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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!

Happy New Year 2009!!

the first big thing abt new year : everyone hope for a betta year compare to the previous.. the next big thing is owaz abt resolution.. lolz.. everyone toking abt it.. i juz find dere is no point in setting them unless one reali go and pursuit it.. the more time one spend talking big abt their resolution.. the less one get done with life.. agree? haha..

the born of new year also marks that my window is opening.. arghh.. it suxs.. so sianz bcuz it's so troublesome.. haha.. but u knw it's a way of getting some quick bucks within an hour or so.. lolz.. =X

and when CNY approaching.. got a super dupe long weekend again.. lolz.. where to find such welfare nowadays.. keke.. =p

i tink jas and me reali got chemistry in acting and crapping.. haha.. the dept is juz too quiet without us!! lolz..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Naruto Shippudden : Inoue Joe - Closer

one of my top favourite opening i lurve to bits.. the lyrics is so true esp in this realistic world..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Bleach Ending 17 : Stereo Pony - Hitohira no Hanabira

The gal is so sweet... >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, December 21, 2008

x'mas is juz ard the corner.. hav u ppl prepare gifts n cards for some xchange session? sumtimes one juz worried he or she might receive gifts they feared the most.. hahaha.. reigning number one of the most detestable gifts to receive during x'mas is none but mugs n cups.. haha.. so does it hit u so hard tat u nodded ur head agreeing? lolz..

by the way.. wat in the world is hellren? anyone? jo juz din tell me wat is it.. was reali curious to knw.. at first i tot it's some breed of pups.. but somehow i tink it's not.. or is it some branded ladies stuff like lv or chanel?

if a pup woofz and a dog barkz.. wat abt a kitten and cat? i would say.. a kitten meowz and a cat screamz!! lolz..

ling told me tat she feels tat she ain't gg to live long.. so for the past few days she had went partying like no tomolo.. i juz told her how long she live is not up to her.. it's heaven tat decides.. rite now if u take a knife and poke urself with it.. u will realize how cum the knife is blunt.. haha.. cuz not fated to die.. den again i'm juz cheering her up.. in reality.. one will reali die..

life is so unpredictable.. see wat happen to chew chor meng.. so cherish wat u hav now.. do wat u wan to make urself happy.. i rem jo do hav a frenz whose blog mentioned sumting abt "tomolo can be too late".. i duno whether to classify it under proverb or idiom or duno wat lah.. it's juz has veri meaningful sayings in it..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, December 15, 2008

since when i'm so caught up in ladies that r older and pretti.. but this particular lady from one of the big four juz caught my sight where everyone who have seen her before juz say so so loh.. haha.. different individuals perceive differently.. den again am i the only weirdo tat is mesmerized by her beauty and charm.. where everyone else beg to differ.. tml i will get to c her again.. lolz..

i have frenz tat broke off with their ex calling them up to settle some stuff several months later.. i was tinking wat kind of stuff still need to settle after so long.. well.. apparently my brain fails to function properly.. therefore i'm unable to derive possibilities.. haha.. pls enlighten me if u have any ideas..

i was so pissed off after being woken up by some stupid car alarm tempo.. i'm sure everyone heard it before.. many many different kind of sounds.. sibei kuku one leh.. my alarm havent even rang.. and juz when i tot it's my alarm tat went off.. i realized it's someone else alarm instead..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, December 14, 2008

it's been a year plus since the last entry.. well.. feel like blogging but den lazy.. n u can probably see tat jeremy had left us for a year le.. nvrtheless hope he can live well in his afterlife..

Okie so does tat mean i'm all reali for full time writing again? haha.. i myself not too sure either.. but it does imply a gd start mah.. lolz.. but den again dun pin too much hope ar.. I'm not like jo and step so dedicated in writing (though i used to b one!!) hahaha.. i will try my best ya.. ^_-

i was scanning thru the various channel and came across vasatham.. an official tamil channel.. u knw wat.. i do enjoy watching them occasionally bcuz they r quite funny at times.. somewhere in the midst one qns was posed.. wat is the expectation of woman? haha.. i do ponder awhile.. the actor den reply the actress.. well.. younger woman expects "comfort" while older woman expects "sympathy".. haha.. i was like wat the hell was tat ans loh.. i was still tinking woman expects someone who lurve them the whole of their life.. someone who can give them security.. etc.. i was totally off frequency.. haha.. and guess wat the actress reply after the actor gave her this ans.. she asked him so wat is the expectation of younger "gal"? lolz.. obviously she is classifying herself under the category of gals..

guess wat.. if u guys have a copy of pioneer magazine.. u should have seen a nostalgic face in it.. haha.. initially i tot is wayne kwan.. jo all time favourite man.. den i finali rem his name.. it's our bf lecturer melvyn.. rem mah? wasn't surprise at all becuz he himself is a retired colonel i tink.. haha.. missed the days where he slammed the table whenever he lectured..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, November 26, 2007

Goodbye my frenz.. Jeremy Zixiang 1983~2007

I know it's reali long since last entry.. And I would nvr expect that my first entry after so long will have to be about a frenz of mine who is gone forever.. I cried.. The sky cried.. Everyone who knows him cried..

When I know about this heartbreaking news on Sat.. I juz hope ppl I know are not on that crew.. We were once frenz.. We were once teammates.. We once shared the same passion.. We once said we will be back to our alumni team again.. Now everything is impossible.. He had moved on himself.. He made me realized how fragile life reali is.. He made me learnt to cherish whoeva is besides me.. He made me learnt not to take anything for granted.. He made me understand that anything can happen at any time any place.. Sumtimes u keep tinking why u owaz so unfortunate.. But u juz nvr realized there are many other ppl who aren't much betta off than u at all.. And we should probably be contented that we are still breathing till today..

Why must there be a whirlpool at the docking area?? It's so obvious that they are alreadi at the pontoon.. So near yet such tragedy still had to happen.. If only they reached there earlier.. Reali.. I reali wish they had..

Issues were raised of why they aren't wearing any vests.. To me.. Even if they are wearing vests.. Facing a strong whirlpool.. The vests are as good as useless even with them on.. *sigh* My deepest condolences to the five dragonboaters as well as their families.. I'm reali getting emo about this... Jer.. U will owaz be in my heart.. In the heart of our SIMDragons.. And in the heart of others who shared the same passion as u.. Goodbye and take care ok...

And my apology to Michi and the rest for not updating...

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, August 27, 2007

Army captain dies in race.. Second such fatality this year..

Juz last month.. Captain Ho Si Qiu finished a creditable 23rd out of 1369 runners at the 10km Saucony-100Plus Passion Run here..

Yest morning.. The 25 yrs old platoon commander from the OCS took on a bigger challenge - the 21km Singapore Bay Run.. Also known as the Safra Sheares Bridge Run or Army Half Marathon 2007..

But as he crossed the finishing line at 7am.. Abt one and a half hours after the race started.. CPT Ho collapsed and stopped breathing..

Medics attended to him within 30 secs.. At the medical post.. An intubation was performed and cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR.. Was carried out immediately.. But no heart rhythm was detected..

CPT Ho failed to respond and was sent to the SGH.. He was pronounced dead at 0807hrs..

Police have classified the case as unnatural death and are investigating..

CPT Ho's death is the second sudden death from running this year - the first athlete who died was 17 yrs old Thaddeus Cheong in June.. Juz after crossing the finishing line at a national triathlon selection trial for this yr's SEA Games..

Organizers of yest's run.. Which is into its 16th yr.. Said measures were in place to ensure the safety of the record 70,000 participants.. An increase of 5000 from last year.. There were 13 medic points set up and over 100 medical personnel deployed..

Said a spokesman for Safra: "During registration.. We advised participants to hydrate during race day.. Give their bodies adequate recovery time during training.. Give the bodies a complete rest before the actual race and take fluids at each of our water points.. "They were also advised not to take part if they feel unwell.."

Dr Vivian Balakrishnan.. The Community Development.. Youth and Sports Minister.. Who participated in the run.. Along with Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean said last night he was saddened by CPT Ho's death..

But he felt that the organizers had taken all possible safety measures..

Said Dr Balakrishnan: "As I was running.. I noticed there were many ambulances.. Medical teams and medical equipment.. This was one event in which the SAF.. I believe.. Made every effort to ensure medical cover was present.. Was available and was able to move into action immediately..

"At the finish line.. CPT Ho was treated by a full medical team inclusive of a doctor.. So.. At this time.. It appears that what measures that could be taken.. Were alreadi taken.."

This latest casualty comes at a time when the National Sports Safety Committee is due to release its report to the Singapore Sports Council (SSC)..

The 12-member committee is finetuning the report to ensure all areas of safety are covered and best measures are implemented..

