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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Today Sf send me home.. So reached home quite early.. Went to tabao minipot.. Everything is fine.. But then the plastic container with the soup dun have a cover.. I was like huh? Then how am I goin to bring back home.. So I asked the auntie whether can juz pour the soup into those plastic bag then I bring home.. In the end was lucky that they found the cover..

Was preparing for some physical training later in the mid afternoon.. The sky dun looked too gd at all.. Anyway not going for swim or I should say playing of water.. So cloudy sky dun reali matters at all.. Went to the chinup bar to do point weight style of chinup.. I know it's veri hard for beginners to straight away attempt point weight style.. I tried and it's reali tough.. Juz simple explanation of this system.. Put it in a simple way and that is doing the number of chinups according to ur body mass.. Says if u r 70kg.. Then u will need to do 70 chinups.. And yes it's not simple.. By the time u reached 40.. U r almost as gd as dead.. Reali fatique.. Feeling of ur life been drained off..

Preparing to go for Taek training later.. Went off to interchange.. And ya I was in the bus from 1830hrs till 1915hrs.. And the bus wasn't going anywhere loh.. It's stuck in the bus terminal for 45mins!! Was quite frustrated loh.. And all this happened becuz of some stupid roadworks.. Reali thankz to those banglas loh.. I saw them sitting on those barriers doing nothing except chatting.. Can't they juz direct the traffic somehow? And in the end Joa got to wait for me for a long time to fetch me over to the CC..

Jw was coaching the small kid while Joa was coaching me.. Haha.. Kena knock it down by Joa.. >_<~ And ya.. Actuali this is nothing wrong at all.. Whenever u go there is rules and regulations.. Discipline is impt for each individuals.. In military it's like butter and bread to almost everyone.. Except those high ranking ppl.. And Sir was saying to me abt those high ranking officers.. They only know how to take high salary and do practically nothing.. Juz shake leg can liao..

Sir was reali quite a humourous person.. The way he conduct lessons is like veri relaxing.. Shouting not loud enuff.. And he will suan u and u gotta do better than that.. Haha.. And when those kids sparred.. Reali veri cute.. Imagine a boy vs gal.. And the boy was running away from the gal.. Hahaha.. Reali veri ironic.. Sir said u a guy u scared a gal? The more Sir said it.. The more the boy ran away.. Hahaha..

Sitting in the car with Sir.. Joa and Jw.. He asked me I know how to cook chicken rice or not.. Haha.. Ans is no.. LoLz.. Aiya like I told Stephen before.. Navy must know how to swim? Airforce must know how to fly? Haha.. So having a chicken rice stall dun reali constitute that I must know how to cook it..

Settling down at the kopitiam.. Toking abt some issues.. Historical.. Personal and political.. I reali can't imagine if a guy reali dare to touch a gal.. I mean those forbidden areas.. Reali loh some guys are juz that shameless.. Inspection dun constitute to touching at all.. Esp when he din touch the kids at all during inspection!! So why only adults then need to touch.. Hand itch rite.. That's alreadi molesting liao.. So what's the conclusion? Is it guys are so desperate and shameless? I do agree to this.. And ya thankz to those black sheeps in this society..

Anyway if I saw this.. I am quite sure that I will blown off and confront that idiot.. I am juz someone that can't stand this type of downright behaviour.. So what if u r a dan holder.. I dun reali give a damn to ur status or watever status u possess.. Even if this happens to someone I not acquaint with I will be dulan alreadi.. Let alone I know her.. He will be on fours loh.. If he thinks he can use his learned or superior techniques against me.. Then dream on loh.. Esp when I feel that he is juz nothing but a nasty fly to me.. Unless he is like my Sir.. Those old bird type.. If not juz kindly FO from my sight..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

It's 1133am.. Juz as I looked up the sky now.. It’s filled with gloomy clouds.. And it’s exactly describe the feelings I have now.. Gloomy.. Dishearten.. And end of the world.. And I was waiting for Ly.. Steph and Sf to be here..

Though sometimes reali dun wish to hear comments that are discouraging but I guess it’s time to accept some true hard facts.. Actuali what X say was rite.. There ain’t any form of chemical substance btwn some ppl.. And that y it’s reali hard and impossible to create that magical dew btwn some ppl.. When ppl keep asking u to drop that idea.. And yet ur stubborn mind refuses to.. Refuses to let fate control everything.. And keep saying I wan to be the one controlling fate.. Then I guess u have watched too much Feng Yun le.. Guess it’s always rite to listen to ppl.. Esp when they are much more higher level than u.. Experienced like old bird while u r juz a chick that dun know how to fly at all.. Juz like when playing rpg.. If u r juz a freaking low lvl fellow.. Says like having a Lvl 1 status.. Dun ever think of beating a Lvl 99 boss.. Which it’s impossible at all.. And if u think u can.. Then dream on.. Anyway I have nvr intend to create any miracle at all.. Cuz I think it dun reali worth it at all..

Toking abt when doing projects.. It’s always the most problematic of all stuffs.. When A juz wan B to finish the project on hand first.. But B dun wan.. When B told me tat I reali understand how B feel.. And ya though the rest dun feel that way.. But B said that this feeling is not nice.. I agree with B.. Whu wan to be free rider or loader.. Sometimes I juz feel that I reali belong to some classes of freeloader.. I din do much.. I din contribute much.. And I din help much.. Then again.. This is when real frenzship cum in.. B can see that how A cares towards B.. What are frenz for? My ans is to give and take.. I have say this in here many times.. Everyone will understand it..

And when I had a major project long time ago.. I told Z that I reali duno what to say in meeting sometimes.. I think and think hoping to give some ideas but whenever I think of any idea.. The rest already think of it.. And Y told me dun think that way.. Z said no one in the group will think that way.. I admit that I reali have low EQ and IQ.. Given the fact that I reali dun have any form of strengths in my whole life.. I juz hope that I can have juz at least one plus point.. And dun reali wish to hear critics from ppl.. Cuz with temper I will easily blow off.. Esp when they think that they are juz that great and superior towards me.. Which to me I dun feel it that way..

When toking also can’t tok properly.. Mumble here and there.. And always wun win in toking against ppl.. That feeling reali suxs.. And that explain the point of why my ps in the end din push me into Safti despite the fact that he wan to.. Maybe he feels that if I ever get into Safti.. I will die there first becuz of those eloquent sweet tokers in there.. And I knw for myself I not even a micro percent of them.. That's reali my greatest yi han in my whole life.. I regret as I flashed back those memories.. I should have adopt absorption in contract earlier.. Nvm.. Hopefully after 2007 I will reali fulfil my dream.. But most slightly will be spec.. Haiz.. Reali loh.. Once chance is gone.. It's forever gone.. There wun be a second chance.. Same concept goes for r/s too.. I finali realize fitness is not everything.. Know how to tok is the only crucial survivor keys.. Tok like Chan Lai Huat and made ppl detest him.. Learn how to insult ppl.. Criticize ppl.. And when that happen.. U r then reali successful in life le..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Looking forward to today training cuz got new ppl cuming for trial.. Until I received a call which spoilt my mood.. Shouldn't have pick up the call.. Ok anyway why should I care abt some ppl when I seem to be a chess pawn to them..

