. And the thing is we gotta work tomolow at 140 TP West.. Sianz.. Anyway it's doing a form of community work also.. Although Jenn is stationed at TP Central CC while Sam is not activated at all.. Haix.. But I juz hope it will be juz as fun.. How I wish I stationed at TP CCC.. Anyway should be grateful that the first assignment is at home ground.. Haha.. Home ground advantage.. Keke..

I think I still have some stuffs to write on.. But I juz can't rem.. Think time to KO le.. I shall continue next time..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Shag Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Four hours of course.. Was reali a great and valuable one.. Cuz if I were to read alone.. I will nvr understand some parts which I dun even until today.. Was reali fun today.. The lecturers are funny in each of their ways.. And there is one student.. Keep nagging here and there.. Damn annoyed loh.. Juz feel like putting a finger on her mouth.. Shhhh..

Tomolow will be a great day I hope.. And ya.. Tomolow will be attending Tiffy's 21st Bday.. I was kinda excited.. I heard that alot of our classmates are invited.. Haha.. Of cuz I wan to see some of them.. Keke.. And of cuz I wanna see my Miss Ang and Miss Tan.. Keke.. =P Hmm.. Dun think can stay up late at the party tomolow also.. And can't eat too much either.. Cuz the next day will be the critical moment for Ly and me.. Haha.. Haix.. I guess I will have to reveille at 0500hrs.. Sianz.. Then pack up and stroll towards the cold and quiet road..

I juz checked my liabilities.. And I think I gonna eat grass liao.. I guess I oni have one debtor.. But creditors is like countless.. I have a list of debts haunting me.. Arghhh.. It's juz as if I'm gambling now.. I guess Mar and Apr will be the crucial mths for me.. If I can pull through.. I guess I live.. =/

戏如人生..人生如戏.. Story plot always cums from real life story.. When u knw someone's mum dun have much time left.. And she juz wan to see her son has a gf.. Will u gals reali sacrifice urself to pretend to be the guy's gf despite u urself has a bf alreadi? To each his own ba.. Some might reali wan to help.. Some might not at all..

Juz take for today series Dream Chasers.. Aj's mum is dying.. She is not afraid of death.. What she is worried is that Aj can't accept the fact of her death.. Actuali I always tot of this qns also.. If I die one day.. Will my parents and siblings able to accept this fact? I juz understand my mum too well.. I know how she will react exactly.. And I reali can't bear to leave my sweet frenz too.. Esp my sweet darlings too.. Keke.. ><~

I alreadi kinda confirm for myself that I wan an absorption in contract after I grad.. Hopefully by then I can achieve the target I wan.. I know been one possesses a risk.. A risk that one will nvr know.. Where he will be paralyzed or died during training.. There is no absolute way to prevent this.. I guess the only way is to pray..

I juz saw someone familiar today.. And I took a second look.. I found out that he is the tester for centralised grading.. Din know he lives at my area also.. If I din saw him running I also din realise that it's him.. The world is indeed small.. Haha..

Kelly was at TM today.. She helping to promote some cosmetic show.. Steph and me went to see it.. Was thinking why so many ppl there.. Tot which big star.. And today took the wrong bus home.. @_@" Nehneh one.. I tot that the bus is correct despite I know that there is two buses with same number.. So I heng heng choose the wrong one.. So in the end go one big round back to Central again.. The bus uncle must be thinkin I mad loh.. >_<

Gd luck to Baili.. Bunbun.. Cy.. Ivy.. Kelly.. and Mandy for their BB test juz now.. Hopefully it's an easy one for them..

Exactly two hours left to Tiffy's big day.. Anyway let me juz wish her in advance on behalf of those I know to her.. Happy Bday Tiffy!! May all ur wishes cum true.. And all the best in everything u do..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Eager Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, March 20, 2006

Was having Covenant almost whole day yest.. And finali got to Asuka Platform.. Alrite shall call it a day.. Went to piang my OTD.. Deadline alreadi set be our dear leader.. Deadline is motivator (Ly, 2006).. Haha.. Quite true hor.. If no deadline.. Everyone will be slacking like potato liao.. Right now I believe everyone is rushing their OTD also.. If not tomolow will have mass massarce conducted by our leader.. LoLz.. I gonna hide liao.. Keke.. *Digging tunnel at Street 73*

Sherman once again is complaining abt us.. What happened this time round? It's still the same old thing.. Haha.. No food for him loh.. Actuali I also kinda agree with him.. Some of our classmates are like monsters.. Imagine one person can take lotsa food in his or her hand.. Sometimes I understand it's becuz they taking for their frenz also mah.. I dun have any objections for that.. But again there are some ppl that are juz too much.. Even if take for frenz also got limit one.. The snacks there are not freeflow ok!! Pls spare a tot for those that are behind the queue..