Mr Balakrishnan's ministry is also studying a preliminary report submitted by the National Sports Safety Committee.. And is discussing the findings with relevant sports associations..

Unfortunately.. Being a regular in SAF is not as simple as performing duties on their part.. Juz wanna be honest.. On surface they alwayz said if not feeling well dun take part.. But did they ever know how many NSFs had been forced to take part in the half marathon.. Juz try ask ard and u will know.. If dun go.. Probably they will be issued with "threats"..

Juz as they speak abt transparency.. I reali wonder how transparent SAF is.. And juz how realistic the government is too.. U know all these events like half marathon etc plays a part in individual's assessment for promotion.. Same goes for Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT).. If u juz get a miserable pass.. Out u go.. Of cuz the final criteria still lies within the Current Expected Potential (CEP) being assessed even before one join the civil service.. Juz imagine all these little stuffs contribution to individual's assessment.. If I'm a regular like CPT Ho.. I will probably participate in the run even if I'm unwilling to.. Or even worse.. If I'm unwell.. Why? Cuz the world is realistic..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Anime in court: 2 ISPs, 2 different outcomes!!

Judge's ruling in favour of Pacnet against Odex only throws up more qns..

It was a case of third time unlucky for Odex in its application to court for a discovery order to find out the names of subscribers who had allegedly downloaded copyright infringing anime off the Internet..

After successfully obtaining such orders against Singnet and Starhub.. Its similar application against Pacnet failed last week..

Since similar information was sought in presumably similar circumstances against all three ISPs.. The natural qns that arises is why Pacnet succeeded where Singnet and Starhub had failed.. More imptly the decision throws up more qns abt the alreadi controversial saga..

District Judge Ernest Lau.. Who decided the Pacnet case.. Explained that the issues raised in Pacnet case were nvr fully argued in the Starhub case.. What he said abt the Singnet case was however more troubling: "For the Singnet case.. The orders were made by consent."

This means that Singnet did not even argue against Odex's application for subscriber info.. The ISP did not even instruct its lawyers to attend the court hearing of Odex's application..

The Telecommunications Competition Code (TCC) prohibits unauthorised release of subscriber info by ISPs.. Although TCC provision may be tramped by a court order.. Should Singnet not have argued against Odex's application rather than consent to it?

If ISP does not argue for its subscribers' rights to privacy.. Who will?

Without a voice in court.. The prohibition in the TCC becums effectively an empty promise.. One also wonders whether Singnet has acted in breach of the spirit of the TCC provision and if so.. Whether punitive measures are warranted..

So what were the arguments that Pacnet raised which the other ISPs had not?

Essentially.. Pacnet challenged both Odex's right to make the copyright infringement claims and the reliability of Odex's tracing of copyright infringers..

The challenge to Odex's claim was largely successfully becuz Odex was not the copyright owner or exclusive licensee of all but one anime video titled Mobile Suit Gundam Seed.. For all the rest.. It was a mere sub-licensee and therefore not entitled to pursue claims for copyright infringement - only copyright owners or exclusive licensees may do so..

Accordingly.. The court held that Odex had "no civil right of action under the Copyright Act against the persons whom the identities were sought"..

Copyright infringers should however bear in mind that even though Odex may not have the right to pursue such claims.. The actual copyright owners or exclusive licensees would have such a right..

It was reported that Odex might appeal against the Pacnet decision.. But what abt the enforcement action that Odex has alreadi taken? Should it desist from further pursuing any claims unless it manages to get the Pacnet decision reversed?

What abt the funds that Odex has collected in settlement of its supposed claims? Is Odex obliged to return those funds if the Pacnet decision is not overturned on appeal?

This brings to the fore another aspect of the Odex case - that the Odex letters of demand to subsribers were apparently not sent by lawyers but by Odex itself..

Letters of demand sent by lawyers are subject to rules on legal conduct.. For example.. A lawyer may not "demand anything other than that recoverable by due process of law"..

Should such provisions be made broader so as to embrace letters of demand sent by persons such as Odex as well?

Otherwise.. A client sending out letter of demand himself - even after procuring legal advice - may easily circumvent them..

Another interesting snippet from the decision of District Judge Lau concerns the costs incurred by Odex in tracing the copyright infringers.. Odex engaged an American company BayTSP to track the copyright infringers.. Odex's Peter Go had quoted an article in his affidavit.. Which highlighted the low cost of BayTSP's services - tracing up to 100 files for only $12 per mth.. With setup fee of $25 for 100 images..

In a notice that has been put up on its website.. Odex stated that "many of those who received Odex's letter have settled the matter.. The average amount of compensation paid by those who have settled is abt $3k to $5k.. And yet in a letter issued to the media last week.. Odex had said the total amount it has recovered so far "has not covered even 20 per cent of Odex's enforcement costs"..

The revelation of BayTSP's low costs heightens the mystery surrounding Odex's "enforcement costs" and revives the qns of whether the quantum of the sums demanded by Odex to settle its claims against copyright infringers is excessive..

In the fog of all the negative perceptions generated by Odex's pursuit of copyright infringers.. It should not be forgotten that copyright infringement is illegal and offenders run the risk of civil and criminal penalties..

But the Odex case has highlighed that all parties involved must pay more than lip service to the due process if the law..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Anime case: Odex had 'no right of civil action'..

Company was only a sub-licensee for titles.. Says judge's ruling..

ANIME distributor Odex had "no right of civil action" against illegal downloaders becuz it was just a sub-licensee - not the copyright owner or exclusive licensee - for most of the anime titles sold here..

That was the rationale behind the court's surprise dismissal of Odex's bid to get Pacnet to disclose its customers' identities.. The judge's 13-page grounds of decision was released to the media on Fri..

Nothing that the firm was also in no position to initiate criminal prosecution.. District Judge Earnest Lau - who on Thurs ordered Odex to pay legal costs of more than $7k - expressed unease over the hasty manner in which Odex tried to go after some 1000 Pacnet subscribers..

In particular.. He was unconvinced of the investigation method it used to uncover the IP addresses and pinpoint the alleged wrongdoers..

Industry observers had expected the court to rule in Odex's favour - esp after it had successfully forced two other ISP Starhub and Singnet - to hand over the data of those suspected of illegal downloading..

Nothing that Singnet did not engage lawyers to resist Odex's application.. Judge Lau raised several issues that he felt "were never fully argued before the court" in the hearing involving Starhub which was handled by a different judge..

Out of the 13 letters that Odex produced to support its claims that it was authorised to go after the illegal downloaders.. Only three parties - all distributors themselves - had "directly appointed" Odex to act for them.. The other 10 letters had authorised the Anti-Video Piracy Association (Singapore) to do so.. Judge Lau pointed out..

In its letters of demand.. Odex is asking for $3k to $5k compensation and also hinted of criminal prosecution should the subscriber refuse to pay up..

But the judge said under the Copyright Act.. "Only the copyright owner and the statutory exclusive licensee have the right to take action against copyright infringers"..

Odex appeared to be the exclusive licensee for just one title.. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed.. The judge added.. Even then.. The Act only gives the exclusive licensee the right to take civil action against the infringer..

For criminal prosecution.. The complaints must be brought about by the Attorney-General's Chambers or "the person aggrieved by the offence"..

Judge Lau said he "could not justify" compelling Pacnet to release the data unless Odex had an "extremely strong prima facie case" against the wrongdoers..

In this regard.. The evidence provided by Odex was found wanting.. Said the judge..

Last year.. Odex engaged BayTSP - an Internet investigation firm in the United States - to provide an online tracking solution to track down and collect details of unauthorised uploading and downloading of anime via BitTorrent.. A peer-to-peer online file sharing platform..

But the judge said Odex director Peter Go - who filed the affidavit - had "no proof" that his firm had engaged the services of BayTSP in this matter.. And neither did BayTSP give evidence in favour of Odex..

Peter Go merely provided articles and FAQ information on BayTSP's website on the services it provides..

Adding that he was "uncomfortable" with the "expediency by which (Odex) approached this case".. The judge said: "This is an application that will impact potentially thousands of persons.. The alleged breach of copyright is inferred from how the BitTorrent protocol works.. It is not sufficient for (Odex) to adduce website information before a court of law or for (Peter Go) to explain the mechanics.."

Even though Odex lost the case.. Judge Lau said: "If a clear case of infringement is proven.. Copyright owners and their exclusive licensees can expect pre-action assistance from the Court subject to the principles laid out (in the judgement).."

Nominated Member of Parliament and lawyer Siew Kum Hong said Judge Lau's judgement "seems to set a high bar" for such applications..

"Very often.. Including in the media.. There is insufficient recognition of people's rights.. Or even the rights of the infringers.. The judge put in a lot of effort and took pains to consider that.."

When contacted.. Peter Go said Odex would be appealing against the judgement..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, August 24, 2007

Odex loses case against PacNet!!

