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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Today morning Stephen came over to swim.. Asking me to join but I dun wan.. I went to play basketball instead.. Played till it started to rain then I stopped.. After we changed up.. We went to that kopitiam to eat minipot again.. LoLx.. Wanted to call Joanne along one.. But called her home and hp no one answer.. I told Stephen she must be sleeping loh.. But it's alreadi 12noon plus liao leh.. Cannot be so ridiculous lah.. Anyway our guess is correct.. She woke up at 1230hrs.. @_@" Not forgetting that bunny do have the ability to hibernate.. Unlike us human loh.. LoLx.. =p Stephen and me took bus to sch today.. My first time taking bus all the way to sch.. Halfway through it's rained like siao.. Sibei dua loh.. Anyway it's nice to slp when its rained.. I slept in the bus.. Sibei shiok.. Reaching sch abit late.. We went into the LT and saw our clique ppl were all there except Joanne.. Had Sami class today.. Actuali he got two more lectures to teach one.. But then he asked us whether we wanted to learn.. LoLx.. I tink he himself also dun wan us to learn loh.. Wasting time ba.. Then Joanne.. Stephen and me were discussing abt that Michelle.. Why she look veri qiao cui.. Then I said becuz kena ditched by Joshua loh.. Stephen said no lah.. It's becuz of her hair.. Joanne added u implying Chen Yu ar? Haha.. Their hairstyle same meh? I got no idea at all.. And Chen Yu just happened to walk past.. Hearing her name.. She asked me wat is it.. I said nothing.. Then she pinched me loh.. I refused to succumb to EVIL loh.. Wahahaha.. And she reali nvr took her fingers away loh.. Twisting even more harder.. Pain loh.. Imagined for a minute she did that.. Blue black liao loh.. Joanne said my face turning red liao loh.. @_@" That is called "Da Ting Ci Hou".. Taking bus with Colin today to Clementi.. After that I took train with Jiamin and Kelly.. Reaching Tampines.. I accompanied Jiamin to update her account booklet.. Then she must queued for the update's queue mah.. She went to queue for the drawing money's queue.. *Fainted* I asked her.. I tot u updating leh.. Why u went to queue here.. If I nvr tell her she would be there gong gong loh.. Haha..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Today Colin.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Sherry and Stephen came over my place to do our project.. Meeting at 1000hrs but in the end changed to 1100hrs due to some factors.. Doing all the stuffs needed for today.. They all reali machiam like mad.. Especially Joanne.. Asked me can I cook maggie mee for her.. Wahahaha.. I first time heard ppl asked me cook for them.. Claiming she was hungry.. Cuz that time was around lunch time le.. So I asked her that whether she joining us for lunch.. Then Stephen added dun eat maggie mee lah.. Later accompany us for lunch lah.. Our poor bunny in the end bopian.. Bite cookies and all the edible stuffs to keep her alive.. LoLx.. ^^ Then put the Kungfu Hustler vcd to let Joanne see.. Cuz she din see before.. Haha.. Project meeting in the end became movie session for all of us.. Except Stephen lah.. Sat down there working on the project stuffs.. Actuali hor he was also secretly chatting on msn loh.. LoLx.. Today damn shiok loh.. Becuz I finali can get my hands on our bunny.. Hitting her like mad with the cushion.. Counter here and there.. I was reali hitting her like veri song.. Wahahaha.. Shiok shiok!!! Anyway I got home ground advantage hor.. LoLx.. Deciding to had our lunch since everything is done.. Woohoo.. Long time no minipot.. Today finali had minipot with the rest again.. But today oni Joanne.. Stephen and me called minipot to eat.. Colin eating his tabao Burgerking.. While Liyee and Sherry had western food.. Then it started to have rainpour.. Getting heavier and heavier.. Joanne was meeting her frenz at around 1600hrs for some budgeted airline stuff.. Claiming that she is going to Thailand.. @_@" Joanne left around 1530hrs ba.. Poor Joanne bopian need to cross hurdles of rainpour before reaching her place.. Actuali wanted to help her borrowed umbrella one.. I got reputation in the kopitiam one mah.. Wahahahaha.. =p So should not be a problem.. But then when I wanted to borrow she disappeared liao.. Then now down with flu liao.. Tomolow she would need tons of tissue papers liao.. Colin left not long after Joanne left.. Leaving behind Liyee.. Sherry.. Stephen and me.. Had some games.. Damn funni.. Seeing the rain get smaller le.. So we hurried off.. Liyee and Sherry left.. While Stephen and me had a game of basketball match.. Played "ABC" at first.. Hehe I won.. =p Then we played "Man Jiang Hong".. Haha.. We played for 21 points.. 51 points.. 101 points for 3 rounds.. Lastly 111 points.. Hehe.. I won all also.. =p In the end.. Stephen said wanna challenge that two kids for match.. Erm.. I said ok loh.. They are oni Primary six nia.. But they are quite good loh.. Anyway we won in the end.. Quite shag after the game.. Stephen went to bathe afterwhich I accompanied him to bus stop to take bus.. Later still got class.. LoLx.. Energy all depleted liao.. Haha.. Just now was with Eddy to accompanied him for dinner at 2200hrs.. After that I went home.. Reaching home around near 2300hrs..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Left to Right.. Princess Raz.. Chen Yu GeGe.. Her Majesty Tricia.. Little Orange Paper.. And finali the below one is Lord Yongtang.. LoLx.. Welcome to the home of the |2oyalist..

Today reaching mrt around 0830hrs.. Quite late loh.. But still managed to reach sch in time.. Reaching Bedok.. There were this two guys.. Boarding the train.. They were frenz.. One of them from Bedok till Buona Vista kept glancing at me on and off.. What the hell.. I tot I know him then I looked again.. No loh I dun know him at all.. Zzz.. Pls loh I am not interested in guys.. And I have no intention to convert to gay.. Alreadi kena in frenster now I a bit scared le.. *Puke* Reached sch just nice 0930hrs.. During break time Alyssa.. Jiamin and Kelly went over to give me a bday present.. Reali thoughtful of them.. It's a shirt and a card.. This is the veri first bday present I got in my whole 24yrs of life.. Many of u may not believe wat I said.. Frankly speaking for the past 23yrs.. I have been celebrating at home with my family.. Every year I got a cake.. Except one year when the bird flu reali hit hard on my dad's business and I told them dun buy cake for that year.. And today I had a cake from my frenz.. And I mean it's reali from my frenz and not my family.. Again this is also the veri first time I had a cake from someone else other than my family.. Celebrating with Advin who is also same bday as me.. Not forgetting Adrian also.. They sang the bday song made me feel paiseh.. Reali long time since someone ever sang bday song for me.. Cutting the cake.. Gave one piece to our dear lecturer Gopalan.. Then she said can smaller abit.. Haha.. Then Advin and I took three pieces into the LT for Alyssa.. Jiamin and Kelly.. Joanne said this piece is bigger in size so u know who to give loh.. Haha.. Win liao.. I cannot be biased one mah.. Then everyone gathered to take photo.. Although this "Tian Yi Wu Feng" plan I alreadi know quite long le.. So it's no surprise for me.. Nevertheless I still appreciated the effort they put in to celebrate the bday for Advin.. Adrian and me.. Gals and guys reali thank alot for everything today.. For once it will be another sweet memory for me.. ^^ Thank to those who were around today.. Oni two not around and they were Chen Yu and Shaofeng.. Chen Yu needed to help out her sista wedding today so din attend sch.. As for Shaofeng I duno why he din cum.. Nvm I will kill him on Tuesday.. Hehe.. After sch we had some discussion abt our project.. Then Stephen wanted to take photo for Joanne and me mah.. Then that Joanne said I dun wan to take photo with Yekai.. Walau I not Ivy loh.. Win liao loh.. Then she immediately hide her face.. @_@" Then I used the survey paper and hit her head.. She took the whole law book and smacked me.. -_-" Colin was tokin to me also.. And I like dreaming then nvr listened to wat he said.. He took up the law book wanting to hit me with it also.. *Phew* Heng the moment he picked up I recovered to my sense and quickly looked at him.. If not kena left and right combo.. Then Joanne said she just learnt side kick.. And she tried on me loh.. And she reali kicked it.. *Ouch* Aiya Stephen and me always her experiment guinea pigs.. Haha.. Bopian lah.. Who ask her rank is higher than us.. LoLx.. Time for lunch.. Colin went home claiming her auntie cooked special stuff for him.. Joanne went to Clementi to buy 4D then went to East Coast for picnic.. Raz.. Tricia and Yongtang went to bird park to do their survey.. The rest went to canteen for lunch.. Today reali a lot of ppl loh.. Despite it’s a Saturday.. Reason mainly due to UOL lecturers came to SG for revision with the students here.. Bopian so we all tabao.. That chicken rice stall auntie like sell till buay song.. Still wanna cheat my three bucks.. I asked for roasted meat mee.. Plus mee and fried wanton.. In the end I checked no additional mee and fried wanton in my share.. Zzz.. But I managed to get back the fried wanton though I lost fifty cents.. Going to our lao di fang to settle down and eat.. Ivy's group were also there.. Then Ivy went over to tell us that time she and Adrianne they all ate the mee and kena food poisoning.. -_-" Ivy then asked me why my hair becum like that.. And she used her hand to touch my hair.. Machiam touching her dog loh.. Zzz.. Reaching home I went to try the shirt Alyssa.. Jiamin and Kelly gave.. The size just nice.. Ok to me.. Not so big like they said..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, March 25, 2005

