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Monday, October 31, 2005

Woke up at 4am to call Stephen.. Actuali wanted to study ER one.. Haha.. But I fell continue to slp loh.. >_< Finali had my third paper finished.. I think it's the best paper I have so far ba.. Cuz all tips is true.. Everyone looks at the paper.. All showing a smile on their face.. Today seating arrangement not bad.. Stephen beside Liyee.. For me.. Haha.. I got Liying in front and Xiaohui beside me.. Hehehe.. ^^

Paper started and everyone is busy dumping everything they memorised into the answer booklet.. The most difficult section is that case study liao.. Duno what the hell is it toking abt.. But everyone wun do that one loh.. Only brain kena "sock" then will do Section C.. LoLz.. Left 20mins and I still got one qns from Section A and half from Section B not yet done.. And I writing in point form yet still so slow.. *Diaoz* Haiz.. In the end quickly think and finished it up.. Well and my writing is veri jialat also.. But at least not like Stephen and Liyee.. Wahahahaha.. Monster hand writing for Liyee.. And messy hand writing for Stephen..

The invigilators suspect Liyee and Stephen like cheating so they keep watching them.. Well it's juz make no sense.. How to copy essay? Hmm.. Are they brainless? Like what Liyee said.. If MCQ then maybe can.. Stephen dun have bionic eyes to see so small thing loh..

After exam went to find Gv to fix the shirt size.. Blah blah blah.. So Gv said why Rmit only me nvr go for training? What can I say loh.. I got exams.. And yes those Rmit Sem 5 also do have exams too.. But they only take three modules only.. Worst still some only take two modules as EP is not examinable.. Well I'm not sure abt it.. Their exams schedule is gd loh.. With so wide gap in btwn the papers.. Unlike for me.. All so close.. So how am I going to make it when I'm not god.. Well and that Yz will say why not go.. Since he also from BBBA Sem 5 and he having exams too.. Since he can go why I can't? That's juz not fair.. Schedule so different.. How to compare like that..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Some Brain Twisters Before Exams.. ^^

1) 阿梅的父亲有七个老婆,其中第五和第七的是非洲人。 请猜一句成语。

Ah mei's dad has 7 wives, the 5th and 7th are Africans.
Guess a chinese 'cheng yu'.

2) 每晚小明睡觉前,小明的母亲都会为小明盖被。 可是每当小明叫母亲帮他盖被,母亲就会刮小明一个耳光并骂他。 为什么呢?

Every night xiao ming's mum will tuck him into bed.
Whenever he ask her to cover him with blanket, his mum will scold n slap
him, why?

3) 阿包被杀!可是警察很快就把凶手捉到了。 谁是凶手呢?

Ah bao was murdered! However the police quickly found the killer.. Who is it?

4) 小白和大白是兄弟。小白长大后越来越像哥哥。请猜一句成语。

xiao bai n da bai are brothers. As xiao bai grows older, he look more n more like his bro. Guess a cheng yu.

5) 奥萨玛,布什,布来尔和萨旦在打麻将。 谁先胡?

Osama, Bush, Blair and Saddam play mahjong ...
Who will win first??

6) 熊猫最大的愿望是什么?
What is a panda biggest wish on earth???

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, October 28, 2005

Slp at 12+ and woke up at 4am to study OE.. Damn sianz.. Called Stephen so that he wun fell aslp.. It's so torturing.. And it's the first time I ever did it for the sake of exams.. As in woke up so early to study..

Reaching sch went to canteen to settle down.. Had coffee juz to keep myself awake.. And I managed to meet Xh.. So qiao.. She early too.. And she sat with me.. And that's reali the first time I got so close as in face to face contact with her.. Well I am veri happy.. And the first language she used is Mandarin.. Was impressed.. Cuz I tot she will speak to me in English first.. Haha.. Cuz she more of those English speaker.. Maybe she know I always speak Mandarin one ba.. Nearly lost my concentration to study.. Hehe.. And Stephen finali came.. Xh said Stephen like veri calm.. Haha.. Of cuz he is.. The title "Sophisticated" is not anyhow conferred one..

Finali the thorn for me is over.. Nothing to say also.. Juz hope for the best.. If NN then bopian also.. With that bad weather yesterday nite.. It's juz a bad omen for me.. Weather nvr been so bad with so much lightnings like yesterday..

The paper time is veri short loh.. Two hours write around nine pages is veri rubbish loh.. At least two and a half or three hours is juz nice.. Expect us to be like CPU.. With access memory is it..

I looked over to my left.. I am reali mesmerized by Sam.. She reali veri attractive to me.. Well at least to me ba.. I dun care how the others think also.. It's nothing right or wrong anyway if others dun feel like what I feel.. Everyone have their own stand.. Holding on to their stand is absolutely normal.. Well time to pick up the sport she likes.. Hahaha.. XD

And today saw Junyang and JJ loh.. Reali veri qiao.. They were having lunch at Paradiz Centre.. No wonder there are so many sch gals outside.. Tot what they were doing.. Wan their autograph go inside and ask loh.. They wun bite rite.. So hum for what.. Zzz..

Had a relaxing game of pool our clique.. Played Time Crisis with Rene.. She not bad leh.. Must be always played one.. And then we went to play Bishi Bashi Hyper Version.. She also veri zai leh.. @_@" And we kio quite a few free games without credits.. Hmm.. I also duno why loh.. Put in two credits like machiam buy two get six free.. Haha.. Well at least kio tio ba.. Actuali that's not the first time it happened le.. Last time also like that..

And our webby is finali up.. Hmm.. I feel like modifying abit.. Juz wan to make it to more professional ba.. But it will be kinda rude to the moderator.. Maybe I discussed with him ba.. Actuali thinking of after exams I do one.. But haiz.. Nvm.. At least someone bother to do..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Morning woke up.. Craving for some decent breakfast.. So went down to buy prata.. Morning eat these type of food is veri shiok one.. Dual telok and satu kosong.. =D~

I opened the fridge and was surprised to find cute cucumbers in the fridge.. I think it's less than 10cm ba.. Miniature.. Haha.. I so far only seen small carrot and tomato before nia.. Nowadays everything also can be miniature liao.. And when I think of cucumber.. It's remind me of carrot.. Hahaha.. Duno why also.. Machiam like cucumber is always affiliate with carrot one.. While apple will affiliate with orange.. Kinda true also.. Even when at sch days we played game.. We will like say "Apple Orange".. Hahaha..

Struggling with OE.. Wan to die liao.. So I lie down to relax and think of the past.. When we all play sports and games together.. It's so soothing.. I wan to hit the small yellow ball again.. >_<~ I wan to see Doudou walking here and there again.. I wan to have mass mini pot again.. I wan to sit down at anywhere to tok cock again.. I wan to serve the shuttlecock and hit Cy and Joa again.. 后翼射兔和格格.. *Bingo* =P

And juz now went for training.. I wan to vomit blood with those kids.. Well maybe when I am their age.. I also like that.. Only the gals are more obedient.. The boys simply need some caning then they know what is discipline.. Maybe they should have a taste of Sir and Regina's way of training.. Only then they will be scared..

And I was extremely pissed off by the President of Tkd of SIM.. I mean I am juz asking abt someone who is in SIM Tkd club.. I mean I duno that person but that person is my frenz's frenz.. So juz asking only.. And the President said why I dun join SIM since I wan to know abt that person stuff so much.. Cum on loh.. If I can join I alreadi join liao.. I alreadi told her that I cannot be ungrateful to my Sir.. And she said it's only one grading nia.. So what if it's only one grading? Does that mean I can say cum then cum? Go then go? Treat my Sir as what? Hotel is it? Check in and check out.. After she heard what I said.. She replied saying then dun keep asking abt SIM Tkd ppl anymore.. She can only tell me the training not the ppl.. Wtf is this attitude? Know the ppl there will die is it.. Knn one.. Not seeing her as part of my team.. I alreadi bo chup her liao..

I heard from Kelly that today MAB is easy.. True or not? I mean she juz said it's better than MR.. So I presume it's easy ba.. Well I was thinking abt Murphy's Law.. Haha.. It's reali veri true.. 祸不单行.. Ur pen runs out of ink.. Ur calculator battery becums flat.. Ur liquid paper drys out.. Worst till is ur neighbour is sick and he or she vomits on ur answer booklet.. Imagine u have finished writing and the vomit smudge all ur writings.. Kaoz.. Gross man.. *Amitabha*

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Wait for me Regatta!!

Everyone finali finished their specialisation today.. Well.. I got nothing much to say abt the exam.. It's not hard.. But then I seem to catch nothing of the language in the qns.. And the MCQ juz suxs big time.. Everything also from topic 5 and above.. And I was sitting in the first seat.. Zzz.. Liying laughed at me sitting at the front first seat.. Well she ain't that far from front also.. Juz behind me directly.. Haha.. So she said laughed liao now kena retribution..

Having the revision outside 3.02.. The gals went for their EP and MR.. Patricia came out and I asked her how the paper.. Is it hard? She said wow it's veri hard.. @_@ Alrite so I believe her even though she said in a kesiao manner.. And she went over to ask what paper we toking abt.. *Diaoz* I tot she know what we asking leh.. She said it's not hard.. And all the qns is so called pre-prepared for the students liao.. It's behind the MR textbk.. Hmm.. Sound nice huh.. So when the gals came out.. I asked them easy hor.. Cy said no.. Totally opposite of what Patricia said.. Haiz..

