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Monday, January 30, 2006

Happy CNY to all!!

First of all Happy CNY to all.. Wishing everyone with great prosperity and health.. Guess everyone should be counting their money now le ba.. Hopefully u guys will have so much ang bao till pockets are full..

Festive season like CNY is always an impt event for the Chinese.. Esp ppl of older generation.. Have u ppl realised one trend in CNY.. If u ppl ever observed carefully.. U will see during CNY.. Old ppl tends to dress till veri nice and formal.. While the younger ppl like Generation X and Y dun reali dress till that nice.. In fact they anyhow wear.. However there are also exceptional cases where the young ppl do dress nice in CNY.. Comparing CNY to X'mas or any other impt festive season.. Young ppl tends to dress better in those so-called festive season that are meant for the young and active.. True to a certain extend..

If u asked Gen X and Y ppl to go queue up juz to poke the first joss stick for the year.. U think they will? Well I doubt so.. First it's too stuffy and squeezy.. Second they dun believe in such tradition.. Third they might juz be stepped to death by the crowds.. And it do happened before in Japan.. Stepped to death? Kinda unbelievable right? Well in this World anything can happen.. Nothing is impossible anyway.. Juz that the time haven't cum yet..

Juz realised that almost all my INV classes have been scheduled to Thurs nite again.. WTF loh.. It's damn suxs loh.. No need go for training liao loh.. Sianz.. And this Sat.. Suppose to go to Auntie Sally's place to bai nian.. Together with Yt.. But I realised I got class.. @_@"

Few days ago.. Was online fragging.. And suddenly someone break the news of Wayne Rooney died in a car crash.. I was shocked.. Then ppl started to ask each other whether it's true or not.. Cuz ppl dun believe mah.. I also wanted to ask Ly and Steph to confirm cuz they Man-U fans mah.. So they should have the first hand info.. In the end some ppl go checked up the net and said that person "big hole" one lah.. LoLz.. CNY's eve played such prank.. For goodness sake.. Played it on April's Fool ba.. Then I added saying that if Rooney died in a car crash then Frank Lampard died making love liao loh.. Wahahahaha.. >_<~

This year luck also damn damn lousy.. Consecutive two years for me.. Wtf leh.. Haiz.. Sianz loh.. Tot this year can enjoyed abit of luck.. Well juz too bad.. When they told me that my luck gonna be damn low this year I tot I "fan" Taisui again.. I was telling myself walau can't be ba.. 4D also wun so zhun loh..

Anyway for this year there are four zodiac that crashed against Taisui.. Juz as I expected ba.. Kinda zhun.. As in I predicted two out of four zodiac.. Normally the zodiac of the year will kena one.. So Dog is in.. The other three are Cow.. Dragon and Goat.. In our class I think Cow and Dog is the most common.. Dragon is far too old or too young.. The possibility of Goat will be those borning in 1979.. Which I think should have a few in our class.. Other than that I think Cow should be almost all the gals in our class.. Cow's guys still in NS mah.. Dog's is a mixture of gals and guys..

A reminder to those I know.. As in those belonging to Dog and Cow zodiac.. For the guys will be Stephen and Yongtang.. For the gals will be Cindy.. Chen Yu.. Jenn.. Jiamin.. Sam.. Tricia.. Xiaor3ne and Yujia.. Etc.. That should be all ba.. As in those that I rem.. And Lunar Four is the change of command for Taisui.. So it means that any time after Lunar Four u all can go pay respect to Taisui.. Erm.. But I rem that there is a certain day one.. Juz not so sure..

For Tampines and Hougang side.. Chen Yu.. Jiamin and Stephen can go over to that stretch of temples along Old Tampines Road.. That route where Bus 72 went past.. So juz rem to make a trip to pay respect to Taisui ok? It's not abt whether u are superstitious or not.. It's juz abt a process to make ur parents feel better.. =) Wow.. Looks like only Bunn and Ly are the luckiest one liao leh.. Must go and asked them for luck liao.. Hehehehe.. =P

Does anyone agree that hating someone after some stuffs they did to u is a natural emotion? But how can one reali forgive someone for the things they did to u.. Through that party's remorse action.. Or through their apology? I think both the solutions are juz a visual effect ba le.. I juz feel that it's the sincerity and tots that counts.. It's juz like a simple sorry can overcome all the hatred and pain in one's heart.. Sometimes maybe one should reali calm down and reflect whether he or she is juz demanding too much.. For me I do demand alot from my frenz.. Esp those that I like.. Even a small mistake they made I will be veri disappointed.. I know sometimes they dun think that the mistake they made is veri big.. But to me it is.. Maybe I juz take trivial things they see in as impt things which I see.. If both parties refused to give in and the hatred will be hovering forever.. Given my temper I'm those that dun give in at all.. Except to those fews.. It's juz no point at all.. For hatred breeds further hatred..

If I see you today..
If I talk to you today..
Or if I see you a year from now..
Or if I talk to you a year from now..
You are always my friend..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Was kinda glad when one of my ex-crew frenz said she like my attitude.. Let me keep her name anonymous by calling her "N".. Anyway I was stunned when she said that to me.. I duno whether I alreadi said this incident in my entry before.. But let me briefly go through what happened that day.. There was one Sunday I need to go for my grading.. So it was kinda obvious I wun go for training that day..

But few days later I meet my crew at the canteen in sch.. So I went over to say hi.. The moment I said hi.. Someone questioned me why I din go for training on Sunday.. I was kinda dulan then.. So I replied saying that I have alreadi answered to Ming so I dun think I need to explain myself to anyone else.. Which I think I did the right thing.. Cuz everyone is on the same level.. What made them more superior than me?? They think this is an organization with hierarchy? The vice-chairman nvr even said anything yet some whiners dare to open their big mouths.. And well since Ming is stepping down le.. I see the club going to be in a mess sooner or later ba.. Maybe the new Chairman can reali take charge of anything.. But who knws..

And why "N" quitted in the end is becuz she din like the way ppl questioned her also.. Imagine someone asked u a question and u answered him or her the reasons behind it.. And they dun believe u.. Then why farking asked in the first place? And "N" added that there are some bitches who thinks that they attended every single training and questioned her also..

No wonder she see my attitude of my reply to ppl as a surprise.. Cuz she said she tot I'm those quiet and shy type.. And will not replied in such a attitude way.. Well.. She is correct in a way that I'm indeed those that are quiet and shy.. Juz that when the time cum where I need to show my attitude.. I will jolly show it.. My clique knw the best.. Heeee.. =P

Another thing is that she said that there seems to be some politics happening in the club.. Hmm.. From what I can see.. There is indeed some.. Fighting for power? Is power reali so impt afterall.. I agree that it is indeed impt to some extend.. Defining the meaning of power.. In simple it means the ability to do or act.. Making ppl listening to u.. Etc.. But I always feel that only someone great can hold that power.. Fighting for it gets one no where..