Today Jordan just called me that he would be sending the stuff over in the evening.. LoLx.. Then in the end he searched the whole Tampines from 1940hrs till 2050hrs still cannot find.. Hahaha.. Gave him the address made him even more blur.. Finali he managed to find it.. Hehe.. Getting UYM and Isomatrix from him.. Then he lend me one video abt Priest Lee.. A blonde myth.. LoLx.. Wat a name.. Watching the Channel 8 show at 2100hrs.. Reason been cuz Jiamin said got one person in the show resembled my style and personality.. Wahahaha.. And when I found out who is it.. Oh gosh.. *Fainted* That's an ahbeng leh.. I so guai loh.. How can compared ahbeng with me leh.. She then said not said I ahbeng lah.. Just that the person got my type of feelings.. Haha.. >_<~

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Today went for badminton at Yio Chu Kang stadium.. Wahaha.. Today I am the latest that arrived.. Everyone is waiting for me.. On the bus Stephen called me asking where I am now.. He said even Joanne the pilot also reached liao why u still not yet reach.. LoLx.. Indirect shoot her.. Anyway today strength consisted of Charmanine.. Joanne.. Jolene.. Mandy.. Liyee.. Sherry.. Stephen.. Yongtang and me.. We were inside the court then saw all the courts still got ppl playing.. @_@" It's ironic cuz on our left was all malays.. While on our right is all indians.. Anyway Stephen went to clear the doubts within the management and the malay ppl.. Cock up.. In the end not enuff rackets also.. Until Charmanine came then can play 4v4 on both courts.. Choosing different fruits.. Apple.. Banana.. Durian.. And orange.. Result as followed.. Apple team is Liyee and Mandy.. Banana team is Joanne.. Sherry and Stephen.. Durian team is Jolene and Yongtang.. Orange team is Charmaine and me.. Played for quite some time then I went to rest.. I went to drink water and washed my bleeding fingernail.. Dun know wat happened actuali.. And the racket I using damn jialat loh.. If hold too long.. The palm will be like charcoal loh.. Actuali it's also 1400hrs liao so din play animore.. Joanne went to ask Stephen to play with her then he dun wan.. In the end I played with her.. Smacked Joanne with the shuttlecock for five times.. Sibei shiok.. Woohoo.. ^^ Five times equal five bunnies.. Hehehe.. Then Liyee and Sherry joined in also.. It's even more fun with them in the game.. Liyee and me did alot of martial stuns.. LoLx.. Made Joanne laughed till beng.. Went for washup and changeup.. Stephen left early cuz he got driving lessons later.. Me left for AMK with Joanne.. Liyee.. Sherry and Yongtang.. The rest took the train towards Jurong East direction.. Went to AMK hawker centre to eat.. Reali veri hungry.. Joanne ordered kway chup.. Liyee and Sherry ordered porridge.. Yongtang ordered nasi lemak.. And me ordered laksa yong tau hu.. Then Joanne said she wanted ice kacang.. Asked me to buy for her.. @_@" Still got requirements somemore.. The ice kacang must have no red beans.. I said no need said liao.. I know wat u gonna said later.. U oni wanted the brown sugar syrup rite.. She machiam damn surprised how I know abt tat.. LoLx.. I said cuz I asked private detective to check one loh.. LoLz.. Going home.. Joanne said u better dun take Bus72.. Go take train lah.. In the end I said I wanted to take cab then she followed me.. Wahahaha.. Liyee and Sherry also joined us.. At the kerb of the road.. I kena side kicks from our Miss Taewondo loh.. Reason been I went to knock her head.. LoLz.. Inside the cab.. The uncle abit funny type.. Haha.. Alighting at opposite of Jalan Kayu.. Liyee and Sherry get off the cab.. Leaving Joanne behind mah.. So I wanted to get off from the front and went to sat behind with her loh.. Then she tot I wanted to run away then no one paid for the fare.... *Fainted* I not so boliao leh.. Zzz.. Reaching Joanne place then we alighted.. Asking her to give me the basketball so I can bring it back to pump.. Taking the lift I saw her press tenth floor.. So I said "Tenth floor quite nice to commit suicide.." She answered me "Reali will die or not?" I said of cuz lah.. Confirm plus guarantee chop die.. I asked her dun tell me u wanna try? LoLx.. She said got tinking of having coma from jumping down tenth floor.. Tat's not coma loh.. Tat's death lah.. Outside her place.. Doudou saw me.. He was so happy.. Hehehe.. Still rem me leh.. Cuz Doudou know I am a gd person.. Wahahaha.. And jumped onto my body.. LoLz.. Aiyo bopian cuz gd person always is like tat one.. Muwahahahaha.. =p