Reaching the pontoon.. Saw Amo.. Cle and Jac alreadi sitting down there.. After quite some time the rest came also.. Ray lead the run towards Shears.. And ya that damn idiot was here today also.. Rem that one I said before whu said that the water is dirty.. And he ran halfway fall out.. Pls loh.. Obviously he din knw how to fall out when the run is going on.. Where got ppl suddenly stop halfway without warning.. Wan ppl to crash onto him is it.. Always fall out towards the side.. Whether u r left or right.. So u wun hinder the rest of the ppl behind.. Worst of all.. He is the first pair in front.. And I dun wan to say him loh.. One chinup also can't do? It's one!!

Toking abt chinups.. We did five sets of five reps.. Actuali it's quite little.. But beginners mah.. Jacksen was saying that NJC gals can do 20 chinups in a shot.. Wow.. Was shocked to hear that loh.. Practically it's veri impressive if a gal can do juz one chinup.. Like they said.. DB gals r not gals.. LoLz.. Over the time they mutated into powerful beings.. *Shivers* And so the ex-NTeam guy was here today also.. And so far our team got two commandos liao.. Great.. This ex-NTeam guy even more powerful than Jacksen.. Btwn Jacksen is the other commando.. When Jacksen asked that ex-NTeam guy what was his maximum in chinups.. What I mean is doing one shot without cuming down.. I tell u all the figure u all will be shocked loh.. And it's 57.. *Fainted*

No pain no gain.. Practically this saying is true.. Trained hard to achieve amazing results.. And his body hor.. I nothing to say loh.. @_@" *Drooling* He is my idol liao.. Hahaha.. Guess he will be the front pacer permanently.. While Jacksen wanted me to be the back pacer.. But the criteria is back pacer must be on par with the ex-NTeam guy in terms of body and build.. And Jacksen said can u do it? Haha.. So demoralising loh.. Yup and so I guess I gonna worked hard to bulk and build again.. Actuali in DB.. There are three main parts.. Front pacer.. Engine and the back pacer.. Front and back pacer is the most xiong position.. >_<~ That ex-NTeam guy told us over dinner of some stuffs.. He said to improve in basketball.. One needs to keep on playing basketball.. And to improve in rowing.. One needs to keep on practising the strokes.. The problem is we can't get so much chance to row out at the sea.. So the other way to train ownself up is through chinups.. Wow.. It is like an aha moment for me.. Sophisticated sia..

Haha.. And Netzy juz gave me a link which when I heard it.. I laugh till beng.. It's a conversation btwn a bangla and SG fellow.. Haha.. Ok if u all wanna hear what happened juz go to this webby.. But I warned u all first.. It's veri vulgar.. But as an audience it's juz some form of leisure hearing.. But the behind part is veri funny.. Abt asking the bangla to say sorri.. But that SG fellow said "No.. I wan u to say veri veri sorri.." Wahahaha.. >_<~

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Star of the Year..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, September 23, 2005

Believe in the love that can change sadness to strength or even happiness..

Damn sianz when get back tat MOR assignment.. Another blow to me.. The next one will be OE liao.. Zzz.. Early in the morning saw the result.. Damn sianz loh.. Like whole day kena ruined for nothing.. Discouraging.. Only when they said got different markers then I realised it's true.. How can like that.. Veri unfair.. And it's happened to be that all papers been marked by that pencil freak either failed.. Passed or Credit.. Wtf is this? While those that are marked by some other markers got slightly better or even better results.. So now what the problem now? Obviously is buay song with that inconsistency of marking scheme..

From opposite can saw some ppl walkin towards the bus stop.. So I pretended not to see.. When SF said eh ur frenz.. I told him shhh.. My eyes were visually disabled for that moment.. Feel like scolding me.. Shouting at me.. Slapping me.. Or whatever u choose to do.. I dun reali care also.. Juz concentrate on toking to SF loh..

Went to my place to do ER.. Chen Yu went into the bank I think.. So SF asked me where she went.. I told him go home.. He was huh? Then I told him Chen Yu lived above the bank loh.. LoLz.. And that stupid SF reali believes me.. LoLz.. *Fainted* And whu go exchange the Sesame Street beanies? Shreky rite? Haha.. Alrite.. >_<~ Toking abt some adult stuffs.. Ok when I said the rate is 80 bucks.. I said as what I heard from ppl.. Not I go down and see catalogue ok!! And Joa was saying is it 80 bucks per entry.. I was like huh? 80 bucks to enter the place and see? Siao bo.. That's crazy.. As usual.. I am retarded loh.. She dun mean that.. The rest were laughing like duno what.. I tot what I said wrongly.. @_@ Anyway when I realised what she meant is alreadi like few mins later.. >_<~ Anyway I dun denied I am reali stupid and slow in reacting.. Joa was sitting on the floor so they asked me to bring her a seat.. Wore skirt sat on floor not nice mah.. But then sitting on a chair while the rest of the guys were on the floor with their eyes level same as the skirt level dun reali constitute a gd idea rite.. Haha.. So I suggested.. Either Joa faced the wall with the chair and tok to us.. Or she dun sit on the chair.. Haha..

Toking abt the pairs of sis living opposite me.. I was telling them that that pairs of sis damn power one.. Anyway not I "peep" at them loh.. Is they nvr let the blind down loh.. It's not wrong to look out of my window loh.. That's my freedom rite.. Haha.. Then I told SF that one of the sis is there.. He quickly turned over and see.. Haha.. Caught red-handed.. Left at six plus.. Sitting down at the coffeeshop with Joa.. Liyee and Shreky.. Chatting for quite long hours.. Near nine then we left..

And visited the SIMDragons yahoo group juz now.. That stupid faggot complaining again.. Knn.. Sibei kp lah.. Can stop whining or not.. Treat u with my juz learnt pattern from my shifu Jiawen then u knw.. Haha.. Toking abt this.. Yesterday I nearly kena suffocated by Zhentao's feet smell.. Reali buay tahan loh.. I wanted to faint liao.. Imagine in the court.. It's open space.. Yet I can still smell it.. I wondered whether Ailing.. Jiawen.. Bun and Regina smelt it.. I mean during break he was there with them.. Maybe Sir also smelt it since he was the closest distance with him.. LoLz..

When u see someone u like in rain or she juz feeling cold.. What would u do? For me I will held her damp shoulders to warm her.. But I doubt I ever got this day.. Actuali I feel that it's only because you're here that I can face tomolow.. But in that unsteady feeling I have for u.. I can't even decide on what will happen tomolow.. Reali afraid to stare straight ahead again.. Gazing at you secretly juz to catch that moment of sweetness u have.. Sometimes I juz hope that u can unleash all the complexities in your heart and show me your true self.. Even it's juz for a day I also happy.. I want you to tell me your pain and problems.. Pretending that the pain and problems worn off doesn't make you stronger.. Don't be afraid of anything ok.. And I know u wun.. Juz hope no one going to take away that shared feelings that I have for u now..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My comments for Lamer Chan:

What can I say about this Mr Chan? Like he said before.. He is a very arrogant person.. And he demonstrated it well that he is one.. Claiming that he don't wish to fail us in our assignment yet he don't even wanted to help us in it.. I mean what the hell is this? Saying don't wish to fail us in assignment just because he feel that a lecturer must say positive stuffs to his students? In other words.. Saying for the sake of saying.. It's just like he has a mouth to smoke but instead he wanted to smoke with his nose..