ISP need not reveal names of alleged anime freeloaders..

In a surprise ruling that throws a new twist into the ongoing Odex saga.. A court has ruled that Pacnet does not have to release the names of its subscribers accused of ripping content from the anime distributor..

The decision has raised some eyebrows because two other ISPs - Singnet and Starhub - had earlier been ordered to reveal the identities of their subscribers accused of a similar violation..

In a closed-door hearing at the Subordinate Courts yesterday.. District Judge Ernest Lau ruled that Pacnet did not have to give up the names of about 1000 subscribers who were accused of illegally downloading Odex's anime - Japanese cartoon and animation - series..

It was not clear if Odex would appeal against Mr Lau's decision.. Odex co-director Peter Go did not return telephone calls..

The judgment surprised observers and those who were served letters of demand by Odex..

"You're kidding!!" said lawyer Siew Kum Hong.. "You would expect the outcome of the three cases to be the same.."

The Nominated Member of Parliament added: "Starhub and Singnet users are now likely to start asking qns.. And we can also expect Odex to appeal.."

Starhub spokeswoman Jeannie Ong said the company was assessing its options.. "We dun know the specific situation under which the judge in Pacnet's appeal ruled in their favour.. It was a different judge handling their case.." she said..

A Singnet spokesman told Today that the telco had provided Odex with the names only after the firm produced a court order "and served it on us"..

Since May.. Odex has been cracking down on freeloaders and was successful in getting Singnet and Starhub to reveal the identities of customers who downloaded its anime illegally..

The company which is the main anime distributor here.. Subsequently served legal letters on the freeloaders - many of them teenagers - reportedly demanding payments of between $3k and $5k..

While the law appeared to be on Odex's side.. The company's tough action has angered some users.. Its other director.. Stephen Sing.. Has reportedly received death threats from angry anime fans..

There were also criticisms from observers that Odex's monetary demand from the freeloaders was excessive.. But in a letter to the media.. Odex said that the settlements it is seeking are not for damages.. But "reimbursement" of expenses incurred "in pursuing these enforcement matters"..

Meanwhile.. An Indonesian woman.. Whose teenage nephew was issued a letter by Odex to pay a sum of up to $5k is meeting Odex representatives today..

"I have spoken to several lawyers who have all asked me to pay the money and settle the case.." she said.. "The qns now is "how much" becuz $5k is too much.."

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Damn nice rite? A 3D painting roxs.. Imagine tis painting in the middle of Orchard.. Haha.. I like tat see also can feel tat thrill and fear of falling off the edges of the cliff.. Haha.. I knw it's lame lah.. But can reali feel it de mah.. Keke.. =p

And tis pic reali best loh.. Hahaha.. Damn lame loh.. But I tink it's kinda funni lah.. Where to hide it.. Haha.. Quite obvious rite.. LoLz..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, August 20, 2007

Anime downloads: Grey areas!!

It is appalling to learn tat customers' information can now be disclosed by SG's Internet Service Provider (ISP).. Tis is a breach of individual's right of privacy and with such a precedent in place.. Tis has paved a way for future lucrative business opportunities whereby companies juz issue fines instead of sticking to their original trades..

The recent attempt by SG distributor Odex to halt illegal downloads of Japanese animation raises many hard qns which need to be answered.. Japan distributors also granted Odex some 'Care' rights of various anime titles which is both under and not under their distribution rights.. One of such is Bleach..

First and foremost.. It was reported tat Odex had sought the identities of 1000 subscribers from each ISP (Singnet.. Starhub.. Pacific net..) Based on the reported compensation of btwn $3k and $5k per person.. Tis would net Odex sumting btwn $9 million and $15 million.. This raises the first qns.. Is tis sum to compensate royalties.. Investigation costs or administrative charges? Is it also Odex's prerogative to impose a 10 percent interest rate on instalment arrangements for people - often minors - who cannot afford such payment? Seems like it is much more rewarding to continue fining offenders than promoting their anime vcds or dvds..

Second.. Does Odex feel tat by fining those offenders den these offenders will buy items frm Odex? They probably wun at all.. So now instead of drawing customers to Odex's items.. Odex is as gd as chasing its potential clients away.. On top of tat.. Let's juz establish an example.. If they are 20000 ppl downloading anime.. 5000 out of the 20000 ppl were caught and fined.. Of cuz tis will act as a deterrent to the rest.. Yes they will stop downloading.. But tis wun turn them towards Odex's items either.. In reality these 15000 ppl will start to hate Odex instead.. And start to boycott their items juz like NTU students..

Third.. Odex is not the sole distributor of all Japanese animation in SG.. Poh Kim and Blue Max also license popular series such as Bleach and Naruto respectively.. While some titles remain completely unlicensed.. Why are they unlicensed? Becuz these unlicensed titles aren't tat popular.. In other words.. Distributors targeted popular anime and licensed them in order to exploit profit from it..

Unfortunately.. There is no way for average internet user to knw which series come under Odex.. Its website is perennially under construction and the only unofficial list is one compiled by netizens on Wikipedia.. How can Singaporeans respect Odex's copyrights when they do not even knw wat Odex has rights over?

In addition.. An extensive list of licensed Japanese animation can be found on website of Anti-Video Piracy Association Singapore.. Or extensively known as Avpas.. However.. It appears frm visits to local shop ard SG tat most of these series are simply not.. If ever.. Released for sale.. A reasonable production time-lag is acceptable.. But when the wait is four yrs and counting.. Tis business practice becums rather dubious.. With such few releases.. Wat are the consumers expected to do? Cum on loh.. Consumers wun be waiting tat long juz for its release..

Not to mention.. The quality of the releases are utterly disappointing.. Dun even bother to start with the packaging.. The subbing is of a quality which consumer dun expect frm a professional product.. And it's for sure that in SG.. Companies themselves download fansubs as a reference to their own subbing.. I wonder whether Peter.. Boss of Odex.. Need to pay the fine as well? Cuz he does Subs for his products from FanSubs.. If he dun obey the law.. Who will.. How's tat for professionalism?

Lastly.. Odex explained tat it was compelled to take further action when rampant downloading persisted even after Odex sent letters to 17 illegal downloaders in May tis yr.. Does tis mean tat those who heeded the warning will not be penalized if they stopped promptly from May?

It is imperative tat these issues are addressed if SG wishes to remain a clear.. Transparent and intellectual property-abiding nation..

Though the law must be respected but it should nvr be exploited by the likes of so-called law enforcer wannabes!!

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, August 13, 2007

I went to catch Jay's new movie Secret.. Starring Xiaojie.. Xiaoyu.. Sky.. And other ppl like the rugby players (They sibei funny one loh.. Haha..) And discipline master (Anthony Huang Qiu Sheng).. I tink overall it's nice.. At least to me.. Funny at times.. Sad at times.. Shocking at times.. Nice animation at times.. Though in reality such thing dun reali happen.. But sometimes u will wish that why not it juz happen to me.. Sometimes it's not a bad thing to hope for such miracle also.. Den ur life will be much more exciting mah.. Ppl who lurve piano will lurve this show.. U will have an urge to pick up piano.. Haha..

I was hoping to hear the song by Jay somewhere in the movie.. But only managed to catch it only at the end.. Kinda disappointing though.. Nvrtheless it's a gd movie.. *Thumbs up* Hope u guys will go to watch it.. The ending is veri qiang.. Cuz I will nvr expect Jay to be so brave.. Sacrificial is necessary.. But does that person reali deserve one's sacrifice.. And Jay make his choice to forsake the present.. I guess not many can make such brave decision in their life.. Haha..

No more spoilers le lah.. Juz go watch it.. It's a 100 mins movie.. But I feel like being in there for duno how long loh.. My arse was painful loh.. Oops!! =X Haha.. Rem to bring someone u like to watch it.. Pray hard that they will cried and lean on ur shoulders!! Muwahahaha.. That's Kakashi's number 9 ninjutsu.. Heeee.. =p Ok lah joking lah!! But it will be gd if u bring ur bf or gf to watch it.. So that they will learn to cherish u more.. And not take each other for granted.. That is wat I feel an individual can learn from the movie itself.. Quite educational rite? Haha.. >.<~ And Rush Hour 3 is nice too.. I din watch it yet.. But I heard from others.. So dun whack me if u think tat it's not nice..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Still rem Superband Champion Mi Lu Bing? I seriously tink that their new album rocks!! Quite a number of nice songs.. Maybe u guys should go listen to it.. I lurve their yong qi.. Liang Jing Ru's Yong Qi.. But I rem Step told me tat this song sang by them suxs.. But I tink it's nice.. Haha.. =) Anyway a few more songs like Tian Shi Juan Lian (天使眷恋) and Lei (泪) are damn nice.. If possible I will upload them..