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Today woke up quite early cuz later need to go to Zoo with them.. Calling Chen Yu at ard 0745hrs.. Then told her that I wun be meeting them at the central bus stop.. Chen Yu then said no need so rush cuz our dear Princess Raz not yet ready.. Chen Yu said Raz 0750hrs then bathe.. *Fainted* Supposed to meet at 0800hrs then delayed awhile.. I was waiting at the bus stop for Bus168 to cum.. Then Chen Yu called me to tell me the bus plate number.. Finali the bus came.. So mani ppl.. Then bopian loh.. Stood all the way to Woodlands interchange.. Reaching Woodlands interchange.. Chen Yu asked me to go see where the Bus926 is.. I tot she asking me to see the tv that shows the bus timing.. I looked so mani times reali din see the timing for Bus926.. Then I went to tell them that dun have Bus926 timing leh.. Chen Yu said "Dun have meh?" Then she walked and see the Bus926 waiting platform and diaoz me.. LoLx.. I tot she asking me see the tv mah.. @_@" Anyway they went to queue up for the bus while me went to buy some makan stuffs.. I saw green tea so I asked the auntie can buy one whole packet or not.. The auntie looked at me in a blur view.. Must be thinking I kisiao loh.. LoLx.. Anyway in the end she still sold it to me.. Actuali wanted to get one more xtra packet of six.. But reali canot liao.. Abit heavy for me.. And I dun feel so gd cuz of headache.. So dun wanna to carry too much stuffs.. Then we then realized that Bus926 oni service on Saturday.. Sunday and public holiday.. In the end we took train from Woodlands to Chua Chu Kang.. On the train.. Chen Yu and Raz duno whispering what thing.. I catch no balls of what they saying.. In the end then realized they saying abt this guy who are trying to becum a gal.. All the while I tot that person is a gal.. But they said it's a guy in disguise.. Quite stunned though.. Alighting at Chua Chu Kang then we took bus into the Zoo.. Arriving at the Zoo.. We saw our Lord Yongtang looking at us.. Using his cam to take video of us.. Claiming we let him waited so long.. Hahaha.. And Tricia overshot the bus stop then in the end took cab here.. She arrived not long after we arrived.. When everyone was here I went to get the tickets.. We entered and went to the tourist souvenir section to look around.. We went to press the soft toys and they produced those animal cries.. We then went to buy tickets for the tram ride.. Boarding the tram and we travelled to the first animal show at Shaw Foundation.. The show is mainly abt orang utah and some pythons.. After the show the host asked those who wanted to take pics to cum forward.. However with a fund of five bucks to be donated for the animals.. Went wandering around for some time before going to our second animal show.. Our second show was performance by the elephants.. Arriving there quite late and the show alreadi started.. Chen Yu.. Raz and Tricia managed to grab some seats in front.. While Yongtang went to took pics.. Actuali in front still got seats beside our gals but I paiseh cuz wait like disturbing ppl watching the show.. So I went over to the other end and sat alone.. Nearly fell asleep there.. Yongtang was taking pics mah.. Then got one weird monkey beside him and he din realised it at all.. I think he was kena scared tio at first.. Tot was a human but it's became a monkey.. After the show we went to the elephant video chamber to rest.. Air-conditioned and veri shiok.. Then I bring out the stuffs I bought earlier on and had a small picnic.. Went for our third show at Children's World.. It's abt those animals we saw daily in our life.. Like doggy and parrot.. Those dogs reali are intelligent.. After the show we went for lunch at KFC.. Sitting in btwn Chen Yu and Raz.. While Tricia and Yongtang sat opposite of us.. Chen Yu said "Yekai dun think u sat btwn Raz and me.. U no need to go buy the food.. LoLx.. Win liao.. =p Then everyone wanted different parts of the chicken.. Chen Yu wanted one drumstick and one thigh.. Raz wanted one drumstick and one rib.. Tricia wanted two breast meat.. Yongtang wanted two ribs.. And for me I took one thigh and one rib.. So we write it down.. Yongtang and me went over to the counter to place our the orders.. Giving that poor KFC gal see our orders.. Haha she nearly fainted loh.. >_<~ Cuz like abit messy.. But in the end she still gave us what we wanted.. Anyway we went for KFC becuz the foodcourt stuff is sha ren fang huo loh.. Chen Yu said one bowl of prawn mee is nearly seven bucks loh.. One chicken wing is two bucks.. Zzz.. Might as well go rob loh.. After the lunch at KFC I challenge Chen Yu tic tac toe at the playground.. Yea it's a draw.. But she played cheat then said I lose.. Hehehe.. We finali went for our last animal show at Shaw Foundation again.. This show is abt sea lions one.. The host was calling for volunteer mah then got alot of kids wanted to volunteer.. Then I told Yongtang "If u go in front and the host asked what is ur name.. I think u answer him I am Lord Yongtang.." LoLx.. The weather was quite gd today but it started to pour ard in the late afternoon.. And we decided to call it a day le.. At the entrance of the Zoo.. We took alot of photo.. Reali veri funny loh.. Din know we can be so lame.. But it's fun loh.. Especially the one when I feeding Yongtang with my pee.. Wahahahaha.. Reali laugh till cried loh.. Remember before this we were also taking pics with the tiger figurine.. We reali like mad loh.. Got one indian tourist saw I digging the tiger figurine nose and was laughing all the way.. *Blushed* Reali I din know Chen Yu.. Raz.. Tricia and Yongtang were so gd in showing their expressions.. Chen Yu showed her so sad face like machiam been enslaved by the tiger.. For Raz she expressed like the tiger figurine is molesting her.. Tricia expressed by closing her eyes and face showing some fear.. Yongtang expressed in great pain cuz he put his arm into the tiger mouth.. Then for me they wanted me to act like Wu Song beat tiger.. @_@" Then when the bus came.. Everyone left.. Tricia went to took her bus.. Chen Yu.. Raz.. Yongtang and me took the same bus.. In the bus I asked Raz whether she got her papers and pen.. I wanted to write something.. Taking out her notebook she was shocked to see all the coleslaw we just now tabao all leaked out.. Her bag was dirtied.. She funny loh.. Cuz she needed water to clean the bag mah.. So I pour a cap of water from my bottle.. Then I gave it to her.. She then poured everything into the bag.. That's quite alot of water leh.. The way she poured was like using UIC detergent to wash clothes.. LoLx.. Arriving at AMK.. Yongtang went home while Chen Yu.. Raz and me went to take cab home.. Today is a reali a fun day for me.. My black and white life finali have some colours to it today.. Hopefully there will be more of this kind of outing in future..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQus3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

There is this gal who used to be my classmate.. All that changed when she had a bf.. Cancelling wateva appointments whenever her bf asked her out.. Getting herself a bf of cuz I will be happy for her and wished her all the best.. First time it happened.. I tink it's ok.. Second time it happened.. Was abit annoyed.. Third time it happened I swore nvr ask her out again.. Growing distance btwn frenz canot be felt.. Having her bf as a companion for all her's activities is definitely a wrong move.. When they broke up.. She called me in tears.. And I consoled her.. And all is forgiven.. Putting aside petty misgivings and stand firmly by a frenz in times of adversity.. I tink that wat frenz are for.. When everything seem to be back to normal again.. She found another man.. Again weekends were reserved.. Whenever I called her.. She sounded preoccupied and became completely unable to continue the conversation.. A year later.. Received a call from her claiming she been dumped again and asked to meet.. I declined abt meeting her and ignoring her subsequent calls.. Frenzship is not a hotel.. U dun walk in and walk out as u wish.. Been in luv is great.. But I will still get a clear line btwn gf and frenz.. Frenz no matter wat had got through thin and thick with me while my other part merely entered the picture of my life.. As social circle getting wider I find it reali tough to differentiate who my real frenz are and who are those so called lower priority frenz.. The more ppl I know.. The lonelier I feel.. Been demanding and resigned this frenzship.. Was it reali been too much of me.. If u were in my shoes wat will u do.. Afterall she not committing something despicable like cheating my money.. Betraying my secret.. I dun expect her to give her 100% attention like when she is single.. But at least showed me a decent amount of attention to show that I still her frenz.. Still I have had enuff of been taken for granted all these times.. Been single and available does not mean that my time is any less valuable than hers.. Accepting the fact that when one's career or luv's life picks up pace.. Some frenzship will definitely fade away.. In the end.. We remember not the words of our enemies.. But the silence of our dear frenz..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, March 21, 2005

Today reached sch quite late.. Cuz I am reali veri fatigue and I canot walked too fast.. Had MAB xtra class today.. Our lecturer said the test was not well done.. Haiz.. Dun need she said I also knw.. =/ After sch went to tabao for lunch.. Then went to lao di fang to sit down and had lunch.. Stephen left first after finishing his lunch.. Joanne and me stayed behind with Chen Yu.. Raz.. Tricia and Yongtang.. Then Raz damn cute lah.. Chen Yu login her frenster to let Raz see.. Then Raz like kid loh.. Veri eager and curious.. LoLx.. I left ard 1515hrs.. Went to Outram to meet frenz.. Then went to Robinson Point to settle some stuffs.. Reaching home ard 2100hrs.. Then had a quick dinner and went to bathe.. Jiamin was smsing asking me whether I am free to join her for dinner.. Aiya but I got back too late le.. Haiz.. Wasted loh.. >_<~ Was on phone with Jiamin ard 2215hrs just now.. Chatted with her till 0030hrs.. Toking abt some issues.. Then happened to tok abt some songs.. She asked me to sing for Tong Hua her.. Wahahaha.. =p I agree with her that the song is nice and touching.. Then I asked her go slp cuz it's late and tomolow still got sch.. Muackz and nitz..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Yesterday nite went to Central then sms Jiamin to ask she where.. Then she said she on the way to Central also.. Haha so coincidence.. She asked me "Why leh? U wanted to date me ar?".. Wahahaha.. Then I cheeky replied her "Ya loh.." =p I told her I going there too.. In the end I decided to meet her for a while.. She said "Aiya if got fate we will meet one de.." LoLz.. ^^ Said wanna went home liao then in the end she was waiting for me in front of the Mrt station.. Hehe.. Always like to bluff me and give surprises.. >_<~ We strolled for a while then she said she going home cuz her cousin was cuming to fix her com.. Complaining saying tat I din help her fixed.. Haha.. =p Then I said "I send u home.." She said "Haha.. Bu yao lah".. I added "U machiam like kid leh.. Wait meet tio bad ppl how.." Haha.. =x Anyway went home around 2230hrs yesterday nite.. Stayed up till around 0130hrs in the morning.. My body feel veri fatigue all of a sudden.. Getting quite a few sudden hamstring's cramps.. Decided to go slp maybe will improve the condition.. Waking up today morning feel condition becuming worst.. Now is whole body aching.. @_@" Wat the hell!!! Want to wear triangle pants also like sibei difficult.. Canot bend the legs at all.. Then also no strength to get up to pee.. Haha bopian liao loh.. Got to buy pampers to wear liao.. In case wet bed.. LoLz.. >_<~