The tea today is spoilt.. I wanted to take it.. But Bunn cum and stop me.. Claiming the tea is sour.. I said wow now use goat milk for tea liao ar.. LoLz.. *Lame* But in actual fact the tea is spoilt.. The Megabites manager came into our LT and apologized for that.. And he claimed his ppl took wrongly.. I was wondering what he meant by "took wrongly".. In the first place we are the morning class.. So there shouldn't be any possibility of leftover tea.. Unless it's from yest nite class.. But I doubt so.. My second point is.. If he said took wrongly.. Then does he meant that the sour tea is dedicated for some other grp? So contradicting loh.. Anyway he promised in exchange he will give us more "powerful" snacks next time.. I juz feel that he is sending the nice snacks for this afternoon class.. Thinking that it's the same class in the morning.. =/

Sherr was saying that why I din take bus with Bunn and Hm.. I said they going swimming leh.. Ly said ya also.. But Sherr said Hm going Bunn's place.. Huh? o_O? And Sherr is rite.. Why I say so? Cuz I missed both buses back home.. So I decided to walk back instead.. And when I'm near Starlight zone.. I saw Bunn and Hm walking from opp bstop.. Haha.. This is what I called "Yuan Fen" aka fate.. I also can't believe with my own eyes.. And when I saw the green familiar top.. Haha.. I know it's them..

So we went to Bunn usual hideout to settle down.. Haha.. Usual hideout huh.. Keke.. We bought some snacks to eat.. I saw this candy in a barrel.. I was kinda attracted to it.. When I first read it.. I read it as "Super Squirrel".. Then I wowed myself.. So unique sia the name.. Then I noticed the packaging dun look like squirrel leh.. So I read again.. In the end it's "Super Barrel" instead.. Not I blind or colourblind.. But anyone who first glanced it will tot it's "Super Squirrel" loh.. Hm also agree that it do like "Super Squirrel" instead of "Super Barrel"..

This week schedule is damn packed for me.. Tomolow will be having a veri impt date.. And Wed needa chiong Inv and Winning 11.. Oops.. *Ly hiding his ps2* Haha.. Thurs and Fri have courses to attend.. Fri nite itself needa attend party.. Sat has Ippt and Inv.. Sun might have activation for Healthway.. Gosh.. So many things.. And that's life mah.. Enjoy ourselves while we can mah..

I was nearly blushed to death when ppl popped such a hypothetical qns for me to ans.. Somemore in front of someone I know.. I duno how to react.. I duno what to say.. And I duno what to do.. I juz wish I can a mute for that split seconds.. Of cuz I know yes means yes while no means no.. And what's so difficult to give either yes or no.. To me it's difficult.. Esp with someone around.. Maybe I'm juz trying to avoid ba..

Today kena a few assaults from three ppl.. First time is when OTD lesson is over.. Cuz din get to sign the attendance.. So I went down to sign it with my clique.. Outta nowhere someone poked me with a pen.. LoLz.. Scared me.. Heng I immune to tickle attack.. I turned over and saw Xh.. Haha.. It's her.. And then she interrogated me with some stuffs again.. Keke..

Second time is when I wanted to sign liao.. Was signing for Sf also.. Then Eve came over.. Say I cut queue.. Haha.. Got meh.. Eve was asking my name is Sf meh? *Fainted* Eve ar Eve.. Haha.. Not noticing anything.. The tip of the pen poked me again.. Xhhhhh!!! Wahahahaha..

Third time is when Ly and I were leaving the LT.. I saw the door handle ring falls off.. So I took it out.. During this time Bunn was chatting on phone.. So I went over to match the ring on her ears.. LoLz.. And kena her 45 degree kick.. *Pain* But the ring suits her leh.. Keke..

Fourth time is when we decided to leave for canteen.. Jenn and Van walked over.. Jenn wanted to say something.. But before Jenn managed to say anything.. I said juz now playing twisting of hand veri shiok hor.. Then she said how I know!! And straight came two slaps from her to my arm.. Haha.. I was all the while observing at what Van was doing leh.. Is that magic? Haha who knows.. But it's indeed interesting.. Juz a pen and two hands can reali do such wonder ar..

I believe almost everyone is jumping over Chelsea's defeat.. Haha.. Though I'm not into EPL or any other league.. But I was happy too.. That Mr Arrogant still dare to say it's the referee's fault.. Well done Fulham.. ^^

Juz fin watching Campus Superstar.. Haha.. That two gals Clara and Teresa are damn sweet leh.. Keke.. =P But of cuz it's comparing btwn vocal skills rather than looks mah.. But honestly I feel a person's look also earn some points loh.. Well.. That's what I say reality.. Like their complexion alot.. Those tanned type.. Heee.. The guys I think I only like Zhiyang.. He those that dun act seh one.. Gd..

Right now I was wishing that tomolow will cum soon.. I was waiting for some unexpected surprises.. Lalalala.. Hmm.. Let's see what should I wear tomolow.. Maybe wear as usual? Maybe wear couples' wear? Heeee.. So excited that I can't slp.. Shall force myself to study PM asap since this week and next week is full of motivators for me.. I have one tomolow.. I have one on Fri.. And I have one on next Tues..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Motivated Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, March 17, 2006

Yest the Amoral United went to Ly's place to stay over.. Reason is to play Winning 11.. LoLz.. They kept pyscho me to go also.. But I insisted that I will go tml instead.. I have rather impt matter to attend to..