I absolutely agree he can teach well.. And he is unquestionably a good lecturer.. I am not biased against him.. But he truly has a character problem.. Come on let's be fair.. He can go around the class and ask if he chooses not to believe.. Actually he no need to try also.. When all the comments from the rest goes to him.. He will know it.. Seeing is believing right?

And for goodness sake.. Did he know how we people feel when we try to ask him questions and he replied in "It's depends".. "What do you think".. He thinks this is funny? I don't think so.. Instead I think he is sadistic! Who likes to receive that type of answer? Please loh.. In the first place nobody will like to ask him any questions if we ever know he is such a "Charlie Bravo" person.. Don't understand this then too bad.. Pardon me for my barbarism.. And don't expect me to be a hypocrite and said nice things about him!!

And so what's wrong to be an undergraduate? Does that mean been an undergraduate is such a sinful thing.. Sinful till that he can't give us any hints or guides to our assignments.. Undergraduates are not human? Or undergraduates are animals which he thinks we are.. And Mr chan.. Do you still remember what you said before.. "Everybody is somebody's somebody".. So.. "EVERY UNDERGRADUATES IS SOMEBODY'S SOMEBODY!!".. Get it? Stop treating us as if we own you anything!

Please take note that we paid school fees for learning.. Not getting sarcastic remarks from him..

And reali damn sianz.. Am I reali stupid or what.. But I feel a thousand percent I am stupid.. I duno what to say.. I should say yes u r one.. Simple things like that also u can't do.. Why everyone can do and u can't.. I juz feel it's suxs.. I got no talent except talented of been a retard.. =[

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Had our second last OE lecture today.. I looked through the door glass panel.. I can't find Liyee.. So I also dun dare to go in.. >_<~ So I go to toilet first.. Came out still din see him.. So I decided to go inside and see.. Then Liyee and Sherry appeared from behind.. Yeah.. But no seats left also.. So in the end went all the way up to the front few rows to settle down.. Reali unlike Chan Lai Huat to be so late today.. Normally he always reached early one..

Stephen came after the break while Shaofeng dun cum at all.. He reali quite hard up lately becuz of financial difficulties.. Now he working from 1900hrs to 0700hrs at Carrerfour at Suntec.. It's exactly a nite job.. It's reali damn tiring.. And will definitely pose potential health problems.. I duno how to help him also.. Actuali I got this SAVA Sprint cuming up next month Oct 6th.. 7th.. 8th and 9th.. It's Dragonboat race at bedok.. Actuali can help him to earn more cash.. Exactly 12hrs job but the pay is much higher than what he is getting now.. If I am not wrong he working for six bucks per hour.. So 12hrs is 72 bucks.. The schedule as follows respectively.. Date.. Working hours.. Required number of persons.. Job scope and pay..

[06-Oct] [7pm - 9am] [1Pax] [Security for store] [$100]

[07-Oct] [9am - 2pm] [6Pax] [Pack goodie bags] [$30 + 1 goodie bag worth $150]
[07-Oct] [7pm - 7am] [1Pax] [Security for store] [$100]

[08-Oct] [7am - 7pm] [6Pax] [Car park Marshal.. Traffic flow counter] [$70 + 1 pair of Havianas footwear worth $55]
[08-Oct] [7pm - 7am] [1Pax] [Security for store] [$100]

[09-Oct] [7am - 7pm] [6Pax] [Car park Marshal.. Traffic flow counter] [$70]

I looked at it.. Seem quite a good catch for me.. Maybe I wrong also.. Cuz I dun reali know what the market rate for these type of jobs now.. The security guards are the best deal... $100 to just take care of the store.. But then one person oni.. Means 12hrs can't slp loh.. The security job for 6th and 7th like so obvious loh.. 7pm to 9am for $100.. Another is 7pm to 7am for $100 also.. Idiot then take the 7pm to 9am one loh.. Worked extra 2hrs.. Or maybe there is hidden privilege.. Whu knws.. Take goodies bag and footwear also bo hua leh.. Although the goodies bag together with the $30 worth a value of $180.. But cash is still the best lah..

I think my left butt plate kena strained or injured.. Damn pain when trying to kick.. >_<~ Sianz loh.. Juz hate some old bird wannabe kids.. Think they there a few mths liao.. Like big f*** there.. Zzz.. And there is this kid which I damn buay tahan with him one.. Thankz to him that we got to redo the set of kicks over and over again juz becuz he do wrongly.. What the problem with him loh.. Other kids can do and he can't? And forever like to play and run here and there.. How I wish he will fall down one day and learn a lesson!! Worst of all.. He has a irritating voice.. I reali can't stand that voice.. It's creating noise instead.. I wonder how much decibels he can create.. Greater than construction piling? Haha..

The storm came.. The storm conquered.. And the storm left.. It's reali a joyful thing for me.. I am glad.. I reali is.. No words to describe how happy I am now.. When I received it.. I am reali veri glad.. I am going to live in seclusion.. Or instead I should banish and exile myself from the world of politics.. Actuali whenever storm left.. There is always rainbow appearing.. Though I dun see this rainbow yet.. I reali hope that I will see that rainbow once again.. Ur smile is the sweetest rainbow I ever seen..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, September 19, 2005

My Last Will..

1) Everything we gone through and everyone we meet in life is for a purpose.. May it be for good or bad.. But at the end of the day.. It's whether we wanna learn from all that we have gone through and be a better person.. And sometimes in order to move on in life.. You need to learn to lay down some things which may not be veri useful to u after all.. (Stephen, 2005)

--> I agree with Stephen.. I reali shouldn't let boliao matter that dun involve me get into my head.. I reali shouldn't have did it.. What else can be more impt than u..

2) A star fell to Earth one nite and asked me wat I wanted.. "A million dollars or a gd frenz?" I chose the million dollars.. Cuz I alreadi have u as a gd frenz..

--> Though I am not a reali close or good frenz to u.. But I reali cherished u alot.. Reali.. I swear sincerely with all my heart.. Or I die horribly.. The time when I first saw u.. I know u r special.. I reali enjoy those moments we had together.. Badminton.. Ktv.. Pool.. Tennis.. Etc..

3) A frenz is never a coincidence in ur life.. They are meant to enter ur life to bring u joy and laughter.. So I will treasure the frenzship btwn us..

--> I duno whether I ever bring u any joy or laughter in ur life till now.. Or instead I have brought u a chunk of headaches or unhappiness.. I know I wun be able to seek for ur forgiveness.. Whether u forgive me or not.. I will still treasure the frenzship I ever have with u..