Power is necessary becuz disputes continue to exist.. Unless one day in this world there is no disputes at all.. Which is impossible at all.. Been powerless doesn't mean one is weak.. Juz that one might not wish to hold that power at all.. Cuz the moment u acquire all that power.. U becum the one causing others to dread u.. Ppl like Mike dun wan to hold that power despite he has the ability.. I respect him of his humble attitude.. Unlike some who thinks they are damn farking talented in some ways..

Few days ago there is this thingy abt wakeboarding without the boat.. Kinda innovative.. Juz made use of those metal lines that move from some machines.. And will juz mimic exactly what the normal wakeboarding process do.. Duno whether its cheap or exp.. $30/hr for weekdays and $45/hr for weekends.. Think it's at East Coast there..

Maybe things that will be.. Will be in the end.. And time dun left much alreadi.. Following the route laid by Mother Nature or laid a path myself? Well I reali duno either.. Been disheartened after so long.. There seem like no other better solutions to solve some frenzship problems.. So I guess juz let go ba.. Flying a kite to it highest form is juz like a frenzship in its top form.. And the kite flyer should know that the kite will get stranded one of these days if he is not careful.. And when the line get stranded.. It's time to let go the kite.. Let it fly to a place where it want to settle.. And it means that when things have to make an ending some days.. It will have to be done somehow somewhat..

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.. Some stay a while and leave footprints on our hearts.. And we are never ever the same.. Though through the years ppl will change.. It does not matter what we do.. Cuz throughout our lifetime I will still be there when my frenz need me..

If I see you today..
If I talk to you today..
Or if I see you a year from now..
Or if I talk to you a year from now..
You are always my friend..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Today went for AGM'06.. Was late for this meeting cuz the bus is damn slow.. Waited till veri long.. Actuali was thinking what the meeting was abt.. Tot it was something veri impt cuz some ppl kept emphasizing that attendance was compulsory.. But what I feel is nothing big at all.. Should I say that I have wasted my time cuming from all the way from east to west juz to attend this so-called impt meeting.. Actuali the picking of Chairman is kinda obvious.. As in who will emerge as winner in the end.. It's no surprise to me also.. Should have go for my training instead.. Kinda regret also.. Well at least I have a nice and sweet afternoon with xiaomei today..

Yesterday went down to town.. Saw quite a few familiar faces.. Saw our class Eric.. Saw my DB crew Johnson.. Saw our class that two malay gals.. And also saw my campmate.. Had two days of consecutive NYDC.. Wasn't expecting today to have NYDC also.. But have to listen to my xiaomei mah.. Haha..

Yesterday I was kinda glad that someone asked me out for lunch.. The problem is I alreadi had a date before hand.. And I can't cancel it juz for nothing.. Cuz I alreadi promise my xiaomei that I will accompany her for whole day yesterday le.. I appreciated u for asking me for lunch.. And I was hoping today that u might call again.. But I'm wrong.. Haiz.. Ard 12 plus in the afternoon.. The phone rang.. And I tot it's u.. But it's not.. Kinda disappointed.. Maybe u have other stuffs to handle also.. But I truly hope it's not becuz of ur lesson been cancelled then u cum and asked me out.. If that's the case then I guess I will be truly disappointed cuz u dun have that sincerity at all..

Does that mean u have alreadi asked me out but I can't make it due to some other reasons.. And it somehow becum my fault? Cuz u might think that u have alreadi done ur part in initiating.. Juz that I can't make it only.. I mean if u wan to think that way then I have nothing to say.. Deep in my heart I hope that all these is juz what I imagine.. And I hope none will be true..

I will be waiting for ur call or msg for the cuming two days.. And I will be waiting for u online every nite until I feel that u wun be cuming.. Friday 0000hrs sharp will make the last and final decision le..

Juz some meaningful stuffs to put up in here..

The Beatitudes of Friendship

Blessed are the friends with a joyful spirit, for their joy shall be shared and multiplied.

Blessed are the friends who offer good advice and counsel, for their wisdom shall be appreciated.

Blessed are the friends who truly listen and understand, for theirs is a rare and special gift from heaven.

Blessed are the friends who provide solace and comfort, for their kindness shall never be forgotten.

Blessed are the friends who remain loyal and true, for they shall be called most worthy.

Blessed are the friends who help us in need, for they are friends not just in word, but in deed.

Blessed are the friends who can forgive and forget, for they show, and shall be shown, God's mercy.

Blessed are the friends who remember us in prayer, for they too shall be remembered.

- Jill Wolf

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, January 23, 2006

Yest went for fund raising at AMK.. Suppose to meet at 0930hrs.. So I was kinda scared that I will be late.. Cuz I wanted to take Bus 22 down straight.. But it's ard 0820hrs liao.. Bus trip predicted at least an hour plus.. But what abt the waiting time.. Must rem that Sun bus interval is damn slow.. So in the end I decided not to risk.. So train will be the best..

Reaching AMK station.. Gathering point is at control.. Cuz I reached quite early even though I was kinda late when I took the train.. So I went to toilet first to dilly dally abit.. I know there are bound to be ppl cuming late one.. But I nvr expect to be so late.. Was kinda dulan loh.. Dun expect me to wait for ppl like for 45mins.. Ten mins is still alrite.. Anyway we juz set off to do our stuffs..

Actuali the process is damn tiring one.. Walked every floor.. Blah blah blah.. I wondered who that idiot architect that designed some blocks for AMK.. Reali damn brainless loh.. One block got five staircases.. And only two common corridor.. WTF!! Which means other than the common corridor.. The rest of the floors need to go through the five different staircases then can reach.. Imagine and u ppl will get what I mean..

After everything ended.. Some of us went to Clarke Quay to celebrate the cuming bdays of Amos and Yoda.. Settled down at the Riverwalk area.. Actuali it was my first time been to Clarke Quay.. And Boat Quay is still zero.. Next time got chance then go ba.. Went to the Indo restaurant to eat.. The food there not bad.. Juz that majority is spicy.. Sting ray and squid is the best.. =D~~

After dinner we went for a short walk.. Went to see the Bungee jumping.. I duno whether that the name for it.. Damn funny when u saw the video of the ppl taking the ride.. They purposely went past Hooters.. So that the guys can see the sexy gals.. Wow.. I was kinda impressed also.. The Hooters gals' figures are damn perfect.. Standing beside SG river.. Deciding to leave for home le.. Two gals went past.. And so I juz looked at them.. And turned my head as they walked past us.. Yoda saw me looking at the gals.. So she said "yK u need to look until like that meh".. LoLz.. Well.. Curious mah.. Hehe.. And I was totally surprised that Yoda will say that to me.. Cuz normally we dun tok that much either..

Today had Sherman's class.. First thing he asked is where we think he is from.. Obviously from his accent he is from somewhere outta SG.. No one gave the ans.. So I said Mars.. Wahahaha.. *Song* Think he was kinda pissed off.. Claiming that do I look like I'm from Mars.. Gai said that he is from US.. But he said why I can't be a Canadian? Yt said becuz u dun look like pizza.. LoLz.. It's true..