I needa get home asap to find out what had happened to my dear.. Cuz all the sms I send earlier on she din reply.. And when I heard from another person of what happened earlier on.. I becum more worried.. I called.. But can't get through.. No one pick up.. I waited and waited.. In hope that she will call back soon.. But it's a no.. I send another sms again.. And I continued to wait.. I wanted to call her home.. But I feared that will wake her family up.. I juz can't get to slp soundly until I know of what exactly happened.. And the most impt thing of all.. Is she alrite? That's my only concern.. So I continued to wait until 0400hrs.. I know I might be stupid to wait for so long.. Cuz she might alreadi slp liao..

I woke up at 0700hrs.. First thing I did is to check my hp.. To see whether have any msg or missed call.. However I received nothing at all.. I reali despaired during that moment.. Despite only less than three hrs of slp.. I still gotta get out of my bed.. I still had an appointment with my Amoral United ppl.. And I seriously feel lethargic.. I sat up and closed my eyes for a while.. I called again in the morning.. But still the same.. Haix..

I juz feel like taking a cab down to Amoral United home ground.. WTF!! I dun believe I waited for an hour cab.. By the time I took bus down.. I alreadi reached his place within that hour liao loh.. Zzz.. And what the hell happened.. So many ppl waiting for cabby.. I go where also got ppl there waiting.. I damn pissed off with that TJC guy.. I alreadi walked away from there to go to another area to flag cab.. He damn kuku loh.. Dare to follow me also.. F*cking hell loh.. Seem like he duno what is call first come first serve.. Damn dulan.. I juz feel like asking him to f*ck off loh.. And how dare he purposely flag in front of me.. I reali feel like treating him eat punch.. Now I knw what some Singaporeans are made up of.. Alreadi no mood due to my dear.. Still wanna annoyed me further.. Zzzz..

Think back a time when u were really angry.. Frustrated.. Freaked out.. And someone told u to.. "Relax.. It's gonna be fine.. Take a deep breath.. Chill.." Did this advice make u want to: A) Take a deep breath and relax.. Or B) Take a crowbar to that person's head and THEN relax.. LoLz.. Which will u ppl choose.. If u're like most people.. And u're being honest.. The answer is "B".. But it's the most intuitive thing we usually do..

Imagine u are now having a big tiff with ur bf or gf.. What would u do? I guess the more sensible party will always made an honest attempt to calm their other party down.. However becuz the angry party think u're being irrational.. Ridiculous.. Over dramatic.. Or immature.. This make the problem btwn urself and them worse..

But still... Maybe instead of always being the one who is "more rational than thou" when the other person is upset.. Maybe sometimes in some scenarios it would help to at first be a little less calm in response.. (Not angry at the person who's complaining.. That definitely WOULD make things much worse..)

Anyway juz think about it.. Imagine what would happen if someone "walk out on u" when u are having a date with him or her.. And rather than reacting in a purely calm and rational way (or getting angry).. U juz suddenly act completely nuts..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Lethargic Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Alrite juz a quick blogging on what happened today.. Anyway today is our first meeting for Inv at Ly's place.. And I seriously made a fool of myself.. Sf and me reached Ly's place.. So I called Ly and he said he will come down and fetched us.. Waiting for some time and Sf said why not go up ourselves.. And so I think a while.. Ok so off we go.. And on the way up.. I duno which floor.. It's either fifth or seventh..

So I called Ly's home again.. This time round a gal picked up the phone.. Cuz I know Sherry was at Ly's place also.. So I tot that gal speaking on the phone is Sherry.. And I said "Eh Sherry.. Ly leh?" The gal replied he's not around.." And so the conversation is Sherry here and there.. Without realising that the gal is Nana loh.. *Fainted*

But I duno why I came to such confidence that she is Sherry.." I kept on toking and toking without giving Nana a chance to explain.. LoLz.. Until one point when Nana said that she is not Sherry.. And I said dun bluff lah.. LoLz.. She said Ly and Sherry went down alreadi.. OMG.. And when I saw another incoming call from Ly.. I know for myself that.. Oh NOoo!! That gal is reali Nana.. *Knock my head* Nana came out of the house and saw Sf and me.. I was so paiseh.. Kept saying sorry sorry.. Haha.. And that stupid Sf kept luffing non stop.. And Nana said to Ly "Kor.. My voice reali sound like Sherry meh?" Haha.. >_<~

And so I finali book for my test le.. So does Ly.. And that Sf.. Win liao.. I wanna book for him too.. And when I tried to book.. It says pls book for ur RT.. LoLz.. I luff till beng.. So it means this time round only Ly and me will be taking for our window..

Yest I wanna type "大长今" in my msn one.. But I type wrongly and it became "大肠今".. LoLz.. In English it means "Big intestine".. Wahahaha.. I think Ly and Steph were saying that their family alreadi watched fin the show.. And now kinda watching the third time..