Current mugging ability is 10 points.. I need to level up to increase my mugging stats.. Quick feed me with experiences.. Hahaha.. Anyway after today paper guess can Format C Drive liao.. So that there will be more space to rem the stupid OE..

Alrite things alreadi over le.. So no point brooding over mistakes and all that stuffs.. Concentrate on the great battle ahead.. Especially this cuming Friday one.. Thinking of it makes me feel sick.. And duno who the hell add an account in OE Yahoo Group.. Sumthing like chat tonite blah blah blah.. And put those webby of dates etc.. I tot in the first place is Chan Lai Huat post some info abt OE exam.. But it's not.. Well I juz feel disgusted by that person action.. Why ppl like to be so boliao to do such boliao thing.. So free go donate blood to help ppl loh..

Sianz I lost my mp3 battery cover today.. Liew.. Think I lost it in the Bus72.. Or when I alighted I pulled the mp3 player out then I din realised it drop off.. *Sobx* Bad day for me.. Arghhhh.. Gd luck to Sherry and Tricia for MAB tomolow.. Hope wun be having so many stuns like last time liao.. Cuz I heard Com Law ain't that easy either.. The standard kinda get harder each year.. Sianz loh..

Yeah.. I will be taking part in 23TH SINGAPORE RIVER REGATTA 2005.. Heee.. ^^ The Singapore Dragon Boat Association will be organising the 23th Singapore River Regatta 2005 at the Singapore River on 26 and 27 November 2005.. It's on Saturday and Sunday.. Haha so honour cuz Ming asked me to join.. We will be participating as an anonymous team.. Wun be using SIMDraGoNs to register.. Anyway the objective is to gain exposure.. To have the feel of what a competition is like.. So as to be better prepared for the next year IVP race.. So the race is to enjoy ourselves.. And there is no pressure to win.. Unlike next year.. Our main objective will be totally different.. Cheerios..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, October 24, 2005

Last burst of fire!! Ganbatte everyone..

Juz a fast and short blogging.. Final countdown.. 24hrs.. Even tomolow paper is BF.. I am now struggling at OE.. OE suxs.. I juz have that unexplainable fear towards it.. *Shivers* It's reali "Fear of the Unknown.." Anyway Advin.. Colin and Jolene will be having their com law today.. It's been an hour through their com law paper.. Hope they will be alrite.. Ganbatte ok.. For Sherry and Tricia.. They will be having MAB on Wed.. All the best too..

Cheerios to all who will be chionging their specialisation tomolow.. Jiayou Jiayou Jia Jia You.. For BF.. Gd luck to Adrianne.. Cindy.. Colin.. Huibing.. Jolene.. Kacy.. Liyee.. Liying.. Serene.. Shaofeng.. Stephen.. Xiaohui and Yujia.. For EP.. Gd luck to Jennifer.. Paul.. Samathan.. Sherry.. Tiffany.. Tricia and Yongtang.. For HR.. Gd luck to Adrian.. Charmaine.. Joy and Raz.. For MR.. Gd luck to Alyssa.. Chen Yu.. Jiamin.. Joanne.. Kelly and Mandy.. And finali to all those I know gd luck too.. Whether hi-bye frenz or not.. If I ever miss out anyone.. Pardon me.. My brain is abt to burst liao.. =/ *Happy mugging*

*I'm not asking too much.. I juz wan to pass and that's all I asked* -- yeKai >_<

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Wow was so glad that u ppl went to solve that riddle.. Haha.. Hmm.. Well the 2 percent can be reali in our grp mah.. Let's make an assumption of 100 billion ppl in this world.. 2 percent of it will be 2 billion ppl.. So it's quite a big number.. So now how to differentiate the best 2 percent.. Haha.. Alrite.. Fastest finger first.. In other words the shorter time to solve it.. The more zai zai u are ba.. The most qualifying one will be Joa.. 10 mins solve.. Next will be Ly ba.. Feel he is also veri fast.. But duno how much time he did.. For Cy and Stephen ar.. Haha.. Well yesterday was with Joa.. Jw and Stephen at kopitiam.. Stephen said he took almost an hour.. And Joa said Cy took also ard or more than an hour.. Haha.. Still qualify for them.. Like what Cy said.. The owner still not yet tried.. LoLz..

As said earlier.. I am with Joa.. Jw and Stephen at kopitiam.. Was waiting for Ly to pass me some stuff.. While I passed him some stuffs.. Ly drove over to meet us.. Sherry was there too.. Passed the stuffs to Sherry.. And she said "Like that only ar?" I was like huh? Haha.. Maybe she tot is one whole stack ba.. Was plotting to make Ly cum down and joined us.. Well.. Juz thinking of taking his keys off and he will kuai kuai to cum over to join us.. Hurhurhur.. =X

Saw this small article on English pronunciation today.. Ok these seem to be the correct pronouncing.. Well for "Opportunity" I think I pronouced the wrong way ba.. For "Sword".. I always say as "Sock".. LoLz..

Buffet – BOOfay
Novel – NOVirl
Havoc – HAVirk
Image – IM idj
Athlete – ATHleet
Sword – SORD
Opportunity – opirTEWniti [Not opPORchewniti]

Today is the World Cup Wakeboarding Championship.. Looking at the sky.. Weather not too gd.. And I saw this red coloured HSBC double deck bus.. It's top is open space one.. It's advertising for today Wakeboarding..

And there is someone saying why my email so childish one.. Say why I so idiot one.. I mean it's only an email address.. What's the big deal abt having a weird or childish name for it.. Does that mean the owner of it is also childish? Childish still add me for what.. In the first place u need to know of the email in order to add me.. Can dun add if u dun like it.. Fine with me.. I nvr put a pistol behind ur head to force u rite.. So the qns now is.. Must all email address be maturing enuff? Kinda lame.. It's human rights to have whichever name they wanted loh.. Why kaobei so much then? Got a problem with it huh? See liao eyes pain is it?

I was fragging for a while juz now.. And that someone add me.. I know who is it.. Cuz it's kinda obvious.. But I still continue to frag.. Ignoring that person.. I know it's a form of courtesy to stop the game and talk to that person.. But I din.. When things get so exciting how can I stop halfway.. So I continue to play and play.. I can stop immediately if there is anything impt for me to settle.. Or someone that messages me is of a high priority person.. Hmmm.. U all should know what I mean ba.. Hahaha.. >_<~

I dun reply then that person said "Dun reply me then u are not a MAN!!" Well.. Who cares anyway.. That way to agitate me to reply is useless.. Cuz u are not impt to me at all.. Right eye see.. Left eye out loh.. Though I dun like ppl say this type of things abt guys.. But maybe I'm juz able to tolerate that nonsense for that little moment.. Want to be man also not for u to see loh.. Treat me as eunuch if u wan to.. I simply dun care.. U not going to be my wife anyway.. *Yawnz*

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Alrite I juz got this riddle test from Zj's bloggy.. Haha.. Sound interesting leh.. But I duno whether u ppl played before or not.. So juz post it here for u all to see.. ^^

Here cums the riddle..

1) There are 5 houses in 5 different colours. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.

2) The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet.

3) No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same beverage.

And now the question is "Who owns the fish?"


01) The Brit lives in the red house.
02) The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
03) The Dane drinks tea.
04) The green house is on the left of the white house.
05) The green house's owner drinks coffee.
06) The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
07) The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
08) The man living in the center house drinks milk.
09) The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10) The man who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats.
11) The man who keeps the horse lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
12) The owner who smokes Bluemasters drinks beer.
13) The German smokes Prince.
14) The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15) The man who smokes Blends has a neighbor who drinks water.

Ok and Zhijian said supposingly only 2 percent of the world population can solve this riddle.. Haha.. So is it kinda motivation to u all huh? LoLz.. Maybe our sophisicated genius can solve it leh.. Maybe he is that minority 2 percent.. Haha.. Let's welcum "Stephen the Sophisicated Shrek".. Hahahaha.. >_<~

Btwn what colour did u all choose for the Hello Kitty's frock and necklace? Think I going to choose light blue for frock and then white for necklace leh.. What are the implications for the colour I choose ar?

Juz now was thinking of our chalet moment.. Wahahaha.. So fast I dreaming of it liao.. Well.. To motivate me to study mah.. >_<~ And I was thinking that should the guys bring their No.4 then we wear there and take photos.. That will be veri nice leh.. Except for that stupid heavy boots to bring along.. I think it will be a great memorable photo for us.. Cuz the most is take these type of photos with ur ex campmates only loh.. But if sch frenz take together like quite fun leh.. *Ly, Sf, Steph and Yt's boots flying over* LoLz.. Ok ok I stopped dreaming liao lah.. >_<

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

And today the results of presentations are out.. For Ep.. Mor.. And Mr.. And also the case studies for Mr.. Well.. At least we fared alrite.. And the rest of us also fare not too bad.. My clique specialization’s presentation like Ep and Mr also fared well.. Happy for them.. Well done guys and gals.. =]

Hmm is it I rem wrongly ar.. Cy said she din say abt the clip I mentioned in yesterday blog.. O_o Well.. But I got this image in my mind leh.. And I familiar of it.. Can't be dreaming ba.. Maybe is Joa and Stephen ba..