4) One huge Earth with so many ppl.. Not by chance.. Not by luck.. But by destiny that I met u..

--> Six Years ago.. When I first moved here.. I nvr get the chance to meet u.. The chance is so minimal that I dun even know that I have a frenz juz 300m away from me.. And finali after six years.. I get to meet u on the bus.. It's reali not by luck or opportunity.. I believe it is destiny.. I reali hope that this destiny will continue..

5) Happiness isn't found at the end of the road.. It is experienced along the way.. So I find a reason to be happy each day of my life..

--> Indeed happiness isn't found anywhere on the street.. Though Sem 1 we are not frenz yet.. But when time passes.. Sem 2 till now.. I experienced happiness that I reali dun have in my 23 yrs of life.. And it's u and the rest of the clique that give me this happiness in life..

6) If there is one thing in my life.. I would not regret is choosing u and making u my frenz..

--> Even though we had tiff often.. Our personalities crash often.. I know is a reality that things wun always flow smoothly for us.. But I am sure that I wun regret making u as a frenz till now.. If there's reali got future life.. I reali hope to be with u and the rest again..

7) Frenz are like boxes of chocolates.. U will nvr know what u are going to get.. Din know it's true until when I first know a gal.. And that's u.. I juz knew for myself that I have gotten the sweetest box in the whole world.. I cannot promise to be that box of sweetest chocolates in ur life.. But at least I wun be that box of bitter chocolates in ur life again.. I promise.. (yeKai, 2005)

--> I know I might be at fault.. And I will change for a better one.. I know I know I know.. I reali have a veri veri veri bad temper.. Bad till no one can take it.. I reali duno what to say.. I reali hope that we can be like last time again.. I din tok to u is not becuz I am angry over that matter.. I am reali not.. Cuz I tot u angry over me..

In The End..
Though Our Friendship May Have Strained..
But We Must Never Break Our Bonds Of Friendship..
We Remember Not The Words Of Our Enemies..
But The Silence Of Our Dear Friends..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, September 18, 2005

After two days of rushing at Liyee's place.. Finali tomolow is the due for OE.. Hate OE.. And reali.. OE seem to be hard to do.. Finishing it reali is a great feeling.. Nxt one to cum is ER liao.. Haiz.. Even the great one will fall one day.. After so many countless battles in this sem.. Seem to have phobia of assignments..

Had the BF test on last thurs.. Yea.. It's seem easy to everyone.. But to me foreva is hard.. Reali canot make it loh.. Cindy studied last min and find it easy.. And what can I say.. I study few weeks before and I find it hard.. When I said it's hard ppl will think I bluffing.. Correct Stephen? Haha.. Doing the test halfway.. And Mr Meryvn came in and said later got class.. Sianz 200 percent loh.. Low morale to do the test also.. And got one qns.. Which I think I reali veri stupid.. Cuz I choose a choice which I din see before at all.. I should have choose the one I see before.. Why did I choose poison xxx as ans.. I reali dreaming..

And what is conflict.. Conflict can be functional and dysfunctional.. So what type of conflict am I having now.. I reali duno.. Is it half of each type.. Sometimes I reali dun understand why ppl like to say abt others.. Yes.. I agree that saying things of how u feel is not wrong.. I know u got ur own stand.. And I got mine too.. I know that I am not an arbitrator.. I canot pass the judgement saying that u r wrong.. Neither u can say that I am totally wrong.. So I reali canot judge why u have that type of feelings towards some ppl.. And I am not judging on ppl based on looks or wateva criteria.. Fair and square.. Not becuz I am a guy.. Same goes for the rest of the ppl..

And I nvr looks down on gals at all.. Whether now or future.. In fact I impressed with some gals.. I believe that every gender have their own strengths.. I will not give chance to gals also.. I wun say I let u win.. But still it's must depends on what situation I am in.. Superiority occurs in both gender.. So it's a fair and square fight.. No giving of chance.. And I know that giving chances mean insult to the other party.. And I wun nvr do that.. Can say I am not gentleman if I nvr give chance to gals.. But if I am a gal.. I also dun wan ppl to give me chance.. Win with one's own hands is the most gloriest thing eva..

And sometimes what I said dun reali meant that u r one.. And I know u r not.. And I can jolly see it with my own eyes of what kind of person u r.. I know it well for myself.. What I can see in others.. I can also see in u.. U r not that bad as u think u r.. Though sometimes u do shown that particular action.. But I know for myself that u r not..

Lastly.. Happy Mooncake Festival.. Juz saw alot of laterns flying ard downstairs.. It's nice.. Ya.. And that's oni a childhood memory for me.. Reali also too old to carry laterns ard.. But it's might be a romantic stuff to do also..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, September 12, 2005

And finali today ended our MOR last lecture.. So long to Patricia.. Guess oni major Marketing ppl will get to see her again.. There is always a day where everything got to cum to an end.. And this saying cum into place.. "天下那有不散的宴席".. And ya.. Patricia prepared us with all her experiences and etc.. Reali last burst of fire for her.. Ended our class earlier than usual.. So we got to rush for our OE project..

Went to the bus stop to take 151.. Wait till damn long not a single 151 came.. Fed up loh.. Like ard 20 mins loh.. Zzz.. Boarded the bus.. So mani ppl.. Zzz.. So in the end the five of us sat on those facing each other seats.. Stephen.. Sherry and Liyee on one side.. While Bunbun and me on the other side.. Stephen and Liyee were wearing red.. So Bunbun said that Stephen is tomato while Liyee is chili.. Keke.. So I laughed.. And ya.. Same fate happened to me.. Bunbun said u dun laughed so much carrot.. *Diaoz* I was wearing orange that time.. LoLz.. Since Bunbun and Sherry were wearing black so I was thinking of what fruits are black.. So I said water chestnut and mangosteen.. And kena rejected becuz both are not black..

Reaching the usual kopitiam.. And today we finali get to have everyone chiong minipot once again.. It's reali not an easy task to rem everyone of them orders.. Some wan add mee.. Some no oil and spring onions.. Some no chili.. Hahaha.. Worst is I was been targeted to make the orders.. *Fainted* I tot that Stephen's job.. He reali got that big hard disk space in his head.. In the end.. Heng Liyee helped me.. And ya.. The auntie was not confused this time.. Haha.. Kinda know our pattern liao loh.. In the end the auntie tot Liyee's orders was same as mine.. Haha.. Totally blur out.. And the auntie came and asked us again.. So I said total five orders from us mah.. And she suddenly "Aha".. Haha..