I juz can't believe I will reveile at 4+ in the early morning and send my frenz off.. Actuali after sending my frenz off yest at airport.. I suddenly juz realized that actuali how much u missed someone is actuali depends on how much they meant to u.. And how much they took up in ur heart.. Hmmx.. I knw it's oni for juz 12 days.. But yet somehow I was like reluctant.. I guess tat happened when Joa and Step left too..

Actuali there's this breaking news circulating within NTU itself.. I do not knw the integrity of it.. But betta be safe than sorri.. Ok I shall begin by saying.. Juz last week there are these 3 NTU undergrads.. 2 guys and a gal.. They were jogging ard NTU I tink.. And we all knw that guys' stamina is much much betta than gal.. So that 2 guys jog further ahead.. Leaving that gal behind.. And this gal was being dragged away by 2 bangla.. And she was raped by them.. When she was dragged to the construction site.. There are another 10 of them waiting for their turns.. I mean 2 of them alreadi damn damn bad liao loh.. And another 10 is waiting.. This is reali a bad trauma.. That 2 guys reali will live in guilt for the rest of their life loh.. And we knw NTU will nvr publicize such news.. Cuz of reputation.. And no one will ever stay in NTU hostel again.. Juz a reminder to those reading.. Esp guys.. Nvr nvr ever leave ur female frenz alone.. Esp in the nite.. Alwayz stick to them like glue.. Even if they asked u to fark off.. Juz ignore them lah.. Rem guys' strongest attribute is "one ear go in.. the other ear go out.." I believe u all have mastered tat alreadi.. And I believe u will rather that u are the one being hurt instead of them lah.. And those who has female frenz staying at NTU or even NUS hostel.. Juz caution them ba..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I simply hate the roll over advertisement at the bottom of msn.. It suxs totally.. Cuz whenever I'm dead.. I will alt-tab to exit my cs to take a look at my msn.. And after tat I will click on the bottom tab to switch back my cs.. And the mouse went past the advertisement.. And when I return to my cs screen.. The advertisement is there playing happily.. And I mean it reali playing at my cs screen happily than ever!! WTF!! Blocking my view loh.. I feel so stupid if I had to make a full 90 degree detour from the advertisement to click on my cs tab.. Ain't tat idiotic!! Zzzz..

Have u guys seen Xiaxue recent entry? Where she ranked SG top seven disgusting bloggers.. Maia and Steven Lim both kena.. Oh my gosh.. It's reali declaring war.. And if u realized most of them are artistes.. Well.. And tat is like being shoot like hell.. Laozhabor means old woman.. I believe u all knw tat.. Go read and u will understand wat I mean.. And u will know who is laozhabor also.. That auntie starring in "Juz Follow Law".. I'm not going to comment anything in here.. If not later kena ranked top eight also duno.. I'm innocent.. Hahahaha.. >.<~

Ivy gonna rom in 5 mths time.. So her nick said.. 5 more mths I'll be called Mrs Heng.. Haha.. I was tinking of calling her Auntie Heng instead.. Muwahahaha.. Or should I called her Princess Heng? Haha.. Anyway the title of Princess no longer valid for her ever since she becum cao lao.. Oops!! Muwahahahaha.. =X

The Bleach fillers are gonna end this Thurs le loh.. Yeahz.. Cuz from 136 onwards will be back to storyline again..

Bleach 135: Kon is Deceived!! Rangiku on the Lookout..
Bleach 136: Hueco Mundo civil war!! Ulquiorra's death..
Bleach 137: Battle of bad faith, Aizen's trap..

Oh ya I have not yet killed the silent lurker Huimin yet!! Huimin I'm gonna kill u for "wahahaha at me"!! Hahaha.. =p Maybe I should watch Polly Pocket instead rite.. LoLz.. I tink that will be worst loh.. She will probably be muwahahaha instead of wahahaha.. *shake head* =p

I was still tinking wat Sherry is toking abt the photo in Joa's entry.. *scratching head* Haha.. Now I get it.. Horhor.. Nice scandalous photo there.. Oops!! Hehehe.. =p Okie okie I knw I will be dead bird when Step and Joa return.. Haha.. I will exile myself first..p

Btwn Ly.. Starcraft 2 roxs!! Haha.. Let's go get it and rampage together.. Wahahaha.. =p

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Even though sch ends.. I still check the portal daily to see wat's happening ard.. I was wondering does it happen to me or everyone doing the same stuff.. Hahaha.. >.<~ I think sch starts yest liao.. No wonder the portal suddenly popped up with lotsa news and notices.. Now I juz check all the new mails.. And juz click delete.. Wahahaha.. Damn shiok leh.. No need see.. Cuz not affected by it anyway.. Unless convocation loh.. Hehe.. =p

First Eddie.. Now Chris.. Like wat Ly said.. Wat is happening to WWE?? One by one left the world.. Heard that it's becuz of steriods' side effect that cuz Benoit to suffer from depression.. Hence killing his wife and son.. And den commit suicide.. Haix.. Still tot of going Bugis to see him during this July Summerslam.. But.. =/

Recently one of the Superband member died too.. Still rem Soul? The second place of the overall contest with Mi Lu Bing as Champion.. One of them died in the car.. Probably committed suicide.. That's wat I guess.. Guys only have two problems.. First is money.. Second is lurve.. But since he has an extremely well to do family background.. So it's left with the latter option.. But he dun seem so vulnerable.. Well.. It's not easy to sustain mental stress esp when there are many issues cuming towards ya at the same time..

Have ya guys watched Transformers yet?? Haha.. Heard it veri veri nice.. Must watch.. Everyone saying that loh.. Sf watched it and said he dun mind watching the second time.. Hehehe.. *Evil tots came across my mind* Cuz I was looking for ppl to accompany me see loh.. Hahaha.. So I asked Sf loh.. Since he dun mind.. But I told him I'm not going to pay for his ticket hor.. LoLz.. =X As for Ocean 13.. Some said nice.. Some said suxs.. Upcuming Die Hard 4.0 i seem nice leh.. Hahaha.. Wait for Sf to leech frm the Chinamen!! LoLz.. But Sf is complaining abt the Shrek 3 he leeched from the Chinamen.. Haha.. He was saying wat the fark lah.. Visual wise is okie but audio wise suxs.. I was tinking in my heart.. Must be chinese audio loh.. Wahahaha.. Cuz from China mah.. I nearly silently laughed till fall off my chair loh!! But he said not that problem.. Instead it's echoing thru out the whole movie.. But I still tink that dubbing in chinese is terrible lah.. Imagine the gingerbread boi toking in mandarin.. LoLz.. Sf told me tat new AMK hub is up.. He said it's even better than the current TPY hub.. Wow.. Seem interesting leh.. Shall explore the new aircon interchange soon.. Haha.. And heard food veri nice.. If not nice.. I will kill Sf with my own hands!! Muwahahaha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sorri for not updating for so long.. Haha.. Was busy doing other stuff.. *Fingers crossing behind* LoLz.. Juz that I'm lazy lah.. Though I'm on com 24 hrs everyday.. But my contact with the keyboard is on key A.. S.. D.. W.. Space bar.. Ctrl.. And the mouse loh.. Must be wondering why only these keys that I touched.. That's the keys for me to frag.. Haha.. So I'm basically fragging for promotion.. I'm working towards the rank of Brigadier General.. Haha.. And that will take me duno how many tons of frags.. =p

I was looking thru the portal.. Den saw the sem schedule for the cuming new sem.. So I clicked on Sem 6 first.. I saw the usual modules.. But how cum no SM.. In my mind I tinking knn loh.. (Pardon me for swearing!! Haha.. I'm amicable most of the times!! =p) Why we always the last batch to kena shit stuff like SM? LoLz.. Den my memories told me that we are not the only sem taking SM that time.. So I went to click on Sem 5 schedule.. Yup and so it was rite that from now on SM will be in Sem 5.. So to satisfy my curiosity.. I practically can click on every single sem schedule lah.. From Sem 6 to 1.. Hahaha.. I know I'm boliao lah.. =p

Joa and Step had left us for exactly one mth four days.. They reali enjoyed alot.. From the pics I have seen.. Haha.. Not bad not bad.. By the way.. Step u should go see One Piece 312.. U will cry again.. Esp when it's accompanied with the song called "Dear Frenz" by Triplane.. When u free den listen to it.. I have uploaded it in my playlist.. Haha.. But must watch with that episode den powerful lah.. The translation of the lyrics is veri qiang also.. All in all.. It's juz like Chopper's story.. Reali veri nice.. Haha.. Anyway it's abt the story of Merry..