I was waiting for Sf to cum over my place today.. He said he will be cuming over.. So he said 10am ba.. And I waited till 1030am.. He's still not here.. And I know he confirm overslept liao.. I called him.. Indeed still in dreamland.. I told him it's 12noon alreadi.. He keep saying oh shit oh shit.. Funny.. Seldom look like his reaction..

Before he came over with his family vehicle.. I asked him to tabao two packets of vegetarian beehoon.. I told him I wan the original one hor.. Well cuz I veri fussy abt vegetarian bee hoon.. I oni eat those with original "toppings".. Haha.. =P And another thing is that it's costs only $1.70.. Wow.. Kinda great for ppl who wan to budget.. Haha.. Normal food also need at least $2.. Kinda save 30 cents.. Wahahahaha.. But hor 积少成多 mah.. Yahz..

And he win liao loh.. Asked him to wait for me outside the side gate.. He duno go where loh.. He went over to Joa's side then U-turn back ILLEGALLY.. And then went into the multi-storey carpark.. @_@" *Fainted* Cuz I obviously saw his car but how cum it's disappeared loh.. Then I tot I see wrongly.. And Sf and I tried the Japanese green tea.. Eeek.. Reali veri bitter leh.. >_<

Happened to hear a story today.. It's abt one of my frenz.. How do u feel when one of ur so called gd frenz give u a work piece sample.. Then he/she went to edit it before giving it to u.. In the end ur sample is juz totally different from her.. Is she doing it out of intention? I doubt so.. If he/she need a sample.. That means he/she need help too.. So by editing the sample and give it to u.. That's not helping.. Instead it’s view as sabotaging.. Well.. What can I say.. Will u be disappointed with what she did to u? It's still depend on individual ba.. For me I wun tolerate such NONSENSE.. And I will surely end this frenzship.. Cuz it’s reali no point to continue it..

I mean if he/she reali dun wan to give it to u.. Then dun give loh.. No need to go to such extend of editing the sample then pass it on to u.. It's juz suxs.. And if he/she is someone not close to u then still alrite.. But he/she is not loh.. In fact gd frenz for some times.. How would u feel? Betray or been backstab?

I'm reali quite disappointed and sad when I knew of such things happening.. Haix.. I duno what to do also.. It's dun involved me.. I can't intervene in it.. And I dun wan to be so kapo to interfere also.. Should I appraise on him/her again? Or should I pretend that nothing has happened? I dun like to appraise ppl again.. Cuz I will most likely dislike that person.. And not that I biased.. But with the things he/she did to his/her frenz.. Maybe I juz see how ba.. Knowing one side of the story dun reali allows me to pass judgment.. Maybe it's juz a misunderstanding afterall.. Who knows.. And I reali hope it's juz a misunderstanding..

But at least I'm sure that my frenz around me isn't like that.. Which I am most glad about it.. This saying is so true.. 江湖险恶.. 人心更险.. Well juz a general statement.. The world is full of all kinds of ppl.. Know it well enuff for ones' own good.. Even an archangel can becum a fallen one.. Let alone human beings..

Haha.. Well.. Was kena suan by Cy juz now.. Told her that I am going for my Wushu later.. So she asked me how is my Tkd also.. And she added "Still invisible belt ar?" Wahahaha.. I fell off my chair.. So funny.. Well.. I duno either.. I duno whether Bunbun will be going for training tomolow or not.. If she going then I might be going too..

Juz came back from training.. Well that ahlian is here today.. After so many weeks if MIA finali appeared.. Of cuz she is here for business.. Juz to return something loh.. I juz can't stand her.. See me always punch my back.. Knn one loh.. I'm not her "whoever" which she thinks I am.. She thinks she is Cy or Joa ar.. Only Cy and Joa have that privilege to scold and punch me.. Other than that no one else ok.. Told me she joined simi gang blah blah blah.. I was like huh? Ok.. So veri cool is it? Zzz.. Gals like her age simply dun listen to ppl advices or opinions ba.. She asked for my number.. I juz tell her straight I only give my number to "mature" gals who I like.. Wahahahaha.. Shiok.. Well maybe she might juz called her gang and hatam me for that ba.. Who cares anyway..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Juz watch the short clip today.. It's what Cy that time said.. The guy who give his eyes to that gal who lost her sight becuz of that film developer liquid.. Was quite sad though.. So put the song as my theme for now..

Final countdown to first paper.. Reali veri fast.. This sem like same as last sem.. So fast ended.. Can't imagine alreadi 6mths le.. Cuming to think of it.. We have reached half of the course alreadi.. For these 18mths.. We have been through happy.. Sad and angry moments.. And ya I know I am the one who always make ppl angry.. >_< But at least things still went well so far.. At least know how to control..

I juz can't stand OE.. It's juz suxs.. My mind is blank.. Juz duno what the hell it's saying.. Can it juz say in simple english.. Say till so powerful for what.. I juz want to know what that phrase or thing meant.. And that's all.. It's juz worst than marketing last sem.. Thinking of it.. I still luv marketing than OE.. At least it's more logical to me.. English also not so chim..

Studying is a fun thing but when it's cum to exams.. It's juz suxs.. We enjoy doing projects together.. Settling down at someone place.. Chit chat all the way.. Maybe can stay overnite.. And then we will went out to chill ourselves.. Like having prata.. Or even BBQ.. Etc..

Faster end ba.. I reali wan to relax liao.. I wan to eat.. Play.. Sleep and train.. Then go chalet with the rest.. Play hide and seek.. Play all sort of games.. Polar bear.. Police and murderer.. I looking toward it..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, October 17, 2005



You are noble and kind and dislike losing control over your emotions. It is very rare for you to get angry. You are also the pacifier in situations that involve arguments. It is always your endeavor to be perfect and socially correct in your behavior and attitude, but if misunderstood and slighted you can give in to an angry outburst. You will shout and scream and then walk out from the scene. You cannot easily forget the situation and will be bitter about it for a long time.


The only thing that can be said about you dreamers is that you appear even more attractive when angry. You are very sensitive to others’ feelings, so you rarely hurt them. But when others tend to hurt you, then things take a nasty turn. You will yell and use harsh words and feel inclined to shake everything and everyone up. Your creative imagination is at its best when angry, and you tend to get pretty dramatic. When upset, you refuse to listen to reason and wish to be left alone. But once you calm down, you repent your tantrums and seek forgiveness. SO nobody can be upset with you for too long.


Nothing seems to ruffle you more than a lack of discipline, disloyalty and decorum. But Arians are also known to go into a rage very easily when challenged. Those of you who have been on the receiving end of the Aries temper know that if not calmed down they can even get violent. But one thing is certain if the opponent remains calm and does not react to their outburst, Arians cool down very fast. They are also the first to apologies, which makes them easier to forgive.


You are generally quiet and have control over your emotions. It is difficult to predict what will upset you, so when you do lose your cool, people don’t know how to react. Your temper is like that of a raging bull, and anyone trying to pacify you will be the first one to get a verbal bashing. You generally get upset when you are concerned or when people accuse you of doing something wrong. You also hate being reminded about mistakes you’ve made in the past. You also have the potential to be terribly vindictive if rubbed the wrong way.

GEMINI ~ MAY 21 – June 29

You are recognized by your cheerful disposition and your jovial nature is easily susceptible to anger. In fact, you are the best person to have around when there is an ugly scene at a party you can bring the warring factions together quite diplomatically. But when you lose cool, you yell and scream and will not listen to reason. You must have the last word in a wordy duel. Your capacity to argue aggressively is matched only by your seductive charm.


Considering how charming, caring and kind you are, you dislike unpleasant scenes, much less creating one yourself. You have great tolerance and rarely get provoked into losing your temper. If someone is unreasonable or trying to create trouble, you are more likely to walk away quietly. But that does not mean you do not have a temper. When angry, in your effort to control your emotions, you tremble, your hands get sweaty and sometimes you fumble for words. Tears roll down your eyes easily and the opponent is touched by your innocence and will seek an apology immediately.


If anyone has total control over their emotions, it is you. But then, you can be described as stiff, cold and uncaring. You are known to lack spontaneity but you really don’t care about opinions. You don’t like to create scenes and will never accept invitations to a party where you suspect the presence of an unruly lot. But your very presence seems challenging to some and they take vicarious pleasure in your disquiet. When angry you can use critical language. A dressing down can humiliate your opponent, causing a strain between both of you forever.


Most of you are gentle and have full control over your emotions but those of you given to temper tantrums can certainly get violent. When see things with rage, you yell and shout and tend to break things lying close at hand. You can even harm yourself by banging your hands on a glass top table or wall. You should never get into any argument, for you are a sore loser. You feel that others are trying to persecute you and don’t quite respect your opinions. When hurt, you can also hold grudges forever.


Did someone say that you are the charmers of the zodiac? Well, it’s true. Few have ever seen you ruffled or angry. You are very conscious of your image, and you believe that anger distorts your face and personality. You also think you are above things like anger. But wait before you get into self-congratulatory mood. Your family or those very close to you know you better. You have an unmatched temper amongst all the zodiac signs, and what makes it worse is your capacity to justify it.


Of course you don’t lose your cool. But your very demeanour (manner) projects haughtiness (arrogance, pride), pride and grand disdain (disregard) for lesser mortals (human). Others are often found saying that anger sits on your nose and you are raring to give your piece mind to the first person that try to be funny with you. You are selective in the choice of your friends, and have a low tolerance for the superfluous (extra) types. Your tongue-lashing (attack) is generally in a soft hissing tone for when you scream, your voice tends to get shrill and loud and you do hate drawing attention to yourself! When upset, you are angrier with yourself for having shown weakness, for the last thing that Scorpio wants to show is being out of control.