Anyway he is much better than Lamer Chan.. Well Sherman also know Lamer Chan pattern.. But even if that Chan Lai Huat wanted us to think.. Also no need to be so cruel and dun ans any of out qns.. Whateva it is.. Heng no need to see him anymore..

Have anyone of u ever cried over being powerless? Cuz u can't keep things going the way u wanna it to be.. But I think everyone do.. That's humanity.. In war if u can't protect ur luved ones.. And they get killed in the battle.. That person will definitely be angry of himself of why is he so powerless to do anything to protect them.. How he wish "If only I had power back then.. If only I had gotten hold of it.."

Putting this simple concept into the context of frenzship.. Putting it to a case of how hard one tried to retain a so-called sentimental frenzship he had before.. He tried his best yet he dun see any results from it.. For his case.. It will be his frenz that is holding the power.. And not him.. It's kinda obvious to see who is holding the power even for onlookers that dun have any acquaintance with any of them..

But as from today onwards.. He will no longer yield under that power his frenz is holding.. He alreadi seen through le.. Been accomodating is no longer a need.. Only having power is the best.. But from the moment u take that power into ur hand.. U will become the person who will make the others cry.. I guess it's kinda true.. And I juz wonder will u guys n gals do the same..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, January 20, 2006

Does a frenzship that has been sort of ruined in the first place be rebuild again? The ans is simple yes or no.. But how will the ans be yes when someone tried so hard to retrieve the frenzship to its original self while the other party seem like no actions at all.. The person that tried give himself a trial time period of a few days to see whether there is reali improvement in it.. And so on the veri last day.. He finali realised that this r/s wun resume like last time again.. Why did he think this way? Cuz during these trial period.. He kept msging the other party.. The other party did reply.. But it's a total different feeling as from the past.. The person no longer has that happy feelings he had before.. Cuz all the msg seem to be cold and nothing more but cold.. The other party no longer initiate to msg first anymore.. And the other party no longer will send a second msg to spice up the conversation like before.. Even when chatting online.. The other party also din reali initiate a chat anymore..

So what should the person that tried so hard to rebuild the r/s do? Maybe he should juz give up.. Maybe he should juz let Heaven decide.. Or maybe he should juz remove every single contacts he has with the other party.. Such hp and online chat.. In other words juz make a total disappearance from that other party.. Maybe the one and only way is to enter the Bermuda Triangles.. And exit to third dimension of the other world.. Alrite think he will juz extend the time grace for the other party.. He will give the other party exactly a week from today.. So the deadline is 27th Jan.. He hope during this period.. At least the other party will do something to recover part of the confidence lost by the him.. If there's still no improvement.. Then that's a goodbye.. The other party by now should know of that the person meant what he said.. He dun make empty promises.. He will do what he said.. If it's a goodbye then he make sure it will be one..

The other day I heard from FM 93.3 abt a story of a brown little bear.. It goes like this.. Once upon a time.. There is this brown little bear that always like to carry stuff on his back.. And the stuff on its back became more and more.. Piling up like a hill.. Ppl see that the bear is veri pitiful.. So they removed all the stuffs from the bear's back.. So now the bear is free from load.. However.. The bear resumed its habit of carrying stuffs on its back again.. And one day.. The bear climbed up a tree.. It climbed and climbed.. Until it reaches the high end of the tree.. Unfortunately.. It can't withstand the loads on his back.. And so it fell and died.. The morale of the story is dun carry the burdens and troubles from other ppl.. Cuz everyone have their own troubles too.. Loading other ppl's burdens will only give oneself more headache.. So I think we shouldn't be worrying abt what will happen to some frenzship or whatsoever.. Cuz if things are inevitable then it will be useless to change the fact of it.. Avoiding is not the best way to solve matters..

CNY is juz nxt week.. I looking forward to it.. Not becuz of red packets.. Anyway I dun reali have alot of red packets every year.. Says abt three ba.. Back to topic.. I think I can use the vehicle again.. Hopefully ba.. And then I can roam ard again.. Hehe.. And fourth of lunar we will have a gathering probably for our clique.. Will have a mahjong session ba.. Probably I will sit down there and relax.. Or played abit of the mahjong if possible.. And might be bringing some frenz to see my nephew too..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Today went for interview at Equity Plaza.. Together with Ly and Sherry.. Went to the security counter.. That Indian lady trying to be funny.. Cuz need IC to exchange for visitor pass.. So I told Ly to give 11B better.. Then Sherry dun have 11B mah.. So that Indian lady said to us that nxt time gals will have 11B also.. What she mean is that gals will have ns also.. Noooo pls.. @_@" I dun wanna see mutants loh.. LoLz..

Went up Healthway to fill in the application form.. Was kinda alot of ppl.. Total got seven.. Went into a room to have a quick start.. Sherry was kinda left out by Merlyn.. In the end only Ly.. Sam.. Me and another stranger went into the room.. Sherry with another two strangers went into another room conducted by Jo..

I think today was a fun day for me.. Even though juz for merely 2hrs.. Think I reali enjoyed my day.. Esp with Sam ard.. She made my day.. How I wish I can get to know her from Sem 1 liao.. She is funny.. Not only she is funny.. The two coordinators Merlyn and Jo are funny too.. Well.. Merlyn is more funnier than Jo.. They said alot of stuffs that are veri normal in some sense.. But in fact that the mistakes most ppl like us made.. And they gave us lots of examples abt what happened in the past.. Blah blah blah..

We had a short training session on taking blood pressure.. Ly and Sherry paired.. So I paired with Sam.. I put that piece of clothy thing over her arm.. I on the machine.. It's on for 2 secs then shut off le.. Jo said I might insert the batteries the wrong way.. Can't be mah.. Like what Sam said.. If inserted wrongly then how the machine on for 2 secs in the first place.. Tio bo? Sam's Systolic 101 and Diastolic 89.. Merlyn said normal Systolic is btwn 100 to 140.. While Diastolic is btwn 60 to 90.. Think Sam is those abit "pin xue" type of person.. She said Eric even more worse than her.. Eric's BP even lower.. Eric? I can't believe it leh..

After I finished.. It's her turn le.. Doing the same process.. And I got Systolic 161 and Diastolic 96.. OMG.. So much.. That's reali damn alot.. But of cuz buay zhun cuz Sam kept making me laughed when I took the BP test.. Excited or anxious will cause major fluctuations in the BP..

After everything ended.. We went down to return the passes.. The security ahpek told us to look whether it's our faces.. Sam's bf came to fetch her.. I saw her bf on her photos before.. So I added waaa the Cdo.. Sam said what Cdo? I was kinda surprised that she din know anything abt her bf vocation.. Well.. Elites only needa be known by the guys can liao.. Went over to shake hand with her bf.. But I dun understand one thing is that today only Thurs leh.. Cdo can bk out so early one ar.. LoLz.. Cuz most of the time is jumping from air.. If not "Fire in the hole" or maybe hellweek.. Hmm.. Well maybe he clearing leave ba.. And so the day ended for us.. Merely 2hrs yet I had so much fun..