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Yesterday 2200hrs light off.. Today 0530hrs revelling.. 0600hrs fall in.. LoLx.. Reaching sch quite early to day.. Ard 0620hrs reached sch.. Climbing up to Lvl three.. Sitting down there waiting for Shaofeng to arrive so tat I can put my barang barang in his vehicle.. Reaching Maju Camp at ard 0705hrs.. Alreadi quite a number of ppl there liao.. Checking the nominal roll then can enter le.. Haha Shaofeng saw one of the PTI.. Then he said kaozz he like tat also can be PTI.. He added I look more like PTI loh.. Haha.. Indeed I agreed wat he said.. Hehehe.. Tat's a fact ok =p After splitting everyone into CAT X.. Cat Y and Cat Z.. The test began.. First station kena Chin-ups liao.. Shaofeng grumbled "Walao first one alreadi is the station he hate.." LoLx.. Proceeding to Shuttle Run.. My first attempt damn jialat.. I tried to grab the wooden block.. Then keep grabbing.. But the block seem to be transparent.. Grabbed for three times canot grab it.. In the end PTI asked me to retry and he forfeit the last try.. Going to third station Sit-up then lastly SBJ.. I HATE stupid SBJ.. Always the damn thorn in my flesh.. HATE IT!!! Last time also becuz of this stupid SBJ made me failed to get gold despite I could attain below 945mins for my 2.4km Run.. Now it's made me failed to get my $200 bucks.. Damn it!!! Lastly was the torment of everyone.. The 2.4km Run.. Din reali expect to do well cuz reali nvr go into training of this particular event.. When I was abt to start off.. The PTI encik said to me "Number 24 well done.." I was tinking huh? Wat did I do? Btwn my tag number is 24.. Maybe he saw my static stations results ba and tink it's gd for a NSmen.. Tat's the oni possibility I can tink of it liao.. Overtaking everyone and remained as the first place within the 1.8km.. Afterwhich I felt pain in my side lats.. And plus my quad getting veri painful since last Wed.. I knew I be gone if I gonna collapsed now.. I slowed down and pushed myself towards that last 600m.. Tinking of someone to motivate me to strive on till the finishing line.. Glad I made it in the end.. Cooling down.. Waiting for Shaofeng to return also.. Afterwhich the PTI encik tok to the whole grp that had finished the run.. Claiming for the official result slip.. I was abt to leave then the PTI encik said "How Number 24.. Got gold bo.." Haha I said "Encik bo lah.." Sianz.. PTI encik then said "U knw wat ur mistakes?" I said oh I got mistakes ar.. Hehe.. He said "Ur mistake is u cleared the 800m too fast.. U cleared below 3mins.. Plus u not familiar with the route at all.. Tat's y.." Haha.. Learnt a priceless lesson today.. Nvm I will try again somewhere within tis year.. Cuz my resolution is GOLD.. But still I must tame the stupid SBJ first.. Zzzz.. Walking towards sch for Comm Law class.. I felt like vomitting.. So I went over to the open space grass there standby.. After ten second I reali vomited.. At least felt better after the vomitting.. Haha mani buses went past but I dun care loh.. Buay tahan liao still care wat image.. Anyway I got no image also.. LoLz.. Went to Clementi for lunch at KFC with Adrian.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Mandy.. Shaofeng.. Sherry and Stephen.. After lunch Shaofeng sent Stephen and me.. He sent me home.. Then sent Stephen to Bedok.. Adrian left with his car.. Joanne.. Sherry.. Liyee and Mandy went to take train.. Joanne went to Expo for Disney On Ice.. Sherry went for hockey compy.. Liyee should be going home.. Mandy I duno.. Just now went to Central to meet Xiaowee for dinner.. He machiam like yearning to meet me.. Duno why.. Claiming veri long time din see me le.. Haha.. Sianz sia.. My whole body ache.. Groin the most aching.. @_@" Maybe becuz I din go stretch it before the test.. Gonna stamp salonpas liao..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, March 18, 2005

Today entered the LT.. Surprising to see Shaofeng even earlier than me.. LoLx.. Kinda rare.. As usual we sat at the veri end of the row.. Today is Marketing class.. So again not mani ppl is here.. Cecilia Chan then said it's reali veri sad to see so few students in the class.. Haha.. She finali realised that her class is not appealing enuff to attract the rest of the students.. Then Shaofeng and me quite sianz.. Toking cock throughout the lecture.. Playing rubber and drawing pics.. Then Tricia came and sat beside me.. After quite a while Shaofeng and me decided to went to canteen to eat.. Tricia then said "Wat abt me.. U leaving me alone here?" Haha.. I asked her she wanna came along.. And she said she wanted to play pool.. The three of us walked out of the LT.. Saw some of our classmates outside the LT also.. Din go in at all.. We went to canteen said wanted to eat.. In the end we just changed one-dollar coin for the pool game.. I managed to change five one-dollar coins while Tricia changed three.. Total we played for eight rounds.. Played till the fifth round.. Two of the happy tree frenz plus Ker Lin and another tattoo gal came.. Their sudden appearance made Tricia abit stressed and sianz.. Anyway it's reali a fun game for us.. ^^ Tricia made alot of blur mistakes.. Especially the replacement of black ball with solid ball 7.. Hehe.. Then Stephen came to join us also.. But that just when we were abt to leave.. LoLx.. Cuz Stephen paiseh to enter the class with his bag so in the end still din enter the class.. Shaofeng.. Stephen and me went to library to surf till the class was abt to end.. Our clique had lunch at Megabites.. Then some of us discussed abt project.. Many left early for their own grp discussions.. After our grp meeting.. Liyee went to look for Sherry's grp at lounge while Stephen and me went to lao di fang look for Chen Yu.. Tricia and Yongtang.. Expected lame comments and jokes from our great Mr Constant.. *Vomitting BLOOD* Then decided to went to Clementi for pool.. Chen Yu.. Stephen.. Tricia.. Yongtang and me went to the bus stop.. At bus stop saw Joanne there still waiting for the miserable Bus 75.. She left quite early before us but still around when we were there.. Chen Yu took Bus 74 to Dover then took train home.. Joanne took Bus 75.. No idea where she going.. As for Tricia she took Bus 61 to Holland V.. Cuz she got to work.. Then Liyee arrived at the bus stop.. Wanting to take cab since its four person.. But in the end took Bus 184 since it came first.. Today pool game reali a great turnover for our Mr Constant.. Yongtang and Liyee were fighting fiercely for this title.. Wahahahaha.. Though Stephen oni played for six rounds then left le.. After he left.. Liyee.. Yongtang and me played individually.. Sianz loh two rounds of direct lost for me.. Cuz the black ball went in.. =/ Then around four plus.. Jolene.. Shaofeng and Sherry joined us.. Played for a couple of games then headed for city with Shaofeng's car.. Si Shaofeng damn reckless driver.. One trip kena horned three times.. Five precious life at stake loh.. I still dun wanna live in urn so early hor.. @_@" Sian going to slp veri early today.. Probably at 2200hrs.. Tomolow still need to wake up at 0530hrs.. Trying to reach Maju Camp by 0715hrs.. Reali hope by tomolow my thighs aching will be reduced to the minimum.. I must ganbatte..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQus3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Today was inside the train sitting down.. Din realise actuali Advin was jus in front of me loh.. @_@" Then he sms me why I so early went sch.. Huh?? How he knw sia? Then I looked around.. And he was in front of me loh.. *Fainted* Meeting Chen Yu in sch to revise econs.. Then went to canteen bought drink for her.. LoLx.. In the end peppermint bubbletea with no pearls.. Haha.. In the end still bought for her.. If nt head will be rolling on the floor.. Then got tis gal which our GeGe dun like.. Cuz she tink that gal always wear same pattern.. Ya I noticed that too.. Then Stephen arrived followed by Joanne then Tricia.. Revised till around 1345hrs then we went up to the hall.. After the test Chen Yu.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Stephen.. Tricia and me went to Clementi for pool.. Drawing lots.. Team split into.. Chen Yu and Stephen Vs Joanne and Liyee Vs Tricia and me.. Joanne and Liyee won the first round.. Then Tricia and me won the second round.. But Tricia left to meet her frenz at Orchard after playing one round.. Then left me alone taking on the rest.. After the pool game.. Chen Yu.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Stephen and me took train.. Joanne.. Liyee and Stephen alighted at Bedok while Chen Yu and me alighted at Tampines.. In the train they were crapping again.. And Joanne keep empathizing tat I like gentle gals.. Claiming that they are not gentle enuff.. Keep saying simi green and must know how to make cards.. Everything is rubbish loh.. Zzzz.. PLS SPARE ME BA!!! My thighs were veri painful after yesterday training.. Hopefully can recover by tomolow.. If not jialat liao.. Canot perform on Saturday.. My sis had sms me on the approval of the zoo complementary pass.. Then she was using net send mah.. So no identified number on my hp.. But I knw is her loh.. Then she sms a second one "Btwn I am ur cutie sis.." *Fainted* So old liao still wanna act cute.. @_@"