It was my first time watching Initial D.. As in I din watch that time it was released in cinema.. Haha.. I tink Jay reali act quite well.. As in Takumi is always like tat in the world of anime loh.. Jay brings out Takumi's personality.. Den the "Yi Lu Xiang Bei" is damn nice lah.. Though I listened that long time ago.. Somehow I realized every songs has their own uniqueness and a point where it forces ppl into a state of subconsiousness..

Be it whether it is a chinese.. English or Jap.. As long as the lyrics hit u in some ways.. One will kinda put himself or herself into the story of that song.. It's true.. Reali.. That's why we have the category of sad and happy songs.. Happy songs of cuz will make one happy.. Sad songs of cuz will make one sad.. Sad songs like what many mentioned are also know as "commit suicide songs".. Haha.. But it's still up to individual's mental ability to differentiate btwn reality and illusion loh.. I dun deny sometimes when I listen to some songs.. Will make me cry lah.. But that's only happened when something happened at that point of time loh.. It's not cheap to make a drop of tear loh.. It took 10mg of amino.. 7mg of h2o.. 5mg of sodium.. And 3mg of chlorine.. Haha.. Well.. I juz anyhow say one lah.. Muwahahahaha.. Dun believe me!! I bet some of u believe wat I said rite? Heeee.. Juz dun cum taking parang after me!! =p

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, May 28, 2007

This is the song by Redwan Ali.. Song from Mars vs. Venus.. Tonite last episode.. Rem to watch.. =) I simply lurve this song to bits.. Dedicated to my frenz in US.. Take care of one another.. Cuz building frenzship is nvr easy in the first place.. Harmony is the route to everlasting frenzship.. Jiayou everyone!!

If I were blue.. Would u be there for me..
And whisper in my ears that's ok..
Would u stand by me.. Let me hold u tight..
And say u love me one more time..

If I feel good.. Would u slow dance with me..
And touch my lips with tender loving care..
Would u die for me.. Would u run with me..
And never look back..

Would u be there to love.. To be with me..
Would u swear that ur love is always true..
Would u say that u'll always be the one.. To take my breath away..

Would u be there to love.. To be with me..
Would u swear that ur love is always true..
Would u say that u'll always be the one.. To take my breath away..

Would you be there..

If I will wait.. Would u still think of me..
And wished that u could hold me now..
Would u die for me.. Would u run with me..
All the way..

Would u be there to love.. To be with me..
Would u swear that ur love is always true..
Would u say that u'll always be the one.. To take my breath away..

Would u be there to save my soul tonight..
Would u swear that ur love is always true..
Would u say that u'll always be there..
To kiss my pain away..

Would u be there to love.. To be with me..
Would u swear that ur love is always true..
Would u say that u'll always be the one.. To take my breath away..

Would u be there to save my soul tonight..
Would u swear that ur love is always true..
Would u say that u'll always be there..
To kiss my pain away..

Would u be there.. For me..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, May 26, 2007

First of all Happy Bday to Liyee!!! May all ur wishes and dreams cum true!!! =D

Finali they set off for Yellowstone.. Parting seem difficult.. But it's a process afterall.. Everyone has to gone through it someday.. Whether is it going to happen now or future.. It juz will happen someday.. Like proverb says.. There's no indispersable banquet.. I wondered how they are now.. Though did tok to Step 2 days ago.. Rite now they are probably busy working since it's morning for them..

Hahaha.. I tink I also duno wat to write.. I juz feel tired somehow.. Sometimes though there are many things happening ard u.. But one juz dun feel like saying it out.. Haha... Maybe juz too lazy to say.. Or it juz seem no point to say it out.. LoLz.. Gonna change my slack attitude liao lah.. Time to tink in a mature way liao.. Haha.. No more small boy thinking le.. =/

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, May 17, 2007

When the last announcement was made to stop writing.. It juz simply implying that it's time to get my arse into the working world (Provided din tabao).. Keke.. Aren't humans self-deceiving? When they are studying.. They hate exams so much that they wish they can get into the society to work.. And when they get into the society to work.. There are so much politics that they wish to study again..

Four days three nites.. It was fun.. Mahjong and ps-ing.. But nothing still beats the thrill of nite cycling.. Destination Changi V.. Tat distance is juz nice comparing to Geylang.. Haha.. Which will reali kill me!! I was supposed to lead the rest to the destination.. Haha.. But u knw one lah.. I'm still newbie in cycling loh.. Nvrtheless still try loh.. But in the end I juz stayed in the back so the rest can go ahead.. Ly will be accompanying be behind..

From start to final destination.. It wasn't smooth for me at all.. Either I lose balance fall into pits.. If not I becum a crash dummy.. Crashing into stuffs like railings and water barriers.. The railings is worst.. I rubbed my left forearm from one end to another until kena burns.. Machiam can light up fire.. Haha.. I'm exaggerating "the one end to another".. Haha.. =p But tat's reali painful lah.. Imagine when u are down the slope at high speed and u "bua" against the railings with that speed.. It suxs loh..

And wat made me feel funny is that water barrier incident.. Haha.. I simply threw myself into it like nobody's business.. And apparently I'm hugging the barrier as though I'm being suck by a gigantic vacuum cleaner.. LoLz.. And that damn Sf is laughing like mad.. Ok I knw it's quite exaggerating to hug the barrier until like tat lah.. But I can't help it leh.. Hehehe.. Heng it's nite loh.. If not alot ppl will see it.. >_<~ Eh I think the wound is getting abit erxin liao leh.. Esp that one from the arm.. Haha.. Go out must put dressing on it.. If not wait scare tio ppl.. LoLz.. And I dun wan to mummified myself until so over.. =p

Lastly.. Thankz to all those who make themselves free for the bbq.. Esp Charmaine.. Jolene.. Mandy.. Raz.. Trish.. Reali appreciate ur presence.. Thankz and thankz again!! ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, April 19, 2007

How's everyone preparation on the exams.. I think I'm still slacking.. But I believe there's always somebody even more slack than me.. -----> Pointing to Step.. LoLz.. Correct rite!! Dun even pretend to turn ur head and ask who who.. 就是你!! Hahahaha..

I flipped the SM notes.. And seriously I feel that the notes damn suxs.. Hmmx.. Let see what are the words I used to describe it.. It's messy and untidy.. And is there reali a need to have so many diagrams around?? I juz wondered loh.. Initially I tot the notes was prepared by Rodney.. But realized the name below belongs to Peter O'Neil.. Chey.. I still wanna curse Rodney for being so unprofessional.. Haha.. Oops.. Rodney kept emphasizing that Peter O'Neil is gonna be merciless.. Cuz he is a simi pure royal blood of simi academic blah blah blah.. Zzzz.. Well.. Who reali care abt that lah.. We juz wan to get over this shit and enjoy our last holidays.. Keke..

It's gonna be 12mid soon.. On behalf of those who known our bday gal.. Let's wish Sherry a happy bday.. May all ur wishes cum true.. And always stay bubbly and chirpy!! =^-^=

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Went to look for HelloBB today.. Enter his room heard this eerie sound.. Eeeek.. I saw this game he is playing.. Walao veri scary game.. Worst than Resident Evil.. That game is exactly the conversion of movie Ju-On.. Reali loh.. I'm not dua kang.. Title of is called Ku-On.. U see the name also resemble the movie.. The opening scene turned me off.. *shivers* And I juz kena scared a couple of times.. >_<~ Definitely not a game to play in the nite.. HelloBB also said he scared to play in the nite.. LoLz.. And hor.. The analog will vibrate de mah.. When u reaches some places which u most likely will contact with monsters.. Or should I say undead instead.. It will vibrate juz like our heart beat loh.. Thumping slowly.. It juz simulated exactly how the player is feeling currently.. That anxiety and nervousness reali chill through our central nervous system.. Interested to know why it chills my freaking bones? Ask HelloBB to bring along for demonstration at chalet.. Hahaha..

Ever tried Dynasty Warriors chaos mode before.. Umpteen times when HelloBB and me wanted to try and complete once.. It's always either me KO or he KO.. Reali veri hard.. Seriously I tink they are cheating loh.. CHEATERS!!! Wahahaha.. =P

I'm falling deeper and deeper into Bleach and Naruto Shippuuden.. Like wat HelloBB mentioned.. It's getting climax soon.. *Nodding my head* I juz can't wait to see the next next and next episode.. I juz wanna fly myself down to Japan and watch there.. Haha.. And I simply luv the new opening theme.. Nice nice..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's the last lecture for everyone.. I guess everyone will be thinking time reali flies.. Ard 1095 days have passed by so far.. Okie not exactly 1095 days.. Plus minus ten percent limit..