The auntie brought the first minipot to Bunbun.. The second one she brought over then she asked who is this.. Liyee asked her what mee is this? The aunite replied 小碗面 loh.. Muwahahahaha.. Reali damn funny loh.. Liyee machiam like been suan by the auntie.. Actuali what liyee is asking is what is the type of mee.. LoLz.. Communication breakdown.. Nearly laughed till cry.. And Stephen was saying abt "白天不能说人.. 晚上不能说鬼" And we were toking abt Huimin.. And soon she called Bunbun.. Waaa.. It's like reali so zhun loh.. It's not the first time liao.. Haha.. Maybe that the side effects of gossiping ba.. Remembered in class this morning Bunbun was asking Serene who will she choose btwn Stephen and me.. Heard frm Bunbun is that Serene said "Hannn.. Got other choices or not!!.. *Cracked* Waaa.. Serene u gd hor.. I gonna used this quote from Huimin.. I dun love ya animore (Huimin, 2005).. Wahahaha.. And ya.. Serene did u go checked out the new "Giraffe Crossing" which consists of spots? LoLz.. Oni a few of us will understand what this mean actuali.. Those whu want to know what the joke abt pls consult Chen Yu..

And after having Ngo Hiam.. We went to get some drinks for the project later on.. Settling down at my place.. We started to do the project? Answer is no.. We chitchat instead.. Hahaha.. But we are the Type B ppl mah.. Hehehe.. And the atmosphere is floating with bubbles.. Some notti gal is blowing those bubbles again.. Oops.. Haha.. Actuali I think that the bubbles is damn nice in the lift.. Maybe becuz of the spotlight of the lift ba.. Agree guys? Do and do till Stephen is shag.. So he went over to the sofa to lie down.. After a while Bunbun and Liyee came over too.. And Bunbun took a photo of Liyee and Stephen with their face covered with a dog and pig face.. It's those jellibeans toys.. It's machiam like real.. Well taken.. Those who interested to see juz asked Bunbun to show u.. Guarantee laughed till KO..

It's great when no one is at home.. My parents and bro went out for dinner.. So left the five of us.. Woohoo.. Machiam time to create some havoc and chaos.. True.. That's what I want actuali.. >_<~ I asked Liyee want Smackdown bo.. Haha.. So Liyee and me played a match of tornado triple tag.. After that Bunbun and Sherry vs the com.. All of them chose female wrestlers.. Haha.. They lose the game.. Sherry kena pinned.. 1.. 2.. 3.. *Ding* *Ding* *Ding*.. So Liyee and me asked them to vs each other.. At least better mah.. But not a normal match.. It's a bra and panties match.. Hahaha.. Damn funny when we saw them played.. I was laughing non stop.. Objectives of this match is prevent opponent from stripping off the top and bottom.. In other words whoever been stripped off till bra and panties loses the match.. It's reali fun to see them fighting so eagerly in the ring.. U slapped me.. I slapped u..

It's reali veri enjoying to see gals played this time of game.. Gals look extremely adorable when they duno anything abt the game.. And juz played on.. Making statements like "Ahh.. Sherry.. No.." and "Ahh.. Joanne.. No.." And Bunbun kept asking Liyee and me to play the bra and panties match also.. *Diaoz* Anyway I was been stripped off loh.. Liyee nvr give chance loh.. *Sobx* Have our last steel cage match and we called it a day.. Bunbun needed to go off first to meet frenz.. So all of us set off.. It's raining animals.. I mean cats and dogs.. LoLz.. And I got three umbrellas..

Bunbun was saying but I am not Huimin leh.. U sure u wan to share with me? @_@ Haha.. Win liao loh.. So in the end Bunbun alone with one umbrella.. While Liyee and Sherry shared one.. And Stephen and me another one.. I told Stephen that the umbrella we using is big and spacious.. Stephen was like reali ar? LoLz.. Then when he open it.. Boom.. He looked at me.. Waaa indeed veri big hor.. Wahahaha.. Aiya to me is big mah.. >_<~ Walking along the pavement.. I was telling that Stephen I will "同归于尽" with him.. I snatched the umbrella over and he resisted.. Pulled here and there.. In the end he ran away with the umbrella.. I was shocked.. I chased after him then I hid under Bunbun's umbrella.. Then I continued the chase.. He damn bad hor..

Reaching the bus stop.. I went over to the opposite bus stop with Bunbun.. Liyee and Sherry wanted to take a cab.. Stephen waited for me at the bus stop there for dinner.. Saying farewell to Liyee and Sherry.. Bunbun was waiting at the kerb there for me.. So I went over.. And she purposely stamped on a deep puddle of water on the ground onto me.. I was like waaaa.. *Spank* *Spank* Hahaha.. Went over to the bus stop to wait for the bus heading towards interchange.. Bunbun was saying my footwear is new and my pants is new also.. But now all wet liao.. Poor thing.. *Hugz* Hehe.. Sound like Serene the Second.. LoLz..

After sending her off.. Went over to the rest.. Liyee and Sherry were unable to catch a cab.. So they decided to went over the other side to fetch.. While Stephen and me went for dinner.. Stephen had Indian cuisine while me headed for Western cuisine.. We tried the water chestnut drink.. The taste is gd.. Juz abit sweet.. Recommended.. And after the dinner we left.. Tomolow no more home ground advantage.. Haha.. Going for away game at Stephen's place..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Today tot the weather will be gd.. Sun shining so bright and nice.. In the end it's rained damn big when I was halfway through the walk towards SDBA.. Haiz.. I was watching ppl wakeboarding one.. So I ran towards the side opening of SDBA to hide.. Becuz of the heavy rain we shrinked our running.. Had a short run to Kallang Stadium oni..

I was reali fatigue with today training.. My shoulders and lats reali worn out.. With those pushups.. I totally worn out my biceps and triceps too.. Crossing from boat to boat to the pontoon.. My legs were trembling.. Absolutely no strength at all.. >_< And Jackson was telling me abt last week when he asked a guy to paddle deeper and he refused.. I asked him why that guy did that.. Jackson said he said the water is dirty.. @_@" Wtf is this loh.. Scared water dirty u still cum and joined dragonboat.. It's totally rubbish.. I hate this type of ppl.. Hum still cum for what.. Might as well go home slp loh.. And this guy is what I told Bunbun the other time.. Skin damn white like duno what and other factors which made me dislikes him..

And he dare offend Jackson.. Nvr die before.. Btwn Jackson is the trainer for SIMDragons.. An ex-Commando.. He zai zai one loh.. Haha.. That called for why today training damn xiong liao loh.. And maybe is Ming at Thailand for race that why he wan to accelerate the training into higher grounds.. Cuz Ming is veri lenient towards us.. It's fun paddling in big shower.. Except the risk of been striked by lighning..

And Jackson is suggesting that we have a running session at MacRitchie.. But becuz of that case happening few days ago.. He decided not to go.. He said he scared.. I dun reali know what happened at MacRitchie.. I heard it's a rape and kill case.. And somemore cut the body into parts again.. Kaoz.. Reali damn sadist loh.. I hate rapists.. Wan sex can go Geylang one loh.. What for rape innocent ppl.. That's why I always insist on sending some gals home.. But some juz think that this type of thing wun happened to them one.. And I juz happened to have one live example.. I mean like morning means nothing will happen is it? Even though morning has a low chance of mishaps happening.. Sometimes a guy accompanied a gal home in morning is reali becuz he wan to spend more time with her.. But some gals juz dun understand that.. And ya.. When u out of luck.. Anything can happen..