Have u ppl ever think of what alchemy reali can do? Or believes that there is reali such science called alchemy.. Actuali alchemy is a form of science that deals with the structure of a matter.. It breaks something down.. And rebuilds it in another form.. If used correctly.. It can turn lead into gold.. However.. Since it is a form of science.. It has principles and laws.. That is.. U can only transmute objects from something with equal mass.. It's the principle of equal trade.. The principle of equal trade states that in order to create something.. U need something else that's of equal value.. One cannot gain anything without sacrifices..

In chinese it means.. 所为的炼金术是.. 凝解物质的构造.. 将之分解.. 然后再构出一门科学的技术.. 但是既然是科学.. 其中就存带着大自然的法则.. 那就是一份质量的东西.. 只能产生相同质量的物体.. 这就是等价交换原则.. 等价交换的原则就意为着.. 如果你想要什么.. 就必须负出比此相同的代价..人没有负出任何牺牲.. 就什么都无法获得..

I reali wish alchemy reali exists in this world.. Maybe it do exists.. Juz that not many ppl knw abt it.. In fact ppl that uses alchemy might be seen as black magic users.. But if reali this form of science has been made known to ppl.. Then I guess most ppl will exploit it.. Changing stones into gold or carbon into diamond.. That's what most ppl will want.. Luxuries.. Best is that they can resurrect the dead.. What will u ppl wish to transmute the most? Probably money and money ba.. For me.. Probably a gal that I wish to live for the rest of my life..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Today the only class for this week.. P&M dun seem to be so funny like the first lesson we had.. Why leh.. Abit disappointed.. Well there is always next time ba.. Hopefully.. The lecturer only tried to be funny at the end of the class.. LoLz..

After class went to Bedok to have our lunch.. Went with Ly and Steph.. After that we went home.. In the bus.. Suddenly big rainpour came rushing down.. I wonder how Ly walked home in that rain.. He needa walked veri far..

Reaching home.. I picked up my OTD guidelines to read abt the pair assignment.. Read only abit then I KO in bed liao.. Haha.. Reali sleepy mah.. World best luxury is sleeping le ba..

And today break.. We took a whole stack of cheesebread.. It's reali alot.. Steph hate cheese yet we took so many cheesebread.. Haha..

Ly in train told me that I looked veri fierce today.. As in the incident where Cindy went to use her finger hit my ears.. Well.. Am I? Hehe.. I pretend only leh.. Like I said before.. Still must depend on who did that.. Hope I din scared any one of u..

Yahz tomolow going interview liao.. Hopefully there will be $$ rolling in the pocket le.. And removing all songs.. No more songs in blog le.. Stupid regulations stating they will aim bloggers for putting songs in their blog.. So now only can put midi le.. And btwn midi is made by ppl.. Not by whichever company that are concerned with their license or whatsoever.. So they have no absolute rights to claim any license..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, January 16, 2006

Yest training is kinda hell for me.. I duno why I feel that way.. Doing repetition of same movements for 5mins per set.. Reali canot take it le.. The worst is that part where we were asked to do the repetition of twisting.. Criteria is we must sit down with legs straight and back straight.. Then twisted with the paddles.. Simple exercise seem to be easy.. But when it cum to do at it.. It's ain't that simple and no kick.. Now I know.. Every exercise is a knowledge.. Every exercise has it difficulty.. So dun ever look down on simple exercises which we dun reali put it in our eyes at all.. Vertical running is veri shag.. Those whu did before know that the chest area will have a burning sensation when u run up the stairs.. I feel like choking as the heat increases in my chest..

Ming seems like losing temper nowadays.. Duno why also.. What he emphasized yest at briefing is that we TRAIN RAIN OR SHINE.. Please do not take RAIN as a reason for not coming for training.. Every training is IMPORTANT.. U will sure miss out a lot with regards to skills and physical training.. Not only that.. U will be a BURDEN to the whole team.. I understand how he feel when he see ppl cum and go as they pleased.. I duno whether I'm one of those in that category.. But the fact is I have been missing in action on Sun training.. But the fact is 25th Dec is holiday.. Again 1st Jan is holiday.. So total two weeks alreadi.. On the 8th Jan I got grading.. So it's like kinda so coincide with all the Sun.. And another thing is Wed training I nvr even attend one time.. Reason been I have my other training also.. So in the end I needa forgo the land training on Wed.. Cuz I din attend the Wed training that's why it reali made me as if I reali missing in action for a long long time.. I reali feel that I kinda falls in the category that burdens the whole team..

After CNY.. Jackson warned us not to eat so much bak gua.. Cuz there will be a fitness test cuming up soon.. Haiz.. I know I gone this time.. Fitness level is reali zero liao.. Seriously I feeling that my energy level is draining day by day.. And I'm getting weaker and weaker.. Juz like something is draining my lifestream away unknowingly.. And cuming soon my IPPT also.. Yet so many events throwing onto me.. =(

After training we went to Xuepeng's parents stall to eat Bak Kut Teh.. It's nice.. If u guys ever rem that there is a famous Bak Kut Teh stall at Blanco Court 8-9 yrs ago.. This is the same stall from that era.. They moved becuz of the building of Raffles Hospital.. Blanco Court is been demolished for the hospital..

Discussing on what Bunn said.. How high are the chances that a gal and a guy sharing the same bed together and yet nothing happened? I feel that the chances of whether something will happen depend on 1) The guy's morality and 2) The guy's guts.. But viewing on the broad surface.. It's unliking that nothing happened.. Cuz most ppl juz believe that it's kinda hard to prevent anything from happening..

Analysing another case where a guy and a gal is veri close to each other.. But the fact is that they are juz merely juz frenz and nothing more or less.. So the question now is.. How high are the chances that no feelings will be developed at all btwn either parties? Some ppl might feel it's juz a matter of time that feelings for the opposite party will developed.. I kinda agree with their views.. But it always the guy that developed first rather than the gal.. But whether it's truly luv or infatuation is another thing..

Looking through the entries of Xiaxue.. She said abt the things of some guys are juz wimps.. Which I think I got to agree with her with this statement she made.. Recalling back the incident of countdown in 2005.. Not sure of whether it's X'mas or New Year.. She said why when the gals were been molested by the Bangladesh.. No one help.. Esp the guys.. And she said that the guys give the excuses of beating ppl in SG is illegal and will be jailed.. Alrite I understand the worries of been jailed.. And whether the judge see u as a hero saving the gals from the dirty hands of the bangladesh is another thing.. Cuz an offence is always an offence.. Juz like when saying a white lie.. Afterall it's still a lie.. Except that the lie is of good intention.. But I truly hope that the judge and jury can see that if we beat up ppl.. We are doing it in a form of helping the helpless ones.. And not for the sake for beating for fun.. U know I was kinda disappointed that the guys din reali help the gals.. I mean everyone got their freedom of choices.. They have their absolute rights to choose whether to help or not.. And it's not the first time Bangladesh did this type of shameless act.. If reali one day let me see this type of act in front of my eyes.. I will reali beat that person.. I strictly dislikes this type of unhonourable act.. Now it's happened to other gals.. Who knows one day it might happened to ur gal frenz or gf.. I duno whether the guys I know will behave like me.. Cuz their character totally different from mine.. I'm juz someone that is impulsive.. Simple as that..

