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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The discussion on radio of whether guys made a better driver or gals made a better one.. Was so ironic when it's discussed.. Of cuz I believe arguments from both sides have their own justifications.. Nvrtheless gender do make who will be a better one or who will not be a better one.. Some viewers who made their views on female drivers.. First they are slow.. Second when changing lane dun check blindspot at all.. Juz cut out as if it's their father's road.. And it's almost 90 percent are female drivers who did that.. Haha.. Look like it's true to some extend.. Debating on such issues is kinda neverending..

Riddle on radio.. Which animal and plant most resemble "机".. At first I tot chicken that "ji".. Then I said of cuz for animal.. Chicken resemble chicken loh.. But in the end it's another "ji".. See whether u all can guess it or not..

I was wondering when someone juz told u that he/she wan a bday gift that when he/she looks at it.. He/she will think of u.. Cuz it's u who give the gift mah.. A gift that is memorable is not easy to find.. But I alreadi have a few ideas in my mind.. Thankz to Gargle gal!! LoLz.. Dun kill hunt me when u saw this..

IT show is here again.. Tml is the first day.. Think is at Suntec.. Grabbed while stock last.. Haha.. Gogogo.. Great SG sale..

I'm totally burnout.. It's time to rest and wait for the next tormenting day.. One mth to go.. Endure and persevere..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, May 29, 2006

300m of paddling is nothing to some.. But if u ever tried tat for tat non-stop cum and go.. And the number of sets are dependent on the number of crew onboard.. I wondered how many can reali sustain and persevere in the end.. I glad I did it.. And of cuz the rest too.. I was delighted by the comment JS gave us.. It was definitely a motivation for all of us..

I juz saw Amos juz now at TM.. Was there for a movie.. Amos one of the ex-crew.. He was definitely a valuable asset to us.. I was persuading him to return but he reali can't due to work and study at the same time..

When u heard from ur frenz that her dar is flying away to study abroad and will be back for 2yrs.. How will u feel? I definitely feel down for her.. It's 2yrs not few mths.. And of cuz study dun take mths to complete.. This point I truly understand.. So wat I can do now is hope that Heaven can speed up the time and let the luved one return asap..

Will u be in a shock when u heard tat someone holding a impt position in sch Council embezzle the funds? Somemore it abt 1k+ funds.. I was stunned too.. Of cuz I know who embezzled the funds.. The person is asked to step down.. Hmm.. I tot it should be the case of commercial crime.. Haha.. Imagine a team of ppl walked towards that person.. Screening their cards and said "ICAC!!".. U have the right to remain silent.. However watever u said now will be taken to Court as evidence..

I shan't care so much of some stuff rite now.. Even if my frenz probed me abt wat happened.. I wun say much either cuz I know they have eyes to see.. They can judge for themselves.. Now it's not a matter of rite and wrong.. Nor I wan the so-called justice to be done.. It's a matter of principle.. Well said by our forefathers before "Actions speak louder than words.." Speak abt how much one yearn to perform some tasks and in the end it becum a case of "say say" oni? How will u feel? Imagine I promise u something and den I break the promise without any valid reasons.. Will u feel the same as I feel? Sometimes been too nice is juz asking for headaches.. Cuz u will been taken for granted in the end.. Anyway there are other ppl for me to care.. Shouldn't juz keep on holding on to a particular one.. It's time to let go..

Superband results is out.. Tat Xi Ri Feng get in again.. And Amber is the victim.. Who will be the one next round? Well.. Stay tune..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, May 26, 2006

Run at MR today with JS leading.. At the end of the vegetation came a group of ppl.. With big backpack on them.. And all of them are bulky and fit.. They are not the CDO nor the SOF.. They are the Gurkhas.. Their skin complexion seem to be hardened like leather.. And all look so much different from a typical Singaporean.. The Gurkhas Contingent is formed in 1949 to replace the ex Sikh unit that have been integrated during WWII..

On the way back.. Saw the gals running towards us.. Led by Gav.. And there is a new face I nvr see before.. She besides Angel.. Wow that demure and sweet look juz melt me.. Haha.. Abit kua zhang rite.. And all the guys were discussing abt her.. Haha..

20 reps of burpees and den run all the way up a slope and down within 2.45mins is definitely impossible as most of the guys in the crew think.. However JS beg to differ.. Agree with wat he said he dun believe nothing is impossible until we have tried it.. If we can't meet the timing we shall do it as a team and fin it as a team too.. No one will be left behind.. And tried and tried until the criteria is meet..