And today watched a funny show at Ly's place.. I rem got one part when four fellows intro themselves.. And two of them said they are from Cambridge Uni.. And so the Cambrige fellows asked the other two fellows which Uni they are from.. As we know that "U" is short form of "University".. The other two duno what to say.. So in the end they replied "Oh we are from Fuck U.." Wahahaha.. So funny loh.. >_<~

The exciting moment for today.. And I reali enjoyed myself.. Winning Eleven is so fun when there are alot of ppl playing.. The four of us versus com is so fun.. No matter what we are still the Amoral United FC.. LoLz.. The first match lost becuz of me.. Cuz I failed to score that penalty.. Damn it.. Haiz.. Then Steph kept saying walau u erxin lah.. Penalty also can't score.. =/

Anyway the second match onwards I tried to compensate for the mistake I made le.. Pass here and there.. Shoot and shoot.. And unknowingly I had becum the so called saviour of our team.. So tyco that I scored quite a number of goals.. And we finali got to the final.. But lost in the end.. Anyway I glad that we had so much fun and laughter.. After which we went for our dinner.. And then Ly send us home..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Smiling Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Let me start by writing on what happened on Sun training.. Was reali drained off with my lifestream approaching zero.. Pair by pair sprinted to the specific location.. Al.. Another fellow and me were the last three to proceed.. So Js said all three go together.. Three of us with pumping position on the ground waiting for Js to say ready and go.. The moment "GO".. The three of us set off quickly as we could.. I run with some discomfort as I feel that the sole of the shoes is ripping off.. That feeling of "pin plat pin plat".. So I got second instead.. I told myself that the next time round I vs that fellow.. I gonna beat him.. And so there is another round of sprinting.. This time round Al said he dun wan to mix with that fellow and me.. LoLz.. Gd.. So it's a one vs one situation.. And I beat him.. Yea.. And is by alot of distance.. Proud of myself..

However.. I dun reali feel well when the first part of the training is done.. Juz feel like stomach abit unwell.. And I can't open my eyes.. Juz feel like blacking out in no time.. CLiang saw me like not my usual self.. He came and asked me am I ok.. I juz feel like telling him I dun feel gd.. Nvrtheless I still went down for rowing despite the fear of man overboard.. Haha.. But I have faith in them.. Surely will save me mah.. Hehe.. I started to realise how cohesive the team is.. I saw with my own eyes.. The word "Passion" is shown in each and everyone of them.. The weak flame within me once again is unleashed.. Unleashed into a stronger and unextinguishable flame..

Went for dinner with my fellowmates.. I had chicken rice and wanton mee.. Wow.. Al said I "Yao tio ar".. Yes I am.. Reali damn hungry.. Jc was saying that time when he took his 2A.. He sped inside the circuit.. And the instructor used a loudspeaker to shout at him.. "Oie.. Number 15.. Yes u.. Number 15.. Get over here!!".. Haha so funny when he reali descibe how the instructor called him over.. Then the instructor said "U think u veri zai ar!! Speed inside.." LoLz.. And Jc further described how he cut all the cars.. Haha..

Finali had my first OTD lect for this mth.. I miss Sherman though.. Haha.. Miss his nagging and preaching.. When I heard abt the reference list stuff.. It's reali funny.. United States becum Untied States.. LOLz.. Yes and it's the first time he ended at 1230hrs.. It's a miracle.. Worried abt Bunn.. So rushed down back home asap.. Haha.. In the end supposed to meet around three or four plus becum nine plus.. Haha.. I waited till I fell aslp.. Was reali in deep dream when the phone rang.. Shock me up.. And yes.. It's our princess call.. Finali woke up from her dream le.. Hehe.. Went down to fetch Bunn.. And so we started to do the stuffs.. It's juz a merely three hours meeting.. Yet I find it so meaningful and glad.. I duno why.. Maybe it juz something in my heart that has been put down finali.. Although it's supposed to be a meeting for work.. But I juz happened to know so much stuffs which I duno at all.. And I'm reali surprised.. It's the best surprise I ever had this year.. It's alreadi twelve mid le.. And we almost done.. Sending her home.. Making sure she is safe and sound is my duty.. And it's also the duty of all guys..

Today had PM class.. Due to some injury from Sun trainings.. Both legs seem to have some difficulties in walking.. Walked abit only.. Feel both my quads are cramping.. Esp the right side.. The LT is at level four.. Juz get sick of waiting for lift.. By the time I managed to catch one.. I guess I alreadi crawled up level four le.. I went to the toilet as usual.. When I left.. Eve was in front of me.. Haha.. So I purposely wanna scared her from behind.. Guess what.. She countered by giving me a straight punch.. LoLz.. So funny.. I was shocked.. I haven even attacked she alreadi gave me a punch.. Machiam the back of her head also have eyes.. Heee.. =P I rem on Mon.. I bought my milo and I sat down with Eve toking the way through.. Always like to ask me weird weird stuff.. Haha.. And Xh arrived.. She joined in too.. As they were leaving for the lect conducted by Sherman.. I was still sitting down outside at the bench.. Xh asked me I not going in ar.. As I wanted to reply to her.. She said u waiting for someone rite.. Haha.. So I kesiao loh.. I said no lah.. And I started to walk off.. And I think I saw Eve turned over.. And then heard her saying loudly that "I also know he waiting for who.." She win liao loh.. On phone still can listen to what Xh told me.. And then add to it.. Hahaha.. Well that's called multi-tasking ba..