Do u ppl sometimes juz miss some ppl and u reali wish that they will appear before u.. But it's reali veri miraculous.. Why I say so.. Becuz when u miss someone and u wan him or her to appear before u and yet they wun.. U said to urself that it's not possible and u give up.. Reason been that there are so many places for them to go.. Why will they possibly appear before u juz like an instant as u wishes? I duno whether it's true for the rest.. Cuz it do happened to me a number of times.. And the moment I dun wish to hope for anymore.. The person appeared..

U know watching someone u reali care of walking away from ur sight is such an uncomfortable feeling.. As the vision of the person gets further and further.. It's juz made u feel as nothing is left in this world of urs.. U duno whether she saw u or not.. And u juz hope that she din.. U walked on the opposite side of the path.. Following behind.. Watching her waiting for traffic.. U stood by the side patiently waiting for her to cross the junction.. After she crossed.. U kept ur focus on her until she totally disappeared from ur sight.. U turned back and left.. U said to urself that this is the one and only way to show that u still care for her even after so many unhappy things that had happened.. Although it's done in an unknowing way.. But at the end of the day u do feel glad abt it.. Cuz care and concern dun reali need to be shown to ppl purposely.. U know such opportunity dun cum by easily.. And u glad that Heaven do give u this chance to do it..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, January 13, 2006

Well we have OTD and PM classes for this week.. I guess everyone will like PM best.. LoLz.. Cuz that lecturer is a lamer cum joker.. Those who have attend the PM class will understand why.. He made me laughed till cried.. I reali got nothing to say abt him.. Even Yt and Stephen also surrender to him.. *Waving the white flag*

As for OTD.. It's kinda sux with that Sherman ard.. He absolutely looks like a pervert.. That's what I feel.. And today before after OTD ended.. The row of gals behind us said that Sherman looks like bian tai.. Well.. Seem I'm not the only one saying that.. The worst thing is I can't stand his that accent of speaking ang moh.. He is like trying to act as if he damn pro speaking ang moh.. The more I look at him.. The more it irks me.. And he is kinda strict with the attendance.. Guess he is using the attendance to help those that flunge in OTD.. As in if a person flunge his OTD by 2marks and he has a gd attendance record.. So maybe he might be able to pass if he has a swee record of attendance.. Of cuz not says 40 out of 100.. Then that might be veri hard..

Nxt week damn shiok cuz only got one lesson.. The week after also the same.. Song ar song.. That's why it's true that.. Taste bitter first than taste sweet later.. We have our bitter week last week or before.. So now investment ppl will enjoyed the shiok weekdays.. ^^

My clique told me that now putting songs on blog need licensing.. WTF!! In the first place bloggers dun let ppl upload any songs loh.. So what's the rationale behind all these restricting.. And 10 songs's licence is $1000.. That's $100/song.. That's veri expensive loh.. Blog is juz a place for ppl to write down their happy and sad events.. Letting their frenz know how they feel.. And putting in songs in blog is juz to make their frenz more relaxing with music.. In fact bloggers help to promote music loh.. Should be thankful to us instead.. We help them promote their music without charging them a single cents at all.. So be grateful loh..

Yesterday when Liying and Xiaohui looked at me in those cheeky looks.. I kinda know what they are thinking and what they meant.. Well.. It's happen to everyone.. Sometimes we choose the wrong path and we never get to where we want to go.. I duno whether I have choose the wrong path now.. But I do know that I'm still clear with my mind now.. I dun wanna fall for that same old pit hole which has been unknowingly set up once again by ppl unintentionally.. Sometimes I juz think that I reali have to destroy some stuffs with my own hand.. If not things will certainly get out of hand.. But I hope not now..

Seeing what I have now is a bliss.. Trying to get more of it is a sin.. Be contended and everything will be fine..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I saw this piece of article on a magazine.. It's on how to keep ur date.. Hmm.. Find it kinda interesting.. So post here for u all to see.. How true is it.. U decide..

For the Guys:
1) Dress well and appropriately - We are not asking u to dress in tuxedos or shirt and tie but rather dress according to the occasion. Bermudas and sandals may go well with the beach but NOT for a dinner date. The safest bet is smart casual in polo T-shirt and pants or jeans. Remember.. Although looks should not be everything.. But first impression definitely counts!

2) Basic social etiqutte - Have u heard the ladies grumbling about guys not being gracious these days? They no longer open the doors for ladies nor stand on the side of oncoming traffic.. Don't foot the bill on the first date.. And so much more.. So here guys.. LISTEN UP! These days the doors may open automatically.. But allow ur date to enter first and NOT walk in front and leave her behind.. If u take public transport.. Show some grace by giving up ur seat for the more needy instead of pretending to be asleep or reading the newspaper.. This will not only impress the ladies but everyone else on the bus or train..

3) When to talk and when not - Engaging in conversations is a skill.. And most of us are not masters of it.. The key is to be moderate.. Don't talk non-stop nor keep quiet totally.. Don't bore ur date by talking about urself throughout the whole date.. Learn to listen and give ur date a chance to talk.. Try to talk about interesting but not intrusive topics especially during the first date.. U may be straighforward but try not to be too candid with ur comments on ur date.. For example.. "You look a little horizontally challenged in this dress!" Or "I think a little facial will do wonder for ur skin!"

4) Be a SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy) - Be sensitive to ur date's needs or reaction.. Stop blabbering when u can see that she is not so interested in the topic.. If ur date feels cold ask if she wants a hot drink or leave the freezing place and go for a walk outside.. Of cuz don't be overly-sensitive and becoming irritating..

5) Little gifts do wonders - A small and inexpensive gift shows ur sincerely in dating her.. Flowers cost a bomb during Valentine's Day.. But there are many other things u can give.. For example.. Chocolates.. A simple handmade card.. Blah Blah Blah..

For the Ladies:
1) There are no ugly women in the world, only lazy ones - We hear this often from ladies.. "If the guy likes me.. He should accept how I look." True in certain sense.. But u will still need to put in a little effort on ur appearance! If u feel the "spare tyre" expanding around ur waist.. Don't be lazy.. Go do some exercise and burn the fats! Learn what clothes and hairstyle enhance ur appearance and what don't.. Trimming ur eyebrows and putting on a bit of lipstick makes alot of difference to an otherwise plain Jane..

2) It takes two hands to clap - Rather than saying "Anything lor" Or "U suggest lah" and leaving the poor chap to think of where to eat or what to do.. Show more enthusiasm and give some suggestions.. It is meant to be date for both of u.. And not only him.. He may feel that u have no mind of ur own or is not interested in having this date with him..