I had my breakfast with Alys and Jm.. Went for the drive through Mac at King Albert.. The auntie was laughing at us.. I think is me loh.. >_<~ Maybe I seem abit gong abt what I wan.. Cuz it supposed to be the driver to make orders mah.. Instead Alys said it for me.. Haha.. Had our breakfast outside LT.. And Rodney came out.. He went to tok to the sch staff which were sitting there.. Crapping here and there abt the escalators which will be up soon this Sept..

Ivy went past us.. Asked me why so early eat breakfast.. I reali duno how to reply her loh.. *Faint* Jm was giggling when Ivy said that.. Having breakfast at 9+ is early huh? LoLz.. I was telling Jm that if dun eat now den eat when.. During lunch meh.. Haha.. Xx appeared a while later.. Once she opened her mouth to speak.. She will start to make me laugh.. She is hilarious to extreme.. I forgot what's the thing that started making me the victim for Xx.. And she was saying that she like guys older than her.. Haha.. But I alreadi know abt her lorry driver liao leh.. Haha.. Lorry driver aka bf loh.. She was asking who betrayed her.. Alys straight away said it's Jm.. LoLz.. Cuz Jm r/s with me is better.. Haha.. Alys must be damn gd at archery.. Hahaha.. I guess I do not need to explain u guys also understand what that mean lah.. Yt came by later.. So we dragged him to join us.. Haha.. Den I straight away victimized Yt.. I tell Xx that Yt also older than her.. Keke..

After SM lecture.. Everyone was busy taking photos here and there.. Cuz it's the last and final moment for being classmates.. Anyway I took with my clique and my baobei's grp.. Hahaha.. Aiya din realized Xh also wanna take with me.. Nvm still got nxt time.. After last paper still can.. Yeahz.. I always think Rodney is veri yaya papaya.. And when I had my last conversation with him.. It was like.. Aiya I also duno how to explain.. It's veri subjective feelings ba.. But kinda enjoyed the tok with him..

Juz as the Devils pwned Roma on 8-3 aggregate.. Milan and Liverpool are the same time in for the semis.. Devils vs Milan.. Chelsea vs Liverpool.. As many speculated the final will be Devils vs Liverpool.. But I hope Chelsea will be in instead.. Haha.. Cuz I wanna see Mourinho's reaction.. Seeing the cup is near yet so far.. I still prefer the blues getting raped by the reds.. LoLz..

Was overnite with Ly.. Sf and Step yest.. Had our winning 11.. But reali quite sad.. Everyone like no form.. So in the end.. Played until shagged.. Nvm nvm.. We will conquer again at chalet.. Haha.. Eh I was thinking how did is my sleeping style yest.. I knw that someone opened the door and kitchen light.. But I not sure who is it.. Cuz Ly's floor is damn chilling.. Machiam made from ice blocks.. I wanna went over to hugz Sf for some warmth.. Wahahahaha.. =X

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, April 09, 2007

During the last grading.. There is this pair of malay sisters sparring each other.. And guess what I saw.. The grader like hoping them to kill each other.. I saw his evil grins on his face when the sisters hit each other hard with the ping ping pong pong sound.. *Shivers* Machiam sadist loh.. Anyway after this grading.. Life will no longer be easy animore.. Haha.. Haix.. Cuz it's means I will have to know every single taegueks at my fingertips.. It like playing games.. Once summon.. Must do it straight away without having second tots of what it is.. Oh ya.. Andy now becuming veri great liao leh.. Standing beside the grader giving instructions to the gradees.. Instructor level liao loh..

Finali all the assignments are done.. From MC.. To SM.. Den to WIL2.. I think the evaluations are super er xin loh.. Juz writing on myself is alreadi so headache liao.. Still need to do for everyone.. The problem is.. It's difficult to change the style and stuffs u write in different forms.. Reali boliao lah..

And no one will like believe us when we said we haven start our WIL2 yet.. Sometimes I juz can't help to admit that we are pros.. Wahahaha.. =X But cuming to think of it.. Wrapping everything up within 72hrs is still my first time.. Haha.. Anyway our journey will end this May provided if nvr tabao lah.. And I'm super duper looking forward to the cuming chalet.. Let's hope this will be the most memorable one before the one I luv left for United States.. Keke..

I was at Caltex.. I saw this face veri familiar.. It's looks like Gurmit Singh.. Well.. I guess it's him.. He drives a black Chevrolet.. Carplate SFJ7846G.. Haha.. Wanna buy 4D mah? LoLz..

When I was on my way to sch for MC lect.. There's an ambulance three car length in front of me.. From the back u can see every car suddenly filter out from the right lane.. I was thinking that if switching on the lights and siren can have such priviledge.. Den I should also put one and try.. LoLz.. Anyway I heard that some of these ambulances are faking an emergency.. Cuz they wan to go to some places faster.. So switched on the light.. Blah blah blah..

Anyway I was happily on the right when I glanced on my rear mirror and to my shock saw blue flashing lights.. U must be thinking it's police.. It's not oni police.. It's TP somemore.. Right behind me.. So I have to get my arse off the right for it to pass.. After it passed me.. The car in front of me refused to filter off.. Den kena signalled by that TP.. It juz means "Hey u!! U better get the hell out of this lane for me to pass.. If not I'm going to book u for hindering 司法公正" Hahaha..

I saw this gal in our class which looks like KC.. Den I asked Step to see.. He said looks more like Ivy.. But after he see again.. He said eh she looks like KC leh.. Hahaha.. But too bad not much chance to see her again.. Unless tml SM she shown herself up.. Den we will ask the real KC to see.. LoLz.. But I think she's a repeated student leh.. Cuz in my memory I dun rem seeing her in Sem 3.. Which means if she is a direct intake student I should have her data by now cuz her looks is not bad mah.. LoLz.. >_<~ Unless she is like that Legend of our class.. Appearing oni a couple of times.. And this Legend is none but our Yang Guo!! Muwahahahaha.. =X Anyway i think her frenz is Joa's frenz also.. Haha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Juz as the time go past 12mid.. Several msgs came in.. It was sweet of them.. The most hilarious one will be Ly.. He told me my surprise will be in hall at 0930hrs sharp.. LoLz..

Juz when I reached sch.. I received a small piece of choco cake.. It was reali sweet and totful.. She even brought candles.. But I dun wan to light it cuz abit paiseh mah.. The song is sang in a veri low tone if not might disturb the others ard..

By the way.. The test seem straightforward but it's kinda need alot of writing.. Anyway juz hope can make it with a pass.. Haha.. After the paper.. I walked towards the stage.. Praba was there.. He den said "U are SpenCer rite.." Haha.. Waaa.. He so fast find out who I am liao.. Cuz I asked him too much stuffs.. And the sign off name makes him wondered who I am.. LoLz.. At first he tot it's Ly.. But surname different.. Haha.. But he's someone nice to chat with.. Hurhur..

Had a celebration at TM sakae after the paper.. Was reali full.. And when u are full.. U tends to becum sleepy.. Sf and me were closing our eyes.. Yawnz.. Special guest appearance is Hm.. Was surprised to see her here.. Okie a kiss for her.. Muackx.. Keke.. Anyway thankz to Joa.. Hm.. Ly.. Sf.. Sherr and Step for the treat.. Was so full that I can skip dinner.. Hahahaha..

And also thankz to Eve.. Jac.. Kelly.. Ah Han.. Ah Ling.. Ah Mu.. Yj.. And many many more for their warming greetings.. =^-^=

Today nearly tempted to buy Konoha's Jounin suit.. LoLz.. Den Sf wear one and I wear one to sch.. LoLz.. Or maybe the Bleach Taisa constume.. Den Step wear one and we wear one.. Wahahaha.. >_<~

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wii Conspiracy Roundup

The Nintendo Wii was released on 19 Nov 06.. Nearly four months ago.. Got one yet? Of course u dun.. And dun go looking for one either.. Unless u've got an insider at a gaming store or the tenacity to call one every day to inquire about their next shipment.. If not u're not going to get one soon..

Yet the Wii is a gaming phenomenon and unlike the PS 3.. Includes no technology of note that hasn't been around for many years..

So why aren't we soaking in Wiis? Have a look at some of the conspiracy theories on the Internet.. Strictly for ur amusement..

First there's the obvious that Nintendo is artificially keeping supply low in order to keep demand high throughout 2007.. That would make sense if Nintendo was charging higher prices now.. But it isn't.. And so it's losing out on millions every week by failing to fulfill demand and possibly losing sales to other consoles..

Big box retailers are hoarding them for big sale days.. The idea is that if they advertise Wiis on the weekend.. They'll get big traffic on those days and sell lots of paper towels and Pokemon junk (specifically mentioned are Target and Toys R Us)..

On the more absurd side.. A variety of lawsuits have stopped Nintendo from producing more consoles.. Ok except it is still producing consoles.. Juz not enough for everyone..