Hmm.. Yest day like seem to be a bad day for Xh.. Think something might have happened.. Maybe when she is online later.. I tried to comfort her ba.. Though I'm not a gd consoler.. Nvrtheless I think I try abit ba..

Even DD had bad days.. Few days before.. I came to understand abt what happened.. I wun take sides.. I think both of them are wrong somewhere.. So I can't be biased and side with DD juz becuz DD is my blah blah blah..

I would like to thank Tiffy for inviting me to her 21st Bday party next week.. That's reali a nice invitation card.. I think I will probably attend it.. Cuz it's the 21st mah even if it's at the expense of my IPPT the next day after the party.. I know the beta of risk when I eat too much during the party.. Most likely can't perform well for the test.. But 21st is only once in a lifetime.. There wun be anymore 21st for a particular person again.. Test failed still can book again mah.. The worst is go for RT only loh.. Anyway cuz I dun have sweet memories of my 21st.. So I hope I can share the joy for those celebrating their 21st..

Aiyo and so Jenn din came today.. She going for afternoon class cuz of tuition.. She always wanna tempt me one loh.. Today she asked me to go noon class again loh.. So that I can see her.. Heee.. I wish I can loh.. Keke.. =P

Today had lunch at KFC with my beloved mates.. We chiong family feast B.. Woo.. It's reali full.. Had a free ice bucket.. It's juz looks like an urn.. LoLz..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Chirping Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Dessert equals Lizard!!!

Forgot to say that I saw Regina and the other gal which I know also yest.. Forget her name liao.. Next time must asked Bunn again.. Haha.. Anyway Regina came to visit the education fair..

Oh ya still rem yest after our dinner at 85.. I asked Sf whether he wan dessert.. He heard I said lizard.. LoLz.. Ya lah.. I admit I said wrongly.. Haaa.. So he tot why I asked him wan to eat lizard or not.. Wahahaha.. So funny.. =P Aiya I also duno why I pronounced as lizard also.. Reali xin bu zai yan..

Actuali today heard a gd news.. Hmm.. Maybe it's gd towards me ba.. Always the gd news is at the expense of another bad news.. Shall share it with the guys later on..

Today chiong Convenant till ard one plus in the noon.. After that I take on the role of babysitting Hy.. Hy reali can recognize ppl le.. And his kicks nowadays are damn powerful.. Kena his kick can be quite painful.. Imagine he kicked ur below as u carried him.. Gosh.. LoLz.. And I heard from my sis that her frenz's nine mths son know how to eat potato chips liao.. Think is Pringles.. LoLz.. Happening leh.. Then maybe the boy two yrs old will eat abalone liao.. Haha.. *Lame*

Andy today had Tkd tournament.. He managed to clear the rounds and get into the semis.. If he won he will get gold.. He said he only have fifty percent confidence.. Actuali possessing half the confidence is better than possessing nothing at all.. Till now duno did he won or not.. But anyway gd luck to him..

Whenever I think of that event where I was so mean towards DD in the bus.. I feel so bad.. I reali din know DD's intentions at all.. I should have been nice and replied nicely.. But when I know it.. It's alreadi too late le.. All the msg are gone.. And it's reali gone.. DD is angry and upset with me.. That's why from now on I will try to make back to DD in whichever ways I can..

Ok shall continue my journey in Convenant le.. Everyone have a sweet and peaceful nite.. And rem to dream of me!! Ok I wan that few to dream of me hor.. Hehehe.. Esp DD.. Alrite I know some of them will say how to have peaceful nite when they need to dream of me.. Hahaha.. >_<~

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Normal Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, March 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Joy!!

PM is fun on Wed.. Mr L said his eyesight can only see far not near.. Unless he wear goggles.. LoLz.. WTF? Goggles? Lame to a great extent.. And he said abt the second test thingy.. He said second test will be on topic 4 to 6.. He said will be abit hard compared to the first one.. And he added.. As we all know.. Topic one two three is topic one two three.. LoLz.. Forever lame..

Saw Kelvin on Wed itself.. Chatted with him during teabreak.. The last time I saw him is at the Tsunami Fundraising at Teck Ghee CC with Yt and the rest.. He was there with his ppl playing basketball.. Anyway he said I like becum hot chap among the ppl liao hor.. Well.. Is it? Nvr realised also.. Haaa.. Claiming that I not like last time so quiet liao.. Ya I agree to that.. Ppl do change somehow.. Whether change for gd or bad.. I think I change for gd ba.. And he said is xXx my gf.. Wahahaha.. Yea I wish she is.. But too bad..