3) Roar like a lion or be quiet like a mouse - Be neither.. U may be talking excitedly.. But remember to stay demure and not sound like u are haggling in a market.. On the other hand.. Don't be over-demure that u become inaudible to ur date.. Speak confidently and try to make ur conversations interesting.. Remember a confident woman is an attractive woman..

4) Win his heart through his stomach - Impress him by preparing easy-to-make cookies or pastries to snack during ur date.. Or even make food bento for the two of u to eat while on a picnic date..

5) Be appreciative - After ur date has treated u to a dinner or has sent u home.. Thank him for his kind gesture.. In this modern world where woman are so independent and demand equality.. Ur gentleman is no longer needed to take care of every aspect of a date.. Isn't it? So be appreciative that he has made the effort to ensure the date went smoothly..

Sometimes I'm juz wondering so what if u are a year older liao.. Bday juz pass and u are older by one year.. In actual fact I'm so much older than u.. I nvr complained that I damn old liao.. Yet there are some ppl that dun feel paiseh and complained.. Yawnz.. Big deal meh.. It's juz a matter of time that ones will age.. I was so tired of listening to ppl whining about some boliao and insignificant stuffs.. Or I should say seeing instead of listening.. LoLz.. Well.. Smart ppl will know what I meant afterall..

And ya.. Guys and gals.. This cuming Thurs there will be free ice-cream outside canteen from 1230hrs to 1400hrs.. Let's go grabbed and eat leh.. Juz nice after class can go kio.. Hehehe..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, January 07, 2006

It's juz a matter of time that decision had to be made.. Once been made.. It can be either moral.. Amoral or immoral.. After a long conference with the relevant holders of the board.. And with much consideration.. We are regret to say that we have came out with one final and only decision.. And that's can we have our little own happiness and not going ard pleasing every single one of them.. It's juz too tiring.. We juz can't have the best of both worlds.. It's juz like we can't have a gf and wife at the same time.. Or a bf and hubby at the same time.. Cuz it's only juz one of the choices can be with u.. It's juz either one of them.. No more no less.. Hence making an amoral decision is the best way to avoid any biases arising from other ppl.. May it be an amoral decision.. I believe some ppl might view us as immoral.. Which I believe there will be some..

Went for Jw's grading today.. I think I feel juz great today.. Lots of laughter for us.. I tot it wun be so long.. But in fact it's reali damn long.. As in the whole event.. I was the cameraman for today.. First time do it.. So pardon me if the whole thing not so smooth.. But then I was reali pleased to take down the whole event of that Mr Pig's humiliation.. Dun be surprised that no one likes this fellow.. And I do know why.. Firstly he is a big time busybody who kapo abt other ppl's business.. Such as Evonne case.. Secondly he is a guy which dun have any fengdu when spar with gals.. Such as Ailing case.. Big size buwee small size.. Thirdly he likes to boss ard ppl.. As if he is the one in charge..

But honestly speaking I juz dun see up to him at all.. As far as I'm concern.. I juz see him as a sore loser.. For instance juz now when sparring.. He kena a back hook from his opponent direct in his face.. And he machiam like using bodyweight to push ppl.. He thinks this is sumo wrestling? Well.. Why not quit Tkd and make his mark in sumo wrestling.. LoLz.. Ppl like him is such a disgrace to Sir.. Is he reali that powerful like what I heard from the rest? Seriously I doubt so.. What I can see is only a big lump of lard jumping ard in the court.. Wakakaka.. I'm not saying I can beat him now.. But I hope I can one day.. At least I can help Ailing.. Regina.. And the rest whack him.. Revenge for them.. One advantage I have is stamina.. Which that pig dun have at all.. He is my 3 to 4 times size.. And his power might be kinda great compared to mine.. And can juz kick me one time to KO me.. But what for go head on with him.. Juz drain his stamina and he is gone.. Cuz from what I see juz now.. He is alreadi fatique at the third sparring..

And Jw today reali nervous.. So made a few mistakes.. But I hope with her effort she can make it for this grading.. I believe she can do it.. Let's pray that the pig will flunge the grading.. And for Weiting.. Hope she can clear the hurdle this time round.. She did well this time.. As in from what I feel.. And Regina did two back hooks today.. Both hit the opponents.. Was reali veri swee.. I will give that stance 100 marks.. Evonne was helping out in the sparring also.. There was another gal who looks exactly the same like her on the back.. So I tot it's her.. But in the end it's not.. Haha.. Btwn I think the video is on the wrong gal all the while.. >_<~ Hmm.. But I think I did manage to catch some glimpse of her.. Andy was here today too.. Bringing a toilet bowl with him.. LOLz.. I was wondering which fellow give him this present.. Funny sia.. Today got ppl kick Andy fell down.. Andy also slacking leh.. Nvr properly sparred with his opponents..

I was reali veri hungry without lunch.. Heng Regina and Weiting got some fishballs for us.. Thankz so much.. Muackz.. And thankz Bunn for giving me another fishball.. We left and headed towards Toa Payoh Entertainment Centre.. Went to Mac for some food.. U know today I realised that when Bunn.. Evonne.. Jw.. Regina and Weiting are together.. There will bound to be funny stuffs happening.. Kinda fun to be with them.. Juz too bad I'm of different gender with them.. If not I think will be more fun.. In the train Jw.. Regina and me went to watch that part of the video where the pig is been hatam by his opponent.. The moment the pig been slapped in the face.. We shouted yeah.. Other ppl tot what happened.. But it's reali a shiok thing for us.. Especially Regina.. Happy like lark..

And tomolow will be my turn and Bunn's turn for grading.. Bunn said her opponent most like will be that pig's student.. So she promise herself that if it's reali that pig's student.. Then she will reali punch that pig's student to flatten that pig's student's chest.. LoLz.. Wow.. Seem like tomolow will be having a nice show too.. I looking forward to it.. Haix.. But I scared I will flunge this grading loh.. Kinda not familiar.. =/ Another case is the rest all double then I nvr.. Reali will be damn paiseh loh.. Noooo.. I dun wan to see this happening.. Gd luck to Bunn and Ailing.. I mean if she did cum for grading tomolow.. Ganbatte to us..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, January 06, 2006

Promise myself to wake up at 0730hrs.. But in the end 0930hrs.. Maybe cuz slp reali late yest nite.. Was on phonecall.. Initially juz wanted to pass on some info.. But in the end we tok and tok.. Cuz conversation getting kinda interesting le.. LoLz.. Like what I mentioned on at my previous entry abt the fact that ones might stick to their ground firmly on the basis that they feel they are not wrong at all.. Who wish to be the wrong party afterall? It wasn't a nice role to be in.. Looks like I getting inquisitive again..