A game store employee offered this to one Yahoo! Tech shopper: "Nintendo is at the end of its fiscal year so they aren't sending them out.." Well.. He said "physical year," but they know what he meant.. And unfortunately that argument is inane.. When companies get near the end of a fiscal year.. They invariably try to sell more.. Not less as it makes the numbers look better..

And of course.. A-list NBA players have all the consoles.. Even B-list players can't get them.. And here's an interesting twist: Independent Wii developers can't even get hardware, as Wii publishers have taken all the consoles..

What's the truth? Well.. It should be obvious if u've ever bought a game console in the past.. Gaming companies are notorious for mismanaging their launches by not having enough product on hand for release and being unable to fulfill demand for months at a time.. The Xbox 360 was tough to get for close to a year.. If u'll recall and like the Wii it doesn't feature any outrageously next-gen technology..

What can u do to get one? Be patient.. Shop on eBay or Craigslist if u're desperate.. And make friends with someone at a store that sells Wii hardware so u can get in line early the day they come in.. Or just do what I do: Enjoy your PS2 and 360 for the time being..

Class 2007

Superminis - Compact hatchbacks combine chic looks with good manoeuvrability..
Top pick: Suzuki Swift (From $52,000 with COE)

Compact cars - Easy to drive and park yet big enuff for a family's day out.. These cars are practical and economical to run..
Top pick: Hyundai Verna (From $43,899 with COE)

Family cars - These mid-sized cars have performance.. Practicality.. Refinement and comfort on long drives..
Top pick: Honda Civic

Large cars - Image is the key in this class but strong performance and a well-equipped interior are also impt attributes..
Top pick: Toyota Camry (From $90,988 with COE)

Compact executive cars - Sporty four-door saloons that used to be seen as cars for yuppies but now appeal to a broader clientele..
Top pick: BMW 3 Series (From $139,800 with COE)

Executive cars - For those who want plenty of comfort and a touch of luxury but dun see the need for a massive limousine..
Top pick: BMW 5 Series (From $183,800 with COE)

Luxury cars - These full-sized saloons completely pamper their passengers and have presence on the road..
Top pick: Mercedes-Benz S-Class (From $298,888 with COE)

Station wagons - Once viewed as utilitarian workhorses.. Station wagons have in recent years become cool lifestyle accessories..
Top pick: Volvo V50 (From $122,500 with COE)

Multi Purpose Vehicles - The swiss Army Knives of the car world.. Modern MPVs are spacious and have flexible seating arragements..
Top pick: Kia Carens ($66,999 with COE)

Sports Utility Vehicles - No one buys SUV to go jungle-bashing.. The selling points are the high seating position and versatile cabin..
Top pick: Lexus RX 400h ($171,121 with COE)

High performance cars - These fast cars cost less than Ferraris and Lamborghinis but they can make juz as much of a statement..
Top pick: Audi R8 (Estimate $450,000 to $500,000 with COE)

Sports cars - Delivering maximum smiles per mile and per dollar is what separates a good sports car from a great one..
Top pick: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR ($144,988 with COE)

There will be several releasing of new cars models this year.. Such as the new Mercedez C-Class.. BMW 3 Series Convertible.. Chrysler Sebring.. Etc.. Wun be discussing on these cars since they are not like to be affordable for the time being.. The affordable ones will be stated below except Lancer since the market price is still yet announced..

Prices for the new Vios which officially goes on sale next week have alreadi been announced.. The entry level J model starts at $49,299 with COE while the mid range E model costs $52,288 with COE.. There's also a G version which comes with Lexus-style Optitron meters and split-folding rear seats for $56,288 with COE.. All models have a 109bhp 1.5 litre engines and anti-lock brakes as standard..

The all-new Mitsubishi Lancer will arrive in SG by the middle of this year.. It will be considerably more expensive than the hugely popular older model.. The car is slightly larger than Honda Civic and the top range version has a 2.0 litre engine and a six-speed continuously variable transmission.. A 1.5 litre model will also be available..

So have what kinds of cars u have in mind now.. Step will definitely go for Swift since he like it so much.. Anyway the new Vios seems to be much rounder on appearance.. Maybe should call that smooth curving.. Haha.. As for the interior.. The only special thing is the center meter position.. I was wondering like that quite hard for driver to see the speed leh.. Anyway the boot can be opened without using keys or triggering the boot lock by the side of the driver's seat.. Now can automatically open with remote from the keys.. It 4 disc brake also enhance maximum braking performance..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Today SM morning not alot ppl came.. When I asked abt the noon class.. It's even worst.. Info I heard is there are oni 12 ppl in the noon class.. That's reali a shocking number.. Well.. Of cuz there will be ppl finishing faster and earlier.. Vice versa.. Such scenario always happen when there is assignment due.. Esp when that particular assignment is a super duper tedious and need alot of head cracking to do..

Mr Cosplay's Otaku House is currently situated at TM outside Long John Silver.. That's great.. Cuz last time at Cineleisure is far mah.. Aiya it's not that far.. But compared to now.. It's juz at my doorstep.. It's even better.. Anyway u will get to see salepersons dressing up in anime costumes such Bleach and Naruto.. Etc.. Working hours from 1000hrs to 2230hrs..

I juz think the KFC advertisement to celebrate its anniversary is reali lame.. What I can say is.. It's reali kinda disturbing to me.. The noise decibels reali killing me..

Lunch at Bedok with Ly.. Sherr and Step.. The pig stomach with fish slices bee hoon looks yummilicious.. Reali.. The aroma it gives is like heaven!! LoLz.. But it's reali taste gd.. After our yummy king Step thumbs up.. Wahahaha.. Nxt time I going to try it.. By the way the signboard din show this.. According to Ly.. It's a secret order.. So only regular customers will know it.. Hahaha..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

News for drivers.. As I mentioned previously in one of my entries.. The full day bus lanes will be in effect on April's Fool day.. 1st April' 07.. So when moving along Eu Tong Sen (Chinatown).. Hill Street (Old Clifford Pier).. Victoria Street (Bugis).. Bras Basah Road (After Bugis ERP all the way down) and Somerset Road/Penang Road (Parkmall).. Juz be more cautious of bus lanes.. It's easy to recognize how it looks like.. If u went Orchard often.. U will realize how cum there is red line together with the normal yellow bus lane line.. That's the one.. See that anywhere.. Juz dun enter it except the dotted line where u can filter in to turn left etc.. Penalty will be $130.. Good news is that bus lane hours will no longer be effective on Saturdays except full day bus lane.. By the way the operating hrs for full day bus lanes will be from 0730hrs to 2000hrs..

Another news is abt the fog lamp.. Guess not many ppl know abt it.. So beware when u thinking of switching on ur fog lamp at nite.. U will be fine up to $1k and jailed for 3mths.. Cuz fog lamp can only be on when the area is poorly visible.. Esp when there is mist or fog.. If u on fog lamp not under such situations.. U can glare the vision of oncuming vehicles as well as vehicles in front of u.. And I kena it many times.. And it suxs.. In case u dun understand what is fog lamp.. It's what drivers often mentioned.. High beam..

I rem last week FM93.3 was mentioning abt big and fake boobs.. Claiming that which artiste is not suitable for performing heavy exercises.. Cuz it's sort of dangerous to perform exercises when they have big n fake boobs.. In SG they voted Fiona Xie but mentioned that hers is real.. Haha.. Outside SG.. They voted for Jolin Tsai.. Aiya everyone also know her is fake.. So no need to elaborate much abt hers.. Den that Dj said he knw how to find out whether is real or not.. Haha.. I listen and think.. Hmmx.. Kinda make sense in what he said.. LoLz.. Anyway the way to find out is.. Haha.. I will leave u to guess..

Juz as much as many ppl luv the arrival of their bday.. I juz hate it as much as I could.. Reason being whenever it's approaching.. It means I will need to clear my proficiency test window.. Arghh.. Though it's annually.. It's still quite sianz one loh.. Haix.. I was thinking making it on Thurs when there is class.. But Maju dun have a schedule.. Damn suay.. So I'm left with Tues.. Wed and Sat.. Wed got stuff and Sat I dun feel like going.. So it means I left with Tues.. And I'm left with 16hrs more.. Haix.. Worse of all.. MC test falls on exactly on my day.. Like what Michy said.. That's a great bday prezzie.. >_<~

YJ was mentioned abt that movie 300.. She said all the guys has 10pacs.. LoLz.. That's weird.. And the scene I mentioned in previous post is ard 3mins only.. So I told her if more than 3mins.. It will be dangerous.. LoLz.. Cuz all the guys will be rushing to gents as if they all kena mass DLS aka Dua Lao Sai.. Wahahahaha.. =X

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, March 09, 2007

Sf said that the movie 300 shouldn't be M18.. Instead it should be R21.. Haha.. Den I asked him how cum.. He said in one of the scenes.. A gal is naked showing everything.. What he meant is.. That gal is dancing in a super duper transparent top without bra.. Doing a Cup D boobies shake in the movie huh? LoLz.. At this point of time.. Guys will be wow-ing.. While gals will be eek-ing.. Well.. This is only the beginning for the process of nose bleeding.. Hurhurhur.. So what is the most exciting part where the guys will be drooling all over and the gals will be swearing all over? Of cuz it's the art of Kama Sutra.. Haha.. From doggy to missionary to galloping.. Dun tell me u ppl understand what these terms mean? Hahaha.. If u tell me u dun.. I will lecture u on Kakashi's 101 ways of making out.. Wahahaha.. Wanna experience it go watch urself..