Sometimes I feel like I reali got things to voice out.. But in the end I still failed to do it.. Maybe I am those kind that always will back out in the end.. Reali dun understand how to please gals.. In fact I think I should give up on pleasing them.. I reali duno what they wan.. What's on their mind.. It's juz like a maze to me.. And in fact I would say that it's a maze which is unsolvable after all.. Reali like no answer to it..

Juz wanna ask u guys whether an sms with "Hehe" and "Haha" matters that much to u? I mean if I dun put those in my sms when I msg u all.. Will u all think I angry? Or think I got something against u all? I juz feel that not every single reply must have the presence of "Hehe" and "Haha".. It's juz abit too much.. Then again when in msn.. Must that present also? I duno reali.. Is it juz a form of courtesy or what? I duno.. Some ppl juz said I have changed.. I no longer the yK of last time.. Sms and msn is no longer like last time.. Yes I admit what they said is true.. But ppl do changed.. Especially when there is a need to change juz becuz circumstances forced me to.. And whu created these circumstances.. It's they themselves.. So whu to blame after all.. Sad to say that I wun be able to travel back to the past and bring my old self back again..

I am not asking much frm them.. I am not that greedy.. I juz asking them to adapt to changes.. Like frm OE.. I knw adapting changes is hard.. But that oni on a management side of view.. That's why I dun understand why it's so hard to accept me as I am now.. I am not a management or organisation.. I juz wan to see that I am not someone which they think when I come into handy use then they will think of me.. What am I? Ur 24 hrs express service? It's totally understandable that they wun be able to tok to me 24 hrs a day.. 7 days a week.. 365 days a year.. And the rest of their life.. I reali understand that.. But pls dun give me that feeling that u oni cum to me when u need me.. I totally hate that feeling.. I'm a human.. Not a machine..

They reali dun have that sense of humour I see from my clique gals.. It's totally heaven and earth.. How I wish they have part of Chen Yu's sense of humour.. Joanne's adorability.. Raz's angelic mind.. Serene's naive thinking.. And Sherry's blurness.. Guess I am asking too much again.. I duno whether they are pissed with me.. But I think I reali couldn't care much.. My heart dies..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Alreadi stress up with my tons of assignments and cuming exams.. Yet I can't have a piece of peacful mind.. I reali hope that when I go for training.. It will be a relaxing and fun thing.. And yet there are controversies among the team.. The following are the conversations of some of them.. And I juz put my comments to these statements of how I feel..

It's a team sport.. Sacrifices have to be made and it's true.. I'm committed to the cause and I'm even willing to do my own training to bulk myself up.. However if the training remains on Sat.. It will make things very complicated.. I really hope to hear the reasons from some of you guys for choosing Saturday afternoon 3pm to 6pm.. It's just weird and it just basically burns out the whole Sat.. I mean what can you really do on Saturday morning or even after training? Nothing much right.. I attend school and work on weekdays.. Weekends are the only time I have some social life and burning a whole saturday is not my ideal kind of social life.. My point is to make it at 9am to 12noon.. Any day whether Sat or Sun.. At least I still have my afternoon and night where I can do something.. It can even be alternate Sat afternoon and Sun morning.. I will be more than happy to go with that.. This might all sound selfish on first read but let's face it.. We all have our own preferences and even sacrifices of varying degree.. I just hope to hear from some of the people who voted for Saturday afternoon to justify why I should give up my Saturday for the "Majority"..

My Comments:
Firstly.. Actuali for Saturday morning.. Some of the ppl have classes which I believe they do.. I have frenz like Sherry and Yongtang also got EP in the afternoon.. So Noel's statement of "I mean what can you really do on Saturday morning" is reali veri unreasonable.. He dun have classes on Sat doesn't mean that the rest dun have right?

Secondly.. He said "He attend classes and work during weekdays.. And weekends are the only time that he can have some social life and burning a whole Saturday is not his ideal kind of social life".. Ok so does that matter? I will like to say working during weekdays is merely his own choice.. Nobody force him to work right? Seeing in another way maybe he need to pay for his own sch fees.. So I understand.. But why my frenz like Bunbun and Chen Yu working so mani days per week and yet they can manage their life.. That's totally no excuses for that.. If burning a Sat is not his type of social life and he can't sacrifice for the sake of this team.. He can jolly well quit Dragonboat.. Nobody force him to continue anyway..

Thirdly.. He said "Why I should give up my Saturday for the Majority".. This statement is not nice loh.. I dun like it.. All these while it's always the majority rulez.. So it a bopian thing right? And if he refuses to give up for the majority.. Then why should the majority give up for him.. He is nothing juz a minority.. I voted for Sun morning and I am also a minority.. But I still attend the Sat training.. Why? Becuz I am committed to it.. It's juz like even if I have alot of stuffs to do.. I still need to sacrifice some time out of my life for my gf.. Since it's me who woo after her so I can't simply chuck her aside when I got her.. Though I knw some guys did that.. And there is a live example.. Same goes for Dragonboat.. Since it's u that joined the team first so u have the responsibility to manage ur time to suit the team.. It's reali the process of give and take.. Give in some and whu knws.. U might get back what u wanted in the end..

As i have said before.. There is no end to the issue on the timings.. Everyone has their preferred timing.. So how to SATISFY EVERYONE? No matter how much poll been set up.. And no matter what the result will be.. Ppl will still complain.. Everyone still want their own timing!! The re-voting issue really make me puzzled..

1) Only 15 votes.. Though the number is small but dun it still represent at least 75 percent of our total membership?
2) Why is there a need for unlimited vote? This is not any Superstar contest ok!!
3) I tot we have agreed that we shall take the result of the poll as our confirmed training dates? And now that the result is as such.. Then re-vote is to be conducted.. Why? And why should reasons be given for the dates each individual has chosen?
4) Sorry that I did not click on the icon that allow identity to be shown for the votes.. But does it matter?
5) Why is Saturday afternoon training a problem.. When we can see so many other teams training?

I feel that we will never solved this problem and maybe it is my mistake to have a poll in the first place.. But in any case.. We will have another poll to make everyone happy.. And this is going to be the last one.. And we shall closed this case.. Hope you guys co-operate.. And understand that the above content is not against anyone.. We still need feedbacks to improve.. But pls put in better ways and not to critise.. Thankz..

My Comments:
Firstly.. I agreed with Ming that everyone wants their own timing.. Everyone got their likings.. For instance.. What I like in this gal.. Another guy might not see in the same views as me.. How to satisfy one and every of them..

Secondly.. Ming said "Why is Saturday afternoon training a problem.. When we can see so many other teams training".. Ming is right loh.. I reali can see so many ppl going for training on Sat.. Especially from the Commandos side.. I mean we all know that in NS.. We only get to book out on Sat and Sun.. What makes the Commandos so zai that they no need social life also? They are humans too.. They got their gf and personal life.. Having 5 days in Hendon Camp chionging and no time to rest.. While on Sat and Sun they have Dragonboat training.. And I knw some ppl will say that they are commandos what.. So that's their duties.. If they gonna say that then I nothing to say.. Does that mean sacrificing for juz 3 to 4 hrs on Sat for our training reali meant that much to some of our ppl? I reali wondering why.. Is it becuz of r/s or what?