As we were leaving.. I saw Ly's dad at MR sending LPG.. Waved to him but he like duno I whu.. LoLz.. And so we set off to Bishan for lunch again.. But this time round three cars set off juz like the previous few times except Dan is not here.. And JS replaced him.. The babe is in mine.. Keke.. Shiok.. Btwn hor not I thick skinned asked her cum over one loh.. It's she and Angel cum over one loh.. Wait u ppl say I bhb asked her cum over.. LoLz.. And I nearly lost concentration to drive.. Cuz rear mirror kept seeing her as I glanced to shift lane etc..

There will be a session for us at MOS tonite.. Hopefully the babe is there too.. The more I look at her the more she is sweet.. LoLz.. Well.. That's human nature.. Alrite.. Tml hope she will be at pontoon too.. LoLz.. That's a motivation.. At least for some guys.. Hahaha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The first time I saw Dream Chasers.. I guess that it will be a sweet and romancing show with a happy ending.. And as the series went further.. The climax is there.. And I will nvr expect that the plot will be in such a way which I nvr think before.. Lynn died in the end becuz of her illness.. And she wrote a pile of letters lasting for two yrs.. And all these letters will be send to AJ every week.. She left the world after finishing the last one.. AJ read the last letter and shed tears.. I wanna shed too.. I tot that in the end that will be someone donating bone marrow to save her.. But I'm wrong.. Haiz.. Anyway not all luv stories are perfect and always have a theme of "Prince and Princess lived happily after.." I rem the first episode it started with mimosa.. And now the ending it ended with mimosa too.. The way it ended is reali veri meaningful.. Will be a hard day tml.. Nitz all..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Yest went to MR Treetop Trail (TTT) after the 3km run.. Walked until lost.. So many kids.. Haha.. The kids called Jac as auntie.. LoLz.. Funny rite.. As I mention earlier in my entries long before abt the called of auntie and uncle.. Will u ppl accept that a kid called u that? LoLz.. Ran up the slope of the TTT is veri tiring.. And the slope seem nvr ending and keep on curling upwards.. Worst than Shears Bri.. But it's a gd challenge..

Anyway the trail is damn unfriendly loh.. Only one way.. Machiam like one-way street.. And for goodness what with the world with so much steps? Must be a 99 steps formation.. And when we exit it.. The only route back to Ranger Station is blocked off.. WTF? And that means we need to travel a 6km in order to reach the entrance of MR.. Zzz.. Finali out of the vegetation to Lornie.. And the most surprising is to see monkeys humping away.. LoLz.. And only if u knw wat I mean by humping.. Hahaha.. I juz feel like I'm having amazing race.. Travelling over 200 miles.. Visiting over 200 cities.. And touring over 20 continents.. Haha..

I juz heard Ling zhi told her DJ frenz abt an incident on road.. A Mercedez is parking on the road and it kinda blocked the way of other cars.. So the other cars horn at the Mer.. So the driver of the Mer came down and said "Horn simi!! I also got paid road tax.. Why can't I park here?" LoLz.. Wat he said is correct also.. Haha.. Cuming to say of road tax.. Mine is expiring soon le..

Her DJ frenz den said.. One of his frenz saw him drove past past.. So he knew that his frenz will give way to him.. So as he went past.. His frenz from behind horned him.. So he sms his frenz why he horned him.. So unfriendly!! His frenz den replied "That's a friendly horn.." LoLz.. So funny.. Still got friendly horn.. Ok I agree also.. Cuz when u took bus.. U will sometimes see bus drivers horning their frenz on the opposite road..

Today did a run from sch to Dover.. And den back again.. Everytime took bus from Dover to sch.. Nvr expect will I be running this route.. Far also not far.. Near also not near.. I think going and cuming back should be ard 4km+..

After that went to LT 4.11 to rest and continue the training.. Do till 12+ and went down to canteen to set up booth for the sale of uber pass.. It's a worthy pass consisting of quite a number of different shops.. Discount from these shops.. Unlimited use.. To use juz show the pass can liao.. Have places like Cartel.. Carl Jr.. Club Momo.. Etc.. For gals got manicure and panicure also.. The rate is kinda cheap.. Saw AM with her frenz.. Din saw her for quite a long time.. So CL and me called her to buy one.. Haha.. Actuali she is one of the babes in our crew.. And rumours flying ard of Chairman and her.. LoLz.. She is quite hot among guys too.. U must be asking me why din I go join in the fun den.. Haha.. Cuz I have my target.. Keke..