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQus3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

After sch we went for Sakae Sushi since Stephen suggested it.. I dun reali like it cuz it's dun seem to suit my appetite.. But still I went with them.. But the buffet start at 1500hrs so some of us accompanied Joanne to donate blood.. Some stayed in sch to discuss their project.. Reaching Outram Health Science Centre.. Shaofeng and me were veri hungry le.. So we went to buy some food to eat.. Kena said by Joanne that I dun wan to donate blood.. @_@" I bopian mah.. Saturday got test.. Wait suay suay poked till injured then how.. And somemore I tink my blood is quite corrupted loh.. Shaofeng and me went into the donation office then saw Joanne sitting there waiting so went over to accompany her.. Saw tis Blood Recruitment Centre so I asked her wat that centre all abt? Recruitment centre to me seem signing on to be a regular of blood donator.. LoLx.. Then finali was Joanne's turn to donate le.. So she went in and we waited for her.. But she veri fast cum out liao.. I tot so fast finished le.. In the end she was unable to donate due to rashes on one of the arm.. Then as for the other arm the official canot find the vein so also canot poke the needle.. Then we left for Sakae at Somerset.. Shaofeng.. Me.. Stephen.. Liyee.. Sherry.. Mandy and Adrian on one side.. While Daven.. Chen Yu.. Joanne.. Tricia and Jolene on the opposite side.. Btwn Daven is Chen Yu's bf.. Name duno spell correctly or not.. Paiseh hor if spell wrong.. Dun beat me hor.. Then everyone like nvr eat for days like tat. Grabbing food machiam like pasar malam big sale.. Then Stephen went to order the red plates stuff.. Soft shellcrab and some raw salmon slices.. I ate the salmon till I wanna die loh.. *Yucks* A few pieces ok loh.. But one whole plate I canot take it.. Same goes for the soft shellcrab.. One whole chunk there.. @_@" Then got one plate of french peas went passed.. So I say the peas got ppl eat meh? They said got.. Then I said "Then how the hell they eat the peas? Put the whole pea in mouth and bite it?" LoLz.. In the end hor.. It's all abt opening the so called pod.. Then eat the beans tat are inside the pod.. Oic.. >_<~ Nvm learn something new.. Then everyone also quite full le.. So they suggested to play game.. Zhong Ji Mi Ma.. Stake for the first half of the game was watermelon.. Loser would have to eat the watermelon.. Stephen eat the most watermelon one.. LoLx.. Orbi gd mah since it's him that suggested to play this game.. After the watermelon finished we put the french peas as stake.. Then kena set trap by Stephen loh.. And I fell into it.. Cuz I always called No.50 so he purposely set the number to 50 to make me die loh.. In the end I the first to start the calling.. Then I shout.. "50".. Stephen said "I will give u 50".. Bingo.. Tio liao loh.. Miserably stuffed the peas into my mouth.. Then it's Tricia's turn set the number.. So I tink she canot be setting "50" again ba.. So I bravely shouted "50".. Ho seh liao loh.. It's reali "50".. *Fainted* Everyone laughed till the laughter filled the whole Sakae premise.. Then everyone turned around to look at us.. Abit paiseh.. Then tis time I tink Shaofeng must be setting 50 also.. So I shouted "51".. Then bingo.. Wat the hell!! Like tat also can.. @_@" I ate the peas till I wanna cried liao lah.. Stop TORTURING me leh.. For the peas I tink I eat the most liao.. T_T Then when Chen Yu.. Joanne and Tricia went to washroom.. Then left Daven oni mah.. Duno wat topic we toking then said Chen Yu also quite abusive.. Haha.. Then I added saying "Eh Daven do u regret then.." Hahaha.. Aiya then kena found out by Chen Yu.. In the end she threw chopsticks at me.. Then there was tis ahgua appearing.. Which agitated Stephen alot.. Claiming he wanted to beat him.. Haha I was encouraging him to beat him.. =p Aiya but always say say oni.. Why seek troubles when they dun even worth it.. Hahaha.. I dun mind giving him a hand.. But I dun wan to dirty my hand for ahgua sissy.. I rather use my hand to beat Chen Yu and Joanne loh.. Wahahaha.. Oops.. After everything ended most of them went home.. Daven gave Charmanine.. Joanne.. Liyee and Sherry a lift.. Of cuz not forgeting his dear Chen Yu.. As for Adrian and Mandy they also went off.. As for Jolene.. Stephen.. Tricia and me.. We went to Paradiz Centre for pool.. Played till around eight plus.. Reaching Tampines around 2140hrs.. Feeling hungry so I went to buy a packet of duck rice.. Happened to meet tio Angela.. One of the receptionist.. If she din called me I din even know she was standing beside me.. Then went over to say hi to May and the rest of the consultants..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQus3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, March 14, 2005