You are insensible and generally have no complete control over your emotions. You do get angry quickly and others marvel at your anger levels even when provoked. Actually, you get tongue-tied when angry and you will remove your anger waiting for the other person to calm down. Then you will reason with your opponent and convince the other person in a very gentle manner that the whole thing was just his mistake. You’re also likely to totally sever ties with someone when you’re upset with them.


Few will believe that a hardcore practical and materialistic person like you is capable of sensitivity and genuine emotions. You project a hard exterior but are actually very sensitive, a trait you successfully hide from others. You can see thing with anger but will not betray your feelings. But then, there are times that even you cannot control your temper. Under such circumstances you can shout and scream, more with frustration at the situation than with anger at any particular person. Your outbursts can shock others and can make them feel guilty too.

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, October 16, 2005

It was such a bad Sunday.. Gloomy as what I am now.. Does weather juz reflect on how one feel.. U looked up into the sky as the rain dropped down.. U looked at the window watching how the droplets on the glass slide down.. They are juz seeking a place to settle down..

Is there reali the existance of Heaven and God.. Does they reali know what happening on this small little blue planet.. I pondered.. Maybe they only exist in tong hua and shen hua.. I wan to believe what my frenz told me.. God always exist.. They will always be there for us.. But maybe the miracle juz dun happen to me.. That's why I still choose not to believe it..

What Yongtang tagged is so true.. 命里有时终需有, 命里无时莫强求(Yongtang, 2005).. When it's there it will surely be there for u.. Haix.. Gd one though.. Maybe I reali should listen to Jac jiejie.. Time to cum back to my senses.. It's only 9 days left to exam liao.. Why still bother abt such things.. It's juz dun do me any gd instead of harm.. Whether it reali worth it to flunge ur exams for such things.. I know what she mean..

Ml told me a story.. That time in Jc.. There is this guy who killed himself becuz his ex got another bf.. The guy tot that there is still a chance of patching back.. But he is wrong.. And I tot he attempted to kill himself.. And it's no.. He reali died.. His ex felt reali guilty.. But Ml told me how long can the gal be guilty of it.. It's juz a matter of time that she forgot abt it.. Ya I think Ml is right.. So what Ml is trying to say is dun be stupid and kill ownself.. In the end.. That gal will still carry on her life and be happy.. But what did that guy who died in the end get? Nothing.. He got nothing at all..

I asked Ly and he is happy with what he have now.. He told me that it depend on myself.. Whether to choose what I believe it's reali up to me.. Believe that I will be happy and I will.. I juz hope someone will scold the hell out of me.. Grab and shake my shoulder.. WAKE UP CHEN YEKAI!! WAKE UP UR FOOLISH THINKINGS!.. Maybe the dream of finishing together in 2007 is a dream afterall.. The day where we will take photos together.. I hope we will reali..

Alrite enuff of sad things.. Today my bro told me what happened when he stayed at the Hall.. Almost every midnite 0000hrs.. There is this phenomenon happening within that level of the Hall.. Haha.. And I tot what is it.. In the end is playing DOTA.. Well.. But not as kua zhang like them.. Imagine the clock click at 0000hrs.. Someone will shout "DOTAaaaaa.." LoLz.. And when u went past their rooms.. Everyone is setting up their coms.. Entering their protocol to link to the rest of the coms.. Putting on headphones.. And lastly u can hear pressing of keyboards.. Chit chit chit.. Machiam like veri serious leh.. Haha.. In btwn the game u will then hear powerful language like "KNN LAH".. "WO PUI".. "CCB LAH WHY NVR HELP".. "WTF LAH".. Etc.. Wahahaha.. Ironic leh.. Whole level becuming LAN shop liao.. So I asked what abt the discipline master.. I tot he will do rounds.. My bro said.. NO.. The discipline master is juz as crazy as the rest abt DOTA.. He will join them instead.. *Fainted* Well.. That's the power of engrossing in a certain game ba..

And I surfed friendster today.. I was kinda surprised with some ppl profile.. Like veri high class leh.. Best is when I went to see Ly's sis.. Nana's one.. Waaaa.. It's filled with lots of colours.. Words flashing here and there.. I duno what to say.. I was stunned.. I din know can do until like that.. And can put MTV in there also.. *Diaoz* Wow.. Friendster like reali doing wonders huh? Or trying to take over blogspot liao.. Everything also got liao.. Well when I have more time I shall see what reali can those HTML do..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, October 14, 2005

The OE pair results is out and everyone got the same grade.. I mean as far as I heard.. Except for that someone who dun.. Getting a Di.. Well maybe our works juz suxs to Chan Lai Huat.. But Chan Lai Huat himself suxs too.. Liying told me that his marking got problem loh.. Haha.. First time see her so angry.. Adding that he dun know how to teach also.. And so Liying's clique all also same fate as us.. Same goes for Jennifer and Samanthan.. Haiz.. Do we suxs so bad afterall.. Heaven knows..

The stupid server is abit lame.. When data transfer exceeds the quota limit then my song wun be able to play at all.. Zzz.. Only will be restore in an hour time.. Boliao loh.. Sianz.. What the hell.. Haix.. =/ Was saying abt Cornetto ice-cream yesterday.. But I said "Cornett" ice-cream.. Wrong again.. Something like Tempting Vs Temptating.. Hahaha..

When the sophisticated is no longer there.. Ya Stephen was been said by Joa that he like no longer sophisticated.. Reason been Stephen reali can't understand the taggy abt godparents and all that.. He shook his head claiming duno what Cy and Joa toking abt.. Well.. Gals' mind are like a maze (Liyee, 2005).. And Joa told me that Huimin told her that she longer know where Joa went and what she did.. Haha.. Alrite.. Huimin pls forgive me.. Haha.. >_<~ Thinking of too much things lately so entries also veri the chim and deep..

Saying abt Huimin.. Kinda long time nvr see her liao.. I do miss the flying kiss I gave her from one end to another.. And Huimin will juz react to it and catch it.. The feeling is great when got ppl played with u.. How I wish that veri someone can have the half of Huimin or even one-quarter.. I will be veri zhi zu liao.. Do u miss it Huimin? Hahaha.. Alrite alrite.. If not later Joa and Aaron killed me.. ^^

Was injured seriously by bubbles attack yesterday.. Haha.. Joking lah.. Joa will kill me if I said her bubbles injured Steph and me.. Well.. Whu still played with bubbles nowadays? Hmm.. Probably in our childhood days.. But when u see someone of ur near age played bubbles.. How would u feel? To me it's recalling the fun and happy days I have during my childhood times.. The catching.. The hide and seek.. Run and fall and cry.. And also when ur frenz pushed u towards the gal or boy which they think u like afterall.. And the gal and guy will blush till like a tomato.. Haha.. That feeling is reali nice and sweet.. But now is no more.. For now one can only recall those sweet and invaluable memories.. If u tried pushing a gal or boy to someone now.. Probably that someone will hate u ba..

So when a gal blown bubbles to u.. How do u ppl feel? I juz feel she is juz trying to be herself.. If a guy blown bubbles to u.. I think he is trying to be gay ba.. Haha.. And I can feel that.. And if u wan those cute looking ppl to be like this.. I mean those we know in our class.. I doubt they can be as natural as Joa jiejie ba.. =X The feeling of natural is not there.. Completely foreseeable.. Gals like Cy jiejie and Rene meimei.. I think they can be veri natural too.. Maybe bubbles afterall are a tool use to create a romantic scenary for fairytale.. 童话的结局永远是幸福的吗? Hopefully..

Human are by nature greedy.. And why is that so.. That's human ba.. A baby wun find sweets and toys enuff.. Guys wun find one gf enuff.. It's juz like the more gals in his hand the merrier it is.. And what can I say for gals.. Hmm.. Maybe for gals.. The more MANGO the merrier.. Hahaha.. *Liyee.. Steph.. And Yongtang knocking their heads* Wahahaha.. =P Must be zhi zu afterall.. And when somebody can only be ur frenz afterall.. And u yearn to be much more than that.. What should u do.. Fight for it or be zhi zu.. I also duno.. Juz hope someone can give a definite answer to it.. Maybe afterall seeking for so much is giving one more pain than happiness.. Be satisfied and happy ba.. Only real happiness can defeat sadness.. 知足的快乐叫我忍受心痛 (五月天, 2005).. And thankz Cy jiejie for that nice and warmth nick for Joa.. Rene and me.. Xiexie.. =]

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

When borders no longer matter..

Lately seem to be alot of troubles emerging from r/s and well maybe got other categories also ba.. Rene seem to be veri upset abt what her frenz told her.. Why? Rene u have ur life to live.. U live as what u are.. Not as what ppl want u to be.. No one can lay the path for u to go.. Only u urself can.. Or perhaps Mother Nature.. Rene be brave ok.. Tears might be a need afterall.. But strength is all u got to have for now.. U still got big sistas like Cy n Bun to hold u up.. =)

Bun also seem to be fed up with her frenz ba.. Haiz.. Sometimes even when things dun involve ownself.. But as one listen n listen.. One will feel that urge in their heart.. They ask themselves of why such things happened.. But that's reality.. Sometimes one might juz had enuff of what is going around in this world.. Seeing too much is such a pain..