Tml shall be my recovering day.. And Fri will be hell cuz JS cuming back to take over the baton liao.. Exams finali over for most UOL students.. Rite now I'm preparing for the unforeseeable pain and torment.. Haha..

And if u ppl saw the latest news on Nike collaborating with Apple.. Ipod in Nike shoes? Innovative huh? Well I duno how many of u can tolerate the smell of their own feet.. But it's a nice innovation.. Anyway nothing unusual since Oakley also have mp3 functions in their specs..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, May 22, 2006

Right now I'm waiting for the letter of notification from TP for speeding.. LoLz.. I know that it will be juz a fine and demerit points.. Well.. I duno whether I'm been taken down by the TP super camera which has the ability to capture the driver's face too.. So if wan to minus points also must use own licence.. Cuz got pic.. Last time is only the hand held speed checker.. Now they implemented both.. So it will depend on heng suay whether the TP wanted to use which equipment.. Haha.. By this week should have a letter cuming.. Cum on.. I'm waiting.. LoLz..

I wondered when driving how u ppl will react when there are alot of spaces in front of u.. And u are in the middle lane.. Not left nor right.. Will u ppl increase ur speed? Or simply juz drive as normal according to the speed limit? But I'm sure most of u will choose the former.. If u choose the latter and there are vehicles right behind u.. U will most probably been seen as a road hogger instead even though u are travelling at the maximum speed limit.. And will be diao by ppl that overtake behind u..

How I wish I can control both hands of time.. In this way I can stop the time so that I can have more time to do the stuffs I wan.. I should say I needa do.. I guess I can juz tune the time back to an hour earlier or more.. And tell myself that I have an extra hour.. Again this is deceiving ownself.. I think I have difficulties managing the time I have now.. Like reali many stuffs to settle:

1) I wan to play my Shadowhearts 3: The New World (This will alreadi take up alot of time liao)

2) Worked on my third MX project (Another time consuming stuff)

3) Washed my beanies (Still alrite cuz one day washed one.. So in a month time can finish)

4) Practice my patterns and back defense (Should be ok cuz I'm a fast learner.. Keke.. =P)

5) Train for Regatta 800m Men Opens and IVP.. And 1000m PM Cup.. (Definitely no doubt will take up alot of time)

6) And lastly go watch movies like MI3.. Da Vinci and X-Men 3: The last stand.. But of cuz with someone special.. Keke.. Soon liao soon liao.. Let me planned my schedule and den hopefully can tally with hers too..

MI3 maybe not watching cuz kena attracted by Da Vinci Code and X-Men 3.. Esp X-Men 3.. Cuz the Legendary Phoenix is cuming out this time.. Watching animated X-Men with Phoenix is damn exciting alreadi.. Now screening it in movie must be damn chio loh.. Awaiting for it..

Whenever I think of Phoenix it will remind me of SF.. He is our class Phoenix.. Reali can't die one.. LoLz.. But I'm glad that he's one.. If not I will be lonely without him.. Let me explain in some simple details of why.. Cuz whenever the exam is hard.. Den most ppl will not survive the paper.. Taking MAB for instance.. Despite that he is always the one that can survive it.. Haha.. As we know that Phoenix has the ability to revive itself.. So it makes SF indirectly a Phoenix whom can survive all trials.. And the term "不死鸟" cums by to describe him.. And I always use the following to disturb him "Final Attack" + "Master Summon (Phoenix)".. Sorri to those that dun understand what "Final Attack" + "Master Summon (Phoenix)" means.. LoLz.. Only those that played Final Fantasy VII before will understand..

Juz in the noon I watched the show on "Focus".. It says K-wave is hitting around the whole world and Da Chang Jin is one of the example.. I was wondering will there be a possibility that SG-wave will hit the world also? Hahaha.. Well.. Maybe ba.. Our SG Kiasu.. Kiasi and Kia "Lao Lee" wave can spread too.. Only finance ppl will understand what Lao Lee means.. Often preached by our great Mok Tian Soon in lectures.. LoLz..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Today is SG big walk.. Must be veri crowded.. Wondered who won.. And today is the first sea training for me since the last time I attended one.. Mainly becuz of exams.. Turnout wasn't ideal as UOL ppl are still having their exams.. While RMIT ones all also working or have their own programs..

It was raining.. Damn sianz cuz whenever I attended sea training.. It always like no sun.. Like getting whiter le.. Machiam like kena bleached.. Today is definitely kinda fruitful for me.. JS wan everyone of us to do an individual rowing of 300m.. Individual sounds nothing to many.. But rowing the boat alone consisting of 8 person bodyweights is ain't as simple as many think..