Again Mr L said that the sample of qns of the second test mcqs is below.. So later go grab one and zap it.. Again it's limited copies.. Last time is Ly go grabbed so this time round I go grabbed.. Went to Lib to zap it.. Thinking zapping juz for our ppl.. So I think a while should I give my copy to ***.. So that their grp no need to go grab.. Been totful for other ppl always get one nowhere.. And everything I did I dun ask for whatever payback in whichever form.. I juz wanna do my part as a frenz.. That's all.. Nothing more or less..

If dun wan juz said dun wan.. Or juz said it's ok we can get for ourselves.. Must one says "U got printed xtra copy is it?" What is the meaning of this? Am I so cheapo? Only have xtra then I give ppl? Since when I'm this type of person to u? I always learn from my mum that dun ever give food that u can't fin to other ppl.. Cuz it's rude.. It's juz like pitying that person.. Same goes for this.. I rather use that xtra copy as rough paper if I have one.. If not I juz throw it away.. Must I go to that extend of giving it to ppl juz becuz I have an xtra copy and I dun wan to waste it? Even when I saw Jenn.. I asked her whether she have it.. If no then I helped her zap one copy.. Simple as that.. Now it's like whatever I do I like have a motive for it.. Whatever loh.. I wun bother to think for some ppl again.. *Pissed*

Had a veri long chat with Jenn on Wed nite.. Woo.. Shiok.. But her that pic reali scare me out.. The eye of hers.. Her frenz uses those professional cam to take for her one.. Veri scary lah.. We chatted abt her from Sem one till now.. The evolution she and Sam made.. She made my day for that nite.. Esp when I'm so pissed off on that day itself.. Was reali fun and happy toking to her..

Went to sch today.. Although paper is in the evening.. But we meet early for revision.. Bus 74 was damn cramped.. Full of students.. Alighting at sch.. Walked towards the way to find the rest.. Din realised *** is in front of me.. Anyway I feel that *** did saw me.. Maybe I'm wrong.. Anyway my policy is veri simple.. If someone pretend not to see me.. I will also.. That's the most sensible alternative.. Anyway juz the day before.. When Ly.. Steph and me is boarding the bus.. *** is alighting also.. But again I feel *** is pretending not to see us.. But again I might be wrong.. The analysis I made is.. Ppl inside the bus can see clearly who is outside the bus.. Unlike ppl from outside the bus.. They can't see clearly what is inside of the bus.. Theoretically it's true.. Even if it's put into practical it's also damn true..

And I believe whatever I do.. I dun need to explain myself to ppl.. Cuz I dun own them an explanation at all.. Simple as that.. If someone wan to question me.. Fine with me.. But when I give the explanation.. He or she better jolly well believe it.. If he or she dun believe it.. Then ask me in the first place for what.. Might as well dun ask.. I juz feel like dedicating Point of Authority for these ppl..

And today finali fin our Inv paper.. Hmm.. Soso ba.. At least the tips is useful afterall.. Nvrtheless juz hope to tikum correct ans loh.. Yest went to FS 85 for supper after Inv class.. While today went to FS 85 again.. This time round is to celebrate the paper over.. Steph reali damn jialat leh.. Illegal crossing of road when the lights is alreadi red.. LOLz.. I was wondering why Sf said heng he nvr dashed the traffic in the next junction.. Cuz there is red light cam there.. If dash confirm tio liao.. At first I tot Sf din know he dashed the traffic.. But the case turn out to be he know abt it.. Haha.. I tot only I know nia.. Then Steph said why I know din stop him.. Actuali Steph is subconciously dashing the traffic thinking that it's green.. Somemore in front of the police station.. LoLz.. Must be challenging the police.. Haha.. =P

Ly.. Sf and Steph sensed that something is wrong with me.. From the period when I left the toilet.. I started keeping silent.. I mean can see one.. When someone is not right.. Ppl ard him can feel it too.. They keep probing me what happened.. I also duno why.. I think maybe it's the effect of missing someone u cared.. That's what I can said ba.. Discussed with someone before that caring for someone dun reali need to say it out verbally.. Sweet and simple things one did for that person is enuff to show the care and concern..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Normal Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, March 05, 2006

First of all.. I would like to thank everyone who have voted for my dear nephew Hy.. Heee.. He got the champion.. Haha.. Reali I can't believe my eyes and ears.. Special thankz to Yujia and DD.. My special supporters.. We shall share the prize.. Hehehe.. =P

Inv suxs loh.. Reali duno what the hell is all those weird stuffs.. Zzz.. Arghhh.. Only left 4days to test.. Hopefully like what Mok said.. If duno juz put the ans as "d".. Well.. I guess I will believe him.. The most funny thing is he said if all put "d" can make a pass.. Wahahaha.. Alrite.. Shall hiong liao lah.. Go Go Go!!

Does heart moves? I guess it do.. Esp in term of r/s.. Does anyone has the feeling of liking someone so deeply that u can't live without that person? There is bound a proportion of ppl are like that.. Another scenario is u dun have feelings for the person at first.. But as time passes u started to like that person.. Last scenario is u like the person but the feelings faded as the person ignored u.. Whichever the category u might be in now.. Juz be true to urself and believe that u are choosing the right path..