Went to central today appointment.. Alighted from the bus saw bunch of students asking for donation again.. Nowadays reali alot of donations going on.. Weekdays got.. Weekends also got.. Wat the hell loh.. Machiam tinking that reali everyone got infinite money with them.. Not I wan to say those organisations loh.. I tink they reali like abusing their power liao.. Keep asking for donations out of nowhere.. Although the donation can be in watever amount a person like.. But it's reali sickening loh.. Once in a blue moon is ok loh.. But this sort of crap is happening almost everyday whenever I go.. Are they taking us for granted or wat.. Zzzz.. On the way from interchange back home.. Bought a packet of duck rice.. Aiya should have try duck noodles instead of rice.. Cuz Jiamin said the duck noodles is nice.. Nvm I will try it next time.. ^^ Then got this auntie approached me.. Asking me where is Tampines Mall.. I pointed to her the green building.. Then she asked again then where is the Singtel Customer Service Centre.. I told her it's in Tampines Mall either Level 3 or 4.. Again she asked me claiming that her hp is Nokia one then got Nokia Service Centre around or not.. @_@" Kaozz.. Then I told her last time at Century Square got Nokia Service Centre but now I tink no more liao due to the mass renovation that took place not too long ago.. I added cuz Singtel Service Centre was previously located at Century Square just like Nokia Service Centre.. But since Singtel Service Centre moved over to Tampines Mall so maybe Nokia Service Centre might move there also.. Reading an article today abt Friendster.. Haha.. Indeed Friendster had gained much popularity among teens.. The papers said that Friendster has been made use by SG secret society to recruit ppl.. And prostitution etc.. I myself had seen a number of such accounts.. Wat our governement worried abt is those teens that dun know how to tink logically then fall into the trap.. Then too late liao.. For adults like us I tink we should know how to tink liao loh.. No worries.. =] Hopefully "Friendster" wun becum "Fiendster" instead.. LoLx..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQus3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Today watched One Piece as usual.. Always thought that it is just an adventure anime.. But today it made me dropped tears.. Reali veri saddening.. It's true that everyone got their own background story.. Whether sad or happy.. I believe these memories or past will always be in one's heart and mind whether now or future.. There are always something that one wun forget for rest of their life cuz it's so deeply engraved in their mind.. Sometimes reali wish got medicine that can erase those unhappy memories and left those happy moments around in the head.. Wat a wishful thinking.. At last the shodown had ended.. *Relieve* Today I reached Tampines Stadium around 1610hrs.. Then went to find the rest which were stationing at Millenium Court.. Rehearsing a while for the performance.. Waiting for the minister to cum then can start performance liao.. Minister arrived around 1700hrs.. Duno should say I nervous or not.. Cuz I think I din reali feel kan jiong at all.. Duno why.. That's unlike me.. Anyway our performance last around 30 mins.. After the performance we went to change up then some of us went to Central 7-11 to buy drinks.. Afterwhich I accompanied one of my frenz to flag cab.. After that I walked home.. A tiring day indeed.. Home sweet home.. ^^

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Today morning Jiamin sms that Chen Fengling aka Felicia Chin was at our sch bus stop.. Then when I reached sch bus stop reali saw her.. She reali veri pretti.. But seem to have those veri cold and dao look.. Today went for Gopalan class.. Thursday and Saturday always veri nice.. Cuz can hear jokes from Sami and Gopalan.. Which always brighten up our miserable life.. Today atmosphere reali veri weird.. Like sibei quiet loh.. It's reali lacking of something.. A substance that always made the surrounding atmosphere lively.. We had lunch at Megabites.. I had my second carbonara of my life.. Reali been a long time since I last touch it last semester.. I guess I reali cannot take carbonara.. Always wanna vomit.. Too cheesy ba.. I thought after a long time nvr try it will be better.. But I wrong.. @_@" Stephen and me went off first cuz he got driving later at 1430hrs.. The rest like Adrian.. Jolene.. Mandy.. Shaofeng and Sherry stayed back for project discussion.. Liyee stayed behind to accompany them.. Joanne I duno where she will be going after that.. Probably went roaming around the streets hunting and flirting guys.. Wahahaha.. ^^ I know I will be dead when she saw this.. She will say "Men drag him out for execution.." Hehe.. =p On the way out level 3.. Stephen and me saw Raz and Tricia.. They going library.. Walking towards the end of the corridor I tinking that maybe our Chen Yu GeGe and Mr Constant were at our clique's lao di fang.. I'm right.. Indeed they were there.. Talking to them for a while then we left.. Stephen and me were in the train mah.. Then got a bunch of indian boys in the train.. Walan they reali buay paiseh one loh.. Doing all those lame things.. Sibei erxin loh.. Aiya dun want to say.. *Puke* Stephen and me were laughing at them loh.. They looked back at us.. Maybe they thinking we laughing at them.. Stephen scared later we kena beaten.. No need scared lah.. They oni four person nia.. Though we oni two person.. But Stephen is Brock Lesnar loh.. Wahahaha.. Machiam Survivor Series.. Four Vs two.. LoLx.. My sister today returned home for dinner.. She asked me who that gal in the pic.. LoLx.. Ur gf?? Haha then I said no lah.. =p If no then why hook arm somemore.. Haha.. Finali one day left for showdown at Millenium Court tomolow.. Hopefully nothing goes wrong.. Everything will be smooth and steady.. *Ganbatte*

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Si Alyssa wanting to strangle me.. Hahaha.. =p That's fun..

Jiamin and me.. Hehe.. Hook arm somemore hor.. Wakakaka.. ^_- Machiam like.. Hehe.. *Bleahz*

Today set alarm 0800hrs but then nvr ring at all.. -_-" In the end woke up half an hour later.. Around 1000hrs I went to fetch Alyssa and Jiamin over for Tennis.. During this time Chen Yu.. Liyee.. Raz.. Sherry and Stephen were at Tampines Sport hall playing badminton also.. That Alyssa played for less than ten minutes then hide in the shade.. @_@" Then left me and Jiamin continued playing.. Cuz Jiamin wanted to tan abit darker so she bopian must face the sun.. As for Alyssa she became ball picker later on.. We played for around an hour then all sat down to chat.. Then Jiamin laid down on the ground tanning.. Then they went to do chin-up.. Haha.. Quite surprising leh.. Nvr expect them to try it loh.. Not bad leh cuz they still can do at least one.. But of cuz got cheat abit lah.. They jumped then pulled.. Hehe.. Then they went up to my place to bathe.. Resting for a while then Alyssa went to bathe first.. I brought the blood pressure to Jiamin then asked her to try.. U all should know that when measuring the blood pressure the strap tying on your arm will tightened up mah.. Then Jiamin was saying veri pain.. Then I added saying wat if your arm break how.. Tomolow news headline will say gal break her arm will trying on blood pressure machine.. Haha.. =p Finali Alyssa finished bathing then it was Jiamin's turn le.. Alyssa and me went over to see something.. We passed by the bathroom then I was shocked to realize that Jiamin din locked the door properly.. Then I quickly told Alyssa to tell Jiamin.. Jiamin was asking whether I got hair gel or not then I said I got Gatsby mah.. She then asked the Gatsby was used on which part of body one? Alyssa and me reali want to knock her head lah.. Gatsby is obviously for hair one leh.. *Fainted* Then I called Stephen asking him whether they still got study.. Jiamin saw the poker cards then I asked her whether she wanted to play the divination stuff.. Anyway Alyssa and me gone through the whole process with her.. Afterwhich we took some photos.. Then I took with Jiamin mah.. Alyssa said walau u two machiam looked like strangers taking photos leh.. LoLx.. We took a few tries.. Then we left to central to look for those playing badminton and meet them for lunch.. Reaching BK I oni saw Stephen there.. The rest left.. And Joanne went back to bathe first then joined us later.. Had our BK meals while waiting for Joanne.. Around 1530hrs Alyssa and Jiamin left.. Jiamin and I went to accompany Alyssa waited for bus.. After Alyssa boarded the bus I accompanied Jiamin home.. Returning to join Joanne and Stephen.. Just returned awhile oni the Stephen asked me to accompany him went buy bubble tea.. >_<~ Returning again we sat down to study cuz Joanne forced us mah.. Wahahaha.. =p Then me and Stephen wanted to slip out to play pool then kena ordered by Princess Joanne to sit down and study.. Oh man.. Hehe.. Anyway we chatted and laughed for the whole afternoon.. Then Joanne asked me a weird question.. *Choke* @_@" Joanne was asking Stephen whether she can punched him till he blue black in the arm.. Wahahaha.. I said can lah Stephen wun mind one.. LoLx.. Stephen replied said siao loh.. Haha.. Saw poor Stephen kena punched so mani times also feel pain for him.. Hehe.. ^^ Stephen left around 1700hrs cuz he later needed to go Katong church.. As for me and Joanne we left around 1745hrs.. Joanne and me went to buy some bread then Joanne went to see some accessory.. Then she bought a green colour accessory.. Erm no idea of wat that type of accessory is called.. Not bad leh the accessory was nice and suited her.. I thought that was yellow colour.. In the end it was green.. I colourblind liao.. Hahaha.. =p Waiting for Bus 18 with her.. After she left I went home.. Apology to all my frenz out there whu always support my bloggy.. Due to some technical problems from Tagboard server itself.. Tagboard will be temporary down for some time causing inconvenience.. As for when it will recover I reali have no idea.. Hopefully the administrator will fix the problem soon.. Haiz..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Monday, March 07, 2005