That feeling of shagness.. That feeling of the boat not moving.. The feeling of raising the white flag.. And the feeling of hoping Heaven can lend u his power to go on.. All these occurred simultaneously.. Whether to get through it will depend on determination and will power.. And not to mention thinking of that special someone of ur life..

Ever try before performing chinups with only three fingers.. And I assured u that u will cherished ur other two fingers of urs.. Palm machiam like kena blood clot.. What I can say is the feeling is life draining.. U juz feel as if u are 10kg heavier than ur usual self..

Watching SG Idol juz now.. I guess it will be another big luff for me again.. Cuz there are bound to be lamers appearing in the show again.. Simi Singapore Cowboy vs Kungfu Rapper.. LoLz..

The head and shoulder advertisement like kinda lame leh.. Haha.. It juz like one air-conditioner advertisement earlier on..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, May 19, 2006

First of all Happy Bday to YT and CY.. May all ur wishes cum true.. And stay happy always..

Full time play of Knight of Valour with Sf.. Haha.. Seem like our skills are still as pro as before.. Haha.. One credit complete whole game in 2hrs.. Juz like the past..

We went to Mac for breakfast.. And Step today put pepper in his tea.. Funny rite.. So distracted.. He was doing the counting for the chalet thingy.. And finali Sf had his bday's gift.. He definitely deserve it cuz he always chip in for other ppl bday.. And yet he din get any gifts.. Anyway I believe this year gift is the best for him ba.. I personally choose one.. ^^

4 days 3 nites are kinda long stay for me.. Though someone is not here.. And I rem the words she said.. She said that she will cum.. And I rem at someone's place she expressed how much she yearn for this chalet.. But wat did I see in the end.. Juz as I expected.. Not even a single appearance is made.. And how much I yearn that miracle will appear.. But I'm wrong.. It's not something surprising at all.. Not as if it's the first time.. Wat should I say.. Disappointed? Sad? I also duno myself.. I guess I alreadi numbed with it le.. Juz one more time made no differences to me at all..

Is someone reali not satisfied to becum a one star BG.. Or is it until someone becum a three stars LG den it means total satisfaction? Whu knows.. Anyway I still luv that few days we spend.. I appreciate those who are here.. Esp Raz.. Even though she is seriously sick she still cum.. And for xiaor3ne.. She juz recovered from high fever and she wan to cum also.. But I stopped her.. Reali appreciated their efforts for wanting to join us in the celebration some of our clique bday boys and gals..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today is the 1st day of Regatta training.. Set off at 0830hrs and reached Mac Ritchie at 1030hrs.. Funny rite.. Need 2hrs to reach MR.. I travelled duno how many times from Adam to Farrer to Bk Merah to Queensway.. And back again.. @_@" Haix.. Juz can't get the rite place.. Was reali desperate loh.. CL helped to guide me through call but I juz can't find the place..

And when I finali reached MR.. I den realized I have gone through this area so many times yet I din realized it is on my rite.. The time I oni realized is when two angmoh with PT kits was waiting for bus and it caught my attention.. I knew it is somewhere here.. And I find the bus stop so familiar to me.. Since sec sch times.. And yes that is the bus stop I used before during my sech sch days..

I juz feel so bad that I dragging the time of the rest.. I asked CL to go ahead and proceed with the training.. I ran to find them and I ran the wrong route.. They are on the other side.. I tot they are trying the 6km route so I guess I'm on the rite track.. Nvrtheless I knew I wun be able to catch up with them.. I entered the jungle and ran all the way upslope and downslope.. And went past the small lake.. I was have this feeling that there are crocodiles there.. *Shiver* I quickly get past it..

Half way through it began to pour.. My vision was blurred.. And I saw something big beside me.. It gave me a shock loh.. I tot is wild boar.. Damn big.. In the end it was juz a log that shaped like an animal.. No kidding.. My heart nearly popped out.. At first I tot is bear.. Kena grizzly attack sure die loh.. Cuz body alreadi fatique liao.. Where got energy to sprint away.. And somemore on such uneven ground.. And no one else in the deep vegetation.. But den SG should be safe like u all think.. But sometimes "Ren Suan Bu Ru Tian Suan".. And so I finali reached the Lornie road.. The start from the vegetation into MR will be ard 1.5km.. However I juz feel like how cum the route is like nvrending at all.. Those of u whu did 5km or 6km cross-country before will know that feeling..