How does it feel when ur mum told u that she met her old doctor frenz.. And her frenz told her that have so many children for what.. Cuz when everyone of them grow up.. They will go their own respective way juz becuz their wings has grown fully.. Ignoring their parents or whatsoever.. And my mum juz emphasized it to me.. I mean it's still depends on individuals loh.. What happened to other ppl might not be the same for the rest also.. And there always this saying that "Daughter is juz water been splashed out of house" while "Son is juz as useless cuz they will listen to whatever their wife said".. How true is it? What era are we in now? Maybe the only time when all these tradition thinkings will be abolished is when those of my age or below reali have their own family le.. This is when we replace the older conservative generation with our generation.. Cuz only we understand that all these sayings are merely tradition been passed down..

And so my theme of today.. "When borders no longer matter.." How true.. When the quake btwn Pakistan and India occurred.. Many had died.. It was sad.. But at least their deaths exchanged something which can nvr happened for the past 50 yrs.. Over the last 50 yrs.. Bloody wars have been fought btwn Pakistan and India over Kashmir.. But now the militant said that they are putting down their guns.. Cuz the militant of each countries saw how each countries helped one another.. Juz like 患难见真情.. It's reali veri warmth afterall.. Why all these killings juz becuz of some disagreements.. After all they also wished for peaceful days in their countries..

I was having this tot of "When luv no longer matter.." When something happened btwn u and ur frenz.. And u juz wan to put a full stop to that case.. U dun wan to luv anymore.. But no matter how u do it.. U are juz that unsuccessful.. It's juz keep haunting u.. Maybe afterall been frenz is still the best.. At least as frenz.. One wun feel so weird when asked ur other gender frenz out.. Or even they can still laugh and joke over matters.. Emotion is sure a great feeling but it can also be a grievous one.. While sex is juz an emotion in motion.. How ironic..

Does a frenzship that has failed can be eventually rebuilt back again? And when someone juz wan u to try once again from scratch.. Then slowly build it up again.. It is juz too hard for u to do it? Should u try or not? Guess it's judgement call again.. It's juz like building a house.. From foundation to stump level.. From stump level to columns to beams to slabs.. And then finali to the attic and roof.. It's juz takes years.. But after all the determination and persistance that person give u.. Will u still tried afterall? For me.. I know I can be bad in my temper and be hard-hearted but I duno why I sometimes juz unable to 恨下心 to do what I should do.. I juz dun have that firm heart like some of frenz did..

This song is the theme of the movie "Shen Hua".. I guess when I listen to it for the first time.. It does hit me.. Juz like when I listen to Tong Hua for the veri first time.. Haha.. And I got my aspirations for this sem project liao.. Most likely will be this one.. Haha.. Alrite shall engage the Board of Directors soon to discuss it.. ^^ This song kinda describe a guy feelings.. "Even when the stars dropped.. And the wind blows.. He wun change his heart and mind even if for a 1000 yrs.. He promises that.. No matter how much hardships he went through.. He juz wun give up.. Every night the pain juz shoot through his heart.. His tots for her juz dun cum to an end.. Used to the loneliness he had.. He smiled to face it.. He wan her to believe that he choose to wait for her no matter what.. No matter what pain and sufferings he had to face in the end.. He wun run away.. He wan the gal to know that only her can save him from all these.." Haiz.. Reali nice.. I like it.. It's veri meaningful.. Exactly describe how I feel.. I dun mind to wait that her afterall.. Reali.. =/

Anyway this song is specially dedicated for those who thinks they feel down for quite some time.. And to everyone from my clique.. Everyone I know.. I cherish.. I hate.. I like.. And I luv.. Lastly to those that believe there will be happy ending for them.. Believe in the myth of achieving happy ending might be a gd thing afterall.. Maybe not for long.. But I hope at least for now.. Live on with their life and be happy.. 爱是心中唯一不变美丽的神话..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Eeeek.. Pls spare me the korkor term ok!!

Had a group revision at Pavilion BK today.. The existing member there are Cy.. Joa.. Jol.. Ly.. Sf.. Sher.. Shreky and me.. Walked to Central today.. I looked at my phone.. Oops.. Five miss calls.. LoLz.. >_<~ Well it's Sf loh.. Haha.. Must be reached liao looking for me.. I went over to Cent SQ to look for him.. Anyway I also decided to go Cent SQ to do some stuffs too.. Well Sf juz read my mind.. Haha.. Went to the top level to meet him.. He was intending to buy Gundam models.. It's those cute cute models rather than those models of 1/100 scale.. For me I will go for 1/100 models.. Reason been it's nice to me.. I juz told him I got alot of boxes of Gundam but all not yet fixed.. Haha.. All the spraying and sanding.. Reali takes alot of time.. Hmm.. Think they have been there rotting for half a decade liao ba.. LoLz..

Went to BK.. No one was there except Joa.. And when everyone was here.. It's time for lunchy.. Yea.. They chiong BK food.. While me and Sf went to Eastlink for hot stuffs.. Heee.. Cuz Sf n me on budget also.. Plus I tried to reduce my consumption of junk food also.. Saw my rowing mate Alex.. Well think he probably not rowing anymore due to operation on his leg.. Think is calf ba.. And Sf left quite early..

And there is this bunch of aunties in BK.. Reali buay tahan them.. Oh I think I should say it's a "Section" of aunties.. Well I did do a head count for them.. Exactly twelve of them.. Juz nice to have a section.. Wahahaha.. Anymore of these aunties will constitutes a platoon or company.. Or even worse a battalion.. LoLz.. Juz been kua zhang abit.. =P My ears gonna been deaf.. Duno how to describe also.. Is it worst than a market? Only the experienced one will know ba..

Left for dinner with them.. Ordered Indian rojak and mutton soup for them.. Was listening to the jokes Stephen said.. Well most of the time I din reali understand.. Haha.. IQ too low.. Catch no balls.. Saying abt the Bangladesh thingy also wanna laugh till beng.. Cuming to think of it.. It's reali veri funny even though it's full of vulgarities.. Esp the part where the Bangladesh scold SG vulgar.. Full of funny accent.. And the part where the guy said u must say veri veri sorri..

And I duno why suddenly the conversation focus becum on why Hammie called me korkor.. Well I guess maybe she used to it liao.. She used to be my cs kaki in [H]eave[N] server.. At first tot she is a male who tried to pretend as a female.. But I'm wrong.. She is indeed a gal.. Cuz when contact is in the form of cyber.. Ppl juz dun let their guard off.. Same goes for me.. Cyber always is place where scam and deception prevail.. And it's a fact..

Cum to think of it.. Know Hammie since 1.3 and it's ard three long years le.. Joa was asking whether I see Hammie before.. Well it's yes.. Asking me whether she pretty or not.. Haha.. Well I am juz not that keen on gals which have a wide gap btwn my age and hers.. That's why she always call me korkor mah.. Even for Artzy.. Mitzy and Netzy.. She also called them korkor mah.. We are all her brothers.. And it juz make me feel paiseh when my dear Cy.. Joa.. Ly.. Sher and Shreky tried to be funny with me.. @_@" And ya they called me korkor loh.. *Fainted* Stephen was saying oh since Hammie is younger than me so she called me korkor.. Then we all also younger than u so we also called u korkor loh.. *Stone Cold Stunner Stephen*

Ya and everyone began to disturb me.. >_<~ Wahahaha.. Anyway cuming to think of it.. Quite song also leh.. Muwahahahahaha.. They will kill me when they saw this.. Heee.. Oh no.. Wait Cy reali can fulfil her wish of slapping ppl's face.. Haha.. And at the same time she can juz grant Joa's wish of using ice-cream to zhua on ppl's face.. *Bleahz* Lalalala..

And Cy was saying abt how my grading.. I said gone liao loh.. Then wat colour now.. I said worst than white colour.. Haha.. And Stephen added oh then transparent now loh.. Haha.. Transparent belt means no colour at all.. If there reali one then I should be the legend of it.. Hahaha..

Well everyone got their dream.. Maybe in future I reali can see Cy.. Joa.. Ly and Stephen forming a music band.. Cy will be pianist.. Joa will be Gu-Zhengist?(LOLz).. Ly will be drumist and Stephen will be guitarist.. Haha.. Who knows.. Nothing is for sure.. Saying abt music.. Juz saw the advertisement for Superstars CD.. Hmm.. Should buy or not? Cuz I more interested in Junyang that song for guardian angel.. Maybe should juz aimed for his solo album..

Hmm.. How does it feel when u got to return ur feelings to someone soon.. Is that ever possible? I don't want to say I can't do anything.. But what am I able to do also? Only one thing would be enough.. And that is reach out my hand until the day I can't reach for that someone anymore.. But it's so hard to return someone feelings when hope and despair keep my company and refuse to leave..

Is it juz too much to ask that when I am happy.. I can see u smiling.. And when u are sad.. I will be by ur side anytime.. If what I am doing is juz too much for a frenz.. Then I guess u urself have to wait until u can walk on ur own again.. Even though I juz simply wanted to give up.. But I know I'm unable to.. Anyway I will keep standing you up even though I know my words juz can't reach you..

Although frenzship and luv are completely different things.. I wonder why sometimes I can't understand it at all.. Repressing my wish of becuming more sensible but I juz can't.. I'm trying to keep silent with that painful courage I am holding on now.. It might be pain at first but it's ok.. I still can take it..