Server's Tagboard Basic Rules

1. LAMERS WILL BE BANNED PERMANENTLY WITHOUT WARNING!!! (You know who you are.. So be careful.. Haha..)

2. Use of anonymous nicks will not be ENTERTAINED!!! Offenders will be KICKED AT FIRST SIGHT!!! (Unless otherwise stated.. For example.. Someone special to me.. ^^)

3. Screen flooding or spamming will be KICKED and repeated offenders will be BANNED WITHOUT WARNING!!! (Don't be a whiner and keep things short and sweet.. Hehe..)

4. Use of abusive.. violent.. or blasphemous language; will be KICKED or BANNED WITHOUT WARNING AND REASON!!! (You know what you had done.. No need to explain any much further..)

5. Trying to act haolian and challenge the Administrator's Power will be BANNED WITHOUT WARNING!!! (Don't even think of PWNING me ok.. Hehe..)

6. Trying to act as an Administrator even though YOU ARE NOT ONE; will be KICKED or BANNED at FIRST SIGHT!!! (Like to act so much go join Star Search ba.. LoLx..)

7. Verbal harassment towards any girl will be BANNED PERMANENTLY AT FIRST SIGHT WITHOUT WARNING!!! (Who ask you to disturb my DREAM GIRL.. Serve you right!!! =p)

*Note: The Administrator reserves the rights to make any changes of the Rules at its discretion without prior notice.

Thank you. ^_-

The Administrator,
SpenCer~ yeKai

7 March 2005

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Today reached Mrt quite late loh.. I think ard 0830hrs.. But I expected some kaki like Chen Yu.. Jiamin and Raz be waiting for me at the platform.. Hehe.. =p We are all latecomers.. Haha.. Anyway I indeed managed to meet tio Raz.. Then asked where Chen Yu Ge Ge.. Haha.. She said she not sure.. But I know one loh.. That Chen Yu Ge Ge always at the other end of the train.. @_@" Chatted with Raz all the way till Dover.. Then asked her did she know that our Mrt North line missing N6 and N12.. Then she reali went to see.. Haha.. Raz then said erm can I asked u a question.. Reali out of my expectation.. Nvr know she also veri cheeky loh.. I stoned there duno wat to say.. LoLx.. Reaching Dover and as we were walking down the stairs.. Chen Yu was on the other end walking down too.. See I am right.. Always at the other end of the train.. While on the stairs I greeted her.. "Xiao Chen Zi xiang Ge Ge qing an.." Wahahaha.. That's lame.. But bopian mah if not kena chop head how? LoLx.. Then she told Raz I am the taijian.. Chen Yu trying to spell it out to Raz in English but she duno how to spell it.. Then said the "enuch blah blah blah.." Anyway it’s "eunuch" lah.. When Chen Yu failed to spell it out then she used action to show to Raz.. She did the cutting off pattern loh.. *Fainted* Then today after class I was sitting down at the bench there with Liyee and Stephen mah.. Then Liying they all walked out of the LT and I just took a look oni.. Then kena caught by Joanne and Tricia.. Joanne then said she saw me looking at gals.. Actuali I din reali know whu they were referring to at all loh? >_<~ Then Tricia said continue looked leh.. If not later they left liao then cannot see le.. Afterwhich some of us went for lunch.. Walking past the carp pond.. Stephen pushed me into the pond loh.. Heng he pushed and pulled me back loh.. If not win liao loh.. Zzzz.. Today Liyee.. Stephen.. Yongtang and me went for pool.. That Chen Yu Ge Ge said wanted to go one then in the end roti prata everyone.. Can join Joanne's Air force Team liao loh.. LoLx.. The pool today reali damn funni like hell lah.. Played for two quarters.. Each quarter consists of three matches.. Total of three rounds will be played per match.. Any teams win two rounds in a match win all.. Got one time I opened the ball then the white ball flew out and nearly hit a stranger.. Haha he heng ar if not he will be hit in the spinal cord then paralyzed liao.. Hehe.. =p Overall Liyee won two times.. Stephen won four times.. Yongtang won two times.. And me won fours times.. Yongtang today damn poor thing loh.. Lose till damn chum lah.. Then he said "Chen Yu quick possess my body.." Haha machiam calling god.. First four rounds kept losing till we called him "Mr Constant" Remember mathematics linear equation.. "y=mx+c" Constant always no effect one mah.. That's means Yongtang teamed with whu also same.. Lose all the way.. Wahahahaha.. It's me that helped Yongtang broke his curse of losing hor.. Then Stephen said I and him are the x-value.. While Liyee is the y-value.. And Yongtang no need to say.. He is the constant loh.. Muwahahaha.. ^_^ Hehe.. Then just now Jiamin asked me can I go out in the nite.. I said yes.. Then asked her she wants to date me ar.. Muwahahaha.. ^^

Score Board

--First Quarter--
Match 1
Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi Vs Liyee/Yongtang
First Round: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won
Second Round: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won
Third Round: No need to play
Aggregate: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won 2-0

Match 2
Stephen/Liyee Vs Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang
First Round: Stephen/Liyee won
Second Round: Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang won
Third Round: Stephen/Liyee won
Aggregate: Stephen/Liyee won 2-1

Match 3
Stephen/Yongtang Vs Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi
First Round: Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi won
Second Round: Stephen/Yongtang won
Third Round: Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi won
Aggregate: Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi won 2-1

--Second Quarter--
Match 1
Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi Vs Liyee/Yongtang
First Round: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won
Second Round: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won
Third Round: No need play
Aggregate: Stephen/Xiao Chen Zi won 2-0

Match 2
Stephen/Liyee Vs Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang
First Round: Stephen/Liyee won
Second Round: Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang won
Third Round: Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang won
Aggregate: Xiao Chen Zi/Yongtang won 2-1

Match 3
Stephen/Yongtang Vs Liyee/Xiao Chen Zi
First Round: Stephen/Yongtang won
Second Round: Stephen/Yongtang won
Third Round: No need play
Aggregate: Stephen/Yongtang won 2-0