I having a headache rite now.. And later going to chalet to meet them.. I'm totally burnout.. Motivation is what I need now.. And juz now I called Cl to tell him that I still haven reach home yet.. He was shocked.. He said "WAT!!" From Hougang to Tampines still not back home yet? Keke.. He is funny.. I later going to tell Sherry his reaction.. LoLz..

I wondered how cum the Superband.. That Xia Ri Feng still in despite getting a fail score of 19/40.. And how cum Lucify with a score of 29 which is 10 points lead from Xia Ri Feng is out.. Where is the justice.. Are ppl blind? Why they keep voting for CMI team like Xia Ri Feng? What I feel is maybe that team background is rich enuff to keep voting for themselves.. 60 cents per vote is expensive.. But I juz dun believe that SG ppl are so gong.. If this keep going on.. Den I afraid alot of gd band will be out soon.. Who will be the next victim of Xia Ri Feng..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Chinese Names - Annie Wan (Anyone)
Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan?
Operator : Yes, u can speak to me..
Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!
Operator: U are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller: I'm Sam Wan. And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent..
Operator: I know u are someone and u want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller: Well.. Juz tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noel Wan was involved in an accident.. Noel Wan got injured and now Noel Wan is being sent to the hospital.. Right now, Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital..
Operator: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! U may find this hilarious but I dun have time for this!
Caller: U are so rude! Who are u?
Operator: I'm Saw Lee..
Caller: Yes! U should be sorry.. Now give me ur name!!


Time is reali running out.. Whenever I mentioned abt there is not enuff time.. I will always think of someone from Diablo.. And he is Deckard Cain.. Hahaha.. His words are far so sophisticated that it hit me.. I wan my time back in my hand once again.. Wait for me.. BEGONE WIL!!

I slept and woke up at 9am.. Unable to get up.. I got no choice but to continue to slp on.. I feel my body is refusing me to control it.. And I juz feel like getting sick in no time.. The red eyes and headache act as a warning to me.. I guess I'm reali veri tired.. Imagine I can play WE with the guys and I fell aslp holding the console pad in my hands.. And was given a golden opportunity in my hand and yet I din score.. It was reali a honest mistake.. Not oni this.. I was working on WIL and I fell aslp while doing halfway.. With my fingers still on the keyboard.. Juz like soul leaving the body..

Was I reali fortunate to give a kiss or given a kiss? I was glad that it's juz a kiss rather than a long eternal kiss.. And I was reali shocked.. Keke.. And was working on WIL till late at nite.. Even online I can't even have the time to tok to her even though I wan.. But I did receive a sweet sms of concern from her.. And that will surpass anything!!

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, May 05, 2006

My mum received a letter from the SAF today.. And told me that is it I needa go for ICT again.. I said wtf? Again? I looked at the outside cover.. It says NS Annual Statement.. Hmm.. Dun seem like it leh.. And somemore now all becum electronized le.. If have I should receive a sms loh.. I opened it.. It's not.. Haha.. Juz some money and credit stuff.. Hmm.. I din realised until today that taking IPPT also got allowance pay.. Ly should received soon also.. Haha..

And yest at exam hall.. After the paper.. Sherman was toking to us.. So I asked Eve whether she needa vote or not.. She said no.. Then she asked me whether I need or not.. I said need.. Then she asked me who I vote.. Then I said "投票是密秘的!!" LoLz.. Kena diao by her..

The following are qns oni for those whu din watched Guessx3 juz now.. Clue: All these terms are used when chatting online..

Qns 1: What does 3166 means?
Qns 2: What does the following symbol means? <{=

Let's say a guy or gal is dying.. And he or she juz yearned so much for the person he or she like to say "I like u too".. Given this critical situation will u ppl be a gd person and pretend to say that u like him or her? Or insist by ur principles by saying no?

How I wish that this holiday I can be resting on full time basis.. But seem like I can't le.. Straight after WIL presentation.. The following next week will be intensive training for Regatta.. I looked at the schedule and was shocked.. Hmm.. I understand why so much training.. Cuz Regatta is impt afterall.. The only rest day for me is Mon.. Haiz.. One week seven days.. Needa compromised four days.. The other two days is for other trainings.. Arghhh.. Ok maybe that's called living without regret? Haha.. Maybe..