Tell me why don't people realize their true feelings? Even though the things they like.. The ppl they luv are all that matters to them.. If we cover up our feelings or pretend we don't see.. Nothing will change rite? But why not we juz be honest and frank and live openly.. Sometimes I juz wonder.. Are humans reali have been programmed to live?

And today's theme.. Go Daddy Go.. Hahaha..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, October 10, 2005

It was always the heart breaking moment when u heard frm ur frenz of breakup becuz of some invalid reasons.. And ya was reali sad with O's story.. Now I can reali feel how she felt.. The heart wrenching moments she had.. The pain the sufferings.. And subsequently without her kinz ard to stand by her.. She is juz like a lonely gal wandering ard the street.. She is all alone in the big city.. Thrown away like an empty can.. She is searching for her soul.. Searching for the purpose in life..

Yes I agree luv is selfish.. I flashed back my memories.. Those stupid things I did before.. And all those wannabe-thinkings which I think I was somebody to someone.. But in the end in fact I am not.. It's juz that sad.. Who wants to have a third party in their r/s? And who wants to be a third party instead.. No.. No one will wants it.. Maybe O's place reali has been taken up by someone else..

Everyone yearns to be forever with their luv ones.. While everyone wishes.. No one believes in eternity.. Even if so.. Why they still wanna dream about tomorrow.. Dreaming that they will have an eternity luv.. Life is not a bed of roses.. And life is short-lived.. If I ever find eternal luv.. I reali can leave the luv with no regret..

How would u ppl answer if someone juz forced u to say whu u like.. And u juz say it's u.. Unable to accept this fact.. Some ppl juz tried to act as if nothing had happened.. Trying to avoid further misunderstanding of giving more false hopes.. He/she tried to minimise the contact with u.. Will u ppl feel sad? Well it's always when people seek an answer on this type of issue.. And lose something that's irreplaceable in the end.. Like frenzship etc.. It was juz like we were meant to be.. Supposed to be.. But we lost it.. And all of the memories so close to me juz fade away..

How I wish there is reali a shenlong in this world.. I will gather all seven dragonballs.. And I hope all of my wishes will come true on a gentle winter day.. Sometimes I juz hope before the world comes to an end.. Some of us won't be apart.. I may wished it for countless years.. But u knw sometimes it's reali got no choice but to accept the fact that it's impossible.. Why does the past destroy the present? Even when that worn out heart of somebody that shines on that veri person he care?

Sometimes since it seemed to please someone.. And that someone seemed to want me to.. So I guess I got no choice but to straighten out the way I used to talk to him/her.. And when some things seemed to bother that someone.. I tried to stop talking on the phone for a long time.. Maybe I juz dun smile like I used to.. Changing my mind in hope that I still can accept the facts.. For some ppl.. They are the entrance to paradise for me.. While some ppl might be the entrance to hell for me.. I juz want to live simply.. And that's all..

For O's case.. Is it that luv is only luv until they know everything about each other? I sincerely hope that she will be fine.. At least for now.. Although dun knw her in person but her story definitely is worth for me to feel sad for her.. O u have great frenz like Joa and Jw.. They will definitely lend u a hand.. They will be there for u.. Let mother nature be the judgement.. Let her straighten out ur path.. Let the time show everything.. Let time speaks for itself.. U will find ur truthfully luv one day..

Since the day we met..
Everything became clear..
I have got my eyes only on you..
My heart began beating passionately..
When you are next to me I do not need anything else..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..
Now and Forever..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Is it reali when u luv the person.. U will set the person free.. I saw my Platoon Commander nick.. I was veri sad for him.. He is such a gd guy.. A PC who always nvr fail to care for his man.. Let alone saying that he has neglected his gf.. When a person is most down is when he or she fallen down in r/s.. And he or she need someone to tok with.. I din tok to my PC.. I duno why.. Shouldn't I suppose to be lending him a ear.. As my frenz lend me their I should lend mine to others too..

I seem to be happy yesterday.. I am eager to see my nephew in two months time.. Guess will be in Dec.. I can feel him rolling in the stomach.. Kicking here and there.. It's veri notti.. Ya been a Sagittarius is better ba.. At least much better than Scorpio.. This is juz a general statement I am saying.. Not pinpointing of any frenz who I know is a Scorpio.. I mean frenz like Steph.. Etc.. That time went to the bookstore at Clementi with Cindy and Stephen.. Saw this astology book on horoscopes.. We flip through every horoscopes.. And realised that actuali it's quite true.. Ya but to a certain extent.. Jealously.. Hatred.. Bad temper.. Etc.. Well again I emphasized that to a certain extent..

Went to the Cold Storage yesterday nite.. Juz wear a singlet and shorts down.. My sis asked I wear like that go down? I replied her yes.. I mean what is wrong.. Not as if I din wear anything then go down.. I couldn't care anymore.. Care so much about image also no use.. Nobody is gonna confer u a title for that..

Went for grading today.. Went to Jiawen's office there to eat.. After that went to take Bus 56 to head towards Toa Payoh.. Settling down there quite early.. Grading starts at 1400hrs.. So we went to put on the Gi and wait.. Went outside as Sir called us.. Haha.. And I get to see Andy there also.. ^^ Andy is my guardian mah.. My shou hu shen.. Heeee.. Seeing him around kinda relax me.. And that Joo Chiat kid that time which Jiawen teach till vomit blood one was there also.. Can't stand him lah.. Idiot loh.. Pull my hair.. Use his belt and tickle me.. Then punch me.. What the HELL!! Heng his mum saw that then scold him..

Yes and finali the event started.. Got around 17 white belt holders including myself.. So the first batch of 8 went first.. And the second batch of 8 went too after the first batch finished.. Win liao loh.. 8+8=16.. And am I reali so unlucky or heng to be juz that one which is odd one out? Who knows.. Well one judge to one person is kinda stressed thing for me.. At least when everyone doing together I can use them as so called decoy to cover up some weakness or mistakes mah.. And now I can't.. And that judge's face is veri strict and black loh.. @_@" When I fin my teguek.. He asked me to go over.. I know that it liao.. Ya and he told me why I so kanjiong.. I admit I am loh.. And he said alot of duno what things to me.. I dun understand a single thing he said.. It was like a foreign language he was saying to me.. I looked at my Sir.. And Sir asked me to say "Yes Sir".. As in saying to that judge loh..

When I finali finished and I can leave.. Got one white tip guy asked me.. U double jumped is it? I was like huh? I juz said duno.. I smiled and left.. Feel like telling him that I was "Double Farked" by judge instead loh.. I sadly went over to Andy's side.. Feel like leaning against his shoulder.. Haiz.. It was like as if I reali making myself a monkey in front of so many ppl.. Sia suay.. And it was Ailing and Joa's turn to perform.. Haha. I tot they finished liao.. But they were asked to repeat also.. And Joa said must be me here today.. Cursed Ailing and her.. Hahaha.. Cuz their grading so long till now nvr been asked to repeat their moves again.. >_<~

Saw Zhentao also.. He was asking me where are those gals that we went supper that time.. I know he likes Regina.. So I wanted to say oh u mean ur beloved Regina ar.. Wahahaha.. Well I din cuz I not that bad lah.. Hehe.. And so I left with Ailing and Joa.. We headed towards Bishan J8.. Settling down at foodcourt to eat.. And went to Coffeebean to sit down and chat.. Tried the Caramel Apple Ice Blended.. Erm.. It's kinda sour leh.. Well I still prefer my zhen zhong caramel drink.. And I am surprised that Ailing smoked also.. And Joa said something like guys dun smoke.. Well smoke for the sake of chasing mosquitoes ba.. Haha.. And we started toking abt ghosts and all that.. Then I related them to Stephen's experience when he was a medic.. And Joa also said her experiences.. Toking abt ghosts.. I was asking for the catalogue for cakes at coffeebean.. And I gonna get this haunted house cake.. Which is quite innovative and cute.. Juz wanna do the last thing I can ever do to fulfil my wish to someone..

Today I was kinda observing how ppl looked at Ailing and Joa.. Well and I sure to observe more than I expected.. Scenario One: A guy with his gf walked past them and the guy keeps looking at them.. Pls loh his gf there he like simply dun care.. Scenario Two: Taking an escalator down.. An uncle was like staring at them while he travelled upwards.. And his eyes juz can't get off the two of them.. Do u need to be that obvious uncle? Nvr see babes before ar? Or simply juz can't get their eyes off their mini shorts? I juz have that type of habit which I dun like ppl to see or watch my gal frenz like as if they wanted to eat my frenz up.. Pls dun be so pervertic or tiko ok.. And I was waiting to see that stupid mad dog who screams as if like there is no tomolow and his so called gd disciple who molested gal.. Juz my luck that I din get to see these two "heroes" today.. LoLz..

And lastly.. Happy Birthday to Colin!! Tomolow is his bday.. Oh ya was kinda surprised that Ailing and Joa bday is only diff of one day.. Well and when Andy saw Joa grading card photo today he told me something.. Haha.. It's a secret.. I will tell u guys when u remind me of it.. =P Heng Andy din saw Ailing one.. LoLz

Guidelines for some guys.. Copy from some where.. Hahahaha..
1. Gals like guys with sense of humour.
2. Gals hate guys who always brag about themselves.
3. Gals hate it when u make them wait.
4. Take a close look at this paradox: Gals are generally impulsive buyers but are good in budgeting.
5. If u r thinking tat gals are very particular wif a guy's looks.. Then it's time for u to make a paradigm shift.. It's actuali the attitude and the way u treat then tat they mostly fall for.
6. Gals are genetically sensitive.
7. Gals are very suspicious human beings.
8. A guy gotta understand gals mood swings specially when its tat time of the month.
9. Gals love to chat about anything.
10. Gals easily get carried away by their emotions.