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Friday, March 04, 2005

Today on the way to sch managed to meet tio Jiamin again.. Saw her at the platform of Mrt.. Today she finali saw me liao.. Always must wait till veri long then can see me.. LoLx.. City Hall the light sibei errie leh.. Green in colour one.. I tried to peek to see wat the green light is all abt.. Anyway it’s the Power Mach 3 shaver advertisement.. Reaching school I accompanied Jiamin to wait for Alyssa and Kelly.. Today just had a mock test.. Haha abit disastrous.. But not bad liao loh.. =p After the class Chen Yu.. Joanne.. Liyee.. Stephen.. Tricia and me left for Bedok.. The train was quite packed then we separated into two groups.. Liyee and me one side gossiping while the rest were all on the other end chatting also.. Then Stephen called our hp to ask us over.. @_@” The six of us went Bedok for lunch together.. Then Joanne said she wanted to buy economic bee hoon mah.. Then asked Stephen whether he wanted too.. Then the auntie at the bee hoon stall called Stephen.. Veri coincidence cuz the bee hoon auntie is Stephen’s auntie.. Then while I was bringing my fried carrot cake over.. Stephen and Joanne passed by to buy drinks.. Stephen added “Waaa u reali carrot cake king ar?” Wahahaha.. >_<~ Long time no eat liao mah so craving for it taste.. After the lunch Stephen went to Tampines to meet his cell group while Liyee went home.. Then the rest of us went to look for Joanne’s frenz.. Today get to know a new frenz and he is Bernard.. He is Joanne’s SIA frenz.. He is a veri friendly and humorous fellow.. Bernard drove us to East Coast Park for roller blading.. Actuali today wanted to learn blading one but I saw them bladed like quite difficult so abit low morale.. And plus today got so mani kids around due to Sport’s Day I think.. I dun wan to KO innocent ppl loh.. Hehehe.. =p The gals went to change at Mac and I was chatting with Bernard abt some matter regarding cars.. Not bad leh he worked three years oni then got car liao.. After they finished changing we went back to the car to put our barang barang and at the same time geared up ourselves for the blading later on.. Then Chen Yu kept saying that she also newbie and wanted to learn how to blade.. Sai lah.. Bluff me.. Zzzz.. *ABISH* Tricia was sitting on the kerb wearing her blade then cannot get up cuz quite hard mah.. So I went to pull her up and helped her took her shoes then Chen Yu said I biased.. Cuz Chen Yu said she also got ask me helped her but I bo chup her.. Wahahaha.. Win liao.. Anyway today I trained back my cycling again.. Reali lost my touch since that last time I managed to learn it.. But today can say much better than last time liao.. Struggling for the first ten minutes to pick up that touch again.. Cuz today got Sport’s Day mah then I was cycling towards the finishing line.. Then got two lanes.. Gals and Boys lane.. Then I duno which one to choose.. Then go piang the gals’s lane.. LoLx.. We traveled for quite some time then finali settled down at a shop to get some drinks.. Chen Yu went with me to the shop.. Then I heard Xu Shao Yang’s Hua Xiang mah.. Then Chen Yu was singing it.. I said to her” Hey dun spoilt my idol song..” Hahaha.. I got a lot of coins loh so I went back to the shop looked for the uncle.. Then I told the uncle I wanted to change the coins worth four dollars to notes.. He asked is it two-two dollars notes? Since when got one four dollars note in SG? @_@” After getting the drinks we proceeded to Bedok Jetty.. Reaching the jetty we had another resting break.. Sitting down on the concrete seat.. Chen Yu and Joanne on one seat while Benard and Tricia on the other seat.. Then I went to sit alone on another seat.. Then Chen Yu said why dun wan to sit with them.. If I sat btwn Chen Yu and Joanne I tink hor I will die.. After enuff of rest we went back to the starting point.. Then got this abit steep down slope.. Which Tricia scared since that time she kena fell and hit in the bum.. Haha.. Then Tricia asked me to help her if she cannot control.. So I tried to went ahead of her in case she reali cannot control.. In the end she reali cannot control.. I thought I had sufficient time to park the bike in front then waited for her below.. Then when I heard a screaming sound behind I braked and looked back.. Tricia was moving at high speed towards me.. I was saying to myself this time that it liao.. *Crash* Reali fortunate she managed to siam the bike if not jialat.. Glad that I managed to pull her hand in time.. Hehe ^_- Luckily she not hurt.. Afterwhich Bernard.. Chen Yu and Joanne quickly went over to check things out.. Washing my wounds with H2O then I drank from the same bottle.. Joanne said eeekk.. @_@” I nvr even used the opening of the bottle to touch the black oil and wounds leh.. Then Chen Yu.. Joanne and me went towards the Fort Road while Bernard and Tricia were behind.. Then Chen Yu and Joanne said they tired wanting me to drag them go.. Imagine both of them pull my shirt.. *Fainted* But still ok cuz they released me after a while.. Reason been becuz I lost control of my bike again.. Hahaha.. ^_^ If not u think they so good meh.. Hehehe.. And finali we called it a day.. Bernard sent Joanne back home first cuz she got impt thing to attend.. While the rest of went to Tampines Mall Mac to sit down for some food.. We chatted like mad there.. Then I asked Bernard got regret knowing them.. Of cuz exclusive of me lah.. Muwahahaha.. Tomolow I tink I will kena beheaded liao if they saw this sentence.. Haha.. =p Then Bernard sent all of us home.. Reali veri nice of him even though he was not on the same way with us.. On behalf of the royal family.. A big thankz to u again.. Today whole day kena suan by them.. And I have becum “Xiao chen zi” liao.. Chenyu is “Ge Ge”.. Joanne is “Princess”.. Stephen is “Tong Po Po” and Tricia is “Her Majestic”.. LoLx.. Everyone also conferred high post except me.. *Sobx* Anyway today is reali a happi outing for me.. =]

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Yesterday was the Mab test.. Always chu stun one loh.. Zzzz.. Even the lecturer also said it's hard.. I think the time reali is veri little loh.. Stingy like hell.. In the end all I anyhow tigum loh.. Wahahaha.. ^^ Shaofeng came out said left 5mins he still got 10 qns left.. Then he dulan all put choice "D".. Haha at least can bingo a few correct loh.. Unless damn suay till that all the answers for that 10 qns are "ABC" loh.. Then Tricia no time to finish also and she left 7 answer boxes blank.. @_@" After the test we went for Mab lecture.. Liying was wearing Arsenal jersy mah.. Then I said huh? That was Arsenal jersy meh? And I added saying "Down with Man-U".. Haha then realised my left and right are Stephen and Liyee loh.. Anyway two punches came flying over.. *BISH* Then after the lecture we went for lunch and we tabao.. Then went to our lao di fang eat loh.. After that Jolene.. Mandy.. Liyee.. Sherry.. Stephen and me went off first.. Chen Yu.. Raz.. Tricia and Yongtang stayed behind to do project.. Except for Mandy the rest went for pool game.. Yesterday pool game was disastrous.. Poor Stephen and me kena pwned all the way!! Then Tricia and Yongtang joined us for pool later on.. They opened another table beside us.. Played till four plus then me and Stephen left.. Stephen got to give tuition for ppl.. Reaching Tampines then always got those muslim gals selling those fund raising tickets mah.. But they only approach muslims.. Then one of them approached me loh.. Pls leh though I abit dark lah.. But I am not a muslim hor.. T_T *Sobx*.. Feel so sad.. Hehehe.. =p Then watched Fiery Thunderbolt last episode yesterday.. Feel satisfied with the ending.. Nice nice.. Always veri touching till tears are hanging in my eyes.. Then this morning woke up found that it's raining.. Then I wondered whether we could still continued with our tennis later on.. Cuz the floor is definitely wet and who knows if there will be a sudden rainpour again.. Then contacting the rest abt this matter.. Stephen suggested that he would bring the badminton rackets in case it rained.. Then at least can go indoor played badminton.. Doudou today veri weird keep barking at strangers.. Joanne said that becuz he alreadi treated the tennis court as his own territory liao.. And Liyee.. Sherry.. Stephen and me are his subordinates.. LoLx.. Kaozz.. Then wanting to protect us from other so called "bad" ppl.. He will chase them away.. Then indeed halfway rain started to pour.. Anyway we stopped the game around 1130hrs.. Then they all went bathe and gathered at the kopitiam again.. Again we ordered the minipots.. Hehehe.. The auntie must be wondering why these 5 persons always tried to disturb her every Wed.. =p Anyway after the lunch Stephen and me went for pool again.. While Joanne.. Liyee and Sherry still at the kopitiam chit chatting.. Kaozz.. Lost again today.. Score 5-4.. Hahaha.. Then went to Pasar Malam with Stephen.. We bought food and drink.. Then saw this nice polo T-shirt with Chelsea logo on it.. But too bad cuz it's long sleeve and I dun reali like long sleeve.. Haha unless buy liao then go cut away the long part.. >_<~ And this Fri I going to East Coast with Joanne.. Hehe.. ^^ Gonna learn blading liao.. Wahahaha..

When The Time Comes..
Where My Esteem Equals Confidence..
I Will Make My Stand And Let You Know How I Feel For You..
Though I Know What Will Be The Final Outcome..
But I Hope You Will Say Let's Give It A Try..

*MerQu|s3*^^ aka *yeKai*^^