For me I guess I have gone through all the three trials before.. Whether it's for gd or bad.. I have learned some lessons from it.. The cycle from happiness to sadness.. And from disappointment to heartache.. All these emotions juz kept invading me even until now..

I always agree with BB that secretly like a person is better than declaring I like that person.. The reason is becuz I can be juz as xingfu as other couples.. Deceiving myself in hope that the person might also like me.. Right ppl? I believe everyone did such things before too.. Another reason is the hopes I see in that person.. She can give me hopes and chances intentionally or even unintentionally.. Even though I know it's false hope.. But the thing is.. There is no winner in this game until the veri last moment.. And so the mistake I made caves in and everything come to an end.. Finali checkmate for me..

They always said a person only live for a lifetime.. Unless there is reali future reincarnation.. So I feel that what I did is right afterall.. At least I know it's not a moment of folly.. And it's NOT a substitution of another person.. This is NOT a soccer match or whatever sports which allow substitution.. Anyway at least I have not let myself down in whichever ways.. Trying the best is the best one can do.. If reali put in all I have.. Then even if loses also wun regret.. Battle of r/s is fair and square.. Like what Shishio said before.. In the end.. It's only the fittest that survives.. If u are strong u live.. If u are weak u die.. And that's the veri truth..

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Pondering Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Chris pls go ahead..

Thurs went to Sf's place.. Stayed till quite late before setting off for nite class Inv.. Called DD but din pick up the call.. I was waiting for DD's reply.. I waited until I fell aslp on Sf's bed.. Sf was playing this online game which looks like Diablo.. He said I kesiao said wanna study Inv.. In the end snore so loud.. Wahahaha.. Oops.. >_<~ When I finali get myself outta bed.. Sf jumped into the bed to slp.. Claiming it's his turn liao.. @_@" Since his ps2 is with teddy bear.. So I guess I can only played Condition Zero liao loh..

Saying abt CS.. Been a regular in one of the servers.. When I was in the server itself.. I saw everyone discussing abt Tammy's incident.. Some even put their nicks as Tammy's vcd/dvd at RM10-20.. Hmm.. Feel kinda sorri for her.. Actuali in the first place she should have been careful.. Esp when she know that she has quite a number of rivals.. Actuali been high profile in one's sch is nothing wrong.. Juz that there are always ppl red-eyed.. And jealous of it..

Finali reached sch in Sf's car.. At the same time Christine is here with her frenz for Inv too.. She was parking her vehicle.. Sf was doing the same too.. Then when I saw her parked.. I told Sf that he parked better than her.. The moment I said it.. He parked the car crooked.. LoLz.. This shows that SG ppl can't be praised one.. And I find that it's reali true.. Haha.. Sf also said that Christine is attractive.. Keke.. Well.. I agree.. Heee.. =P End of Inv.. We decided to go Feng Shan 85 to eat.. Leaving the sch.. We were behind Christine's car.. So I said.. Steph faster tailgate it.. Haha.. Anyway it was fun.. Cuz only drama we see ppl tailgating ppl's car.. Ly was saying what story I gonna said for the journey to 85.. Rem last time the story is abt Vday's incident mah.. So he was expecting another story.. Keke.. And our gd Steph parked the vehicle damn "straight".. Wakakaka.. Oops.. =D

I recorded down the tv series starring Project Superstars's ppl.. Jason.. Junyang.. Kelly.. Kelvin Weilian.. Silver.. Xinhui.. It's called Dream Chasers.. I watched the first episode and I fell in luv with the show liao.. Hehe.. There is this part of the script saying that "Although mimosa seems full of life.. But whenever there's any sign of trouble.. Its head will hang low.. Showing its lack of confidence.. The mimosa may be shy and introverted.. But if one make it angry.. It'll prick that person till he has a masses of bruises.." So meaningful.. Now that it says.. I feel like I belong to that category of mimosa.. Cuz I fulfilled every criteria it describes.. My clique knw it well whether it's true or not.. Heee.. ^^

Rem that day I was in the train to sch.. Although SG train is kinda safe to an extent.. But accident do happen occasionally mah.. Encountered track fault.. The second time of my life.. Every morning the train will be packed like sardines.. And due to the track fault.. The train will like stopped out of sudden.. And there is a number of sudden stoppages throughout the journey.. The stoppages caused ppl to lost their balance.. I nearly lost mine too.. I saw a pole on my right.. And so I wanted to grab it.. The pole is so long yet I dun even find a place to grab it.. Imagine the train suddenly brake.. And everyone grabbed the pole together.. Reali is win liao loh.. I was saying to myself.. Waaa.. Are they damn fast or am I damn slow huh? LoLz.. Nvrtheless I juz find it extremely ironic to see a pole suddenly filled up with hands of different colours.. >_<~

Christopher was requesting to me whether he can post a link in his blog abt the geek thingy.. Anyway I'm fine with it de.. So Chris if u see this.. Pls go ahead ba.. I have no objections.. Hmm.. Btwn hor are u the Chris from my BBBA class huh? Juz leave me a tag if u are ba.. Thankz.. =^-^=

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Smiling Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

As the Window draws closer.. How I wish I can dun take the torturing test.. But then this time round will be totally different cuz I got new companies.. LoLz.. As usual Sf will be going.. But this time Ly will be going too.. How abt Steph leh? Hehe.. Alrite my kakis.. Take note of the following announcement of the dates and time available at 6SIR..