How u ppl feel when u give ppl a gift and they din said thank to u? And I'm the one that din say thank u.. I reali dun mean it.. I reali appreciate the efforts and the gift.. Actuali it's due to the fact that I dun receive gifts at all.. Cuz I'm always giving gifts to others rather the opposite way round.. Not say din receive gifts at all.. It's juz that the gift dun cum purely from a person.. U get what I mean? I mean normally it's been shared.. Says ur bday.. Etc.. And it's been reali the first time I receive a gift from someone.. Someone whom I din reali aquaint for long.. It's certainty feel great u knw..

Actuali what I'm disappointed in is that when I give ppl gift.. I dun expect ppl to return me gift juz becuz they feel paiseh or for other reasons such as dun wan to own me something.. And giving ppl so called expensive gift doesn't mean anything at all right? Alrite I understand ppl do get misunderstood abt such concepts.. But why? Is it becuz they always think giving expensive gift to ppl means he or she like him or her.. As far as I'm concern.. I juz feel that giving normal stuffs is alrite.. Juz dun give jewelleries like ring or necklace.. Which I think is abit too much le.. Is it reali so hard to stay as a truthful frenz of somebody? I reali duno.. Or maybe what Stephen said before is reali true? In this world there is only couples.. No real gd frenz.. True or not u ppl decide..

Maybe some of u still duno me well yet.. I'm those that reali cherished frenzship alot.. And in return I will try to grant their wish as long as it's within my ability and financial power.. What I mean is giving them something they wan.. I still rem last sem.. When it's near Stephen's Bday.. I reali wanted to get him a mini Ipod.. And I mean I will reali do it.. And for Bunn's braces.. I reali wanted to subsidize her abit also.. But I reali down with financial difficulties.. =/ Some of u might say that I got worked in holidays what.. Why financial difficulties? It's becuz the money is not under my control u knw.. So even if I earn 1k.. That 1k is sort of been freezed.. And the total asset I have in hand now is only 10 bucks u knw..

After saying so much.. I hope ppl do understand my intention now.. Cuz to me there are some frenz which I reali like them alot.. In other words.. If they are unhappy I will be unhappy too.. If they are happy.. I will too.. Etc.. Ppl like Bunn.. Ly and Stephen.. They do have misunderstandings with me before.. Why in the end we still can patch back and build even stronger ties with one another? The answer is veri simple.. Becuz I like them alot.. And I can't lose them juz becuz of some trivial stuffs.. For example.. Bunn and me have gone through trials and trials of World War le.. And everytime we have a war.. I get to learn new lessons.. I see through my mistakes and learned from it.. Making sure I wun repeat the mistakes again.. And we still cool down in the end mah.. Cuz Bunn is juz like Ly and Stephen.. Close frenz which I juz can't break away my ties with them for nothing.. I hope those ppl that see this will finali understand everything..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Had our 2nd DPP class today.. And our leader Bunn is not here.. LoLz.. We miss her man.. Oops.. I mean it seem to be quieter without her ard.. Atmosphere seem so boring.. I juz got a reply from Juliana that our mail for the six team member of DPP had been received by her.. That's great.. And when I heard from Tiffy abt some stuffs this morning.. I was reali shocked.. I duno where this rumours came from.. But this rumours will indeed have great impact on ppl if ppl chooses to believe it..

I reali impressed by my Sir's knowledge of those altar sort of stuffs.. I know he is a buddhist.. And he is those veri faithful type of follower.. That's why we will nvr eat beef in front of him.. And I know that I did it once purely out of ignorance.. Back to topic.. He told us that in this world.. Anything seem impossible is actuali happening.. Like those curse aka "Gong Tao" stuff.. And when he speak abt the stuff where one can take the photo of someone he or she dun like or like.. After that makes that person like him or her.. Wahahaha.. I probed further abt the process with Sir.. And Bunn straight away see through my evil plot.. LoLz.. She asked me which gals I wan to put the spell on.. Heee.. Well mah.. Kinda many for me.. Wahahaha.. Joking lah.. Actuali like what Sir said is right also.. When the spell is gone.. U will need to face the consequences of it.. As in u put the spell for the gal to like u.. But what happen after the spell wear off.. Can't be keep on putting spell mah.. That's why I ask Sir got value pack or not.. LoLz.. Anyway no use keeping a gal by ur side where her heart dun belong to u afterall.. I always believe in genuine luv that are reali meant for each other.. Forcing someone to like u.. Get u no where afterall..

There are actuali many ppl that can reali share ur problems or troubles u are facing.. And I share mine today.. Sometimes it juz make urself better to pour ur unhappiness out of ur heart.. Cuz it's always best to listen to someone else views.. Rather than keeping to ur own views.. Cuz u might be the one wrong afterall.. I have been practising "give and take" policy.. But there are things sometimes which possibly can't be solve by using that policy.. So when the moment where u need to confront someone one day came by.. What should u do? I reali duno.. Or maybe I should juz say I hate u.. Hate u for the things u have done to me.. Anyway I would like to thank someone who listen to what I have to say from my miserable heart.. U know who u are.. The one that owned me a Cartel meal.. Rem? Hehehe.. Shhhh.. =P

Sometimes enuff is enuff.. Now I understand why my frenz are so pissed off.. It's reali not possible to please everyone.. Sacrifices have to be made.. Be it whether it's reali cruel or inhuman.. Decisions gotta be made firm.. But I reali those soft-hearted type of ppl.. I juz can't bear to see frenz die aside themselves.. Is it my wishful thinking that everyone are happy with one another.. But in fact in reality.. Things aren't as simple as I think.. Maybe I'm juz too stupid and naive.. Thinking that things will always worked out somehow.. I mean we can't reali have the best of both worlds.. And when u solved one problem then another problem emerged again.. It's reali damn pek chek one.. And nowadays my patience limit is reali running on low level.. Juz hope Heaven will lend us a hand.. And open a route for us to follow..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

And so today is first day of sch for me.. Veri excited cuz can see my frenz and some other frenz from other clique.. Like Jenn and Sam.. Liying and Xiaohui.. Oopz.. LoLz.. Anyway had DPP talks for the whole day.. That guy tok so much I also dun catch what he is saying.. Actuali can see this module as an exciting one.. Why leh? Cuz it seems like need to meet alot to do the assignment.. And I luv meetings.. But of cuz to those I wan to meet lah.. And most of the time our meeting will be damn shiok one.. Why leh? Becuz got "Shreky the Shaper" in our team mah.. Wakakakaka.. Well well.. Only he will know why he is the shaper.. *肚子锇了啦, 走leh, 去吃东西leh..* LoLz..

Actuali we are quite fast in getting an organisation for DPP.. Thankz to Bun and her resourceful network.. Now what I'm worried is abt the oral presentation which I reali hate alot.. Cuz I can't speak well at all.. And will therefore drag the whole group down.. And even if I start training from now.. I think I still wun make it at all.. This type of skill is long years accumulate one.. Can't be so easy to master within these few months..

Right now I'm suffering from headache.. Haix.. =/ So sianz.. No mood.. And din go for training today.. But tomolow by hook or by crook must go.. Cuz that's the last training before grading on this Sun.. Wait Sir said me again.. Say I'm not familiar with my Taeguek II - Jang..