I feel that Ming as a leader has reali done his best liao.. Having a vote in the first place is not a mistake.. That' what I feel.. It's juz a form of democracy.. And SG itself is one.. Yesterday his reply also sianz sianz one.. Can see it.. But hope that wun affect his Dragonboat race in Thailand this week.. Hope he can return in victory.. Long Live SAFSA..

Yup.. I totally agree with Ming.. If we are really commited in joining the Dragonboat team.. Then we must pay the price to go for training such as not working on saturdays (Even if training falls on a Saturday).. It's a choice loh.. We have to choose between both of them.. We can't possibly expect to have the best of both worlds right? This is reality.. Sorry!

My Comments:
I agree with Yaozong on what he said "We can't possibly expect to have the best of both worlds right".. But I dun reali like that last sentence he said "This is reality.. Sorry!".. It's juz dun sound nice to me.. Machiam like mocking someone..

And the student week will be next week.. On the 14th.. 15th and 16th of Sept.. And 14th Sept will be preparation.. Recruitment starts again.. I am duno whether I got the time to help.. Test on the 15th and even after test.. I got to rush for my grp OE assignment.. It's due on the 19th.. Haiz.. Life suxs.. Lastly I will like to apologise for my temper yesterday.. And it's not to those that cut queue.. It's to Bunbun.. Liyee and Shreky.. Sorri for not drawing lines clearly again.. And thankz for the tolerance towards me all these times..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I reali hates ppl that dun understand the meaning of queuing up.. Can't they see that there are other ppl waiting also.. And the queue is everybody.. Not juz theirs.. Think ur father own the queue is it.. In the afternoon alreadi can't get to let Chan Lai Huat see the article liao.. So today die die must let him see it.. And see what is his response.. And there are ppl purposely wanted to turn me off..

There was this red top gal from Class B with her grp.. It's fine with me since u in the queue at the front.. But can't they jolly well one shot asked finish whatever qns they had in mind.. I understand that sometimes there might be things that ones would forget.. And if that so.. Can't they juz queue from the back and asked again.. Chan Lai Huat from the beginning alreadi emphasized if wanted to ask again need to re-queue.. Obviously some of them dun understand English..

One grp alreadi enuff liao.. And James's grp joined in the fun also.. Same old thing again.. Once u left the queue means ur turn is over alreadi.. Simple thing like that also dun understand? For those that think I am criticizing their handsome James.. So sorri.. It's a fact.. Not happy then too bad.. I dun think I will need to explain to them the basic principles of courtesy.. Which I feel they dun have.. Alreadi adults yet simple concept like queuing up again they dun knw is it.. I think they got to apply for kindergarten again.. Let the teachers there teach them from scratch of what is basic courtesy and queuing up.. Since Fiona's grp also kena mesmerized by James.. So they allowed James's grp to continue.. So be it.. I got no say in it..

The only glad thing is that Eric actuali knows that he is behind us.. And when Bridger came over and tot it's their turn.. Eric stopped her said it's my grp turn.. Eric and Bridger belong to same grp.. I am reali glad of the courtesy that Eric shown to me.. I have mentioned many times before if someone is gd to me in whichever ways.. I will be gd to him or her back double.. And vice versa.. So I let Eric consult Chan Lai Huat first.. Though I dun knw Eric at all.. His action definitely appeased my anger towards those ppl that cut the queue..

And guess what.. Jm and Alys's grp also did the same thing.. Wtf is this? Totally disappointed in them.. Or maybe they juz think it's the stupid yeKai's turn so it's alrite to cut in front of him.. Although Jm is quite a gd frenz of mine.. But I dun care when I am down to business.. Especially when I got to rush home to have my dinner and go for training.. I dun wish to vomit during training juz becuz I got home late and had my dinner late.. I am racing against time.. And I dun lived Jurong or Clementi..

When it's time for some serious stuff I give no face to anyone.. Whether u r my gd frenz or not!! I will draw a line btwn personal and business.. Unless otherwise someone special.. Emphasizing on what Chan Lai Huat said in lecture today abt the pregnant lady and whether u will give up ur seat for her.. Although Liyee and Stephen had heard it many times.. I gonna said it out again.. My answer is "我要给你坐.. 是出于人情.. 我不要给你坐.. 我是没有欠你的.." So it's also apply to the cutting queue thingy.. I wan let u cut.. Blah blah blah.. I dun wan let u cut.. Blah blah blah..

Dun like my attitude.. That's their problem!! Take it or leave it!! And like Chan Lai Huat said today during the psychological test.. I belong to those bad temper type which nobody likes.. And I dun reali care.. Got frenz or no frenz doesn't matter to me much.. The most I will be alone oni.. And that's what I have gone through all these years.. And it's nothing fresh and new to me.. I live my way..

U left ur queue and that it.. Queue again and wait for ur turn.. U want to leave early.. I also want too.. Dun be a selfish bastard and convert all ur selfish thinkings into someone else burden.. Especially me.. Though I am weak in r/s but that dun put me into those weak category.. Taking advantages and think I will keep quiet like a mouse.. I dun take these craps.. I reali canot imagine if everyone that left the queue came back to consult Chan Lai Huat again.. Then when will my turn finali arrived? It's juz like neverending story..

If not for Chan Lai Huat who stopped Jm's grp from asking.. And asked them to queue again.. I think I probably will lose my temper and asked them to siam.. Which I think I will.. Given that volcanic bad temper of mine.. Reali trying hard to change my temper.. But it's hard.. Leopard dun change its spots.. Maybe I will finali succeed in changing when I finali meet that special one..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, September 05, 2005

Today woke up ard 8 plus.. But idled a while more in bed.. And fell asleep again.. At 0936hrs.. Received a sms.. I tot is Stephen.. He was saying maybe he will be cuming over today mah.. Was sure is him cuz I reminded him yesterday to let me knw early loh.. Chey I tot he so obedient loh.. LoLz.. Btwn it's Bunbun's sms.. She said she cuming over to swim..

Ard 10 plus.. Bunbun and her sis came over.. As usual I would left them there and I went upstairs.. So I stayed home to study my finance.. Aiya but then I fell asleep again.. Haha.. *Diaoz* So the girls finali finished the swim.. I told Bunbun to let me knw when they were done so can have lunch together.. And I din picked up the ponecall.. Picked up the second time kena niao by Bunbun.. Hahaha.. *Ears pain*

Went to coffeeshop to have lunch.. Had miniport for Bunbun and me.. While Hokkien mee for Hanhan.. After lunch I went over to Bunbun's place.. And ya.. We will be bringing Doudou out for a walk.. Looking through the photo album.. Aim is to see how Yaozong looked like when in college times.. He was from OAC.. Last time always tekkan Bunbun and Ailing they all.. Becuz of his face is red.. So they always called him Guan Gong loh.. Haha.. And saw some other photos.. Quite nice leh.. Feel like stealing a few.. Oops.. Hahaha.. >_<~

Went out with Doudou.. And it's started to rain liao.. Doudou must be feeling sianz.. Bring Doudou over to the park opposite.. So the three of us continued the walk with Doudou despite the rain.. Bunbun was saying ppl might think we siao.. Haha.. Indeed true mah.. Walked till Millennium Court.. A place where hockey players gathered for hockey.. Leaving the place.. Doudou saw another dog.. Then chased after it.. I was reali stunned when I saw that.. I din know what to do.. Btwn my duty is to chase after Doudou when he ran away.. That other dog looked like a small sheep to me.. I was like huh? A sheep ran past me and Doudou is chasing it.. @_@" Haha.. When Doudou U-turned back to chase the dog again.. I ran and catch Doudou.. Wow.. It was a moment that I felt I was like playing rugby.. Hahaha..