Rodney Goon said something abt strategic recommendations on last lecture.. It gives me the idea that maybe GE can buy over Chelsea.. Sack Mourinho.. Free transfer Lampard and Terry.. And den disband Chelsea.. Hahahaha.. *evil grins*

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Went for Steven Chong workshop today.. Was reali slpy.. So dozed off.. So is Sf.. Den Steven Chong said.. I knw it's quite boring.. Blah blah blah.. Cuz some of u alreadi in lalaland liao.. LoLz.. Den I tot he saying me only.. Why use "some of u".. Den when I asked Sf abt it.. He said Steven is saying both of us.. Haha.. >.<~

I was wondering why the workshop so long.. In the end it's becuz there is a mock interview in the noon.. Sf the first one to say let's siam in the noon.. I also dun wanna do tat mock loh.. Happy tree frenz also siam.. So left the rest of the rmit ppl.. Alys.. Ange.. Jm.. Phobe.. In the end Phobe led the whole grp to tell Steven Chong we not going for the mock.. Steven Chong asked Phobe is she a Indian Chief.. LoLz.. I was wondering why he said that.. Cuz the rest of us machiam look like her tribe ppl.. Hahaha.. Steven Chong's shocking looks told me he is surprised tat so many of us are not going.. In the end he crap alot of things.. Like oh it's for ur own benefit.. Blah blah blah.. Well.. No doubt there are something useful afterall..

Went Suntec for lunch with Alys and Jm.. Keep walking rounds to decide on what to eat.. Went past Kenny Rogers.. Den Jm eeeks.. She said kill me I also wun eat KR again.. Haha.. It's all becuz of that mail circulating some time ago.. Abt a living bug found in KR food.. Think is pasta.. So in the end we settle down at the Sundaese restaurant.. Duno spell correctly or not.. Anyway it's indo style food.. By the time we ate.. They almost closing alreadi.. Actuali after that wanna go Mind's Cafe de.. But I quite tired so dun wan loh.. In the end kena nagged all the way out.. LoLz..

By the way where the hell did Mr TTL went huh?? Aren't u supposed to be here today with Signature and Rene??

Did that quake in Sumatra reali scared the hell outta Singaporeans huh? I was juz wondering is it reali that necessary to make a big fuss abt it.. By the way if u are working at 72 storeys.. U probably wun have sufficient time to run for ur lives.. It takes 4yrs to build and it took 4secs to be demolished.. What can u do in 4 secs anyway.. Probably only Criss Angel or David Copperfield can vanish themselves in that split secs.. So why bother abt it.. Gonna buried together with the debris anyway.. LoLz.. U dun expect ur boss to equip everyone with airborne capability.. Neither u expect ur boss to have a huge storage of parachutes in the office juz for this day.. By the way what I mentioned above is juz tots only lah.. Of cuz everyone will reali run for their lives lah.. Haha.. I was impressed with Toa Payoh residents.. Cuz they simply bo chup.. Reason being it's a norm to them alreadi.. Nothing special either.. Since NP kena the shake.. How cum SIM dun have huh.. Hmmx.. Maybe I too engrossed in my lalaland liao.. Keke..

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The steamboat session is sucessful though a couple or a trio of them din turned up due to some unforeseeable stuffs.. At least the steamboat is something new and fresh.. So how many more to-do items are yet to be done before the sem end.. The way Raz react and ran away from Doudou reali damn funny.. She reali screamed out when Doudou chased after her at the corridor.. Even though Doudou dun meant any harm.. But Raz no matter what is still the first time cuming here so still duno Doudou will always inspect ppl first.. Toffee is veri active.. Running ard all the time.. Jumping onto everyone laps EXCEPT Step.. LoLz.. Probably he knew Step is a hotdog monster!! Special thankz to Joa for hosting this event.. And the rest for helping and clearing.. Not forgetting everyone who help to eat too.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ur attachment style is the way u manage anxiety abt closeness.. Everybody is capable of all three styles.. But each person has a dominant style..

Does attachment style vary with a particular romantic relationship?
It does.. With two pursuers.. It's great in the beginning.. But ultimately u're going to have to come up for air.. If u have two avoiders.. One will have to shift or u'll never have contact.. The goal is to get the pursuer to shut up.. And the avoider to show up..

More women are pursuers when it comes to verbal intimacy.. And more men are pursuers when it comes to sexual intimacy.. A pursuer in the living room can be an avoider in the bedroom..

How can u have a healthy relationship if u aren't securely attached?
If u're a pursuer.. When those magic moments of connection happen.. Breathe it in.. Practice the art of daily appreciation.. "Thank u" remind u that u got something.. That's what's missing with the pursuers.. They think they dun have anything..

If u're an avoider.. Recognize ur own need for connection.. Understand that u can communicate in nonverbal ways.. U can write a letter.. Send an email.. Leave a rose on ur partner's pillow.. Initiate touch.. Daily acts of initiation will reap great rewards..

The big mistake is to think that the avoider doesn't want closeness.. Or that the overbearing pursuer wants to push u away.. Fights usually happen when one person is asked to take on a style that doesn't work for them..

The good news is.. Some of ur attachment style is hard-wired.. But the rest of it is learned behaviour.. The older u get.. The more securely attached u become..

Answer True or False

1) I show love clearly and regularly to the people I care for..
2) I openly accept the love and care of others..
3) I ask for help freely and often..
4) I have at least three people I trust and confide in regularly..
5) I feel calm and secure on a daily basis..
6) I am known for my patience and tolerance..
7) People see me as available for intimacy..
8) I am open with my feelings..
9) My lifestyle shows that relationships are a priority..
10) I initiate and maintain contact with people in my life..
11) I generally take care of others better than I take care of myself..
12) I need a lot of contact time with my close relationships..
13) I get anxious when separated from the people I love..
14) I am the one who initiates most contact in relationships..
15) I sometimes come across as critical or pushy..
16) People see me as impatient..
17) I can be demanding in relationships..
18) I have had several relationship disappointments..
19) I can be pretty intense in relationships..
20) Much of my thinking involves close relationships..
21) I often lose myself in work or projects..
22) I tend to be quiet or uncomfortable in social situations..
23) I am generally a private person..
24) I tend to be quite self-sufficient..
25) I get uncomfortable with extended periods of closeness..
26) I think too much is made of relationships and closeness..
27) My partner has complained about my distancing behaviors..
28) People sometimes see me as over-involved in work..
29) At times I consciously avoid contact with others..
30) I can be withdrawn in relationships..

The more true answers u have in each category.. The more u display characteristics of the corresponding attachment style..

Questions 1-10: Secure
Individuals with this style can freely show and receive love.. Are sensual.. Sexual.. And have high self-esteem.. Can ask for help and offer it to others.. Get upset but get over it.. Do not hold grudges.. Forgive.. Are comfortable with closeness as well as distance.. Enjoy time alone and with others..

Questions 11-20: Pursuer
Individuals with this style expect a great deal of contact and closeness.. Usually want more time and attention than their partner does.. Are sensitive to rejection.. Get anxious when separated from their partner.. Want more information than their partner gives.. Focus more on what they dun have than what they do.. Are often perceived as needy.. Are better at giving love than receiving it.. Get upset easily.. Hold grudges.. Are hyper-vigilant abt their partner's behavior..

Questions 21-30: Avoider
Individuals with this style want and need a lot of time alone.. Are often less talkative than the partner.. Are sensitive to any form of control.. Are often quite self-sufficient.. Give little information.. Withdraw when upset.. Have difficulty expressing their feelings.. Are often very involved in their work..

Happy Bday to u..
Happy Bday to u..
Happy Bday to u.. u...
Happy.. Bday.. tooooo... u... u..
Happy Bday to Xh!! May all her wishes and dreams will cum true.. ^^

I know I can't touch ur heart now..
So it doesn't matter which kind of luv if I can stay with ya..
Cuz I knw the separated ones go beyond time & space & get together..
Becuz of ya, I will keep waiting becuz of ya..
This is the tot that fills my heart now..
I will always like & luv ya..

*I feel so xing fu with her*

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^