Bun was asking me today that whether I will get another double again.. LOLz.. Of cuz no liao lah.. Where got everytime double one.. Hahaha.. That time is heng only loh.. Judge pitied me mah.. So gave me a double.. Although two times double is not veri rare.. While four times double means u will be recruited to the National Team.. Which is reali reali rare.. That's what I heard from others..

Btwn since we are under centralised grading so if double we should be glad.. Erm.. Cuz they said normally centralised grading got double is veri rare one.. Unlike decentralised grading.. Getting double is a so-called norm.. Hmm.. Am I rite mah? Maybe I should ask Jw to verify this point.. Anyway Jw will be taking her 2nd Dan Koryo Poomsae Grading this Sat.. Two years is indeed veri long.. Gd luck to her.. *Ganbatte* I will go and support her.. Heeee.. =P Oh ya.. My job there is to be a camera man.. Probably taking video for them.. Andy will be there too.. Yeahz.. ^^

Saw this comment from a passerby saying that my blog is inquisitive.. Hmm.. Am I reali asking alot of questions mah? Cuz sometimes I reali juz wanna know some ans from u ppl.. That's why I will sort of post questions in here ba.. Anyway thankz Juicyfruiter for providing precious comments for me.. =)

Oh ya.. Got homework to do.. Hurhur.. That DPP stuff.. Well I kinda lazy to do.. Right now I juz wan to jump into bed and slp till tomolow.. Hmm.. Tomolow should I juz wear my Gi to sch.. I mean the lower part of my Gi.. If not still need to bring it to change.. Haha.. Juz heck care liao lah..

Would like to thankz Jenn and Tiffy for making the effort to help me find groups for my frenz.. Lastly I will like to apologise to Kelvin and Joy for giving them troubles abt the grouping thingy.. Thankz so much for been so understanding.. Reali veri paiseh..

Actuali today mood juz sux for me.. Haix.. Ppl are so cold towards me.. Glad still got Cy.. Bun.. Ly.. Shaper.. Sherr.. Etc to brighten my days.. Nitzy all..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, January 02, 2006

Tomolow sch finali start.. Excited? Hmm.. Maybe for some of the ppl ba.. For me maybe I got nothing to do.. So having lessons can at least take up some of my time.. Actuali I do look forward to sch reopen.. Maybe there is juz some urge for me to see some of my frenz.. Only merely seven weeks of holidays.. And I seem to have many memories recurring in my mind now..

As usual.. Before sch starts.. I will tidy up and chuck all those useless stuffs aside.. Or I should say hide them somewhere.. Cuz looking at those notes reali give me headache.. I came across this green file of mine.. I opened up and see some cards I received throughout the three sems.. I reali appreciate them.. Some are from my clique while some are from other clique.. Maybe things wun be the same like last time before le.. Partly my fault.. Probably is the devil inside me acting up again.. But there is always an angel to balance this force.. Hopefully the angel can balance this enormous force..

Memories of last sem indeed is veri deeply craved within me.. I know it best for myself.. Big and small events keep happening.. I wan to put a full stop to last sem memories.. But it's kinda impossible since it's not been a year yet.. By the way I'm not saying a year later I will be able to forget those sad and unhappy memories..

Actuali I dun reali have much time left.. I reali wish to spend and make use of the rest of the 36 months to have fun with my clique.. Time do reali fly fast.. In a flash.. Sem 4 will be ending soon again.. By the mid of 2007.. Everyone will be going their own ways.. And there again.. It's draw another end of my life.. Then there will be another new story for me when I go into the complicated working world.. Auntie Sally tell me many times that I must control my temper.. Even if ppl stepped on my tail during work.. I must still pretend not to be angry and lose my cool.. I know she is absolutely right..

I duno whether we can have badminton sessions like last time.. I do miss them.. But this cuming sem seem like no diff from last sem.. DPP will be a headache for us again.. Last sem is MOR.. While Sem 2 is Marketing.. But I'm still glad that it's not an examinable module.. I juz feel that killer module for Sem 4 is OTD.. It's juz remind me of OE.. The fear.. The unknown.. I have in OE..

Except for Cy and Bun.. The rest of us will be having lessons only on Wed.. See u ppl at sch again.. Hope we can motivate each other for this sem again.. Let's rock!!

Saw the Campus Superstars.. LoLz.. The judges I think I only know Dreamz FM's Kelvin.. Plus that DJ Feng Huishi.. Hmm.. And that Peter I duno who also.. Are they professionals like the previous judges of Project Superstars? Ok maybe for Kelvin I understand cuz he is a singer.. As for Feng Huishi mah.. I duno leh.. Kinda in doubt.. Tv now also got showed one new thingy on "Band Superstars".. Like what Yt said.. Everything also wanna chup with "XxX Superstars".. Slowly maybe got "Market Superstars".. Blah Blah Blah.. Original is always the best.. The more they tried to blend it with something new.. The more it suxs.. Making money is not through this way..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

First day of new year went out for a while.. At Central.. Am I so lucky or unfortunate to see ppl whom I dun wish them to appear before me at all.. Again my one and only tactic to apply.. That's pretend to tok on hp or walked away as if u din see them.. In times when they called ur name.. U must be as deaf as possible..

Saw my Force Impulse today.. Hmm.. Seem like all of it I also like leh.. Hehe.. Can't be so greedy.. Destiny and Justice and looked power to me.. Like collecting all will be a big problem for me again.. Cuz I still got quite a number in my hand.. Which none of them are properly finished..

When ur frenz are down becuz of some bgr problems.. And as a frenz of theirs.. U accompanied them becuz they asked u to.. And u told ur mummy that u will not be back for dinner and so forth.. In the end.. U realised that ur date with them is juz only a while.. The most is the whole afternoon.. Now it's as if u are the extra one planning to spend the whole day with them.. Sometimes maybe juz dun be so extra and think that u are impt to them.. Or I should say more impt compared to their bfs or gfs.. In actual fact u are juz a side dish to them.. Juz like a cab.. Hailing one when u need it.. Everything happened made u feel that u are juz a substitute afterall.. Why u feel that way? Obviously it's becuz of some things which u can feel..

How it feels when u have a home yet u can't go home yet.. The feeling of "有家归不得" reali suxs.. U juz kept dragging the time making sure it's reali late le.. U refused to take a bus back.. U insisted on walking.. And it's raining.. U dun have a brolly with u.. It's not fun walking in the rain juz becuz u got to drag the time back home.. U looked ard u.. Ppl are holding brollies in their hands while u are juz a drenched chicken waiting for the miserable clock to click sec by sec.. Ppl see u as an brainless idiot walking in the rain.. But do u reali have the choice.. Maybe some may say u can juz go wandering ard at some shelter places.. Maybe choices reali can be make by urself.. U are so disappointed and unhappy.. U juz made a promise to urself that this will be the first and last time u will ever accompanied such ppl again..

All this moment..
With you by my side..
I'm no longer alone with no life..
I don't know how I found you..
I'm thankful that I have..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^