04th Mar Sat 0730hrs-1130hrs and 1600hrs-2000hrs
07th Mar Tue 1700hrs-2100hrs
08th Mar Wed 1700hrs-2100hrs
09th Mar Thur 1700hrs-2100hrs
11th Mar Sat 0730hrs-1130hrs and 1600hrs-2000hrs
14th Mar Tue 1700hrs-2100hrs
15th Mar Wed 1700hrs-2100hrs
16th Mar Thur 1700hrs-2100hrs
18th Mar Sat 0730hrs-1130hrs and 1600hrs-2000hrs
21th Mar Tue 1700hrs-2100hrs
25th Mar Sat 0730hrs-1130hrs and 1600hrs-2000hrs

Hmm.. Think u ppl also wan morning rite? So it's only Sat liao.. Morning air better.. No sun.. Haha.. Can enjoy the run.. Eh Ly.. U tell me what are ur choices after u see this ba.. Then we take the best possible date.. As for Sf.. No need ask him.. He will definitely follow us.. LoLz..

Ok as for the training cuming nxt week.. We will see how it goes.. Maybe can go Tamp Stadium trial out.. See whether can pass the min standard 1220min.. LoLz.. Should be can ba.. I have faith in us.. Wakakaka.. =P

Back to today event.. Today PM.. The lecturer was saying "sausage".. So I tot he pronounced wrong again.. So I started to laugh.. Hey but in the end it's me that's wrong.. I asked Ly.. "Sau-Sage" or "Sau-Tage".. Ly said the former.. Oh gosh.. Then I always pronounced as "Sau-Tage".. LMAO.. *Faint*

And the lecturer said something like.. Oh for the test.. Majority did well.. In Class B.. Quite a number scored full marks.. Which mean 20/20.. And he added.. However those that din scored full marks one.. Scored 19 and below.. LoLz.. Of cuz din scored full marks one will score 19 and below lah.. ROFL.. Like what Ly said.. Arbo then scored 21/20 meh.. Wahahaha.. That Mr L reali damn funny.. Why called him Mr L? It's becuz Steph said he can't pronounce words with "L" in it.. Such as Billion.. Million.. Supply and etc..

For those who have seen the video on "Boring Guard Duty".. Do u ppl think it's real? One thing is for sure that the person use hp to take the video.. However it's a fact that using hp to take video.. There is no way to edit the video at all even if the video is converted into mpeg file in computer.. So how the sound of that "thing" cum in.. And what that "shadow" lurking over the camp gate.. Ly replied said he only saw sort of cardboard thing.. While Sherry din dare to continue seeing after she heard that "thing" laughing voice..

I observed whether that "shadow" is there in the first place.. Conclusion is no.. It's only so called appeared after the sentry indian 3SG said "WTF is that sound".. Blah blah blah.. No doubt it's from SG camp.. As for which camp got no idea.. Juz one suspicious point.. If one reali saw that kind of "thing" will they run away straight away without doing anything? Or will they run away while maintaining shooting that "thing" with the hp.. Kinda arguable loh.. A fully sensible person will run away without thinking.. So the former is more rational than the latter.. But from the video.. It seems that they continued shooting the scene as they run away.. Weird rite? Aiya but who knows.. Whether real or fake.. Only they themselves know..

Today see Jenn sitting alone above.. So asked her why she din go down sit with Jd and Kw they all.. She said came late loh.. Hmm.. But I always seen her sitting above during all Class B's PM classes leh.. Can't be everytime also late mah.. And she said I see her lonely then why nvr go over and sit with her.. Haaa.. Aiya cuz the lecture is alreadi going on liao.. Can't be I take my notes and go up.. Confirm alot of eyes staring at me.. Actuali hor I was reali tempt to go over and joined her.. Heee.. Hmm.. Why ar.. Becuz it's an honour to sit with her.. Juz like Sam.. Also an honour to sit with her too.. But probably is becuz of the top she wear made me wanna go over and sit with her.. Her top looks like Juventus jersey.. Haha.. But I know it's not.. Or maybe the aura she possesses.. Hehe.. Anyway hor.. If I go up then Ly will be lonely below.. LoLz.. I gonna push the blame to the two heroes that din cum for lecture today.. Owned up.. LoLz.. No wonder so spacious ard us.. *Winkz*

The empty blueness juz squeezes my heart..
Everytime I look up at this sky which stained with tears..
If it is my destiny to leave behind the days where I fought for u..
And even if I almost lose sight of my true self..
I swear I will do that solely juz for u..
As long as I still have my life..

Smiling Kai

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^