And we went to the Mama shop to buy some drinks.. Saw our childhood cake.. Hiro Hiro.. Hehehe.. My favourite is that Doraemon.. With toy inside one.. And Bunbun bought something that can blow bubbles out.. Wanting to take a pic of Doudou with bubbles ard him.. And Doudou seem to be not cooperative loh.. Maybe too shag liao.. Run and run till his leg now abit lame.. And Hanhan bought those tubes that can blow into big bubbles also.. Those that can make shapes also one.. And when the bubble leak air.. She would smash it onto Bunbun's face.. And I laughed so that means I was also kena.. This pair of sisters is damn funny..

After the fun and relaxing walk.. We went back again.. Sitting on the sofa.. So I went over to see the hamsters.. Hanhan was saying that the below one is notti.. As in will bite ppl one loh.. So she bring out the top one which is more obedient.. That was my first time I had a hamster in my palm.. It's tickling.. Heee.. ^^ So small also.. Bunbun showed me this potato chip.. Asked me to try it.. It's not those normal one.. So I decided to try.. I tried to break it into two parts.. But not successful.. Kaoz.. When she showed me what is it.. I was like huh? That's Doudou food leh.. Anyway it's reali veri elastic loh.. Not easy to break it even if I chewed it..

And so we headed for Pet Safari at Simei.. Saw a few breed of doggies.. That time I got saw this snow white doggie with blue eyes.. It's juz like the one I saw today.. I think it's nice.. Bought Doudou's stuff.. And then went to have our dinner at BK.. I rem I took four straws.. Hmm why becum oni three leh.. So I went to the counter to take another one.. On the way back.. I saw a straw on the floor.. Now I know why liao..

After dinner went to shop ard at Eastpoint premises.. Then we left for Tampines.. Bunbun and Hanhan wanted to go NTUC to buy pineapple juice.. I think a while of why.. Oh then I rem she was saying she wanted to create the pineapple vodka.. Btwn Converse is having great sale at TM.. Haha.. Interested participants can go down ba.. Had fun today.. Watching the 9pm Channel 8 series.. Wanna laughed till beng loh.. I cannot believe what Le Yao is doing loh.. Haha.. Can fake making love sound like that loh.. Wahahaha.. Shaked the bed and rammed the wall.. LoLz.. But then it's well done lah.. Oops.. >_<~ Hmm.. The Incredible Tales today like not so gd leh.. Time for some snacks le..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, September 02, 2005

And so finali Project Superstars came to a finale.. The great one emerged at last.. And Weilian takes all.. Different ppl wanted different contestants to win.. Some wanted Kelly while some wanted Weilian.. Kelly lost doesn't mean she suxs.. Juz no luck oni.. Weilian win doesn't mean he been pitied by ppl.. All in all.. Both are great singers.. His strength is her weakness.. While her strength is his weakness.. Both of them been issued with a contract.. Great for Kelly.. At least her talent will be used even though she din won.. Maybe Junyang and Xinhui should deserve something too.. Toking abt Xinhui.. She reali veri pretti last nite.. My soul nearly kena hooked away by her.. >_<~ I din know she can be that attractive.. Now I realise everyone can look veri attractive.. It's juz a matter of how they project and present themselves.. And when Junyang and Xinhui sang Wu Ding together tat time.. Wooo.. The way Xinhui leaned in the arms of Junyang reali veri the seductive loh.. I mean she reali trying her best to put herself into the story of Wu Ding.. I wondered how Candyce felt when she saw that.. Must be filling with vinegar ba.. Hahaha.. =P

Went to sch today.. Went past Q-Bread.. And I heard Tong Hua.. I listened abit more.. Huh.. Why seem so different.. And realised it's Weilian CD.. No need to be so onz ba.. The moment he becum Champion.. Then everything changes.. Like reali veri fake loh.. So unrealistic.. @_@ Then again that is a typical Singaporean.. The culture is always there.. Must be on trend no matter what.. If all ppl listening to Weilian CD.. Then every single of the others will roam into shops and grabbed it at all costs.. I believe what Stephen said is true.. Since their contract is one year.. So after one year.. Things will be back to normal again.. Weilian most likely will be history.. Juz like Taufik.. But whu knws maybe Weilian can be like JJ number two.. But tat chance is quite marginal..

Waiting for bus today.. Saw a couple at the middle of the escalator hugging like duno wat.. For goodness sake loh.. Pls dun be so extra in public loh.. Want to show they damn loving is it.. To me is disgusting.. With so many pairs of eyes looking at them.. Doesn't they feel a moment of shame.. Again that is the asset of Singaporean.. Face as thick as kelvar vest.. Zzz.. And is it so heng that we took the same bus and they sat in front of me.. *Puke* And that they alighted at SIM too..

Liyee came to sch early today.. And he saw Chia Boon Cher looked damn sad.. Becuz the class is empty even during 0930hrs.. Haha.. Aiyo he should be used to it liao mah.. Oops.. =X And by rite we should have 15 mins break everytime.. But we took like 30 mins.. Haha.. Shiok loh.. Anyway Mr Chia himself also took ard 30 mins loh.. We saw him in toilet.. Also wanted to eat snake loh.. Heee.. Kena caught by us.. And whenever got ppl toking in class.. He will 1)"Hello Hello" 2)"Are u OK?" 3)"Are we ready to start?".. Hahaha.. And hor Stephen like to imitate 1) and 2) loh.. And it's exactly the tone and aura of Mr Chia loh.. Haha.. U guys should ask him to demostrate it.. But then he is Shrek mah.. No wonder.. Wahahaha.. ^^ And wanted to meet * at TM after sch one.. She asked me to jalan jalan with her.. But she abit later then can leave.. So I went home loh.. Anyway it's raining big big also.. Bad weather for jalan jalan also.. Oops.. Ok.. TM is sheltered anyway.. LoLz.. Ok now I shall see our naive gal bloggy as describes by our Chen Yu.. Btwn it's Serene I mean..

The Time Has Comes..
I Know What Is Best For You..
I Know Where I Should Be Standing Right Now..
And I Know How Much I Actually Likes You..
I Know We Can Never Be Together..
But I Want You To Know..
You Are Special To Me..
Be It Now Or Future..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^