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, October 07, 2005

Juz got the sad midi from Hammie today.. Thankz Hammie.. It’s hit me when I first listen to it.. It’s reali kinda describe how I feel.. And maybe to Fluxc korkor too.. He has fallen down.. Fluxc korkor was saying at Hammie taggy.. It’s reali hurt to see the person he luv going back to her ex.. And there’s nothing he can do but to wait.. The feeling juz sux.. I reali can feel Fluxc korkor disappointment.. I have been through it.. It's juz suxs.. As if it's end of the world..

But I juz told him.. As the relationship gets older btwn the gal n her ex.. The gal is kinda used to her ex’s presence.. And it’s not so easy to say let go then let go.. It’s reali true.. And when someone experience abt it.. He or she will know what I mean.. And I told Hammie that.. When she grow up.. Juz dun be the one that are hurting the others.. Maybe she is still young and wun reali understand what an old man like me said to her.. Juz wanna tell Fluxc korkor.. “In life juz carry the truth forward as “Today” in hope that she will give u at least a chance “Tomolow” (yeKai, 2005)..” Though that is juz dreaming.. But nothing is for sure right? Imagine u have a steady gf for 10yrs.. And who knows tomolow might juz be the end for both of u..

And Boyboy said to Fluxc korkor that we will nvr knw how much it pains him.. Cuz each person is different.. Well.. Two roads Boyboy laid for himself last time.. First is to be happy for her n let go (Super hard yet short).. Second is to be sad everyday (Endless pain).. And Boyboy chose to be happy for her yet hope to be with her one day.. U nvr knw Fluxc.. U nvr knw.. Let time speak for itself.. Let time shows everything.. Fluxc korkor u are brave to share out ur pain rather than some who choose to keep it.. Boyboy is right.. Though we dun reali knw u that much but that there are ppl standing by ur side always.. Reali.. =)

Saw the reply from my frenz abt whether settling down is reali that bad.. Juz as I expect.. Stephen said there is certainly more things in life to look forward to.. Yea he is rite.. But what are those things? If I reali dun have those goals in my life how am I reali going to pursuit it.. And Joa said settling down in life is not the main objective.. Cuz no one stay with someone for ever.. Ya she is rite.. No one live with somebody forever.. Even if married there can be divorce.. But why can’t we look it in a more optimistic way.. Thinking that ur partner will be with u forever till u left this world.. Fairytale is reali bluffing ppl.. There is no such thing called happy ending.. It's merely a fiction.. But I choose to deceive myself.. And I choose to believe that there will be happy ending.. Cuz there will definitely be some minority that can achieve that.. Juz like Guang Liang’s Tong Hua.. But it’s kinda made me doubt even more of whether it's achievable..

How does it feel when u tried to study hard.. And wan to forget all those unhappy stuffs.. But as u tried ur vision get blur.. U can’t stop it from blinding urself.. While scrolling down the hp list.. Trying to find someone u can pour ur sorrows to.. And in the end u found none.. Worrying that u might be juz a nuisance to others.. And in the end u hide in the room pretending to study.. Covering urself up with notes and txtbk.. Worrying that ur mummy and daddy will spot ur swelling features.. Such a shameful thing maybe to u.. U got to be strong and stop been a weakling.. U should pull urself up when u have fallen down.. Keep hiding urself in the well is not the best thing to do.. Tok to ur frenz abt it.. They will be able to give u advices and views.. They can calm u down.. They can give u their lending ears.. They can give u the warming hugs.. And they will cry together with u.. Rem that even when the most misfortunate thing has fallen upon u.. Ur dear frenz will be there for u to hold ur arms.. They wun let u go no matter what.. No matter what they wun.. They wun leave u alone to die.. And I have a bunch of gd frenz.. Cuming to think of it I am reali glad..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Actually was reali veri in-motivated to study for the cuming exams.. Is juz like dun have that mood to start it.. And when there is so much things happening here and there.. It’s juz turn me off to juz even push myself to take a pen to start doing my bf..

And finali the last project is done.. Such a headache with all these projects.. It’s reali not fair when we are the last and only batch for all these shit things.. And those going to Sem 3 one will have at least 3/4 change in modules.. They are fortunate that oe is been taken away.. And ya Liyee will be sending ER over to sch tonite.. Thankz for the effort pal..

I was listening to one of my frenz when he told me about what had happened to him.. I duno what the name of those gals he encountered.. So I juz narrated it in simple context ba.. My frenz Guy A like this Gal A.. But he juz nvr told Gal A about it.. And there is one day that Gal A’s frenz Gal B and Gal C speculate that Guy A like Gal A.. So they told Gal A but Gal A dun believe.. But as time passes.. Gal A sort of believe half and disbelieve half.. Then there is one day that Gal A force Guy A to say who he likes.. And when Guy A said it’s her.. Gal A was kinda reali shocked..

And so the story continue to where Gal A told Gal B about it.. Gal B said why didn’t Gal A believe her in the first place.. Now the matter is sort of an embarrassment.. Gal B juz reprimanded Gal A off that did she know what is the consequences of what she did.. Gal B said Gal A obviously know that Guy A likes her then why did she still wanted to dig it out.. Gal B said what can Gal A benefit from when she know about that Guy A likes her.. Is it Gal A wanted to confirm it? No idea.. Gal B said is it so that Gal A can 暗爽 that got ppl like her? And Gal B said Gal A already attached liao why still wanted to do such thing.. So what if Gal A knows the truth? Will she break up juz becuz of Guy A? How will Guy A thinks and feels? It's juz hurt Guy A loh.. It's reali kinda tiu loh.. I also agree with what Gal B said.. Hmm.. Is Gal A trying to be funny or what? Haha.. Who knows..

I juz have a general question to ask u ppl.. Disregard whether gals or guys.. Do u ppl think that there are more things to look forward to in life? I mean except for r/s what do u ppl till look forward to? Is it play and leisure? I was been asked this question by my frenz.. So I also duno how to answer it.. I mean for me I will surely say settle down loh.. Haha.. That’s the logical thinking mah.. LoLz.. Anyway my frenz juz tell me to look forward for more things in life loh.. My frenz said settling down is not the main objective in life.. Hmm.. How true is that?

I reali duno.. Cuz having a life partner might not reali be that impt to some ppl after all.. I reali can’t comment.. So is settling down reali a veri wrong thing to do? I reali pondered for an answer.. I guess it’s still based on individuals ba.. Different ppl see things differently with different perceptions.. Yup and it’s a fact.. Eh u ppl must think of the question I asked u all hor.. I will ask u all when I see u all again.. All those duno how to answer one will sign xtras.. The higher the hierarchy u are in.. The more u sign.. Says if for Stephen’s rank.. He’s Tong Mo Mo mah.. So quite high position.. So he will sign around 20 ba.. Hehehe.. >_<~

Actuali juz now in the afternoon I managed to get my sis in law vehicle.. Haha.. Yea.. Finali loh.. Was quite upset with my parents when they dun allow me to use my sis in law vehicle.. And I drove back from his company back to my place.. Alrite since no so much vehicles on the road.. But when cum to parking I kinda sia suay loh.. Haha heng no ppl in the carpark.. Juz show u guys how terrible I am..

Lot A
Lot B
Lot C

Haha X is where the car end up finali.. Wahahahah.. I person take two lots.. >_<~ And I wanted to go out town to fetch Jiawen and Joa later for training.. But hor.. I din know the way there.. And if got ERP I dun have cash card.. Hahaha.. Haiz.. So in the end I juz feel better not.. So I told Joa to wait for me at the Tanah Merah taxi stand there.. When Jiawen and Joa came.. I guess I too kanjiong then so called jerk the vehicle.. Yup and Joa said I din not buy insurance.. @_@" Well I am a safe driver hor.. =X

Run and run till feet blisters.. It's hard concrete surface floor.. So it's ain't surprised at all.. Today Sir they all wanted to go Yishun eat.. So I guess I can't go cuz I got to return back the vehicle to my sis in law.. Haiz.. Then again can't be everytime also go to our homeground mah.. Saw some pic that gonna suan Liyee one.. Well it will be post up soon by Joa.. Haha.. Liyee sms us abt the handling of ER had been accomplished and he added.. Dun slack and start studying! LoLz.. Joa see liao said machiam Liyee started liao.. Then sms back Liyee juz to counter him.. Well Liyee indeed start liao..

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Juz stick two pieces of salon pas on my biceps group yest nite.. I peeled it off this morning.. Walau why got rectangle mark on the skin one.. >_<~ And if go out confirm like damn obvious.. @_@"

Saw the paper on TODAY.. It's reali abit gross as the photos of the three suicide bombers were published in the news.. What I mean are the heads that is been blown off.. The heads are on a piece of white cloth.. Hmm.. Actuali not that gross.. But it's kinda weird to show juz the head oni.. I mean I know the bodies of the three suspects is been shattered into smaller pieces.. I mean juz dun show the pic loh.. Or they can did it like Straits times.. Make it more of a potrait style..