I have a reali damn interesting webby for u ppl.. Reali veri power loh.. Must see.. It's a live world map.. The map can zoom into SG somemore.. And can find ur house.. Reali.. When I tried to find my house.. I realised SG ain't that small loh.. Keke.. Gd luck to u all for finding ur house..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Today finali fin OTD.. Yea.. Songz.. Left with Manfred paper le.. Haha.. Was so scared that reali wanna pray that the qns are easy.. No time to write also.. Haix.. Was shocked by the way Sherman wore today.. And was impressed when he stayed till the end of the paper unlike the Mok Tian Soon.. The paper ain't tat tough but still I find that I'm still unable to do it.. Haix.. But can pass can le.. Part A I reali catch no balls loh.. Heng Part B still ok.. Use Sf's policy.. Dump whatever u knw in it can le..

Haiz.. Wh said she did oni four qns nia.. And she nearly wanna give up.. She nearly cried out in the exam cuz her mind is in complete emptiness.. And when she finali recalled what she studied is too late le.. Left oni 30 mins.. Haiz.. She was sick and can't do well.. *Sayang*

When Sf and me are so desperate to hope to clear this module.. Miracle appeared for us.. Haha.. I was shocked.. Step.. Sf and me are queuing up to collect the pair work for OTD.. Wait till damn long.. And when Sherman said got one pair flunge.. I was so scared Murphy's law will appear before me.. Well u nvr knw mah.. Halfway through the queue I said if I got this grade I treat they all eat.. And I duno whether it is so coincidence or Heaven's will that I reali got this grade.. I was astonished completely.. And Sherman said my grammar and language need improvement.. LoLz.. Ok I dun denied at all my English language suxs.. And all those past tense.. Present tense.. Past participate.. Etc..

Juz now treated Sherry and Step at FS 85 for dinner.. Still left Ly and Bunn.. But I guess to treat Bunn is easy.. Buy a carton of carrots can le.. Keke.. While for Ly.. We will go Kenny Roger.. Yahz.. LOLz.. And Sherry hor.. I duno what to say.. Haha.. Was reali damn funny when she said that to the western food uncle.. Gosh.. Laughed till stomach pain..

My bro had his last paper today.. Envy him.. But he made me laughed yest nite.. He was doing the qns and he did it for half an hour.. And when he flipped to the back.. The ans is there.. He then said fark in a humourous tone.. LoLz.. Damn hilarious..

How is the feeling of returning someone her stuff on a particular day which u dun reali wanna returned due to some reason.. And then on the same day itself another different item of her was left accidentally at ur place again.. So ironic.. Heaven's will? Haha.. Maybe ba.. And u reali have the urge of keeping it here forever without returning.. Hmm.. Cuz a simple item which dun meant anything to others do meant something to u.. Same goes for the rest.. I believe everyone has something that are insignificant to others but are extremely valuable to u..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, May 01, 2006

I was wondering what is the so called decent age gap that one will allow someone to call him or her.. Uncle or auntie.. Let's say if a kid of age 5yrs old.. And taking assumption that the adult is 20yrs old.. Difference of 15yrs old.. Is it acceptable for u ppl to accept the calling of uncle and auntie despite u are oni 20yrs old? Hmm.. Maybe most kids been taught to call ppl older than them alot by uncle or auntie.. And the ironic thing is.. When they are with their parents.. Their parents will tell them to call korkor or jiejie.. Haha.. And when they are alone they called uncle and auntie..

I watched the new Ch8 series starring Edmund Chen and Fann Wong.. That's what I called perfect love relationship.. The way they presented themselves is so romantic.. But then it's drama.. That's why so perfect and nice.. Everything alreadi been staged properly.. Whether that will happen in reality is another matter.. But I believe all stuffs are created by humans.. So whether it will happen depends on the couples.. Hmm.. Fann reali dun look like 30+ loh.. Haha.. Still attractive enuff to kill any guys.. LoLz..

Watching Superband juz now.. I juz feel some teams should be out but why still can hang in there so long.. Again it's becuz of public votes.. Forever like that.. 60cents per vote.. 10 votes 6 bucks.. Someone who have a well to do family background will definitely be able to win.. At least for now since there are still 12 teams left.. Later showing the live results.. I wonder who will be the unlucky one that will be innocently kick out of the contest..

One qns to ask u ppl.. What is the name of Winnie the Pooh's wife? Haha.. My first instinct is Winnie got wife meh? I tot Winnie is a gal? LoLz.. But I realize Winnie has a male voice.. Haha.. Anyway think abt the answer.. Then let me know.. Hahaha.. The answer is definitely lame to core..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^