It's reali kinda sad when some ppl juz dun seem to be satisfied with the world itself.. Bombing and killing everytime.. When will all these things ever cum to an end.. Juz like econs.. Insatiable wants.. No one will ever be satisfied with what they have now.. Juz like the JI forces.. Guess they will only stopped all these attacks when they have finali conquered the world esp the US.. I mean what for.. Juz to show that u are the strongest in the whole world.. In this world there will nvr be a strongest contender at all times.. Been the fact why during the last last World Cup 1998.. Why did brazil lose to France? Despite Brazil is the strongest since then.. And why did Liverpool lost to Chelsea where Liverpool aren't that weak either? And that damn Chelsea manager is so yaya abt it.. Can't stand him loh.. Yaya papaya.. Juz hope the red devils will pwned their ass.. LOLz..

If world has always been so peaceful.. Then why is there still a need to build up forces and weapons within the country itself.. Actuali it's becuz of the unknown fear and uncertainty towards the rest of the world.. And that explained why power is necessary.. Becuz conflict continue to exist in this world..

There is this couple Shawn and Winnie having their wedding at Bali when the bomb suicide occurred.. And they were damn worried that their frenz wun attend the wedding due to unforeseeable events.. And they were wrong.. Almost all their frenz made it except a few that din.. Juz like what Singapore Technologies Director, Kirby Koh said.. "Life goes on.. Terrorists will be everywhere.." How true it is.. "是福不是祸.. 是祸躲不过".. And he added.. "It's not that we are throwing caution to the wind.. But Shawn and Winnie are reali our gd frenz.." Anyway that's what I called true frenz stayed by ur side when u need them..

I got this qns from Jill.. Her lecturer asked them abt this qns.. "A bear walk 1km South.. 1km West.. 1km North back to start point.. What color is the bear?" As usual I wun get to guess the correct answer.. Haha.. U guys tried ba.. It's logic that what she told me.. Well when I begged her to tell me the ans.. I juz feel like it's so weird.. And it's lame instead of logic.. Feel like I kena cheated.. LoLz.. >_<~ Juz like what Stephen said.. Why Zoological Garden? Why Zoo then Logical? Zoo must be logical.. Haha.. And he is squeezing his brain juice to think of why.. So I guess the name itself dun possess any logic afterall..

Going to announce some news which might interest some of our clique ppl like Cy and Joa.. That time Joa missed that Wakeboard Championship at Kallang cuz she duno got that event.. Now I hope she wun miss this big event cuming on soon this month.. And ya.. There will be a HSBC Wakeboard World Cup at Bedok Reservoir from 22nd to 23rd Oct.. It is the finale of Waterfest Singapore which begins on this Saturday with Sava Sprints International Dragonboat Race happening at the same venue..

Sava Sprints is on the 8th and 9th Oct.. Hmm.. I duno whether I can make it to watch the race leh.. I kinda keen.. And Ming was saying whether we wanted to go see.. He can organise one so called excursion for us.. Haha.. Anyway there will be 35 wakeboarders from 20 different countries.. Including Kiwi World Cup Champion Jeff Weatherall n China's World Games Champion Chen Lili.. For more info.. Can visit this webby

And Singapore Waterski and Wakeboard Federation (SWWF) will be training young kids to becum future wakeboarding talents.. Wow that's reali impressive.. >_<~

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, October 03, 2005

Din had a run yest.. Ming was saying due to the newbie.. We need to intro again with one another.. There was quite a number of ppl yest.. As usual those cum before for trial most likely wun cum again.. Actuali I also dun care them.. Wan to cum or dun cum not my problem.. Juz dun treat it as a place where when u feel like it then u cum.. Juz dun bother the rest of us.. Dun spoilt team cohesiveness and coordination..

Was asked to play the sort of icebreaker game.. After that play the curtain game.. That time went washed car with Yongtang for Tsunami.. It’s exactly the same game yest.. We used a groundsheet instead a curtain.. Haha.. The groundsheet is a bit transparent.. Then loser team will do forfeit.. Actuali every time they said forfeit.. I tot is “four feet”.. I mean I tot that’s a term to some punishment.. Pls dun laugh at me.. >_< I only know the real spelling last sem.. Kinda too late for me.. From sec till now.. Forfeit equals four feet.. Haiz..

Back to topic.. Anyway Johnson was making decoy since that the groundsheet is such a spoiler.. It was my turn.. The groundsheet dropped.. I saw him.. He saw me.. He pointed his finger at me.. I pointed mine against him.. His mind is recalling what my name.. While I was doing the same.. But I was thinking which uni he is from.. Rmit.. Uol or UniSIM.. Criteria is to call out name and uni of that person.. I called Jeffrey name out and said the wrong uni.. Haha I still win cuz he din call out my name.. Lalalala.. Actuali I save him frm staying in the losing team.. Hahaha.. =p

Names are always confusing.. No wonder ppl always like to use names to play some games.. Got one guy whu call Jiajie.. I was kinda sensitive to this name.. I reali dun like another guy whu also got almost the same name.. His one is “jue” instead of “jie”.. It’s irks me.. It’s another name which I know of one year ago.. I agree it’s reali a nice name to call upon.. It’s soothing when u called this name.. The gals besides me also got said JJ is sort of a nice name.. And same name use on different ppl reali makes a significant difference..

Was outta sea yest.. Was quite fortunate that there is still sunshine in the sky.. It’s was raining before that.. Why some ppl juz dun admit that he is doing that particular stuff.. Esp when I was behind him.. I reali tink Yaozong was splashing all the water onto me.. The whole boat was using our hands to so called paddle.. And he is obviously pushing all the water onto me.. Still wan to deny.. I ask him to relax loh.. He said is the front ppl.. Dun push the responsibilities to other ppl loh.. U thinks I am blind is it!! Alex was behind me and he knew exactly what happened.. When use paddles to paddle.. Yaozong was also the one that is too fast.. I know I slow in recovering but he no need to act as if he damn zai like that.. The boat speed will depend on Jackson and both the pacers which are Gavin and Mike.. He is obviously buay song that his place is taken up by ex NTeam rower Mike.. Cum on loh.. U only left with one sem.. Why give u so impt position when u leaving soon nxt year.. While Mike still got three years more to go..

Henry is that white fellow I said before.. He was giving up halfway when rowing.. Ming said before that he feels like beating that person whu gives up halfway.. Cuz sometimes victory is juz within that split second.. It's reali crucial.. Yes I know it's reali veri tiring and shag.. I been through it I know it.. But pls see it in a way that none of ur frenz are giving up.. So how can u give up.. My back.. Bi/triceps are in great pain after a massive training few days ago.. I ain't giving up so how can u give up.. And I am sure that I have gone through more pain than u do.. All the criticism from Jackson.. Ming.. Ray and Roy.. But at the end of the day it's will benefit urself.. Be like Njc team.. Whu always believe that they are the strongest among all.. They looked down on all teams.. Juz becuz they believe that they are the Champion.. And yes they reali did it.. Mind overcum body.. It's juz a matter whether ones is willingly to accept it..

Went for dinner with the rest of the crew.. As usual ppl like Yaozong will go becuz got gals going.. I gonna to quote from Joa “Well he has a dick afterall..” (Joa, 2005) It’s reali damn off for me.. Zzz.. What does that show? Well desperate ba.. Jeremy asked Yaozong to go and entertain the gals.. And he reali went over.. =_= And he seem to me like a monkey acting in front of those gals.. I am impressed with his thick skin.. Use Awp also can’t go through.. After the dinner.. Time to leave.. I went over to tell Jackson that I wun be going for sea training for this month.. And ya exams are cuming.. He understand it well since he also a student before.. Well he said it’s ok for me to dun cum for one month.. But he said must do training on own.. Haha.. Alrite I will.. I swear.. *Fingers crossing behind* >_<~

I believe Jackson will check my notebook loh.. Since I will MIA for one month.. Btwn the notebook is for everyone.. Recording down what each of us did during those days without training.. Juz to log down whether we got do training when alone or not.. And how many sets/reps.. What type of training.. Running.. Gym.. Etc..

I reali thinks it’s time to stop thinking abt some ppl.. Smsing is reali not a way to communicate is it? I reali duno.. Language and tone wise seem to be a great problem.. I was kinda fed up when I received that kind of reply.. I mean r u reali that happy and sorry? As u wish.. That time when I was on the bus and u called.. I have made myself clear that I wun ask u out anymore.. That’s the last time.. I dun wanna try anymore.. There is always a limit to one’s patience.. It’s not fun reali.. Enuff is enuff.. And u insist that u do try to ask me out on the other hand.. So should I be happy or glad? It’s juz like a form of courtesy is it? 你来我往.. Who actuali wan that? No one will..

Actuali is this how it should ends with juz a simple telephone call.. Who knows.. I know he has been on ur mind.. It’s been a long time btwn u n him.. Sumtimes I juz tot u will realize that it’s over.. Juz wan u to know that it’s not the way I choose to live this way.. U force me to.. I said before.. Lose it all if you've got no more room.. No more room inside for me in your life.. U reali leave me here with nothing at all.. And in the end my heart softened again.. Maybe I juz dun have that great determination to so called lose u.. I looked upon the sky and wonder why.. Maybe it's juz that easy to hate someone while on the other hand it's juz that hard to lose someone u cherish.. =/

When I met you..
Everything became clear..
My heart began beating passionately..
Truthfully I was always requesting..
A place in your heart..
And that's all I ask..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^